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Ash Prime Systems Part Unatainable


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What are 40 tries? Nothing.

I don´t know why so many people think they need to make a thread because it takes a little longer to obtain an item.

I know, shame on me for bumping this thread.

^yep. Idk why people make threads about their bad luck. And I don't know why there are tons of threads about RNG. I mean, RNG is RNG. No one's ripping you off or anything.

Anyway, just wait for it man, run more and you will get that part soon. I mean, this is what the game is about. Also, try the trading tab.

Edited by SoulSpectre
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When Rhino just came out, I did 26 T3S runs of 40 to 60 min.

I know the pain very well.


So far, the worst this time was the Carrier Carapace at 36 T3E runs. Second place goes to Vectis BP at 21 T1MD runs.

The final part left to get from this Prime Access is Ash System. Only did 1 60min run, as I just started on this one.

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IIRC the chance to get the systems is 5%, so the chance not to get them is 95%. 0,95^40 ~ 0,13. So, you're in the bottom 13% luck wise. Nothing extraordinary here.


Not that farming for 13 hours and getting nowhere is a good thing, but it is what it is.

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^yep. Idk why people make threads about their bad luck. And I don't know why there are tons of threads about RNG. I mean, RNG is RNG. No one's ripping you off or anything.

Anyway, just wait for it man, run more and you will get that part soon. I mean, this is what the game is about. Also, try the trading tab.

Of course, RNG has been utterly broken once before, and they actually had to catch that, probably out of a sea of "Nah, works perfectly for me" versus "RNG is totally broken" threads.


So, you know, that could also be a thing. Actually has to be tested, but it could be a thing.

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Me and two friends got the Ash Prime parts consecutively (except the helmet because we didn't have the keys for it). The same thing happened when we got Loki. It almost seems as if you randomly obtain RNGeezus for a limited amount of time (few hours). That's just a really stupid theory I made up from noticing that I usually get good drops within succession of each other.

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I've been trying for almost 5 days and at least 40 c rotaiton missions 5 or more 40 min trys. I still can get the Ash prime systems part. Ive been playing for almost 3 years (MR 19) and have never had this much of a problem getting a prime part. I dont expect it to be easy but come on people. update the drop rate. I still need the BP it is being just as difficult.


I got Ash Prime without even really trying. 


However the only other Prime I got with farming alone was Nyx, and even that only after almost one year of non-continuous attempts.


Instead of trying to farm for Primes, why not spruce up your Warframe with skins and nice color palettes?

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I've been trying for almost 5 days and at least 40 c rotaiton missions 5 or more 40 min trys. I still can get the Ash prime systems part. Ive been playing for almost 3 years (MR 19) and have never had this much of a problem getting a prime part. I dont expect it to be easy but come on people. update the drop rate. I still need the BP it is being just as difficult.

I got it in 2 runs. I just can't get the BP.

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Me and two friends got the Ash Prime parts consecutively (except the helmet because we didn't have the keys for it). The same thing happened when we got Loki. It almost seems as if you randomly obtain RNGeezus for a limited amount of time (few hours). That's just a really stupid theory I made up from noticing that I usually get good drops within succession of each other.

This might, in fact, have some factual basis. Further testing, as I mentioned, is required - but that testing, which I'll probably be personally setting up a few weeks after U17 hits, will try to determine whether RNG is influenced by time/day, week, session host, key/mission host, time within rotation, ideally mastery rank/time played/time played consecutively if those things can be properly measured. Some games I've played have had their RNG seeds change depending on the system's clock setting. Going by previous dev actions, if any of these things are true, it is likely unintentional and a RNG bug.


In short, I'll be trying to diagnose whether RNGesus has come down with the flu, because after several weeks of pure shenanigans, it needs testing.

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For me it just defense that gets boring. That and key farming; I don't like farming for the privilege to farm.

The only key farming I like is T3 keys on Lua. Excavation is fun because there's something to go other than kill. On Lua it's that, T2/3 keys, cores, fusion cores, neurodes, kubrow eggs/mods, ferrite, and more.

Defense is hard for me to stay awake doing. Same with survival. In fact I think Lua excavation is the only mode that isn't totally boring.... Lol

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The only key farming I like is T3 keys on Lua. Excavation is fun because there's something to go other than kill. On Lua it's that, T2/3 keys, cores, fusion cores, neurodes, kubrow eggs/mods, ferrite, and more.

Defense is hard for me to stay awake doing. Same with survival. In fact I think Lua excavation is the only mode that isn't totally boring.... Lol

I don't mind Lua too much either, except it gets annoying when I want to get one specific key, like a T3S key.

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I've been trying for almost 5 days and at least 40 c rotaiton missions 5 or more 40 min trys. I still can get the Ash prime systems part. Ive been playing for almost 3 years (MR 19) and have never had this much of a problem getting a prime part. I dont expect it to be easy but come on people. update the drop rate. I still need the BP it is being just as difficult.


Imagine I farmed Nova Prime Systems for full 5 months several times per day before finally finding them. I thought I see sweet Jezuz when the Systems popped up as the 40 minute reward in this sh*t mission and then I seriously had to stay another 20 minutes just because my team didn't want to evecuate and finish the mission. I think you can imagine how my heart nearly exploded as we were about to fail at minute 55 to 60. I swear I suffered the pain of the seven hells in these last 20 minutes.

Edited by Mippy
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