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Anyone Else Skeptical About Sharkwing?


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I don't like archwing right now, but try to imagine the next stage.

A swarm of archwing trying to approach to a huge galleon warded by many defense turrets and fighters in starwars style.

You find a entry point maybe after you shutdown some shield generators.

Then a 4 team squad goes inside and do the mission as we know right now, then at the extractión point you get again your archwing to reach the liset.

Maybe you can do this in a way that does not trigger the alarm.

Try to imagine that in a defense 2.0 a team can bring aerial support to other team in a paralel game linked by the result in one affects the number of enemies in the other. Maybe without wave but instead a timer.

In a excavatión one team scan the terrain and launch excavators in the archwing side while the other team do the dirty work.

There is a unlimited ways to make the archwings a enjoyable experience, even epic one.

Where i can write to find a job in DE?

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Let me start by saying that I love Archwing. I've been waiting almost a year for it to receive some development, and I think that it's a travesty how the devs have left it to rot.


The devs have cited Sharkwing as some new content that will breathe life back into it. But that wasn't their original intention. They originally planned on having Warframes simply swimming, but it was a lot of animating work, and it looked silly, so they basically cheaped out and stuck Archwing underwater. If that incidentally revives Archwing as a game-mode, great.


So basically even now, they had no intention of furthering Archwing, it almost happened by accident. They are simply using it as a vessel to further another addition to the game. Which I think is a travesty.


The original concept of Archwing - space ninjas in space - has barely even been scratched and already we're moving on to different locales. I'm sure after this update, we'll see zero developments for Sharkwing. It can collect dust until it's convenient for some other addition to Warframe.


I think Archwing had tonnes of potential, but the way the devs have handled it is awful.


amen brother, preach the gospel 

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I don't like archwing right now, but try to imagine the next stage.

A swarm of archwing trying to approach to a huge galleon warded by many defense turrets and fighters in starwars style.

You find a entry point maybe after you shutdown some shield generators.

Then a 4 team squad goes inside and do the mission as we know right now, then at the extractión point you get again your archwing to reach the liset.

Maybe you can do this in a way that does not trigger the alarm.

Try to imagine that in a defense 2.0 a team can bring aerial support to other team in a paralel game linked by the result in one affects the number of enemies in the other. Maybe without wave but instead a timer.

In a excavatión one team scan the terrain and launch excavators in the archwing side while the other team do the dirty work.

There is a unlimited ways to make the archwings a enjoyable experience, even epic one.

Where i can write to find a job in DE?

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Was thinking of very similar scenario for an eight man raid type mission. Basically, approach fighting with AW and some can board thru airlock or whatever breach is made while some choose to remain outside to try and prevent reserves from entering and making it more difficult for your boarding squad. Inside, they could be doing sabotage or spy type vault thefts for some really good stuff, maybe new utility mods or even arcanes. Then, everyone fights their way back to Liset or relay or whatever the staging area is. So many ways to hybridize Raids with Archwings. The main problem now is the mega grind to get them good for most people. Too few mission variations and too little xp per run. Although people have no problem running the same tower defense over and over and over and over again... :)

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Right Shokwave.

And going further it can be a total new exponential level upgrade to link many players on a epic battle through diferentes simultaneous games on where the result on one game alter the others.

For example, a well executed spy mission may give codes to avoid in others security or shutdown a shield allowing an archwing aproaching faster or even undetected. A undetected aproaching makes assasination contract easy, otherwise it becomes an extermination. An extermination of a enemy general could make easy to make an invasión.

This can be retroactively done, cause to fail in one mission could make that a simultaneous spy mission that will give useful codes to that get outdated and fails even when you have done the objetives but haven't get the extractión point where you deliver the information.

The fact that diferent games running alone but tied on one or more switchs its far easy to handle than a 20 simultaneous players on the same game. But stills get the sense of a colaborative game. Even lotus can comment how the others fronts of the battle are going giving more sense of being in a battle.

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People like you are reason why DE doesnt put enough effort into making archwing great, if loudest people who send DE message they should remove archwing instead of telling them how to make it better it makes sense DE doesnt put enough effort especially since DE right now doesnt earn ANYTHING from archwing, since archwing stuff doesnt use inventory slots which means people can have all archwing stuff for free.


DE NEEDS to know that people would play it if it was better, and that people would be willing to pay for slots for archwing and stuff, since even though warframe is free to play it still has to earn DE money.


here is topic where group of people(including me) created many ideas for very interesting archwing missions:



please give us your opinions and ideas, and upvote first post if you like our ideas :).

People who think that Archwing is terrible are the reason that DE lets it rot in a corner and just throws it's corpse into water? Suuuuuure. 

Of course people would play Archwing if it was better...isn't that common sense though? Something will be played if it doesn't totally suck.


Did you check out the Sharkwing footage? It seems like nothing has changed at all and that is why I won't ever touch it. It is not like it is big news that most players don't even touch Archwing with pincers. Also there have been proposals since this mode exists.


To me it just looks like they are trying to force people to either play this mode by putting very good rewards into the upcoming raid or make them pay for those rewards instead. This was the chance to make Archwing enjoyable, but right now I don't see any improvement at all. They don't seem to be interested in improving it. Maybe that is BECAUSE it doesn't make them any money.


Your ideas are nice, but for the moment I will take Archwing for what it is. Boring as hell.

Edited by sylanna
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I feel like it will meet the same unfortunate fate as archwing- its just an extension of it, new map , new enemies, new gamemode maybe? but at its core i feel its gameplay will feel too similar to archwing and people will get tired of it really fast but hey who knows right?

I'm skeptical as hell, OP, but new maps and enemies and ways to play Archwing is honestly what I believe it needs. The issue with Archwing is a lack of ways to play it, and the general boring same 4 buttons mashing gameplay. Sharkwing could potentially help on both of those fronts. From the look of the tileset, there won't be the distances there are in the space maps, so we won't have to go read a book while we wait to get to the next objective.

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I'm skeptical as hell, OP, but new maps and enemies and ways to play Archwing is honestly what I believe it needs. The issue with Archwing is a lack of ways to play it, and the general boring same 4 buttons mashing gameplay. Sharkwing could potentially help on both of those fronts. From the look of the tileset, there won't be the distances there are in the space maps, so we won't have to go read a book while we wait to get to the next objective.


Aye. Archwing suffers from Variety. The Uranus tileset and the new things that will come with it will help to alleviate that, but we still need A LOT of time and effort thrown into it - like, solid .Whatever updates of effort.

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Aye. Archwing suffers from Variety. The Uranus tileset and the new things that will come with it will help to alleviate that, but we still need A LOT of time and effort thrown into it - like, solid .Whatever updates of effort.


Yeah, unfortunately we've reached a point where the devs seem afraid to invest time into Archwing. It's like, the reaction was considerably negative, so they don't want to waste time developing something people will hate anyway, so they'd rather just leave it to rot. That's the impression I've gotten anyway. I've said it before, but it's tragic.


I didn't realize just now until you mentioned Uranus - that's the same planet that has the Caelus Node... they'd better not touch that node when they overhaul the planet, it's my favourite XD

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I think it will be kinda cool but also not as much fun for some of the players who hate archwing. Personally I need to do more archwing I like the concept and the game play but the missions take so long to complete. So ranking one up is kinda difficult you cant really grind very fast. also the fact that you need tellum or whatever it is to make new ones just makes it even harder. But other than that I think it should be ok hopefully.

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Yeah, unfortunately we've reached a point where the devs seem afraid to invest time into Archwing. It's like, the reaction was considerably negative, so they don't want to waste time developing something people will hate anyway, so they'd rather just leave it to rot. That's the impression I've gotten anyway. I've said it before, but it's tragic.


I didn't realize just now until you mentioned Uranus - that's the same planet that has the Caelus Node... they'd better not touch that node when they overhaul the planet, it's my favourite XD


I'm hoping it'll get the Underwater touch myself.


And sadly I think you are correct, but personally I think that again ties back into the lack of types of missions and things to do. When I started playing I had Exterminate, OG Spy, Deception, Assassinations, a whole lot more than what Archwing has.


Even more notably I had a ton of weapon and Warframe BPs I could just buy from the market and invest time into gathering the materials for from a variety of ways in a variety of missions, rather than having to grind the same mission over and over again for parts. Archwing lacks that ease-of-accessibility as well.


If Archwing can get the kind of expansive and accessible treatment that Regular gameplay has I think people will open up to it. DE needs to put Archwing weapons that we can just flat-out build on our own into the market, even if they all take a bit of Tellerium to ensure they can't be made until you've had a bit of Archwing experience. A little change like that would go a LONG way, I think.

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Sharkwing is basically DE trying to revive archwing.Take it as a big step in making archwing better.

Agreed. I think it's going to be integrated into normal missions correct? Meaning there is finally a reason to play archwing.

The biggest problem with archwing was there was nothing to do. No reason to play it unless you like playing archwing interception.

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Archwing itself is fun.

What is not fun is that:

1.) the loot sucks

2.) the exp sucks

3.) basically no variety at all in mobs for archwing

4.) there's no incentive to play archwing after you have played it

5.) some of us want to disable some of the features, as the over the top special effects make it painful (for the eyes) to play. Such as the sprint motion FX.

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Agreed. I think it's going to be integrated into normal missions correct? Meaning there is finally a reason to play archwing.

The biggest problem with archwing was there was nothing to do. No reason to play it unless you like playing archwing interception.

Not to mention the ridiculous rng and boring gameplay against enemies. Not only are the tilesets big and opened (in a bad way), but the fact that I want to be bombarded by 50 enemies or so at once, not facing like five.

The new arching maps in Uranus look amazing and beautiful, although I'm afraid they'll be look down because they're just as confusing as infested ships.

Stamina removal is going to make archwing fun again.

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I'm absolutly skeptical about sharkwing. Now, since I answered the main question of this thread - I want to share my thoughts.


When archwing was just teased my heart was beating like crazy and I was so overhyped about it, but few weeks later it became boring. Very boring, i must say. My wish is to use archwing in regular mission, like an ultimate weapon - temporary godmode... I mean, just imagine you got surrounded on earth and you call your archwing. Archwing attaches and you start shooting grineer with homing misseles, miniguns and all other awesome stuff.


If any bleach fans or viewers are here - what I want archwing to be like is bankai. Or like a devil trigger from DMC. That would be amazing. But that's just a thought of a random guy on forums.

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I'm absolutly skeptical about sharkwing. Now, since I answered the main question of this thread - I want to share my thoughts.


When archwing was just teased my heart was beating like crazy and I was so overhyped about it, but few weeks later it became boring. Very boring, i must say. My wish is to use archwing in regular mission, like an ultimate weapon - temporary godmode... I mean, just imagine you got surrounded on earth and you call your archwing. Archwing attaches and you start shooting grineer with homing misseles, miniguns and all other awesome stuff.


If any bleach fans or viewers are here - what I want archwing to be like is bankai. Or like a devil trigger from DMC. That would be amazing. But that's just a thought of a random guy on forums.



Not to mention the ridiculous rng and boring gameplay against enemies. Not only are the tilesets big and opened (in a bad way), but the fact that I want to be bombarded by 50 enemies or so at once, not facing like five.

The new arching maps in Uranus look amazing and beautiful, although I'm afraid they'll be look down because they're just as confusing as infested ships.

Stamina removal is going to make archwing fun again.


Yes this sounds like what I experienced I got really hyped it looked amazing then once you beat the archwing missions its like "ah whats next". Because it was good but you just couldn't do enough stuff. I think with alittle work that DE can make sharkwing much better as well as archwing.

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