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Something Has Been Done To Mesa On Draco (?)


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Played one game as Mesa on Draco last night, then one tonight.  Both games played out the same.


As Mesa, I could not get enough energy.  Period.  On my screen, energy was not dropping or being collected.


Is this a new "fix"?


I have way high efficiency, and a reserve of 400 energy.  Yet, I could next to never gather over 50 points worth of energy at a given time.  The E just was not there to collect.


This normally never even comes close to happening - that I run out of E - due to my Mod set up.


But now, two games/nights in a row it has happened.  And tonight, I was being yelled at by my team mates as to why I was running around looking for energy! 


"Gmag is pulling in, what are you doing?!!!"  "We have full energy!"


This leads me to believe others are receiving the drops, but Mesa is not.


Can anyone confirm/deny?



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That's the anti-afk system for ya, either that or just lag.

Just to be clear since I'm a dum-dum : You're saying that there were no energy orb around for you to pick up, and when there were, you can't collect them, right ?

Edited by The_Vile_Blade
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If your Gmag was slacking energy orbs despawn because of loot cap (thanks console players)

if you nekros was slacking energy orbs spawn less

If you keep running out of energy your not killing as fast so both of the above slow down.


If your in heavy combat the game often randomly decides your afk because the system, is broken, buggy, solves nothing and needs removing.  This prevents energy orb pickup and they despawn because of loot cap



Don't worry about it, this Crap method of gmag/mesa play will soon be removed and we can swap to Excal/Ember/rhino/Saryn builds supported by trinity until trinity is nerfed.


Nulls in Draco and Stephano would work to move the loot cave to another map.

Edited by Tatersail
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Don't worry about it, this Crap method of gmag/mesa play will soon be removed and we can swap to Excal/Ember/rhino/Saryn builds supported by trinity until trinity is nerfed.


Nulls in Draco and Stephano would work to move the loot cave to another map.

Its funny to me that people make disparaging comments about the GMag/Mesa play - and then turn around and speak of other ways to do the SAME THING. If you don't approve of "camping" or "looting" it shouldn't be "better" if it is different Warframes, you should just not like it PERIOD - not pick on specific Warframes being used at the moment. Otherwise what do you have to say about it? Shouldn't be saying anything bad about Gmag / Mesa because you are okay with what people are doing with them (the function) - it just sounds like more "Frame-hatery" going on, then having a legitimate issue with the practice.


In Draco, I can see what the OP means, because when I play as Gmag the energy orbs are suddenly hard to pull on the crate. They drop a few meters in front and it takes multiple pulls to get them in Carrier range (same with mods) I actually have to step in front of the crate to pull them in. I have a maximum pull configuration, and it works in every other situation - there seems to be something funny about Draco. It didn't start heppening until recently - I suspect a stealth (area) nerf...

Edited by magusat999
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