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Achieving Equinox: Reducing The Rng-Ness Of Tyl Regor In A Way That Makes Sense.


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My constructive proposition is to just add "day" and "night" cycles to  Uranus. 


Initially they could be just a badge atop the planet. Afterwards, if the Devs fell worthy, it could also have separate lightning moods like the earth tileset. 


During "daytime" Tyl Regor would only drop day parts for Equinox.

During "nighttime" Tyl Regor would only drop night parts for Equinox. 


Day and Night in Uranus could have moods in terms of the natural flora having fluorescence, shining in different colors at different times. 


It could cycle from purple-cyan fluorescence to yellow-red on the different phases. 



Edited by -TP-BrazilianJoe
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Yeah but  then Tyl Regor's rework would have no reason to exist. 


The Hydroid fever passed already, and Tyl Regor rework would kinda-sorta go to waste. 


Unless Tyl Regor is moved to earth, but then we'd need a sharkwing tileset for Earth too.


Maybe a long time from noew DE does frame drop swap.


But not in the short term, they want us to pay a few visits to Tyl Regor. 


Sooo, there's no optimal solution because:


1) Adding day/night cycles to Uranus would take a big effort - but the cycles could be added with no visual diffference right now, and the visual overhaul implemented later. It would be good to have more planets with day/night cycles, for variety as well.


2) Swapping the frame drops between bosses. This is by far the lowest barrier to entry. I think DE will refrain to do this because they just released Tyl Regor though. It's more sentimental and strategic than technical. Technically this would be a breeze.


3) Swapping the bosses between planets. Would require even more work, to rework the Earth tile set to sharkwing - but I am sure it will come eventually, being Earth the blue marble. 


I would approve any of the 3 solutions though!

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