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Another Severe Ducat Stealth Nerf. Why?


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"hey guys people like ember alot! lets nerf her %$# off!"


"hey guys people like frost's snowglobe. lets nerf it!"


"hey guys they are using mag to farm lets nerf her!"


"they us her alot for the void too.....let slash prices like walmart on void items!"


DE: nerfing things you like 

It's not DE, it's the backwards community giving DE ideas so instead of getting a nerf we can play around with. We get kicked in the nuts and have to find much different strategy that hurts us in the long run.

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It's not DE, it's the backwards community giving DE ideas so instead of getting a nerf we can play around with. We get kicked in the nuts and have to find much different strategy that hurts us in the long run.


nah it is D.E. 

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Here's a list of stuff I found were changed. This does not include everything because I don't have all the parts. Data was taken from screen shot above and what I had in my inventory.


Part                                  Price          Change

Akbronco Prime Link         30               -20

Ankyros Prime Gauntlet    20               +30

Boltor Prime Blueprint       30               +10

Braton Prime Receiver      50               +30

Bronco Prime Barrel          50               +30

Burston Prime Blueprint     20               -30

Hikou Prime Blueprint        10               -40

Hikou Prime Pouch            20               -30

Lex Prime Receiver           30               +10

Loki Prime Blueprint          30               +10

Loki Prime Helmet Blueprint  30            -20

Paris Prime Grip                30               +20

Vasto Prime Receiver        30               +10

Total change: +10



Also lol @ OP.

Just go farm the current prime parts, had 150 ducats, now look:


And you know the best part? I'm not even half way through the grind, HAHAHA DE you so funny.

So don't worry, you'll have enough ducats to last half a year by the time you're done farming with those insane drop rates, 108 runs still no Carrier Cerebrum, 38 T3 survivals (20 min), still no Ash systems.

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Also lol @ OP.

Just go farm the current prime parts, had 150 ducats, now look:


And you know the best part? I'm not even half way through the grind, HAHAHA DE you so funny.

So don't worry, you'll have enough ducats to last half a year by the time you're done farming with those insane drop rates, 108 runs still no Carrier Cerebrum, 38 T3 survivals (20 min), still no Ash systems.


You have gained 2.5k ducats after 108 t3e and 38 t3s, do you not see how incredibly bad that is? Had you done 140 t2 sabs instead, you were sitting at roughly 10k ducats now. Just because doing something with poor payoff a ton of times and doing something with great payoff a few times yield the same result does not mean it is balanced. And on top, you were quoting a flawed list with wrong values at critical points. This is NOT balancing things out, still less a buff, but a huge nerf and such a glaring obvious one at that it boggles my mind how many players are actively trying not to see it.

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not DE's fault..well, kinda their fault too, mostly for listen to that awful part of the community, the vocal part of the community who dont know what they want




they. nerf'd, ember's, CHEST!!


no one was complaining at the time on the forums but if you played ember in infested defense like i did which was nearly all the time you could see the difference. hell! everyone did. we all thought it was because they were going for a lower rating or something.


then, the powers got brick'd. no one complained no one advice a nerf: we. wanted. more. content. they gave us a nerf in which at the time alot of us thought it was retaliation.


also, the people compained were the minority the majority wanted content; more places to go, and more things to do. 


well, we got them and i got my infested back. i cant complain really but that doesnt mean i would hold their feet to the fire

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You have gained 2.5k ducats after 108 t3e and 38 t3s, do you not see how incredibly bad that is? Had you done 140 t2 sabs instead, you were sitting at roughly 10k ducats now. Just because doing something with poor payoff a ton of times and doing something with great payoff a few times yield the same result does not mean it is balanced. And on top, you were quoting a flawed list with wrong values at critical points. This is NOT balancing things out, still less a buff, but a huge nerf and such a glaring obvious one at that it boggles my mind how many players are actively trying not to see it.

Pretty sure those were DE's intentions, to even out the ducats given by most places, rather than stuffing 1 place with what you say is 10k for the same runs compared to 2.5k of the same runs in different places.

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Pretty sure those were DE's intentions, to even out the ducats given by most places, rather than stuffing 1 place with what you say is 10k for the same runs compared to 2.5k of the same runs in different places.


Yes, but that is the same problem we had with the cores and t4s. Spreading item drops across multiple missions is fine and all but sometimes you just want that single resource, and as much of it as fast as possible - this holds true especially for timed content like Baro, and hits casual players the hardest, since they now can't farm the few ducats they need as effectively anymore in the limited time they have. Logging on for an hour or two, farming a bunch of t2 sabs to get his items - it's no longer possible.

Edited by Dunkingmachine
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Probably wouldn't have bought Prime Access if I had seen this thread first.... Good job DE, so much for your "decreasing the grind" statements.


Are you still planning for random missions with random loot and rng for whether or not a void mission spawns in said random missions?

Edited by Avenwing
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Pretty sure those were DE's intentions, to even out the ducats given by most places, rather than stuffing 1 place with what you say is 10k for the same runs compared to 2.5k of the same runs in different places.


Problem is that they are putting most of prime parts that are worth a lot of ducats on high level endless missions, its pretty stupid because they want more people to play non-endless missions and yet make so only endless missions are worth playing also its a problem for a lot of people like me  who dont have most reliable  internet connection, I have no problem doing non-endless missions but in endless misssions there is prettu high chance that either me(if someone else is host) or everyone else(if I am host) will get disconnected, this is reason why I rarely do endless void missions since I feel bad when someone invites me and I fail the the team because I get dc'ed or I invite people and they lose their time doing void mission only to NOT to get reward because they get mass disconnected.


also T2 sab become completly useless, since it already takes a lot of time to do the mission without looking for caches and reward is pretty bad(you could end up with prime part worth 10ducats for mission that takes MUCH longer then void T1 capture that gives reward worth same amount of ducats), and while looking for caches does increase your reward, the increase can be as bad as only increase of 10ducats while extending length of mission ALOT, you would earn a lot more in same amount of time doing T1 captures over and over again, problem is that capture keys are getting used up VERY quickly.


This nerf doesnt only increase how much time you spend farming for ducats but also how much time you spend farming for keys, not everyone has time to do it, casual players WILL suffer because this change.

Edited by Culaio
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This is what people are complaining about?


That common items are devalued but rarer items are priced higher?



Nuuuu I can't "grind" now. My "grind" will be less profitable than before.


Here's a list of stuff I found were changed. This does not include everything because I don't have all the parts. Data was taken from screen shot above and what I had in my inventory.


Part                                  Price          Change

Akbronco Prime Link         30               -20
Ankyros Prime Gauntlet    20               +30
Boltor Prime Blueprint       30               +10
Braton Prime Receiver      50               +30
Bronco Prime Barrel          50               +30
Burston Prime Blueprint     20               -30
Hikou Prime Blueprint        10               -40
Hikou Prime Pouch            20               -30
Lex Prime Receiver           30               +10
Loki Prime Blueprint          30               +10
Loki Prime Helmet Blueprint  30            -20
Paris Prime Grip                30               +20
Vasto Prime Receiver        30               +10

Total change: +10

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This is what people are complaining about?


That common items are devalued but rarer items are priced higher?



Nuuuu I can't "grind" now. My "grind" will be less profitable than before.


The thing is that you are quoting  post where prices changes are WRONG, total change isnt possitive but negative, for example Ankyros Prime Gauntlet isnt +30 but -30, it was worth 50 not its worth 20

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This is what people are complaining about?


That common items are devalued but rarer items are priced higher?



Nuuuu I can't "grind" now. My "grind" will be less profitable than before.

You're quoting someone who can't do math. It's a net loss of 50 in overall value. Also DE is constantly talking about how they want to reduce the grind but they have not once actually done anything to do so. In fact every action they take increases the grind in this game.

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If they made Prime Parts easy to get, then how would DE get the money to develop the game?


Its not about how easy to get are prime parts but how much ducats they are worth, this change is actually bad for DE,  since there are always some people who miss chance to buy stuff from void trader, so they frequently buy void trader stuff from other players, so the more stuff people buy from void trader the more people will buy stuff from them for plat.

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If they made Prime Parts easy to get, then how would DE get the money to develop the game?


Well they would have made money from me if i didn´t had found out at that day that they actively hiding product changes from their customers.

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Trouble is, this will probably be just the first stage.

This thread will be ignored.

When Baro arrives tomorrow and people don't have enough Ducats the whinge threads will start

These threads will not be ignored and before you know it Baro will be nerfed even further and we will be lucky to get a new item once a month.


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Did anyone expect anything different after they merged with Perfect World Entertainment? PWE has a history of doing what DE is now doing. Expect more nerfs to anything that doesn't require you to buy platinum.

Are you daft? They combined forces with PW anyway, PWE has nothing to do with the deal. 

It's a moot point that's been proven false numerous times already.

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