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Your Tenno is still around thanks to Lotus.


Nope. Tenno are put in cryosleep like tools are put back into boxes, when they are no longer required.


Do you hear that my Tenno? The silence of tyrants who fell by your blade? Your sacrifice is complete and you should rest. The cryo-chamber will wipe away the unpleasantness of what has passed. When you are called to wake, it must be because the system is once again out of balance. Perform your duties then, as you have now.
Until we meet again,
Now, unfortunately there is no technology capable of cloning tenno, otherwise Lotus could simply dispose of used tenno, instead of formatting their memory with cryo-chambers :]
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Nope. Tenno are put in cryosleep like tools are put back into boxes, when they are no longer required.


Do you hear that my Tenno? The silence of tyrants who fell by your blade? Your sacrifice is complete and you should rest. The cryo-chamber will wipe away the unpleasantness of what has passed. When you are called to wake, it must be because the system is once again out of balance. Perform your duties then, as you have now.
Until we meet again,
Now, unfortunately there is no technology capable of cloning tenno, otherwise Lotus could simply dispose of used tenno, instead of formatting their memory with cryo-chambers :]



That has never made it into game, and as such I find it to be a discontinued idea. A story thread that DE chose to never weave in. Supposedly leaked, and recanted.


I may be wrong, but until that shows back up in-game, I don't think it can be taken as canon. It's a note, a thought, that never made it into the product.


But as for Lotus being interested or even willing to dispose of Tenno, I doubt that HEAVILY. Every time she has had to confront the idea of losing Tenno she has been extremely hurt by the prospect - Hidden Messages, Vor nearly getting us with the Ascaris during the tutorial, her fear and telling us to leave rather than fight, hell even scolding Maroo when the latter starts to poke at us too much.


The Tenno are SO much more than just tools to her. She is, as the Devs have joked so often, our "space mom" - a figure that loves us like a mother, regardless of any biological connection or not

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She is the Lotus. And there is nothing untrustworthy about her.

If you are alluding that Lotus is like Snow White, then it depends on the Disney version we are talking about. In the original version, she was just there to cook / clean/ and be pretty. In the ABC series.... both Snow and Charming have done some evil deeds.


Now if you are talking about DE(Rebecca), then we can trust her because she, like the others, cares about the game and want to tell some sort of story. Sure it has more holes in it than a Mountain of Swiss cheese, but hopefully they will start to fill them in.

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That has never made it into game, and as such I find it to be a discontinued idea. A story thread that DE chose to never weave in. Supposedly leaked, and recanted.


I may be wrong, but until that shows back up in-game, I don't think it can be taken as canon. It's a note, a thought, that never made it into the product.


But as for Lotus being interested or even willing to dispose of Tenno, I doubt that HEAVILY. Every time she has had to confront the idea of losing Tenno she has been extremely hurt by the prospect - Hidden Messages, Vor nearly getting us with the Ascaris during the tutorial, her fear and telling us to leave rather than fight, hell even scolding Maroo when the latter starts to poke at us too much.


The Tenno are SO much more than just tools to her. She is, as the Devs have joked so often, our "space mom" - a figure that loves us like a mother, regardless of any biological connection or not

I agree i dont think it counts aswell

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Morec0, if you resort to out-of-game sources to back the view of your tenno inside the game, you create a logical contradiction. Your tenno do not know that developers exist, neither do they not know about Nazi atrocities. If you imply they do, then my datamined quote is perfectly fine. You choose, if we should limit the list of our references in this discussion to the information available to the tenno in game or to the information available to us, players (the latter would just mess everything up).


Hidden Messages quest reveals that Lotus know about tenno less than Vor does: She is smiling.

We know tenno have no flesh to smile, don't we?


Furthermore is it arguable if it was what Lotus recollected from her own memory, or she broadcast some information she received from external source(s). That would explain her "getting visuals" and "not sure what that was", otherwise mom would seem hallucinating and having some kind of Alzheimer's disease.


Space mom? Of ninjas? That's just too embarrassing for me to continue this discussion. Space ninjas and their caring space momma...



Edited by SeaUrchins
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If Lotus does turn out to be evil, since it was implied DERebecca wants it, and if we get to pick sides, the other side would likely be another female using DERebecca's voice with different filters. All the lines are just too much work.

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Morec0, if you resort to out-of-game sources to back the view of your tenno inside the game, you create a logical contradiction. Your tenno do not know that developers exist, neither do they not know about Nazi atrocities. If you imply they do, then my datamined quote is perfectly fine. You choose, if we should limit the list of our references in this discussion to the information available to the tenno in game or to the information available to us, players (the latter would just mess everything up).


Furthermore is it arguable if it was what Lotus recollected from her own memory, or she broadcast some information she received from external source(s). That would explain her "getting visuals" and "not sure what that was", otherwise mom would seem hallucinating and having some kind of Alzheimer's disease.


Space mom? Of ninjas? That's just too embarrassing for me to continue this discussion. Space ninjas and their caring space momma...


No contradiction at all. Out-of-game we-the-player can chose to decide if any data source is relevent or not.


* Comparison of the war atrocities in Warframe to real war atrocities: Sure, seems relevant

* Comparison of Tenno to Harry potter characters: unlikely to be relevant

* Evaluation of an unused in-game email: Possibly relevant to developer intent, not relevant to in-game canon.


But even if you do look at that piece as a possible indicator of developer intent, your evaluation:


Nope. Tenno are put in cryosleep like tools are put back into boxes, when they are no longer required.


If far from definitive or unassailable. For example, I'd say this it was indicative of agreement between the Tenno and the Lotus that the actions of executing the Orokin weighed heavily on them and given the power they held it was important that they remove themselves from the power equation to allow the people of the Origin system to find their own way. Not any indication of the Lotus viewing the Tenno as "tools".


Hidden Messages quest reveals that Lotus know about tenno less than Vor does: She is smiling.

We know tenno have no flesh to smile, don't we?


No we don't. In fact this is just one of the long list of point that strengthen the notion that Tenno have a real, physical, organic, human body.


Furthermore is it arguable if it was what Lotus recollected from her own memory, or she broadcast some information she received from external source(s). That would explain her "getting visuals" and "not sure what that was", otherwise mom would seem hallucinating and having some kind of Alzheimer's disease.


Those memories came from the "Void Imprint", that was explicit. Given everything the Tenno have chosen to forget I see no reason to assume that the Lotus may not have also excised painful memories of the Old War in a similar manner. Given the obviously large amount of Tech she is integrated into, I see no reason not to accept she is capable of such things.


Space mom? Of ninjas? That's just too embarrassing for me to continue this discussion. Space ninjas and their caring space momma...


No, developers giving us a mental short-cut to help explain the complex relationship between the Tenno and the Lotus. Again, don't conflate in game with out of game, it's a rookie mistake.

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She only waked you up so you won't get captured by Vor. If not Vor she would have never waken you.


this is getting annoying.



0:03. across the stars. vor started looking for us against the queens wishes. at that point lotus had no choice but to start waking us up. she track vor knowing where he was going: to us.

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we would have been dead if she didnt wake us up


She was the one who put you to sleep, she was the one who erased your memories.


You're only alive because she is unable to have children. Otherwise she would have killed you ages ago. Who needs such "patron"?

Edited by SeaUrchins
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She was the one who put you to sleep, she was the one who erased your memories.


You're only alive because she is unable to have children. Otherwise she would have killed you ages ago.



but then again remember: the infest has said they were our flesh; meaning we are of infested origin so for all we know our natural instincts are slaughter, destroy, conquer, reproduce......in whatever order we have. for all we know our frames are our collars.


EDIT: grammer

Edited by helix.hex
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See you your self said that she woke up you only because Vor wanted to capture you.

if it wasnt vor we may have been woken up later.


we have had since our awaken:


formorian development which would have conquered all of the corpus territories which would have made the grineer control absolute.


the gradivus dilemna: this would have been the death of us if we werent awake. a cache of us would be dead. dead or worse....ask valkyr


the cicero crisis which would have had revel what was under the forests. and i have watched enough X-files to know what happens when you do that.


tethra's doom: which would have never happened if we werent awoken.


operation breeding grounds. infested.....enough said.


operation: eyes of blight: would have happen long ago.


operation flase profit: never would have happen becasue we were be lab rats or zakuras.


operation: tubemen....ummm probably successful if were are LAB RATS!!!!!



oh yeah we would have been asleep while lotus bathes in the sounds of carnage. lotus shows remorse for a friend dying in front of her. prettty sure we would have been woke up one way or another. 


and even if it wasnt her we know that there are human colonists around. one of them would have done it.

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