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Warframe China Trailers Reveal!


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reading that thread you posted shows that they are also pretty confused over whether we will be getting their Umbra excalibur prime or not and Lulu (our equivalent of rebecca here) confirmed that they will be getting umbra excalibur prime and we will not be getting it. we will jst be getting umbra excalibur.


I think Reb and Lulu should sit down and work on a joint statement to prevent future confusion. 

Yup, situation is pretty clear over there, and I honestly think that they got an official and clear statement, while the ambiguous and not clear one is on our side only, this time.


I mean, it's not like Lulu answered: "Don't worry, you'll get Excalibur Umbra"; she's been very specific about the contents.


I suppose Rebecca was not aware of it and posted the FAQ with everything she was able to tell or was allowed to.

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Well, in that case it seems even the companies are arguing about exclusive rights. This is bigger than we thought.

Not exactly, since only Lulu said things clearly using proper names for contents and so on, while Rebecca's FAQ can currently be understood in different ways; I suppose it's just a matter of clearing how things are on our side.


It's not like this:


- Lulu: We will get Excalibur Umbra Prime, they won't

- Rebecca: They'll get Excalibur Umbra Prime, we will as well


It's more like:


- Lulu: We will get Excalibur Umbra Prime, they won't

- Rebecca: They'll get Excalibur Umbra, we will as well


The 2 statements are different...

Edited by siralextraffo
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Not exactly, since only Lulu said things clearly using proper names for contents and so on, while Rebecca's FAQ can currently be understood in different ways; I suppose it's just a matter of clearing how things are on our side.


It's not like this:


- Lulu: We will get Excalibur Umbra Prime, they won't

- Rebecca: They'll get Excalibur Umbra Prime, we will as well


It's more like:


- Lulu: We will get Excalibur Umbra Prime, they won't

- Rebecca: They'll get Excalibur Umbra, we will as well


The 2 statements are different...


If that is the case, then why did Rebecca say that it was Umbra Excalibur in those pictures in the first place then? I doubt DE would have just let her post that FAQ without her knowing the important parts of the situation.


It would be so much easier if DE just showed us the supposed 'normal Umbra' model instead.

Edited by (PS4)Redemption_015
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If that is the case, then why did Rebecca say that it was Umbra Excalibur in those pictures in the first place then? I doubt DE would have just let her post that FAQ without her knowing the important parts of the situation.


It would be so much easier if DE just showed us the supposed 'normal Umbra' model instead.

Yup, that's the point of the whole issue, what Rebecca stated and the immediate Changyou response; consider that they've been forced to speak about the Umbra stuff, we were not supposed to know about that and possibly things are not ready to be shown!


Things are not clear, in fact, but I suppose we won't get news until tomorrow's Devstream, if so...

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Yup, that's the point of the whole issue, what Rebecca stated and the immediate Changyou response.


Things are not clear, in fact, but I suppose we won't get news until tomorrow's Devstream, if so...


If it turns out Rebecca provided the wrong information, I don't think the YouTube comments will be about admiring her good looks for some time.......


Edit: lol

Edited by (PS4)Redemption_015
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If it turns out Rebecca provided the wrong information, I don't think the YouTube comments will be about admiring her good looks for some time.......


Edit: lol

Well, to be honest I don't think she did that on purpose or if so I don't think she was on her will.


So if you ask me I'll still be commenting about her good look, still love her :D

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I dont think she meant to mislead anyone as well. I almost forgot to add the word "prime" to some of my posts as well and I guess "Umbra excalibur prime" is a mouthful. If I am posting, I tend to go over once or twice after I finished typing to make sure everything is correct.

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I dont think she meant to mislead anyone as well. I almost forgot to add the word "prime" to some of my posts as well and I guess "Umbra excalibur prime" is a mouthful. If I am posting, I tend to go over once or twice after I finished typing to make sure everything is correct.


From Rebecca's post:


What are we looking at in these threads?

The recent images showcase Excalibur Umbra, Primed Nikana, and Prime Kunai. ChangYou respected that we have forever exclusive content in the global build, but needed something new to ensure Warframe's Beta Launch in China is a success. Excalibur Umbra is the first of a very limited series of 'Umbra' gear that will be coming to the Global Build. The Primed Nikana and Prime Kunai are also timed exclusives that will be coming to the Global Build.


In that entire paragraph she mentions Primed Nikana, Prime Kunai and Umbra Excalibur twice. Rebecca is a professional and she wouldn't make the same mistake twice, especially considering she mentioned Primed Nikana and Kunai, but not Umbra Excalibur Prime. She definitely didn't make a mistake. She might have the wrong info, she might not. Friday is the day of truth.

Edited by (PS4)Redemption_015
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From Rebecca's post:


What are we looking at in these threads?

The recent images showcase Excalibur Umbra, Primed Nikana, and Prime Kunai.

Clearly that thing doesn't look like it has prime bling, right ? :D Why would Changyou throw a normal umbra into their founders package.

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I don't know and neither do you. Don't try and start another argument to get this thread locked too.

Sorry, my bad. Forgot that we, evil founders aren't allowed to have speculations on matter when it comes to exclusives and stuff.


when did i ever lock a thread ? You were the one who started posting pointless gifs while being passive-aggressive.


Tomorrow shall be a a fine day to watch the biggest salt tsunami this community has ever witnessed since the global founders ended. The internet will be filled with shattered hopes and dreams, so much that it might actually leak into the real world.

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<attempting to keep thread relevant...> I doubt this subject will be covered on the dev stream tomorrow. Maybe touched on, but not in the depth that we would want. What I think tomorrow's  devstream's main focus will be mainly on U17. 


Umbra series, nikana prime, kunai prime, nunchucks, non repeating crossbow, butterfly knives are all WIP and still very far away.


what I can see is people do not like to know that they will not be getting the excalibur which is pictured on changyou and also people who know that we will not getting it are taking it badly by commenting disfavourably about the looks and design. It is this group of people who are causing the threads to be locked as their comments are not constructive or contributing in any sense.


The next nearest thing is U17 so lets wait and see what happens after that is done and dusted.

Edited by ecwp1981
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<attempting to keep thread relevant...> I doubt this subject will be covered on the dev stream tomorrow. Maybe touched on, but not in the depth that we would want. What I think tomorrow's  devstream's main focus is will be mainly on U17. 


Considering the amount of attention this subject has attracted, it would ludicrous for DE not to discuss it at least for a good few minutes. Otherwise they'll make it look like they don't care about the community.

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<attempting to keep thread relevant...> I doubt this subject will be covered on the dev stream tomorrow. Maybe touched on, but not in the depth that we would want. What I think tomorrow's devstream's main focus will be mainly on U17.

Umbra series, nikana prime, kunai prime, nunchucks, non repeating crossbow, butterfly knives are all WIP and still very far away.

what I can see is people do not like to know that they will not be getting the excalibur which is pictured on changyou and also people who know that we will not getting it are taking it badly by commenting disfavourably about the looks and design. It is this group of people who are causing the threads to be locked as their comments are not constructive or contributing in any sense.

The next nearest thing is U17 so lets wait and see what happens after that is done and dusted.

It would be weird not to speak about this matter, if you look at the devstream topic it has been asked multiple times.

As for PW partnership, Detron issue and Void drop tables hidden, hot topics have always been discussed a bit on streams when they reached huge proportions, as this matter has already!

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what I can see is people do not like to know that they will not be getting the excalibur which is pictured on changyou and also people who know that we will not getting it are taking it badly by commenting disfavourably about the looks and design. It is this group of people who are causing the threads to be locked as their comments are not constructive or contributing in any sense.


You are a user and, like everyone else in community, no nothing about the future.


Don't know where you've been but those users are just plain idiotic. 'We can't have it, so we'll say it looks awful.' No logic in that. I love the look of Umbra Excalibur (Prime?) and I hold hopes for getting it. If we don't get it, sure I'll be annoyed, very annoyed. But I'm not going lower myself to a sad level of insulting a gorgeous looking frame.



It would be weird not to speak about this matter, if you look at the devstream topic it has been asked multiple times.

As for PW partnership, Detron issue and Void drop tables hidden, hot topics have always been discussed a bit on streams when they reached huge proportions, as this matter has already!


You are seriously one of the most reasonable, down-to-Earth Founder's I've seen on here. I salute you.

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You are seriously one of the most reasonable, down-to-Earth Founder's I've seen on here. I salute you.

Lol, thanks man, I'm just sorry for all this founders VS non founders/console players war which is quite toxic.


And I'm even more sorry for the fact that in most cases I can't really blame the non-founders/console players side.



Btw, before we move to a dangerous area, I'll just go back to see the trailer again and dream over it!

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Lol, thanks man, I'm just sorry for all this founders VS non founders/console players war which is quite toxic.


And I'm even more sorry for the fact that in most cases I can't really blame the non-founders/console players side.



Btw, before we move to a dangerous area, I'll just go back to see the trailer again and dream over it!

Gotta admit, the Founder vs Non-Founder/Console player issue is getting quite excessive, I think a big issue of it is the lack of understanding though, when people bought Founders the game was nowhere near where it is now, it was a gamble, no idea if the game was going to turn out good or bad, just going based off promises. The argument that they weren't there to buy it only goes so far I'm afraid, if they were there for it, would they have actually bought into it with what was presented? Maybe, we won't ever really know though because there's no way that you could really judge that in an unbiased sense.


I will admit to being against bringing back Founders items for this reason, that was our reward for taking the gamble on an uncertain product, the more you gave to the gamble, the more you got. DE throwing that out to everyone else after that would feel a bit, well, ungrateful to me. We are the ones who "founded" the base and helped the game stand on it's own, and that's why we got the items. I am sorry that you didn't have the money/weren't there/wasn't sure at the time, but that isn't our fault and we should not have to give up our rewards because of it.


As for the Chinese players, I'd actually like to see them get Skana and Lato Prime in their drop tables since they will be missing the Nikana and Kunai Prime there, that would also be easier on DE since they can just use the same drop locations and percentages while simply swapping which drops for the Regions. As for Excalibur Prime, I don't know to be honest, if we end up getting the same Excalibur as them, I'm fine with it, but if they're keeping their exclusive frame, I think that we should be keeping our's, if we do get their frame in normal drops, then I think they should get Excalibur Prime in the same manner.

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Don't know where you've been but those users are just plain idiotic. 'We can't have it, so we'll say it looks awful.' No logic in that. I love the look of Umbra Excalibur (Prime?) and I hold hopes for getting it. If we don't get it, sure I'll be annoyed, very annoyed. But I'm not going lower myself to a sad level of insulting a gorgeous looking frame.

Excuse me? You're trying to invalidate the personal opinion of people who dislike the Frame's design. Am I not allowed to say that I dislike it? Because I honestly don't like the design - I don't care who did it; Mynki or the Chinese whoever, I simply don't like the bugger. It's too gaudy and swirly for my taste, and that scarf is horribly weird looking in my opinion. So what's wrong with that? Not all of us are salty and saying that we are is an unfair generalization.


That said, I hope we DO get Umbra because people such as yourself like it. That's my stance on the matter, and I'd appreciate it if you'd revise your statement.

Edited by Gale47
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Excalibur Umbra Teaser:


"The time for mercy is over!"


"It will be a bloodbath!"


Sounds kind of odd. Strange how the china advertisements have a look and feel that is so different. I like the look of the frame and I guess that is all the matters really... 

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Excuse me? You're trying to invalidate the personal opinion of people who dislike the Frame's design. Am I not allowed to say that I dislike it? Because I honestly don't like the design - I don't care who did it; Mynki or the Chinese whoever, I simply don't like the bugger. It's too gaudy and swirly for my taste, and that scarf is horribly weird looking in my opinion. So what's wrong with that? Not all of us are salty and saying that we are is an unfair generalization.


That said, I hope we DO get Umbra because people such as yourself like it. That's my stance on the matter, and I'd appreciate it if you'd revise your statement.

You... do realize they were responding to a previous comment regarding how people are insulting the frame's design purely because they are salty about potentially not getting it, right? I highly doubt this person was saying that people can't not like it in general.

As for the whole issue in itself, I really hope things get cleared up tomorrow because Rebecca's word choice is the problem here. She specifically stated several times that what we saw in the images was in fact Umbra Excalibur. Period. No ifs, ands, or buts, yet everyone else, including Changyou, is stating that what we saw was Excalibur Umbra Prime or whatever, and that we were getting a non-primed variant. The lack of a clear answer to this bothers me the most. I just want to know what we will get and what we won't. Someone somewhere is misinformed in some way. Of course I'll be annoyed if we do end up getting a non-primed version after what Rebecca said, but at least I will know for sure. Hopefully the Devstream tomorrow will provide an answer.

On another note, prepare ye torches and pitchforks, in case the Void Trader pops up at Pluto for the 5th time in a row.

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