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Hotfix 16.11.4


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I don't think you know what a white knight is.


I've had this alias LONG before being salty was such a huge thing on the internet.


And finally, my posts are more along the lines of simply aggressive-agressive. I don't pull my punches and DE can defend themselves. They are adults that can handle criticism and have moderators to remove my posts if I go to far.

Alright, just sayin'.


Also, I do know what a White Knight is, but these forums man, whenever people even try to say something from DE's perspective people just say 'lol DE white knighting fanboi'.


Also, on a completely off-note, that's a cool alias too :v

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Let me set this straight. THANK YOU for the change. You've replaced something that was functional garbage for anyone holding 30+ in their inventory to something that has actual trade-in value (ducats at the very least).


It's good to see you reacted, and you reacted quickly. I hope you don't take too much fire from above for it.


HOWEVER, as the negative response to a positive change after a MASSIVE negative outburst displayed, there are deeper issues at work here. The community and you, the devs, have gotten so far out of touch that even positive changes create negative response now. We need to return to a climate where we're not persistantly against you, and you don't evoke the feeling that you're actively working against us.


There will be more outrage. Painfull changes have to be made. Draco has to be gone, the Starchart itself is getting a huge overhaul. Mobility and the way we play are going to change as a whole (see the coptering comment on page one).


I just wish you would communicate this in a better way! I feel like every change you announce mainly backs the intent of slowing player progression, to sell us that feeling of progression back for nickle and dime. No choice of mission type AND slowed down movement (a MASSIVE change of CORE GAMEPLAY mind you), so we can "explore" more? It feels like even that change had slowdown as its true motivation in the background.


I know it's hard to balance out paid boosting and actual player progression. I know your business model operates on teasing us out of tiny chunks of our money. Hell, even i broke my iron rule and rushed Ash Prime, against what i said in my large youtube video on why i think cosmetic content beats free2wait mechanics.


Just, BE AWARE of the climate you've fostered. And PLEASE review the way you're communicating with us. Smug comments on devstream don't help. If we have to resort to toxic spamming (mass purges/bans included) to even get a reaction out of you, MAYBE you've gotten a bit out of touch.


Keep an eye on the balance and PLEASE upgrade your communication. Be honest with us. We can take the truth. Teasing us instead will lead to long term player base losses, no matter if you concentrate us down to 20 nodes to eliminate "ghost towns".


Thank you for the great game you have created. Sorry that some of us are so negative towards you at times. I wish i wouldn't even have to write stuff like this. And i'm sure you wish we'd just happily liset'ed along in the origin system too.

I feel this polite players concern. Just started playing 3 months ago, even spent real money, now im starting to lose interest with their change of direction.

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U8 ... ran multiple T# Keys to get some Forma. The most freaking rare item in the game.


It is like the Corpos are effing throwing them against your back while you are not watching!!!


Stop this madness! -.-'

30 T3 Surv (a la 40 mins) runs - STILL NO EFFING ASH PART!

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I completely understand how you are feeling. Imagine trying to go through a lazer grid without coppering. Gonna be so annoying and slow the whole game down. Too many trade off's and for what? No stamina and sticking to walls. Maybe if they increase the speed of every single warframe in the game. This will never happen.


Finally, someone who shares my views. I think everyone who responded to me with negativism is either 1. Too inept to copter or 2. Think what they're doing is "coptering". Have fun taking 5 minutes trying to do a nightmare mission whereas with coptering I could do them in 60 seconds or less. Imagine how much longer it would have taken me to get my first Armored Agility, which took me 439 Nightmare Missions by the way.

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Painfull changes have to be made. Draco has to be gone,

Draco isn't the problem, the grind is.


The game doesn't reward you for combo-ing abilities or being mobile or switching up your weapons or sticking together. Its encourage but there is no immediate reward like xp rewards at least.


The grind stays the same even as you go further into the game, sometimes it increases. For example there is no xp boost for having high MR, formas are much much needed to get a weapon to be good for late game. So let's say a 6 forma weapon, you need to re-level it again and again. Players shouldn't be subjected to such a level of grind, the grind should reduce with every forma, less xp is needed or not totally resetting back to 0. Please remember you need good weapons to farm for 60 minutes, why? Because it is required for you to get a decent haul of loot because out of the first 20 minutes you get like 1-2 good reward and the has little to no value at all.

No choice of mission type AND slowed down movement (a MASSIVE change of CORE GAMEPLAY mind you), so we can "explore" more? It feels like even that change had slowdown as its true motivation in the background.

I'm guessing you've never played Payday 2? Because you DO have a choice in what mission type to choose, players who have far progressed into the game no longer have that problem, and as far as I'm concerned according to what is shown in the Devstream about the new starchart it seems to be each planet has a few nodes offering different mission types every now and then and if they are following on Payday 2 those nodes aren't empty node, it'll be filled with players. This makes use of recruiting, looking for a mission type but not getting what you want? Ask to be recruited! or have the resources? CRAFT IT!


Now moving on to your point on movement, first off its not a core gameplay its a bug, and unlike rocket jump coptering did not get a change to fit the game, no custom animation specific stats NOTHING, Remember you're giving out speed for control, you're giving squishy frames a chance to survive you are GETTING RID OF CAMPING AND DRACO STYLE FARMING AS A WHOLE not to mention a layer of fun to forget about the grind. Remember this is still developing there is some tweaks as said in the devstream, I'm sure they'll speed it up, making sure that you pick up speed on every hop, this is literally up to skill and if you don't have skill, well, get good or get out. Now to really hammer this point into your head and others like you to stop whining about the new parkour system is to NOT JUDGE UNTIL YOU TRY IT, REMEMBER WHAT IS SHOWN IN THE DEVSTREAM IS STILL IN DEVELOPMENT. Unless ofcourse DE says that it is the final product and they're just showing it to tease us all.


Overall please, the next time you post please think ahead, don't think of now because band-aiding the game is not going to make the game better at all. While the rest of your post addresses the current problems like timewalls, that's the only good thing you mention the rest are just a shallow look at the prolem.

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Sigh, people really need to learn how to read the entire thing. The drop rate for the Ash Prime bp is the same. Thank you for the hotfix DE.

Do you know how RNG scripting works?


Learn a bit of C++ processing in addition with <random> and <ctime>.

Adding another item (in this case two at once) will accumulative reducing the chance getting the ash part.


10 parts (random drop chance values and existent items, anyways C counts atm.)


1 Forma 50% C

2 Orokin Cell 70% B

3 Something useless 40% A

4 Something useless 50% A

5 Something useless 60% A

6 Something useless 40% B

7 Something useless 70% B

8 Something useless 70% C

9 Something useless 40% C

10 Ash Part 20% C

Ash has a chance by 11 : 100 (percentual calculcation)


1 Forma 25% C

2 Orokin Cell 70% B

3 Something useless 40% A

4 Something useless 50% A

5 Something useless 60% A

6 Something useless 40% B

7 Something useless 70% B

8 Something useless 70% C

9 Something useless 40% C

10 Ash Part 20% C

11 Ember Part 30% C

12 Bo Part 30% C


Forma chance has been reduced. Right. Two additional items on C. Getting the fact?
Ash drop chance has DECREASED by additional 2 items.
People and misplaced logic about math.
Love it.
Able to say "you guys are numb and dumb not checking the fact that it is easier now obtaining parts" but not being able to do the math. GG civilization, GG 21st Century. Let us push the red button right now and getting over with this "smart" race called homo sapiens, aka humanity.
Edited by Pacheon
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I'll probably get a warning or ban for saying this I've seen plenty of others get it for speaking about anything against the dev team personaly, but the truth should be spoken now.


Instead of DE's developer team constantly doing so called updates, fixes and nerf's to the game to make progression slower, and increasing the incentive to just "buy it so I can get back to enjoying the game and not the grind" while hiding behind the shield of "we're making it better" and making snide comments to the player base in dev streams, how about we the community who pays for this game and is the only reason the dev's have a job right now through our bankrolling them all, Nerf the developers and see if DE can hire or retrain they're staff to earn the money we're all paying them?

 Right now I'm basicly paying to be disappointed every few days with some new screw up the staff have dropped on us all, and it's highly strange that after all the negative responses to many of the new changes all around both current and planned, the developers are ignoring all warnings and signs against them and moving forward with they plans anyway instead of just laying it out to the player base and saying "this is our goals, here's the plans, here's the changes, and the overall deal we want see and get outa this for both us and you, what do you think?", instead they seem to be taking the advise of a very select few who if they are players of the game are clearly trolling in many of their decisions and "great ideas for improvement".


I don't know where this games going anymore but I personally have stopped paying for anything for a long time now, and if this keeps up I may just drop this as a bad purchase and walk away.

 Also, am I the only one who's watched the community become completely toxic to both the developers and each other? that's a bad sign.

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Still no fix for the constant disconnecting causing hours upon hours of wasted time. Seriously DE, fix this S#&amp;&#036;. I'm getting so tired of wasting all this time for absolutely no reward. I don't care if you do dedicated servers, or maybe make it so their is no "dedicated host", so that if someone disconnects it doesn't ruin it for everyone else. Oh, and how about giving us the option to rejoin a mission if we get disconnected? Happened yesterday where we were literally at 39min and I disconnected and not only lost whatever we were going to get at 40 but everything else I had already gotten. Why would I want to keep putting so much time into this game for nothing? Huh? I want my time back!

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I'll probably get a warning or ban for saying this I've seen plenty of others get it for speaking about anything against the dev team personaly, but the truth should be spoken now.


Instead of DE's developer team constantly doing so called updates, fixes and nerf's to the game to make progression slower, and increasing the incentive to just "buy it so I can get back to enjoying the game and not the grind" while hiding behind the shield of "we're making it better" and making snide comments to the player base in dev streams, how about we the community who pays for this game and is the only reason the dev's have a job right now through our bankrolling them all, Nerf the developers and see if DE can hire or retrain they're staff to earn the money we're all paying them?

 Right now I'm basicly paying to be disappointed every few days with some new screw up the staff have dropped on us all, and it's highly strange that after all the negative responses to many of the new changes all around both current and planned, the developers are ignoring all warnings and signs against them and moving forward with they plans anyway instead of just laying it out to the player base and saying "this is our goals, here's the plans, here's the changes, and the overall deal we want see and get outa this for both us and you, what do you think?", instead they seem to be taking the advise of a very select few who if they are players of the game are clearly trolling in many of their decisions and "great ideas for improvement".


I don't know where this games going anymore but I personally have stopped paying for anything for a long time now, and if this keeps up I may just drop this as a bad purchase and walk away.

 Also, am I the only one who's watched the community become completely toxic to both the developers and each other? that's a bad sign.

Yes, that is how it rolls. Have had the same discussion whilst sneaking for an Ash part during T3 Survival (got Bo and Sicarus btw...), this nonsense nerfings (Nova, Trinity, etc.) none asked for, "buffing"/changing systems and mechanics which no one asked for either (status/sec proc on continously beam weapons. I am still mad at that point. Got my synapse nerfed back then, it took me 1 week maxing it as a 6 forma weapon, enjoyed it for 3 effing days, and it got nerfed to uselessness), covering lies as "we tuned that down to increase the chance for something else" but truly just getting more content into the game and preventing getting the desired item once more (see calculation above), indirectly being forced to buy stuff to actually obtain and possess it. That is not how a MMORPG model works. Trading for stuff for stuff might be the case, but rather going to wait months, since people here going and hyping for the highest possible stupidity selling warframe parts for multiple hundreds of plat, which will drop down drastically in few months, just round about 10 to 20 plat. So eitherway, we are the one paying DE's bills, causing the opportunity that they call "salary".

I am pretty disappointed into this company called "Digital Extremes".

Cannot identify myself in that company, which once co developed on unreal tournament series. It is more likely a show off and money digging purpose, which I see in this game. Alike PWE did with it's games.

About the unreal tournament part, don't get me wrong, but I am pretty satisfied that epic games throw them outta the dev team from the most popular UT series, neither calling for them for UT4. What for others are "CoD Ubergame; Battlefield Super Dope; Loki Masterrace" so is UT for me the only one beneth the real pvp games. Conclave is just a sad attempt of it, but that is just another story and not even worth being continued any further.

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  • Bo Prime Blueprint and Ember Prime Helmet Blueprint have been added to T3 Defense Rotation C.


This has ruined our chances at ash

it only gives us this or Forma Bp and sicarus please remove this bull as its same for most my freinds



Jus to note we used 11 keys at least 40 mins each run do the math thats hours of game play for nothing

Edited by ZacstaBolt
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