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Why Are There Still Ice Levels In This Game?


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I've been expecting this placeholder for actual mission variety to disappear 2 major patches ago, and it's still here?


Get rid of this nuisance and put actually interesting mutators in please.

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Well why wouldn't it be stil in the game?


What do you suggest they replace these 'placeholders' with?

I was thinking that there could be a rare chance for a space ship to enter a Rainbow Space Storm. Everything could go to hell while in the Rainbow Space Storm. Everyone would puke rainbows, gravity would change, unicorns will march through the windows inside the space ship and your shields will change place with your health. Needles to say, guns will shoot virgin squirrels instead of bullets.

Edited by Kohira
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The 'Frozen Ship' is actually one of the starting ideas... if they change it, it'll still half the shield but make a different appearance or name for it. There are other environment issues such as 'The ship Self-Destruction, avoid the fires' where there are flames in all the rooms, but no one actually has a issue with it because it doesn't do it throughout the mission.


Environment areas are for Challenge mainly... people wouldn't be on their toes if there wasn't something like this.

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I was thinking that there could be a rare chance for a space ship to enter a Rainbow Space Storm. Everything could go to hell while in the Rainbow Space Storm. Everyone would puke rainbows, gravity would change, unicorns will march through the windows inside the space ship and your shields will change place with your health. Needles to say, guns will shoot virgin squirrels instead of bullets.


+1 this will add so much fun to the game.



And replace fire levels, I hate how enemies instantly run to you while 'stealthed'

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I was thinking that there could be a rare chance for a space ship to enter a Rainbow Space Storm. Everything could go to hell while in the Rainbow Space Storm. Everyone would puke rainbows, gravity would change, unicorns will march through the windows inside the space ship and your shields will change place with your health. Needles to say, guns will shoot virgin squirrels instead of bullets.


I don't know whether to be amused or terrified.

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It's win!


HAHA HA! I', gonna rush dis and leave all U losers behind!


Moa horde pew pew pew!

Players left far behind smile while rusher's health bar slowly drains away off on the distance till dead.


Trys to act like it ain't hurt none, revives and macros his way to the evac.

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It's win!


HAHA HA! I', gonna rush dis and leave all U losers behind!


Moa horde pew pew pew!

Players left far behind smile while rusher's health bar slowly drains away off on the distance till dead.


Trys to act like it ain't hurt none, revives and macros his way to the evac.


Is that a language ?

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There's this thing a lot of people seem to lack, it's called patience.

If no one complains, things don't get changed. They haven't said a word about this for months. I think I've been patient enough.





To all the people saying it's good against rushers: this is not the solution to your problem. What bothers me is that it's RNG. It basically means I just quit the mission and restart. Nuisance and nothing else.

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It forces you to be more alert when it comes to your actions. You can't just jump in middle of an enemy group. You have to plan a step ahead. To be honest, I like it the way it is. It is an occasional "oh crap, not again" moment, but it really does keep the game interesting for me, partly anyway.

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My question is why can't we melt the ice with fire.


...... Oh wait video game logic LOL

Why sun doesnt make space warm?? Theres a reason why there is a device which keeps temperature on these ships and it can malfunction.


I can think of another reason if that doesnt fit you.

Edited by Davoodoo
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Ice levels add challenge. Which is something I personally welcome.


Why not just add extra credits or affinity at the end of an ice level to compensate?


Oh, and standing next to an Overheat-affected Ember should be made to temporarily remove the shield-halving effect. Give that ability (and Warframe) some use.

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It's Cryo fluid. It's going to be a lot colder than a fridge. A quick look at wikipedia says Crygenics is -180 C and lower. We can get Helium 3 down to around -400. I think that would affect us negatively :)

Yeah and Titan being the only realistic moon to be terraformed gets 1% of the sunlight earth gets and is −179.2 °C despite its thick methane atmosphere that makes a greenhouse effect. Still, game logic.

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