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We Need An Excalibur Buff!


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To complement my previous statement, Excal today is a rare breed of frame because:


- He is powerful, he can clear the map, but contrary to other frames, you have to actually play to get there

- He is fun

- He has CC, offensive ability and mobility, in other words, all his powers are useful

- He works extremely better in the hands of an skilled player

- He has matching stats for the role he is now taking

- He is a team player, his CC benefits all members in the squad


So, he is powerful, not OP, because he is a pack of good things put together, stop blaming his ultimate, for once DE showed up an incredible amount of though to one work under their belt, give us a little time to enjoy it while it lasts.


Point is he can easily solo entire waves of mobs without any effort whatsoever. He can also take down nullifiers with his powers - you know, those guys who are supposed to be immune to powers. Then the punchthrough, then the damage, then the low energy costs. Its just too much at once

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Point is he can easily solo entire waves of mobs without any effort whatsoever. He can also take down nullifiers with his powers - you know, those guys who are supposed to be immune to powers. Then the punchthrough, then the damage, then the low energy costs. Its just too much at once


Without any effort? This is exaggerated, to a great extent. Past the normal "hard" point in endless (40min mark in t3s, for example) excals have to play their best to stay alive like any other frame outside a frost bubble.


And how does his actual state affects our gameplay (this is a genuine question, not being salty)?


Is it the fact you don't like to play him, but also don't want to be second on the mission status sheet? There are many playing, but not every one is skilled, I see plenty doing a really bad job with him out there.

Is it because you only see Excals nowadays, nobody users other frames anymore? I don't think we are there yet, you can find him more often now, but nothing like a Mesa+Gmag combo, he is not even asked for on the recruitment, not even close to a meta.

Is it because he is the only one viable frame? I don't think so. Even more if you think he is specifically a melee frame now, if you want to gunplay, there are better options.

Edited by nmuaddib
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Personally, I would like a similar buff where excal can actually just cut open the map at the enemy spawns and instantly stop them from spawning. If done in the void you will instantly gain ALL prime parts for every weapon and frame...... Even the fabled legend, excalibur prime.

But, on a serious note, I'm glad with the excal rework / buff, but he needs a fix. His damage is so high and with lifestrike and rage he is invinsible. I have been an excal main since the melee 1.0's end and I believe he needs a FIX, do not mistake a fix for a nerf.

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How would we FIX him? Put in perspective his waves are just the projectiles of an energy weapon.


- Just tone down the damage? Maybe, I think they will. Today we stack the melee mods and frames power mods, just one or the other could be the answer to that.


- Remove Punch-through? Any weapon can have it, without the extra damage, there is nothing wrong with it, the waves are a lot slower than any other projectile in the game, so this is not what makes it "OP", not at all but without it, it would be a lackluster ability.


- Stopped by nullifiers? This would not make such a huge difference. Since the waves are slow, I tend to use the ability from mid to short range, and many times, due the fact you move as you slash, I ended up entering the bubble an loosing my ability state, dealt with the guy with regular melee, and resumed as usual. I have nothing against this change, then again, any weapon can shrink the bubble, so no extra advantage in there.


- Increasing energy consumption? This would make the use of other abilities, which is completely essential for the gameplay, go utterly down the drain, killing the rework. Good Excals know it is essential to use everything at your disposal in other to keep survivability when it really matters, and this keeps the energy in check, even with maxed efficiency.

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I took my Excal into a T3 Survival with some buddies the other day and we went for over an hour. The results ended up with me having around 1500 kills which was more than all of my buddies kills stacked together. Not bragging at all, just making the point that Excal is...well...awesome. Ahahahaha, all hail OP Excal. It makes me cringe but I feel a nerf creeping around the corner.

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I took my Excal into a T3 Survival with some buddies the other day and we went for over an hour. The results ended up with me having around 1500 kills which was more than all of my buddies kills stacked together. Not bragging at all, just making the point that Excal is...well...awesome. Ahahahaha, all hail OP Excal. It makes me cringe but I feel a nerf creeping around the corner.


And this is why people are asking for nerfs... their egos are hurt. The frame is not defensively any better than others, but in the hands of a veteran (and there are many excal veterans, after all, he is the first frame) the offensive is kind of too much, a notch at least. Damage is probably going to be toned down, so kills are not that fast.

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And this is why people are asking for nerfs... their egos are hurt. The frame is not defensively any better than others, but in the hands of a veteran (and there are many excal veterans, after all, he is the first frame) the offensive is kind of too much, a notch at least. Damage is probably going to be toned down, so kills are not that fast.


Yes, because if someone wants to balance out something, its because they are egocentric asswipes. Good job, you take the price "Most ignorant fcker of this thread". You DO understand that everyone can easily get him, right? It's not like an MMO, where you cant access the full potential of a class until you played for months - one could literally get him in 1 day.


A notch too much? He easily ripped apart bombards with 1-3 waves at 35-40 waves in a T4. Don't give me that bull, he is clearly overpowered.


The only ones matching his output are Trinity with life-link, Mag with her shield-explosion-mod and Mirage. All 3 however have heavy limitation as to what the can actually do with it. Ex just runs around, spams his blades and everything dies. He doesnt even have to aim properly, just spam it in the appoximate direction and something will get killed.

Edited by Kasseopea
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offensive content.


Lol, I won't bother taking your completely unjustified offense seriously. If you have seen my previous posts, you will notice I can argue, with reason, and I'm not against toning down his ultimate damage. The example given, not by me, with 50%+ of damage done by a frame (when it is driven by a skillful player) against the other 3 on a squad, is enough to make people ask for a nerf, and no matter how offended you get, it is the truth, I'm just one person that decided to talk about it. Spamming is able to kill, but playing right using everything he has kills more, so you are just angry like a 4 year old in a tantrum, this is a discussion forum, no place for it. I like Excal rework, I will defend it.

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Yes, because if someone wants to balance out something, its because they are egocentric asswipes. Good job, you take the price "Most ignorant fcker of this thread". You DO understand that everyone can easily get him, right? It's not like an MMO, where you cant access the full potential of a class until you played for months - one could literally get him in 1 day.


A notch too much? He easily ripped apart bombards with 1-3 waves at 35-40 waves in a T4. Don't give me that bull, he is clearly overpowered.


The only ones matching his output are Trinity with life-link, Mag with her shield-explosion-mod and Mirage. All 3 however have heavy limitation as to what the can actually do with it. Ex just runs around, spams his blades and everything dies. He doesnt even have to aim properly, just spam it in the appoximate direction and something will get killed.


I agree anyone can get him very easily but not everyone can easily get all the mods that truly unlock his power in a day. Transient Fortitude, Blind Rage and Fleeting Expertise for example are not mods that just anyone will get right away, heck it took me until I was like MR 10 to finally get those mods. I am not disagreeing about him being OP but still not just anyone is going to have an OP Excal right out of the gate. Also a potato and a couple forma are needed for a truly amazing build, so again that would take time to work up to a OP build for someone just starting out in the game.


Also, why are you flipping out so much? Its one thing to disagree but to just get nasty about it seems unnecessary to me.

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Yea the damage in his 4 is a bit much, but unlike valkyr you can die in that mode, also a larfe part of the strength of the ability relies on your melee weapon.

The ability on itself realy isnt that powrfull, itsbthe stacking that makes it so strong. So nerfing the ability power wil quickly drop its damage.

I do understand it needs a nerf, but they should go slowly and not overdo it like usualy happens, if for example they half the damage it will suddently becamr S#&$ tier again causebof the stacking.

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