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Parkour 2.0 Is Absolutely Breaking My Heart In Disappointment. And I'll Tell You Why.


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And you're talking a load of bull. The new movement system is terrible. It's slow. You can't deny that. If you do, you've either never played this game without coptering or you sucked at movement before meaning your input is irrelevant. And denying that the forward somersault is faster than the new bullet crap then you clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

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Then you've clearly never used the forward somersault. You eat up distances at blisteringly fast speeds. Now with the bullet crap, you move like a wallowing pig through muck. 


I can certainly believe you do move like a pig. I on the other hand spent time learning to work with the new system instead of complaining on the forums.


That said I have great respect for complaining, but you at least have to make some sense.

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And you're talking a load of bull. The new movement system is terrible. It's slow. You can't deny that. If you do, you've either never played this game without coptering or you sucked at movement before meaning your input is irrelevant. And denying that the forward somersault is faster than the new bullet crap then you clearly have no idea what you're talking about.


So... how did your somersault help you go straight UP in the air and glide over enemies while shooting them?


Cause if I missed THAT in the old parkour than I'm really surprised.


Also, yes... it's slower. As in the speed at any give time is (probably) slower, but the control allows me to be faster overall as in I clear rooms faster cause I can move and take shortcuts that I couldn't before. And I save the time I was slammed against the wall waiting for the velocity calculation to resolve.


Kinda like the difference between champion sprinter and a guy that strapped a rocket to his back. Sure, the rocketman is gonna move faster, but I doubt it will win him many races.

Edited by LocoWithGun
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I'm still experimenting with the new system but so far I think it has potential. I agree regarding the wall hopping animations, they just don't look very good. The concept itself I don't mind but the looks need to be improved. What bothers me is that you look like you're hopping over an obstacle, knees tucked in while jumping up or along a vertical wall. A more leap-like animation would be more fitting. 


Double jumps I found to be quite fun and actually pretty useful, filling a gap in the movement set where you needed more than a regular jump but without the massive momentum from coptering\aerial melee. 


Now Bullet Jump could at least use some tuning. Right now it's fine for gaining altitude but seems to give less of a horizontal boost if you're aiming too low. Also, it feels a bit imprecise compared to the old aerial melee for example. But with a few tweaks I think it could become a pretty decent move. 


Finally, Aim-gliding is a fun addition, my only issue with it is the abrupt cutoff which just feels out of place. I'm not sure if that's something that should rely on a mod. 

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You know, I'm finding how many people are *@##$ing and trying to chew me out because I dislike the new movement system. I seriously dislike it. But you're clearly not that sharp on the uptake so let me break this down for you as simply as I can. The new movement system is painfully slow. It is not fun. It is destroying any joy I have in this game. It has literally ruined the game for me. Do you understand this? This would be like taking away guns from an FPS. This is like taking away wizard or fighter classes from an RPG. Am I making sense to you? Do you understand why I dislike this update? It has fundamentally damaged this game for me. This isn't something like complaining that I can't have white or orange or green as a colour for my frame. This is a serious blunder, in my opinion, by DE that has sucked all the joy and fun from this game for me. Am I getting through to you? Do you see why I am so annoyed at this update? It's literally ruined a game I've considered to be one of my all time favourite games. Since Steam has started recording game time, I have over a thousand hours and I can promise you, I know for a fact that I've played twice if not half again as much time as that.



So... how did your somersault help you go straight UP in the air and glide over enemies while shooting them?


Cause if I missed THAT in the old parkour than I'm really surprised.


Also, yes... it's slower. As in the speed at any give time is (probably) slower, but the control allows me to be faster overall as in I clear rooms faster cause I can move and take shortcuts that I couldn't before. And I save the time I was slammed against the wall waiting for the velocity calculation to resolve.


Kinda like the difference between champion sprinter and a guy that strapped a rocket to his back. Sure, the rocketman is gonna move faster, but I doubt it will win him many races.

Yes actually, I could forward somersault forward, right click out of it, shoot if need be or hold crouch and shoot. If you're going to try and bullS#&$ someone, be more knowledgeable on what you're talking about.
Edited by ChaosMarine
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You know, I'm finding how many people are *@##$ing and trying to chew me out because I dislike the new movement system. I seriously dislike it. But you're clearly not that sharp on the uptake so let me break this down for you as simply as I can. The new movement system is painfully slow. It is not fun. It is destroying any joy I have in this game. It has literally ruined the game for me. Do you understand this? This would be like taking away guns from an FPS. This is like taking away wizard or fighter classes from an RPG. Am I making sense to you? Do you understand why I dislike this update? It has fundamentally damaged this game for me. This isn't something like complaining that I can't have white or orange or green as a colour for my frame. This is a serious blunder, in my opinion, by DE that has sucked all the joy and fun from this game for me. Am I getting through to you? Do you see why I am so annoyed at this update? It's literally ruined a game I've considered to be one of my all time favourite games. Since Steam has started recording game time, I have over a thousand hours and I can promise you, I know for a fact that I've played twice if not half again as much time as that.

You aren't quitting or you wouldn't be posting big rambling rants about the game you USED to play. If you were really done with it you'd be off playing some other game not here crying like every fat baby in the world combined about a game that was recently IMPROVED. subjectively improved by a recent update.

So you should either admit you're blowing ample amounts of smoke or go play some other FREE game that gives you the range of things you can do here. Which btw, good luck on that

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You know, I'm finding how many people are *@##$ing and trying to chew me out because I dislike the new movement system. I seriously dislike it. But you're clearly not that sharp on the uptake so let me break this down for you as simply as I can. The new movement system is painfully slow. It is not fun. It is destroying any joy I have in this game. It has literally ruined the game for me. Do you understand this? This would be like taking away guns from an FPS. This is like taking away wizard or fighter classes from an RPG. Am I making sense to you? Do you understand why I dislike this update? It has fundamentally damaged this game for me. This isn't something like complaining that I can't have white or orange or green as a colour for my frame. This is a serious blunder, in my opinion, by DE that has sucked all the joy and fun from this game for me. Am I getting through to you? Do you see why I am so annoyed at this update? It's literally ruined a game I've considered to be one of my all time favourite games. Since Steam has started recording game time, I have over a thousand hours and I can promise you, I know for a fact that I've played twice if not half again as much time as that.


Well... I'm having fun with the update. I'm having fun moving around for the first time in Warframe.


So it's not exactly universal is it now? It's not an objective fact that this suuuucks.


You're not trying to work with the system, you're not providing feedback or anything of worth really. You're stating everything as a fact and attacking people that like this directions. Essentially what you're doing is whining. I don't care about your gametime, I don't care about how threatened you feel by this update... so threatened you have to outright attack dissenting opinion.


Only thing I care about, only thing I can see is what you post. And all that makes you look like a whiney little *****. And I act and reply accordingly to that. No need to provide an entire backstory. You started this buddy, don't try to play victim now. 


Am I being clear enough here? Am I getting through that thick skull of yours?

Edited by LocoWithGun
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You aren't quitting or you wouldn't be posting big rambling rants about the game you USED to play. If you were really done with it you'd be off playing some other game not here crying like every fat baby in the world combined about a game that was recently IMPROVED. subjectively improved by a recent update.

So you should either admit you're blowing ample amounts of smoke or go play some other FREE game that gives you the range of things you can do here. Which btw, good luck on that

The update came out last night. I finished work last night at half nine. I got home a little later and by about 22:05 the game was updated. I was excited for the update. I should really have gone to bed then as I'd have to get up at seven to get breakfast, shower, prepare my lunch and off to work for nine hours. I got home at about seven thanks to complications at work. Since I got home, I've been playing D&D. I still am, actually. But last night, from about five past ten to one in the morning, I farmed the new Tyl. So how about you go F*** yourself. But hey, it's not like I haven't been insulted continuously by people who disagree with me wanting to have the old movement system returned. 

Edited by ChaosMarine
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The update came out last night. I finished work last night at half nine. I got home a little later and by about 22:05 the game was updated. I was excited for the update. I should really have gone to bed then as I'd have to get up at seven to get breakfast, shower, prepare my lunch and off to work for nine hours. I got home at about seven thanks to complications at work. Since I got home, I've been playing D&D. I still am, actually. But last night, from about five past ten to one in the morning, I farmed the new Tyl. So how about you go F*** yourself. But hey, it's not like I haven't been insulted continuously by people who disagree with me wanting to have the old movement system returned.

*waves goodbye*

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I agree. New system is meh. Bullet Jump looks ridiculous and is completely out of place in this game. Everything feels way slower. I want coptering back, make it optional, toggleable in the options then everyone can be happy. Sure, I can move fast with Shift + Space + Space spamming but I have to press 3x more buttons to travel the same distance and my fingers dislike it. Sprinting is as useless as ever, even with mods. They also screwed over dedicated melee players as you can't hit S#&$ now in the air and sensors....blocking is also dead and useless now. They said this will be the "Year of Quality" but we only got disappointment so far. Oh, and don't tell me to mod for the new system with the Utility slot. Giving us an extra slot while intentionally slowing down the new system so you are forced to use mods related to the new system if you want it to be acceptable is not giving us anything. Gravity is also off, it feels like I am steering a damned tank, especially when I fall from big heigths, it's a miracle that the floor is still intact after that.

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Thats stupid, we should be able to aim at enemies when we run around the levels, instead of making sure every second we aiming corectly when bullet jumping.


One of my fingers hurts  much more then when I was coptering around(I wasnt doing "super" coptering like some people could be I was good enough to keep up with team. Now I must leave game frequently to let my fingers rest. I was really happy when I found about copter because I had exactly same problem with finger when I first "sliding" around for maximum speed(it was before I known what copter was, and even had weapons useful for coptering)

So you're saying that you oppose being able to aim where this maneuver sends you? Would you rather have no fine control over it or something? Are you aiming at enemies every second in a level or something? I know for me there are many spots in missions where there are no enemies to aim at. These are the times when using bullet jump to travel faster make the most sense and you can concentrate on using it to the greatest effect. Second, you can't shoot during a bullet jump, so why does it matter if you're aiming at an enemy when you perform it? Its purpose is to get you places that you can chain into things like the wall latch or aim glide during which you shoot enemies, not the bullet jump itself.


If you want a jump that isn't tied to your aim, that's what regular and double jump are for.

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The vertical mobility is a lot higher, making your overall traveling speed higher.


While yes, you can't just FLING yourself around, it makes frames like Volt so much more useful.



I'm running Captures in 1/2 the time thanks to Parkour 2.0, thanks mostly to the part that excessive momentum was taken out.


All these complains are fine and from longtime players, justified. I just feel that the old system was incredibly hard to maintain balance because it could be broken by a weapon more so than by the actual frame-mechanics.

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tried and my fingers(pinky finger especially) hurt more then ever, must take a lot of breaks from playing, and also bullet jump  is annoying to use in small corridors, it always send me my flying slightly upward when I want to move forward.

Just a friendly tip: The default binding for crouch sucks. I hurt my pinky a lot too back when I started playing. And yes it is DE's fault for having the controls set up that way  by default. However you can easily fix this issue by rebinding crouch to a mouse thumb button. So for instance when I want to slide attack I hold shift with my left ring finger and press my mouse left thumb button with my right thumb, then hit my extra LMB that's set to quick melee, but you can still use E.

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I had always found the Q button to be the best crouch. Because shift + Q is pretty easy. QQ


Just a friendly tip: The default binding for crouch sucks. I hurt my pinky a lot too back when I started playing. And yes it is DE's fault for having the controls set up that way  by default. However you can easily fix this issue by rebinding crouch to a mouse thumb button. So for instance when I want to slide attack I hold shift with my left ring finger and press my mouse left thumb button with my right thumb, then hit my extra LMB that's set to quick melee, but you can still use E.

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My control scheme is the following, left shift is crouch, left CTRL is jump, E as my melee. I've been playing FPS games back since Doom. My favourite back in the day was Starsiege Tribes. I played the S#&$ out of that on dial-up. I always set my controls as close as possible to that if I can't do it exactly like that.

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The problem I have with parkour 2.0 is that I was promised less carpel tunnel. It may just be the "muscle memory" thing the devs warned us to give some time to, but I can't imagine  shift->ctrl+space->shift will ever become easier to hit for me than shift+ctrl+e was. Especially since I keep returning to caps lock rather than shift. Did it involve some contortion? indeed, was getting rid of this contortion-command to fling me to my destination a fantastic idea? Yus. Does making me take my finger off of "go fast" button to press the "go faster" button (which isn't that much faster if at all especially as it likes to knock me into ceilings/door arch) and then back to faster a better trade off? I think not.


Also it seems the devs nerfed preview parkour 2.0 only so that they could put mods in the game to make live parkour 2.0 function more like we saw in the dev streams and add back in this new (expensive) mod slot for mobility mods (that's not actually just for mobility mods or even just for 'utility' mods as it is forma-able) which was all around a terribad idea, especially considering what everyone wanted was an augment slot... and the fact that they are selling us back one of the two slots they took from us back in the day... yeah, I digress.


It doesn't make any sense that we can run-hop on the wall endlessly, presumably using whatever clingy energy force we use to keep ourselves attached as we hop but can't simply cling to the wall indefinitely. That's arbitrary BS, and I'm not sure what that does for the game other than potentially prevent some copyright infringement with the spiderman franchise. A limit on how long/far you can aim glide? I imagine there are some good mechanical reasons for this... I haven't tried enough to abuse it... say if I could jump up out of it to aim glide, jump, aim glide, and thus simulate some sort of flight... but if that is not possible, then I also see no point in hindering aim glide in this fashion. Stamina should have been pulled from the game entirely *fo realz* not to barely cling to life in this form.


I think the change to ziplines is pretty cool so... I'm good with that.


So yus, I think the wall hop animation could use some refinement but doesn't actually strike me as that bad considering it could conceivably, mechanically work given the tech/magic tenno use. I think nerfing preview parkour 2.0 when it went live just to make mods for it was terrible, and I'm sad that taking my finger off of shift-sprint to press ctr-slide+space-jump back to shift feels like I did more work to cover perhaps less ground in a 1-trick-pony fashion I imagine will get old, actually already feels old, but that might just be my disappointment in how fat my frost got after this update talking... I mean he's just as fat as he was before, but he had coptering to compensate, now he does not.

Just to comment on sliding. You don't have to be sprinting anymore to slide. Also, default keyboard controls also have "v" for toggle crouch. Been using that for a long, long time.

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I can't comprehend how people can complain about the previous parkour being removed.

Haha, yeah. Old movement system was actually really choppy and terrible. However, people have learned to use it pretty dam well with all its bugs. :P I personally love most of the new stuff. The only real issue I have is with the wall jumping. The idea is nice, it works sometimes, but it is ugly.  I didn't like the idea of double jump at first either, but after playing it, double just is definitely fun and useful!

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I got a feeling that people who complaining about parkour 2.0 just jump to the game, double jump, oh it suck, coptering again, oh, it has been nerf. Fuk this I must complain ! Those who try to master it can really see the benefit and the advantage or 2.0 vs copter. Plus it's fun to. 


About toggle, every time you hard landing, it's toggle off. I did toggle sprint on and use exca ultimate. It is fun as hell, running like a maniac through the map and slice anything you see into half, and basically just sprint the whole map without stopping.

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At first I felt that Parkour 2.0 was a downgrade in speed-- but after putting on the Parkour mod, it feels SO much better. Flows much better, and bullet jumps actually make me feel like a bullet.


That being said-- I do feel like the level of speed you get with the mods should have been baseline. Piercing Step + Rush has made mobility such a thrill.

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Sorry, I'd rather not uncontrollably fly across them room; swing my weapon into the air and fly like superman; limited movement across walls. Just not my thing, the new version is a lot better once you get used to it in my opinion.

exactly. and to the people who say they prefer wall run to wall jump, wall run is limited to straight line maybe... wall jump is multi-directional nuff said.

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