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Natah Quest. Seriously.... A Quest We May Never Get To Complete.


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I'd like to add my voice to those unhappy with the quest being based on a random spawn mechanic. I've run Tyl Regor and other Uranus missions for a few hours now; Tyl at least 20 times, and other missions around the same. The spawn chance seems to be about that of factional assassins, which is to say very low.


I know some will say "keep playing, it will come." It may. However, I've had abysmal luck with other elements of the game- I was never able to get a Frost Prime Blueprint prior to Trade being added, despite many months and many, many keys poured into the effort. Likewise, the Brakk was extremely difficult for me to assemble, and I've not been able to put together a Miter despite many, many attempts at Phobos.


Confirmation bias is a thing, but so too is a very low chance of getting a certain outcome.


I feel a better implementation would be to either increase the chance of the drone spawning for each run on Tyl Regor, perhaps in that mission only. Say that the base chance is 5% (this would seem to jive with my experience and that of others); each kill would add 2% to the chance of the drone appearing in a mission for that player. Alternatively, make it a base of 5% (for example), increasing by 5% per Mastery Rank over 3 that a player has when attacking Tyl Regor.


Better still make it like all other quests, which can be initiated at the player's choice.

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I do like the idea of the quest being RNG, because it's sounds awesome to be randomly encountered. However, my friend and I have done over 30 runs on Regor alone, and the only time we've experienced any sign of it was in public when other players were there (but we were never around to scan it). I would much rather after a certain amount of missions the drone appears, rather than relying on RNG completely.

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Wait you DON'T like playing 80 missions on Uranus for the chance of completing the main reason we were all so eager to play U17? That's absurd!




This is the only damn content that has anything to do with the update name...........................

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no need to change anything

if screen flickers once it  means drone arrived on  level

use scanner to track locations

i get my drone on second uranus boss run

no need to change anything

it should not be always easy way to get sommething

this is MMo after all  not some rpg  where you get all stuff in 8 h and complete game

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no need to change anything

if screen flickers once it  means drone arrived on  level

use scanner to track locations

i get my drone on second uranus boss run

no need to change anything

it should not be always easy way to get sommething

this is MMo after all  not some rpg  where you get all stuff in 8 h and complete game



That would make sense when it comes to resources, but this is a quest we're talking about.


What MMO have you played that had RNG quests?

Edited by SirSmite
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Just wait, the day will come when RNG chooses the people that are saying "This? This is FINE!" and "Stop whining, I got it in 4 runs, it's easy."


It's easy for YOU you chump. "Random" just means that you're the guy chance favored this round. It was "easy" because you didn't actually DO anything. You got lucky. Everyone should know, EVERYONE - over 24,000 players will HAVE to run Tyl Rygor OVER A HUNDRED TIMES to get all 8 parts from RNG 2.0. A hundred freaking times. Those 24k players may be a drop in the 10 mil bucket, but just wait... Just wait. You'll know what it's like someday, and when you do, do you want lucky bags telling you how easy it was for him, and that you're whining or whatever- I don't care what you people say.


FACT: RNG is a stupid way to do any drops, ever. It's cause to suspect head trauma when it's the method to obtain new content, especially new quests. It's always been my view that: All players should be treated equally, not randomly.


But statistically, you can't win every time, and every time you do it only increases your chances of losing the next round. Tick-tock

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It took me 15 rounds of Tyl to get the whole of Equinox, which is not too shabby from what I see on the forums.

With 32 rounds, I got one unusual assassin call, which might've been the stalker, but I doubt it and never found anything. For all I know, maybe the grineer got it.

Now, if we knew and, even more so, had any reason to trust DE would actually implement a weighted RNG that improves with time--like say linking the Occulyst to repeat play on the new tile-sets, then I'd be less upset.

But, as it stands, there's very little reason to trust DE with totally random encounters. If DE says it could happen everywhere and anywhere, than practically it will come as close to happening nowhere as the numbers can permit.

It's unfortunate that DE can make such interesting events and tactical alerts, but then fucks up totally when they actually try to incorporate ambient and vibrant matter to the game.

RNGesus is a Roman psy-op.


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Encountered it while farming equinox.




A few things. The lights do tint of an icy variety when they appear, and yes, it's briefly scan-able before it disappears. If you need more incentive to grind, Vermillion Storm drops off the Manic Bombards. Just throwing it out there.

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I have been running mission all day trying to and finally finishing the new frame....


Not even a single sighting...


RNG is bad...


Bell Curves are Bad...


This idea was interesting... but flawed...


RNG is our loot, Please, PLEASE don't make this into RNGFrame...

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You do have to think in terms of new players too. As people who just got the update, we think "NEW CONTENT NEW CONTENT" and want access to it immediately. This is normal, new content is exciting. But DE isn't just implementing a new cutscene for us, it's a new quest for all players, forever. Think about a player that just starts playing today. The Natah quest can start at mastery 3 and above, so he has some time to get used to the game. The quest being random, for this new player, means it's actually a lot more interesting. He probably doesn't know about the quest, or know that it's new, he's busy realizing everything else about the game for the first time. Maybe he does a handful of missions before getting it, maybe he's at mastery 5 by the time it hits. Either way, he suddenly discovers these strange blue things out of nowhere and is thrown unexpectedly into a new narrative about the strange lady who woke him up.


You gotta remember they're not adding content for us to play once and be done with when they update, they're adding it to the game as a permanent addition. Try to stop seeking out new stuff like a holy grail every update, just keep playing the game like normal and let it happen naturally. If you have to wait a day or two for something, no biggie, the game isn't going anywhere.

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I personally think this quest initiation is brilliant. Y'all are gonna go farm for Equinox and run Uranus missions like mad anyway, so there's an extremely high chance that you'll find the drone while doing so.


PLUS, and this is the most important part of it, how cool is it to suddenly find a quest when you're not expecting it? I found the drone without even knowing about the Natah quest, and seeing a creepy floating Sentient and then suddenly thrown into a new quest was an amazing feeling. That just added to the story all the more. 


This is one of the tricky points with Gameplay and Story integration. Sure, I can argue quite happily from a Story perspective it makes complete sense to function like this; mystery forces are working that you don't know about. You can point them out on a map because...?


From the Gameplay side of it, however, if the RNG is not weighted in any manner, this can backfire horribly. I'm reasonably sure that the 'Random' quests you can get in things like Skyrim are more 'after x point in time, y occurs from z options' than 'Stuff happens eventually'. And even if it is weighted, that can still roll 1's on you.


Some things can be good on paper, but when all you're doing is rolling dice, roll enough of them and someone's getting nothing but 1s or 20s in a row.

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You say this RNG is too extreme, and maybe for veterans, waiting on content with bated breath, it is. But, for those who are beer and don't read patch notes and are just discovering everyday they play Warframe, the Oculyst will be a delightful mystery. The quest and revelation treat.

Not everything is about you.

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You say this RNG is too extreme, and maybe for veterans, waiting on content with bated breath, it is. But, for those who are beer and don't read patch notes and are just discovering everyday they play Warframe, the Oculyst will be a delightful mystery. The quest and revelation treat.

Not everything is about you.

Not everything is about the players who may never get to play the quest because of bad luck? I'm not speaking for myself because I like the RNG initiated quest style, but people aren't whining because they didn't get the quest within a few runs, they're complaining because they may never get to play it. While you're making it interesting for new players, it gets annoying for older ones who know and want to play the quest but might not get the chance to do so without a taxi to the starting mission of it.

As I said, I like the RNG quest because it does make things a lot more interesting, but it's not fair for the others who want to play it without having to waste days or however long grinding missions in hopes that it may show up, and that they may get the chance to scan it.

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You and all those like you seem to not understand that this game is f2p meaning you DON'T have to pay to play it. This game is made by people and the dont do this in their free time, ok? So that means they need money to pay their employee's. They are not 'monstrous greed binge DE' they are trying to pay their people!!!


Another &#!-kisser oder genuine-believer?

DE already makes enough money to pay the bills of the employees, what they do now, is to milk the customers, so the shareholders can become more fat.

What they do not realize, people pay for fun and fun only. What one need is more customers, and you get them by good player based advertisting (a loyal customer with a lot of fun will tell all his friends the game is fun and bring them to play Warframe, the chance for them to buy plat increases and so on), regular company advertisting is never ever going to come even close to player based advertisement. Second, you have to make it worthwhile, to buy stuff. Labeling a game F2P but then selling content... actualy mean, there is no F2P at all. If I pay 100 bucks for a game and get everything, or if I play a F2P game and pay 100 bucks to get everything, where is the difference? Whatever...


RNG based quest... human stupidity never stops to amaze me.  Just curious what DE comes up with in the future :D

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Another !-kisser oder genuine-believer?

DE already makes enough money to pay the bills of the employees, what they do now, is to milk the customers, so the shareholders can become more fat.

What they do not realize, people pay for fun and fun only. What one need is more customers, and you get them by good player based advertisting (a loyal customer with a lot of fun will tell all his friends the game is fun and bring them to play Warframe, the chance for them to buy plat increases and so on), regular company advertisting is never ever going to come even close to player based advertisement. Second, you have to make it worthwhile, to buy stuff. Labeling a game F2P but then selling content... actualy mean, there is no F2P at all. If I pay 100 bucks for a game and get everything, or if I play a F2P game and pay 100 bucks to get everything, where is the difference? Whatever...


RNG based quest... human stupidity never stops to amaze me.  Just curious what DE comes up with in the future :D

RNG based foundry

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Got the drone on the 2nd or 3rd run .. seriously, the RNG isn't that bad.


Kind of the reason why Equinox has 8x parts, you're bound to run into the drone at some stage during your farming run for parts.


Keep calm and Parkour on

Edited by Sh0ck-Wave
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Because they totally designed the quest for the veterans who have absolutely nothing else to do and MUST start the new quest right away /sarcasm


No really, there's nothing wrong with having a randomly activated quest. It allows them to tell the story in a slightly different and I feel better way. Having the initiator be out of your control makes absolutely perfect sense in the context of the quest itself and I think it would detract from the story telling if you could manually start it.


That being said, think about how many missions you've done in the past since you were MR3. Could be hundreds and hundreds of missions if you're a veteran right? For anyone who isn't completely maxed out, this random enemy will appear as they play the game naturally while pursuing other goals, which is great as it adds a little variety to the standard missions. I highly doubt the spawn rate is so low that one could make it from MR3 to MR19 without ever seeing it, I bet that is almost impossible.


If it hasn;t appeared for you yet I'll advise just finding another goal to pursue, and soon enough the quest will find you.

My sentiments exactly.

What a lot of vets forget is that for us its an issue because we have finished basically all of the interesting things there is to do, so when new content drops, many feel we absolutely MUST have it now.

What players aren't considering though is that new players or new-ish ones will have tonnes of opportunities for this quest and other content to be made available/appear while they are making their way through everything else available.

Its a lot of a burden when you're not sitting there actively grinding for it.


Unfortunately thats the issue, vets get hit the hardest in a lot of instances, but if you actually consider the wider playerbase, its a lot more understandable and acceptable.

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sorry you guys had bad luck with the drones but just an FYI. go run some sealab style missions and you will get your drone. Also for people who scaned one and didn't get the quest started. I had the same thing happen to my first drone. at the time i had helios and figured that woud work (* there might be a bug but i you might want to scan it yourself ) but when i exited the mission i got nothing even tho it showed up under my scaned enemies. so i just farmed few more sealab capture missions and got my second drone to pop up. scaned it myself this time and got the quest. easy stuff really. also to all the people crying that they are never going to buy plat again becaus of this bad RNG and DE is greedy and OMG i cant progress!!!!!!!!! first of all DE does not get any money from you weather you get the quest or not. and you can't get this quest with plat so it can't that DE made it hard to force you to pay for a quest. second this quest does not hinder any progression of any kind. its a lore quest. you get nothing out of it besides lore* ( and one free thing that you can get for free with your scans )  anyways if it was too easy to get this game would not be fun everyone would get everything on first day and stop playing.

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My sentiments exactly.

What a lot of vets forget is that for us its an issue because we have finished basically all of the interesting things there is to do, so when new content drops, many feel we absolutely MUST have it now.

What players aren't considering though is that new players or new-ish ones will have tonnes of opportunities for this quest and other content to be made available/appear while they are making their way through everything else available.

Its a lot of a burden when you're not sitting there actively grinding for it.


Unfortunately thats the issue, vets get hit the hardest in a lot of instances, but if you actually consider the wider playerbase, its a lot more understandable and acceptable.

Yep. The funny thing is that I'm one of the MR 19 veterans who hasn't gotten a chance to do this all right away. On the other hand, I haven;t bother farming for the current prime access stuff yet. So now that U17 has dropped, I can go farm the void for Ash Prime while enjoying Parkour 2.0 and waiting for the new quest to find me :)


I find that it is much easier to play the game in doses and try to do missions that net you multiple chances for multiple rewards you might want, rather than just single mindedly trying to farm one single thing. It's a recipe for burnout it is. And such is the reason why I've never farmed for affinity.

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Just did some undergrad math here, so for everyone's information:

The odds of someone getting all 8 parts after 100 runs = 99.99759674072265625%

Which means the odds of someone NOT getting all 8 parts after 100 runs = 0.00240325927734375%

If we factor in that Warframe has 10 million players (just for easy math) we get = 24032.5927734375 or roughly 24 thousand.

That's a statistical probability that 24 THOUSAND PEOPLE WILL NOT GET THIS SET AFTER 100 RUNS! If this doesn't sound insane to you please don't bother telling me because it just means those people and their situation doesn't matter to you.

RNG 2.0, or RNG x8 should not exist when it requires one of every part to drop when you can't trade them, you can only pay the plat for it if you get bad luck. Luck shouldn't be a factor that determines who gets to pay for content, and who doesn't.

Check your math.

0.002403259% x 10million is 240.

You forgot to type the "%" when multiplying.

Also, the correct %age chance of getting all 8 parts in 100 runs is 99.9987297331%, or 127 in 10million will not get all parts after 100 runs. That's 1 in 78k.

The chance of dying from a tornado is 1 in 60k. So unless you spend your life in a tornado shelter, the drop rates should be fine.

*Assumptions: all parts have equal drop chance, 1 part per run.

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I've been playing every day for the last week or two.  Played quite a bit over the weekend after the new content dropped.  Haven't gotten a drone yet.  Played quite a few Uranus missions.  Even starting doing the alerts on Uranus for credits (of which I have over 5 million) in vain hope.  Started worrying maybe it had happened and I just didn't see it so I equipped Helios.  Then I forma'ed Helios.  I'll probably forma Helios again tonight.  I've played this game since a month or two after update 10 dropped.  I'm not mad, just bummed out.  

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I understand that there are newer players that haven't gotten anything to consider, but this doesn't change that there is still the fact that many people, veterans and new players included, may never get the quest simply because they are unlucky. People keep saying to keep playing and it will eventually come, but how long do I keep playing before enough is enough? 50 runs? 100 runs? 150 runs? I've already surpassed a hundred runs myself, but people keep telling me to get over it and keep playing. Others say to just go to recruiting, which I shouldn't have to do in the first place. How long should I have to wait to get a quest that is key to the story? A week? A month? A year? How many runs do I have to do and how long do I have to wait before it's considered too much?

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