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Baro Bringing Prime Access Accessories.

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Event weapons like Machete not only veteran status items, they are = Exp for Mastery Rank, so every player must have chance to get his hands on this items, sooner or later. That is why old weapons will return someday. Prime Access is only cosmetc, so this thing can stay exclusives for peoples who paid for them.

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there are 2 threads of this now ...

Haaha, I feel you. Though I can just search the term "prime access accessories" and I'll guarantee you, you're going to find a flood of this lol.



I wouldn't mind him releasing prisma versions of the primed accesories, but even then some of the elitist players would probably complain....

And these kind of topics aren't considered "complaining"? Though not all responses, but we already get enough of these kind of complaint topics, but still, I'd be careful how you word that lol.

As a heads up (not you specifically, generally speaking), the company has no obligation whatsoever to release any other variant at all. For all we know (like the Misa Prime Syndana, Dakra Prime, etc), there will never be another variant in the foreseeable future. Making topics about this can only get you so far. If they do release, great. If not, no skin off our bones.


Before I digress more, going back to what you said, I'd say I hear far more complaints about "can't have X because a certain group has it; re-release X for free/baro; make X into Y so it's technically/aesthetically not the same; etc", then I hear complaints about an "elitist"(?; not sure what that's supposed to mean, but I think I got the idea though, so no worries) complaining about and exclusivity item being re-released with a new "coat-of-paint" sortofspeak. You can argue the latter doesn't happen as frequently as the former, but the times when it does, the "complaining" is very minimal, since the players who missed out on X, gets a "lesser" version of said virtual item, while keeping the exclusive one, to an extent, untouched beyond the actual model (only put quotations on lesser, because that's a very subjective matter, which in most cases is how it's perceived. There are handful or none-prime/prisma/vandal/etc items that I prefer over the fancier counterparts).

Long story short; the kind of complaining you mentioned is not as bad as the endless topics about this lol. But I just enjoy watching the same song-and-dance over and over again lol.


Whooo boyy, totally longer then I anticipated I was going to type up haahha. Just take it with a grain of salt xD  Hopefully I was somewhat understandable, but gosh my scattered thoughts and digressions hahah~

Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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Just wanted to say I said I wouldn't mind... not that I was expecting it (although I do know you weren't talking to me specifically)


The level of anger and entitlement some of these posts are showing is pretty shocking. (I'm definately not responding to your post now HalfDarkShadow, more of a general observation of the topic)


I'm genuinely impressed with the community managers on the forums that they are able to deal with this kind of stuff every day. I imagine if the person who used be the mighty number 9 community manager was here this place would be ashes by now.


Props to DE_Rebecca.


Anyway back on topic: I don't think the specific prime accesories should be resold by the trader as there was kind of an understanding that people who bought them with prime access were getting them exclusively. However it would be nice if they released a prisma version, or a normal version. Even if it's just for sale on the market for plat an dnot available from the trader


Nice, not mandatory.

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Well, the difference between bringing back old event weapons Vs bring back prime accessories is that players paid good money for the accessories packs.

If those are ever brought back than they need to be rotated back in to Prime Access again, which I am okay with.

Edited by (PS4)Xurokhan
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Event weapons were never advertised as event exclusive. DE have been saying for the longest time that they were looking for the best way to re-introduce event weapons back into the game and apparently they've now figured out how to do so. People complaining over this need to grow up and accept the fact that winning events was never giving them exclusive access to those weapons.

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This was a bad idea to ask.....like seriously bad. Offer a acc that costs 50 bones to get for free? Now I would be ecstatic if targis came with the trader BUT I know it would suck a hardcore amount for those that paid money for it. On top of that i'm sure DE would be digging a 30 ft deep hole for themselves if it happened. Only a few ways it could work but it won't ever happen either way. So to add to the what i'm assuming ofc is a growing voice of "NOPE"......



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As someone who didn't get the Machete Wraith from the Gradivus Dilemma, I'm not happy with how DE brought the weapons back. Event weapons (Vandal and Wraith) should always stay exclusive to events or tactical alerts. Never should it be given out elsewhere. Prime items should be exclusive to the Void, and Baro Ki'teer needs to stop posing as a Void trader. All he sells are junk Legendary mods that are meant to be a Credit and fusion core sink, alongside useless weapon variants that serve as a bandaid fix for their underpowered originals.

Event weapons were never, ever, ever advertised as being event exclusive. The fact that you wish this was the case means absolutely nothing. Be less salty.

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Not a good idea, event weapons are okay since those were earned in-game, but players had to dish out quite a bit of money for Prime Access, so I can't imagine giving out those items for free* would be fair to those customers.



*in-game currency notwithstanding

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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From my memory, the only people who are genuinely entitled to "exclusive" items are Founders.  Founders deserve their Excal P, Skana P and Lato P.  Beyond that, there isn't a single person who honestly deserves something that is entirely exclusive.


If a player who is dedicated to a game comes a year along after an event, and wants to fulfill their interest in having every weapon/mod in the game, they deserve to do so in some way if they are willing to jump through hoops.  Prime Access packs exist to give lazy people access to content before anybody else, or to prevent them from having to do the work later on.  I've bought 3 Prime Access packs: Rhino, Nova, and Volt.  I recognize the fact that I buckled instead of farming for them.  As a person who has made 3 purchases, 2 of which brought cosmetic items that were "exclusive", I wouldn't be butthurt in any way if those items became obtainable for others.  Would you like to know why?


The only things in a Prime Access Pack that are different from the rest of its contents are visual items.  Literally everything else is obtainable.  But really, if you buy a Prime Access Accessories pack for the Accessories, rather than the absolutely HUGE boosters, then you shouldn't be spending that kind of money.  I value the boosters much more over the accessories, because nine times out of ten, I don't have to worry about income.  It actually has an impact on the quality-of-life while playing the game.  That is worth so much more than a few golden dangley-bits that don't do anything other than look pretty.


So yeah, my 2 cents.  Don't be so butt-hurt about "Event-Exclusive" content or "Prime Access" Accessories.  The only people that have the right to get even remotely upset are Founders.  Getting upset about Event-Exclusive content is, while rather petty, at the very least more understandable than Prime Access content, since Prime Access almost entirely exists just so that people can be lazy with money instead of time and effort.

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Event weapons were never, ever, ever advertised as being event exclusive. The fact that you wish this was the case means absolutely nothing. Be less salty.

While I do think that event items should come back I think that they should come back in other events, basically in ways that are comparable to the effort of completing the original event that they were offered in, rather than just be handed out for little effort from the void trader or given out for free.



As to the OPs idea: Nope.

Should never happen.

Because if I can get the item for free later on why should I ever buy the items when they are available?

And its a slap in the face of the people who did buy them.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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From my memory, the only people who are genuinely entitled to "exclusive" items are Founders.  Founders deserve their Excal P, Skana P and Lato P.  Beyond that, there isn't a single person who honestly deserves something that is entirely exclusive.


If a player who is dedicated to a game comes a year along after an event, and wants to fulfill their interest in having every weapon/mod in the game, they deserve to do so in some way if they are willing to jump through hoops.  Prime Access packs exist to give lazy people access to content before anybody else, or to prevent them from having to do the work later on.  I've bought 3 Prime Access packs: Rhino, Nova, and Volt.  I recognize the fact that I buckled instead of farming for them.  As a person who has made 3 purchases, 2 of which brought cosmetic items that were "exclusive", I wouldn't be butthurt in any way if those items became obtainable for others.  Would you like to know why?


The only things in a Prime Access Pack that are different from the rest of its contents are visual items.  Literally everything else is obtainable.  But really, if you buy a Prime Access Accessories pack for the Accessories, rather than the absolutely HUGE boosters, then you shouldn't be spending that kind of money.  I value the boosters much more over the accessories, because nine times out of ten, I don't have to worry about income.  It actually has an impact on the quality-of-life while playing the game.  That is worth so much more than a few golden dangley-bits that don't do anything other than look pretty.


So yeah, my 2 cents.  Don't be so butt-hurt about "Event-Exclusive" content or "Prime Access" Accessories.  The only people that have the right to get even remotely upset are Founders.  Getting upset about Event-Exclusive content is, while rather petty, at the very least more understandable than Prime Access content, since Prime Access almost entirely exists just so that people can be lazy with money instead of time and effort.



What exactly makes the founders content anymore sacred then someone buying prime access exclusive content? They both payed money for EXCLUSIVE content and it should stay that way.

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From my memory, the only people who are genuinely entitled to "exclusive" items are Founders.  Founders deserve their Excal P, Skana P and Lato P.  Beyond that, there isn't a single person who honestly deserves something that is entirely exclusive.


If a player who is dedicated to a game comes a year along after an event, and wants to fulfill their interest in having every weapon/mod in the game, they deserve to do so in some way if they are willing to jump through hoops.  Prime Access packs exist to give lazy people access to content before anybody else, or to prevent them from having to do the work later on.  I've bought 3 Prime Access packs: Rhino, Nova, and Volt.  I recognize the fact that I buckled instead of farming for them.  As a person who has made 3 purchases, 2 of which brought cosmetic items that were "exclusive", I wouldn't be butthurt in any way if those items became obtainable for others.  Would you like to know why?


The only things in a Prime Access Pack that are different from the rest of its contents are visual items.  Literally everything else is obtainable.  But really, if you buy a Prime Access Accessories pack for the Accessories, rather than the absolutely HUGE boosters, then you shouldn't be spending that kind of money.  I value the boosters much more over the accessories, because nine times out of ten, I don't have to worry about income.  It actually has an impact on the quality-of-life while playing the game.  That is worth so much more than a few golden dangley-bits that don't do anything other than look pretty.


So yeah, my 2 cents.  Don't be so butt-hurt about "Event-Exclusive" content or "Prime Access" Accessories.  The only people that have the right to get even remotely upset are Founders.  Getting upset about Event-Exclusive content is, while rather petty, at the very least more understandable than Prime Access content, since Prime Access almost entirely exists just so that people can be lazy with money instead of time and effort.


i have to remember the audience that if one buys all full primepacks in a year that it is faar more a founder-pack value is even close to


thats for first


about everything else i give up because a few lill exclusives are that what we have in 2015 in real life too


this is how worldwide economy functions this days, even that it would be more then intelligent to change a few things in economy, religion and politics we will not be able to do it overnight for each and every sentient being on this planet


and this is why i give up here to follow the discussion or result ,-)


have a nice evening, gentlemen ...

Edited by 3QUINOX
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What exactly makes the founders content anymore sacred then someone buying prime access exclusive content? They both payed money for EXCLUSIVE content and it should stay that way.

Please take a step back and take a look at the content of every Prime Access Pack that has been released after the Founder's pack.  If you are incapable of doing so, I'll hold your hand.


Ember Prime, Sicarus Prime, Glaive Prime, Platinum, and an Accessories Pack

Rhino Prime, Boltor Prime, Ankyros Prime, Platinum, and an Accessories Pack

Loki Prime, Bo Prime, Wyrm Prime, Platinum, and an Accessories Pack

Nyx Prime, Hikou Prime, Scindo Prime, Platinum, and an Accessories Pack

Nova Prime, Vasto Prime, Soma Prime, Platinum, and an Accessories Pack

Volt Prime, Odonata Prime, Platinum, and an Accessories Pack

Ash Prime, Vectis Prime, Carrier Prime, Platinum, and an Accessories Pack


See the Pattern?


Every Prime Access Pack has brought content to players that is entirely obtainable by playing the game except for the Prime Accessories and Platinum.  Those are not "Exclusive" if you can obtain them another way.


the only thing that is even REMOTELY exclusive is Prime Access Accessories Content, which consists of boosters and almost entirely visual content.


Now lets take a look at the Founders Pack.


Excalibur Prime, Skana Prime, Lato Prime, a Badge which acts as a sigil, access to the Design Council, LOTS of Platinum, and a Solar Landmark.

What in that Pack is currently obtainable or was potentially obtainable in any other way than purchasing the pack?  Platinum.  That is literally the only thing that is "shared" with other players.


So Yes, the Founder's content IS more "sacred" than a regular Prime Access Pack.


If you buy something that is COMPLETELY visual, that makes no ingame difference, and is simply so you can enjoy the aesthetics of your warframe, and then get butthurt when other people can obtain the same thing a full YEAR down the road, and then get angry about it, I honestly don't know what to say.


That's just a step away from saying that Platinum shouldn't be tradeable, because you can only obtain regular cosmetic items with platinum, and it isn't fair to the people that purchase platinum and then use it to buy those cosmetic items, because they payed their "hard-earned cash" to buy a damned dangley cape in the platinum shop.

Edited by stratavar
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From my memory, the only people who are genuinely entitled to "exclusive" items are Founders.  Founders deserve their Excal P, Skana P and Lato P.  Beyond that, there isn't a single person who honestly deserves something that is entirely exclusive.


If a player who is dedicated to a game comes a year along after an event, and wants to fulfill their interest in having every weapon/mod in the game, they deserve to do so in some way if they are willing to jump through hoops.  Prime Access packs exist to give lazy people access to content before anybody else, or to prevent them from having to do the work later on.  I've bought 3 Prime Access packs: Rhino, Nova, and Volt.  I recognize the fact that I buckled instead of farming for them.  As a person who has made 3 purchases, 2 of which brought cosmetic items that were "exclusive", I wouldn't be butthurt in any way if those items became obtainable for others.  Would you like to know why?


The only things in a Prime Access Pack that are different from the rest of its contents are visual items.  Literally everything else is obtainable.  But really, if you buy a Prime Access Accessories pack for the Accessories, rather than the absolutely HUGE boosters, then you shouldn't be spending that kind of money.  I value the boosters much more over the accessories, because nine times out of ten, I don't have to worry about income.  It actually has an impact on the quality-of-life while playing the game.  That is worth so much more than a few golden dangley-bits that don't do anything other than look pretty.


So yeah, my 2 cents.  Don't be so butt-hurt about "Event-Exclusive" content or "Prime Access" Accessories.  The only people that have the right to get even remotely upset are Founders.  Getting upset about Event-Exclusive content is, while rather petty, at the very least more understandable than Prime Access content, since Prime Access almost entirely exists just so that people can be lazy with money instead of time and effort.



All of this whining just to tell everyone that they should be grateful that they got a good deal on boosters.  If you lift the blinders you'll see a whole world out there where people actually have different motivations than you.  And not just because they are lazy or butt hurt.  


Still no to this idea.  Seems pretty obvious majority agrees.  DE has already said PA Accessories won't come back outside of PA anyway.  It's a moot point to argue against it.

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Please take a step back and take a look at the content of every Prime Access Pack that has been released after the Founder's pack.  If you are incapable of doing so, I'll hold your hand.


Ember Prime, Sicarus Prime, Glaive Prime, Platinum, and an Accessories Pack

Rhino Prime, Boltor Prime, Ankyros Prime, Platinum, and an Accessories Pack

Loki Prime, Bo Prime, Wyrm Prime, Platinum, and an Accessories Pack

Nyx Prime, Hikou Prime, Scindo Prime, Platinum, and an Accessories Pack

Nova Prime, Vasto Prime, Soma Prime, Platinum, and an Accessories Pack

Volt Prime, Odonata Prime, Platinum, and an Accessories Pack

Ash Prime, Vectis Prime, Carrier Prime, Platinum, and an Accessories Pack


See the Pattern?


Every Prime Access Pack has brought content to players that is entirely obtainable by playing the game except for the Prime Accessories and Platinum.  Those are not "Exclusive" if you can obtain them another way.


the only thing that is even REMOTELY exclusive is Prime Access Accessories Content, which consists of boosters and almost entirely visual content.


Now lets take a look at the Founders Pack.


Excalibur Prime, Skana Prime, Lato Prime, a Badge which acts as a sigil, access to the Design Council, LOTS of Platinum, and a Solar Landmark.

What in that Pack is currently obtainable or was potentially obtainable in any other way than purchasing the pack?  Platinum.  That is literally the only thing that is "shared" with other players.


So Yes, the Founder's content IS more "sacred" than a regular Prime Access Pack.


I guess me putting exclusive in capital letters was too complicated for you. Clearly, all the frames, weapons and companions are attainable in game, this isn't news to anyone around here, However, like you much stated accessories packs have been exclusive and it would only figure that is what was referring to because, you know, that is what is this thread is all about to begin with. Again that IS exclusive content. If you are too dense to see this just go to the prime access site:




See the parts where it says EXCLUSIVE? I marked them for you so you would not miss them somehow.


An elusive and lethal force, Ash Prime storms into Prime Access.
For a limited time, obtain Ash Prime, Vectis Prime, and Carrier Prime - PLUS discounted Platinum, Ash Prime Avatars, and Exclusive Prime Gear.
Only after the Exclusive Gear? The choice is yours with Prime Accessories.
Edited by S0V3REiGN
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