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Stalker Bundle!


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Its definitly worth it. I got it and hell, they are so uber awesome. The scythe animation is extremely awesome. The bow rips enemies to pieces since the arrows have blades and the secondary weapons are badass new kunais that rip enemies to pieces as well.

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Where do you get the BPs from? Do you have to kill the STALKER? BTW thanks for the vid link. to bad internet explorer won't show it and my chrome is on the fritz.

I just got a Despair BP from the stalker when he came to kill my friend.  It was my 3rd game of the day!  We did not "kill" him, we defeated him like normal.  He sat down and left when his health was low like usual.  Only different thing is a purple ball popped outta him when he was defeated.  I was screaming to my friend "OMG OMG HE DROPPED SOMETHING!!!!!  ITS PURPLE!"

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wtf don't be a bum man go mow lawns for 50$ lololol



DE getting crazier every patch

You could always just farm the stalker :) don't call them crazy, I'm sure that out of 50,000 players someone will buy it right? and that should make up for you not buying it.

Edited by Hazmatzone
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You could always just farm the stalker :) don't call them crazy, I'm sure that out of 50,000 players someone will buy it right? and that should make up for you not buying it.

farm stalker? you know where he lives? tell me!

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