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Rushing And Parkour 2.0


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With the new system coptering and directional air melee will be removed or restricted and many a rusher will mourn its passing.

Looking forward what will rushing be like with Parkour 2.0? Bullet jumps are like baby tailwinds . Will we be faster, slower, more or less accurate, more or less ninja?

I imagine everyone bullet jump spamming skipping along like dolphins racing along the surface of the ocean

What do you think the pace of the game will be like ?

I think making everyone able to fly around all Willy nilly will prove most interesting

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I hope the over-all speed will increase to match. If they plan to make things fluid, it has to be a faster.


Not a fan of speed running but I presume using enemies as spring boards will make things nicer for them. More of a challenge at least.

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All in all it looks like slower horizontal movement (but far easier) and much faster vertical movement.


Rushing itself will most likely be slower but the way we navigate certan tiles and tilesets (pretty much every Grineer one) will be far more interesting.

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I've seen clips where someone tries to prove it's slower by doing the same A to B route that Reb took in one of her example clips, but ultimately the new system ended up being almost identical speed (Reb traveled further, so I consider the time difference negligible. And I was watching the time bar for reference instead of just relying on my brain, which can trick you. Simple fact of the matter, coptering and air melee have a subtle delays at the start and stop that slow you down that the new system does not have. It's probably not something you'd notice unless you were looking for it). You just have more control over the movement.

Edited by Ceryk
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The question is 'What will be with parkour 1.0 mods?'. Will they will be removed? Or will it be just changed?

Let's be honest, most of the game population never touched those mods anyway, they should and will probably change them.

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