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Incoming Supra Buff


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Very nice. I decided yesterday to build a "Super" Supra out of spite because everybody says it's steaming pile of crap, I have a lot of Forma, and even more free time.

I'd already done this.


The community is varied on what is a "good" gun.


I prefer a reliable weapon. The supra fits.


Many others are not satisfied unless every "bullet" matches the opticor for damage.

Good luck on your quest. My supra only took 4 forma.

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Very nice. I decided yesterday to build a "Super" Supra out of spite because everybody says it's steaming pile of crap, I have a lot of Forma, and even more free time.


I have 4 Forma in mine. No complaints for Star Chart missions. Not that great for high end Defense or Raid, but hey... not every other weapon can handle those either.


There IS something to be said for spraying a corridor with laser fire and watching things melt.

Edited by Kalenath
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I'm hyped. Maybe Gorgon could get a buff alongside Supra as well? I've always seen the two as sister weapons. The biggest, baddest and loudest guns of the two factions.


In any case, I'm definitely dusting off my Supra and going to murder some Crewmen.

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Its a damn machine-gun. it deserves a Buff. it's not possible that it makes the same damage per bullet as an average automatic rifle.

It has spool-up time, it has a crazy long reload, projectiles have slow travel speed and high spread (really, too many bullets go wild and lost)

im fine with all those downides that make this weapon unique and so special. But it needs to have just more damage per bullet... id say at least like boltor prime or even more,

who cares if it gets a "virtual" DPS higher than top tier weps... it will still have alot of downsides and will keep wasting 1/3 of the bullets it shoots around the map.

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Is the reload speed still 3 seconds or longer?


If so then I still don't care about this weapon.


Edit: [OT] P.S. most secondaries are even worse, anything longer than 2 seconds is grueling.


Case in point, here's a video of a non-ninja reloading his weapon, an example of how quickly tenno should be reloading.


Edited by (PS4)Magician_NG
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My old 5 Forma bad boy (with shock skin) coming out of retirement?


With the right build it IS a decent weapon, but decent does not cut it anymore, it is overshadowed by SO many other weapons.

It has mods to overcome all its downsides I.E reload speed, projectile flight speed, ammo consumption, status chance,

but that leaves almost nothing left for everything else!

Too little WAY too late.


This says it all, you should be able to mod your gun for either elemental damage or just damage in general, you shouldn't have to mod it to correct deficiencies in the weapon that's just wasteful. 

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i buffed it myself with the syndicate mod, its a real bumm, would have to check which mods i have in and how many formas i used


the only point where it suffers is that it runs out fast of ammunition, there we need the biggest buff


which leads me straight to the nerf drama of the synoid gammacor which suffers finally only at the ammunition point


and this 2 very good weapons arent the only ones


DE, thats not professional ...

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200% more damage, 1.5 second reload...  50% increase in fire rate...  200 ammo pool.  XD


Seeing as 'more dakka' is kind of the Supra's thing, it kind of fits that you'd need to be throwing ammo plates down like dollars at a ... Gentleman's Club.

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a second fire mode where you pull out a stationary three-leg and get some bonus would be cool... like a MG-42...


Ooh, like almost a crouch-override? So that if you hold the Supra and hit the crouch button, it deploys a bipod, locks you into a narrow cone of fire, animates to show you as prone, and drastically increases the accuracy whilst decreasing recoil? All of my Yes, Please.

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