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We created the need for balance by killing off the Orokin. That balance is required to prevent the rise of another empire like the one we massacred.


So, tennos are responsible for Orokin genocide and current imbalance in the system. And to fix all of that they decide to kill more people, so they don't make empires. Following that logic, a policeman can shoot you down in the street to prevent you becoming a criminal.


You might want to explain, why do you think tennos should be the ones, who decide, how the system should look like and who should be subject to genocide. Do you assume they are gods to judge others? I doubt someone responsible for the death of whole race can point a finger at grineer, for example, for wiping a colony. That's just hypocritical. If you can kill someone because you don't like how they run an empire, why someone else can't do the same? :]

Edited by SeaUrchins
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So, tennos are responsible for Orokin genocide and current imbalance in the system. And to fix all of that they decide to kill more people, so they don't make empires. Following that logic, a policeman can shoot you down in the street to prevent you becoming a criminal.


You might want to explain, why do you think tennos should be the ones, who decide, how the system should look like and who should be subject to genocide. Do you assume they are gods to judge others? I doubt someone responsible for the death of whole race can point a finger at grineer, for example, for wiping a colony. That's just hypocritical. If you can kill someone because you don't like how they run an empire, why someone else can't do the same? :]

Man, your view is crooked. Just a reminder, we're killing the guys that crowd up inside spaceships and occupy planets, take hostages, hide secrets that could make them thrice as powerful and dangerous as they are now, going on invasions and killing the other empire's soldiers. Not the people that take shelter in Relays or get captured by the two empires.

Well, quite frankly, because we are responsible for this mess. We're not in control of what the system looks like, neither will we ever be. The others decide that, And when they cross the proverbial line(much like making nuclear weapons IRL), you're going to be on our naughty list.

Again, we're not the fingers pointing. If any, we're the hand smacking the abusive empire in the face. But a hand on itself cannot judge actions. That's why we need the Lotus.

The Lotus be the Word, and the Word be Balance.

And trust me, the second the Lotus snaps, I'll be the first to point my gun at her. I simply haven't yet found a good reason to. All the tinfoil hat people in this thread don't make it very convincing. Mainly, because I once was like that. I'm sure my 'Lotus is evil' thread is still somewhere in the big pile of abandoned threads.

Edited by Institute-Marksman
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I know we are guilty of massmurder. But did you ever wonder if we may have had a good reason to do so? 

We killed the Orokin, not because Lotus promised us a neat weapon, but because of what the Orokin were. A 'cold and gold' empire, seeking only to retain their strength, their tight grip on the Origin System. When the Sentients attacked, they lost control over it, and came real close to being wiped out. So they created us, as an end to their means. We defeated the Sentients, only to find out we had just committed genocide in favor of a megalomaniacal empire. Somehow. the Lotus came in. Going from the Lotus symbolism the the Orokin Towers, she may have already been around in the Orokin Era. But she, she guided us in our systematic cleansing. Not because she is evil, but to free the System from its oppressors.

This very thing, is what we fight up to this day. The Corpus and Grineer are the remains of the Orokin Era. Both seek control over the System in their own way. We have deformed the System into what it is today. It is our responsibility to keep these two empires from gaining control over the System. THAT, is what balance represents. THAT, is why we fight. Not for money, not for weapons, not for mods. But for balance.

The Lotus be the Word, and the Word be Balance.

What i find funny in this is that you thought we commited genocide of the sentients and the orokin, We ONLY commited genocide of the orokin not the sentient otherwise why would the sentients be in update 17?

The Lotus be Evil, So don't trust the *****.

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What i find funny in this is that you thought we commited genocide of the sentients and the orokin, We ONLY commited genocide of the orokin not the sentient otherwise why would the sentients be in update 17?

The Lotus be Evil, So don't trust the *****.

Oh, you ignorant buffoon. Did you not hear? The Sentients were never gone. Neither did I ever claim we genocided them. We defeated them. We didn't exterminate them out of existence.

The Lotus be the Word, the Tenno will Act.

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I know we are guilty of massmurder. But did you ever wonder if we may have had a good reason to do so? 

We killed the Orokin, not because Lotus promised us a neat weapon, but because of what the Orokin were. A 'cold and gold' empire, seeking only to retain their strength, their tight grip on the Origin System. When the Sentients attacked, they lost control over it, and came real close to being wiped out. So they created us, as an end to their means. We defeated the Sentients, only to find out we had just committed genocide in favor of a megalomaniacal empire. Somehow. the Lotus came in. Going from the Lotus symbolism the the Orokin Towers, she may have already been around in the Orokin Era. But she, she guided us in our systematic cleansing. Not because she is evil, but to free the System from its oppressors.

This very thing, is what we fight up to this day. The Corpus and Grineer are the remains of the Orokin Era. Both seek control over the System in their own way. We have deformed the System into what it is today. It is our responsibility to keep these two empires from gaining control over the System. THAT, is what balance represents. THAT, is why we fight. Not for money, not for weapons, not for mods. But for balance.

The Lotus be the Word, and the Word be Balance.



That's exactly what I said.

The Lotus be the Word, the Tenno be the Deed.

Really look above then you ignorant buffoon

Your words were "We defeated the Senteints, only to find out we had committed genocide in the favor of a megalomanical empire."

so stfu and remember what you type before you speak in my threads 

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Not the people that take shelter in Relays or get captured by the two empires.


Are you assuming the Orokin did not have people, sheltering and running when tennos, the warriors of the empire turned against their own creators? Some warframes seem to resemble males and some females, which logically leads to the conclusion the Orokin had males, females and children. I hope you're not thinking the whole Orokin civilisation was comprised of male emperors. As in any developed society there should have been free thinkers, people who didn't care, etc. And tennos just wiped them all without any mercy. They were all guilty of being Orokin. That's ethnic cleansing.


And trust me, the second the Lotus snaps, I'll be the first to point my gun at her.


No wonder, as a tenno it won't be the first time you betray the one you serve and after becoming the traitor to your makers and performing war atrocities, what is so hard about killing one more person?


That's the real reason grineer call us scum and corpus brand us as traitors, that's the "loyalty issues" Alad V mentions. They simply know what we have forgotten.

You may forget, but you are not innocent ©

Edited by SeaUrchins
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Really look above then you ignorant buffoon

Your words were "We defeated the Senteints, only to find out we had committed genocide in the favor of a megalomanical empire."

so stfu and remember what you type before you speak in my threads 

Fine. You win.


Are you assuming the Orokin did not have people, sheltering and running when tennos, the warriors of the empire turned against their own creators? Some warframes seem to resemble males and some females, which logically leads to the conclusion the Orokin had males, females and children. I hope you're not thinking the whole Orokin civilisation was comprised of male emperors. As in any developed society there should have been free thinkers, people who didn't care, etc. And tennos just wiped them all without any mercy. They were all guilty of being Orokin. That's ethnic cleansing.



No wonder, as a tenno it won't be the first time you betray the one you serve and after becoming the traitor to your makers and performing war atrocities, what is so hard about killing one more person?


That's the real reason grineer call us scum and corpus brand us as traitors. They simply know what we have forgotten.

Ofcourse not. Anyone not aligned with the Orokin way of thinking was dealt with appropriately(see Crewmen Synthesis Lore). We didnot commit ethnic cleansing. We killed a maniacal empire-not a civilization. We killed the guilty, and left the innocent.

Versatility is key to survival. That's why we humans are the strongest presence on this planet. We are omnivores. You have to be adaptive to survive. Stick with one side, and you may end up getting killed. Like everyone, I try to do what's right.

The Meddlers stand for ignorance and greed. Steel yourself, Tenno, for what is needed to be done.

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We killed a maniacal empire-not a civilization.


An empire is not a living being, that can be killed. You have killed each and every representative of the race running empire and it stopped to exist. Mayhaps the Orokin dealt with freethinkers, but were they guilty of any genocides? :]

Edited by SeaUrchins
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An empire is not a living being, that can be killed. You have killed each and every representative of the race running empire and it stopped to exist. Mayhaps the Orokin dealt with freethinkers, but were they guilty of any genocides? :]

They were not. Not of genocide, but of greed, of oppression, and things we haven't even discovered yet.

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They were not. Not of genocide, but of greed, of oppression, and things we haven't even discovered yet.


Yea, we're definitely better, we're just guilty of genocide, kidnapping, war atrocities, assassinations and terrorist acts, we definitely had the right to judge them, I mean c'mon, they were greedy :]


Tennos could have seized the control of the empire, change anything, but they just decided to kill every living citizen and go cryosleep lol

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it would be cool if u could go rogue and/or turn evil or something. There could be an event where those who stayed and supported Lotus would fight against the other tenno who would be attacking lotus's hideout or something like that "with great power comes great responsibility"

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it would be cool if u could go rogue and/or turn evil or something. There could be an event where those who stayed and supported Lotus would fight against the other tenno who would be attacking lotus's hideout or something like that "with great power comes great responsibility"

This idea is amazing DE should do something like this. They won't I know but it is a cool idea.

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And Seal Team Six was sent to take down Osama, so they're just as bad as Al Qaeda, right? <---- Your logic.


Everything depends on the perspective of the individual(s). One man's terrorrist is another mans freedom fighter / hero. Just like opinions, everyone has a different perspective.


it would be cool if u could go rogue and/or turn evil or something. There could be an event where those who stayed and supported Lotus would fight against the other tenno who would be attacking lotus's hideout or something like that "with great power comes great responsibility"

Sadly there have been a few topics, at least, that have put that idea out there. But as usual, DE ignores them because it would ruin the whole "all Tenno are good, and Lotus is good" sthick they got going on. It would be even more problematic because they would have to alter a few things so folks wouldn't miss out on alerts and other events for the losing side of the conflict.


As for our lore as Tenno, DE really needs to flush it out already. We know we were made to fight off the Sentients, genocided the Orokin, then decided to take a long nap to forget everything; so why not just give Tenno a list of our "deeds" as a faction so we know exactly what the Tenno actually did to make so many other factions hate us so. Even if we were the worst of the worst beings in the universe and our mass slaughter of the Orokin empire and its people was just a normal Tuesday for us, we could still be trying to "redeem" ourselves. Yes, the Orokin Empire itself could be considered evil by certain standards, but it wouldn't have been 100% evil.

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If you guys are really arguing about this may i suggest that you go on to youtube and both of you watch DKDiamantes orokin lore videos they are pretty impressive 


Soooooo very wrong, so many conclusions that don't fit the facts, especially in the update.

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The level of Grineer and Corpus seems higher therefore, since some Grineer, unline tenno, have the free will to leave the Queens and pick their own paths.


Besides, tennos performed a genocide when they put all Orokin to death. They are war criminals.

Do you know anything about the lore? if anyone was war criminals, it was the Orokin. They deserved every death we gave them.

Edited by (XB1)A Frikn Grizzly
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