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Plat Usage Dilemma


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I'm one of those players who swore not to buy plat again even if I got the 75% off (as such, I got it 1-2 times a week as a Login Reward) and instead get it through Trading.


Now, my objective was to stay above 200p when I started to do this, after that I got to 400+ and got unerved when I got closer to 400, then I got to 1000p and didnt want my reserves to go bellow that and so forth.


This kind of hoarding attitude has started to bug me to the point where I wonder if my relutance of buying the Prisma Bundle and even Slots is normal and if there are other players going through the same reluctance of using Plat, even though we didnt have to open our wallets to get it.


edit: typos

Edited by Kao-Snake
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I'm one of those players who swore not to buy plat again even if I got the 75% off (as such, I got it 1-2 times a week as a Login Reward) and instead get it through Trading.


Now, my objective was to stay above 200p when I started to do this, after that I got to 400+ and got unerved when I got closer to 400, then I got to 1000p and didnt want my reserves to go bellow that and so forth.


This kind of hoarding attitude has started to bug me to the point where I wonder if my relutance of buying the Prisma Bundle and even Slots is normal and if there are other players going through the same reluctance of using Plat, even though we didnt have to open our wallets to get it.


edit: typos

Currency itself is useless if you're not going to leverage it. The only way to leverage plat sitting on your account without spending it is to post screenshots of your stockpile to grow your epeen, which most people frown upon.


Generally I find 100-200 in reserve to be enough. It's enough that I can buy slots on the spot when I need them, or maybe a limited time item when it comes out. But not so much that most of it just rusts in my inventory.

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You sir you are just like me
I never buy any platinum from DE, i got it from tades

My first objective was reaching 1k plat, after that i got this dilemma and never let my plat below 1k.


And now i have 4,3k platinum and i dont feel like spending them, i dont want my platinum drop below 4k :D

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I just hope you guys understand that console players don't get to have the dilemma of whether we should buy platinum if we get % off login rewards. Because the sad and frustrating fact is, we can't and it bugs me. I personally thank the tyrants: Microsoft and Sony.


Can we really not, because I remember getting 50% off last week and buying some platinum with it for the 50% off that same week.

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Not really a plat thing...more like a currency thing in general. But yes...I have suffered through this many times in many ways shape and forms. Not so much about not wanting to spend as not wanting to go below my set limit I am now accustomed to. I usually end up doing it anyway since hording only brings so much happy as spending it on something fun (but regretful later) brings more joy...until you hit 0 then the tears flow hard~

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Haha I feel you, I'm doing the exact same thing :)


Before trading was implemented I bought like 200p with the 75% discount. Only for weapons-warframe slots and I was good to go for almost a year.

Even when trading got implemented, I was relunctant to sell the things I stockpiled :D 


Then I sold a couple of maxed mods and prime set and i have now 1500p that I am almost never spending :p


I bought a syndana and a liset skin (before the void trader came with his prisma liset skin, damn) a few weeks ago, something I sworn never to do when I started the game xD


But when i think about it, you can't really enjoy plat, as a number, you are better off spending it, at least you can enjoy your hard earned cosmetics.

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