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This Is Not The Type Of Feedback You Are Looking For After All Your Work With U8 - Welcome To Warfarmers


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Because you talk about farming quite a bit for a post that isn't about farming.

You should talk about things that are missing and that you want, rather than ever have brought up farming.

The point was that i expected U8 to add some non farming related elements such as... whatever? At least a fix for loot scaling with difficulty increase? So that for instance there is a point of doing level 60 missions instead of lvl 1? Or doing a 75 wave endless defense for something else than a @(*()$ common mod?

Instead: "Here you go 400 new things to farm for, farm in and farm with." Than..


You know what, nvm. Just never mind. Its enough if those understand the post who can actually read. F*** this.

Edited by Aerensiniac
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The point was that i expected U8 to add some non farming related elements such as... whatever? At least a fix for loot scaling with difficulty increase? So that for instance there is a point of doing level 60 missions instead of lvl 1? Or doing a 75 wave endless defense for something else than a @(*()$ common mod?

Instead: "Here you go 400 new things to farm for, farm in and farm with." Than..


You know what, nvm. Just never mind. Its enough if those understand the post who can actually read. F*** this.

Is it because the only real new content they added required you to farm or purchase it? I like the update because I was getting board with the pre-U8 content. I was expecting more missions and bosses, but I still liked the void stuff even though I had to buy it.

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If 50% of the people in your thread cannot understand your direction, its a fair indication that you may have expressed your point poorly. Again, none of your suggestions actually solve your issues with all endgame being farm-centric; you just asked for more difficult content with which to farm from, despite attacking farming in the first place. It makes me unsure of what you actually want.

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If 50% of the people in your thread cannot understand your direction, its a fair indication that you may have expressed your point poorly. Again, none of your suggestions actually solve your issues with all endgame being farm-centric; you just asked for more difficult content with which to farm from, despite attacking farming in the first place. It makes me unsure of what you actually want.

I asked you directly: How hard is it to gasp the difference between "there is farming" and "there is nothing but farming"?

For the same matter, how hard is it to gasp how sentences like "I have spend 2+ months with nonstop farming (cause there is LITERALLY nothing else to do in this game) just to now see more and more farming implemented into it without even looking at the larger issues such as worthless bosses, no difficulty, no loot scaling, no team play, no fix goals to work towards, rng flastered across everything, etc" are related to it?


If you are still "unsure of what i actually want" then do me a favor and just disregard everything i write. Obviously, our thought processes are incompatible with each other.

Edited by Aerensiniac
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I agree with the OP, the stuff they added is cool, but maybe something that didn't rely on me, or anyone else, to replay the same old levels to get a one time use item to visit the new levels that one time, and have to farm current levels again for another chance to experience the new content.


I was hoping for access to a new area, similar to when banshee/saryn was added two new systems were added. That way i would just unlock the new areas, and play them, enjoy them, and have some fun playing in a new map/possibly new enemies (haven't gotten a void key yet so I wouldn't know).


I really do hope they add some sort of storyline or quest system to this game, that way I have a reason to play some the maps again, instead of mobile/endless defense, even just short story quest lines would be fine.


Boss fights could be made more like Lech Kril's, with multi-phase and specific weak spots. It's fun, interesting, and somewhat presents a more entertaining boss to fight.


Social wise, I think something like the dojo room, but on a massive scale so that players can just walk around and socialize with others would be nice, considering global chat is nice but it feels distant.


I was hoping for some kind of incentive to farm, something to hook me again, not here are some new toys to farm with, now go farm to hope for a chance to enjoy the other new toys.


This was a nice update, but the effects are so, meh, things don't feel new because there is practically no access to them unless you are favored by RNG god, or willing to put out $5 to enjoy new content instantly.

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A PvE only game with updates that requires farming... what's strange lol? it's normal & fine to me

aside from the fact that there's only farming, as OP stated.

What else is there to do in this game, nothing, you just farm in order to farm, so you can farm more effectively, in which case you farm some more.


New maps added? Nope, you can't access it unless you farm some more.

Dojo rooms? nope, farm for mats or get nothing.

20 new weapons? denied, you get x, farm for the remaining 20-x bps, then farm their mats.

Frost prime bps? no, farm for keys that are one time use, now hope you are lucky enough to get the bps before you run out of keys.


it's as OP stated, everything is farm, maybe exploration based maps, movement based maps, stealth based maps, something that doesn't involve me running through the same old levels as fast as i can or continue with the endless farming of mobile/endless defense games.


Something that makes farming fun, not just here's more weapons that do the same thing, now keep farming.

Edited by KageNoShini
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One thing to consider is that if you're brand-new to Warframe, as in, you make your account NOW, it won't seem as much like the U8 additions are "just more grind".


Imagine what a complete noob would see if he started now.


You mean something like (quoting the original post):


Its a good patch, and im 100% sure that those who started the game right now will enjoy the **** out of it.
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OP expressed himself perfectly fine.

Just read before you all decides to shoot him down with destructive post.

His point is definitely valid and he gives a direction he hope to see warframe moving towards.

this is a constructive thread, those who think otherwise may like to create their own thread to make a point.

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You mean something like (quoting the original post):


LOL I didn't see that at the bottom, sorry.  But yes, I agree with you.  YOu're experiencing tester fatigue.  People always say "man, you're a game tester? That's like my dream job!!!" to which I say, "oh really? You want to play the same broken game over and over again until you hate it and then never get to experience the final form and and enjoy it?"


(I'm not a game tester, just have known a lot of them)

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OP Post



Well said OP. I don't think anything he said was negative it was honest feedback and he is not alone.


I have honestly been struggling with this myself. While U8 has brought some awesome stuff to the game I found myself really only interested in the Forma and the new Void mission which as OP stated is just more of the same RNG and Farming.


I seriously need to hear from DE what there long term goals are for the Meat and Potato’s of this game. I still fail to see what the blood hell the point of a clan is in a game that only supports 4 player co-op. There is nothing to tie a clan together in game. Right now the act of joining a clan is an empty gesture for the sole purpose of viewing an exorbitantly costly vanity tile set and using pretty items. You are not going to keep and entertain a player base with just bells and whistles you need the train to.


I fully plan on laying out my questions in the upcoming live stream thread. Not saying that I don't like U8, great job I just feel like you guys are shooting at the wrong target.

Edited by Zhonatta
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You mean something like (quoting the original post):

No, probably more like "If I want to have another gun, I have to spend 5 dollars on it? If I want to have new powers, I have to spend 30 dollars on them? Everything costs too much, F*** this game."

That's what I expect.

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I believe the OP is sound. I myself only started about a month and a half ago where everything was so exciting. Looking at other players with better warframes/gear that are cooler got me hooked so i was fine with farming them all. Tough road to get 300 rubedos at the start. now i have 10.000. and now the need to farm alloys is being slightly remedied by the increase in drops.. but the amount of farming required is added even more. 


But after having 20+ gears maxed and having 10 frames, 8 being maxed level, I dont see more reason to continue farming, i found one that i'm content with. The question is, when will the farming stop? Tough road to get 300 rubedos at the start. now i have 10.000. and now the need to farm alloys is being slightly remedied by the increase in drops.. but the amount of farming required is added even more. 


I know DE are working on end-game content but this update could have been to make them happen instead of more farming added. I don't have a problem with farming, mind you, its the fact that there is nothing else to do but farm(like mentioned in the other posts). True, you can say that one could try to enjoy the game and not see it as a farming game and whatnot but after hours of defense missions with friends or even solo playing, it gets tiring to know that all this farming has no rewards towards the end game, because after countless hours of farming - there is only more farming.

The only reward i see that is worth it, is polarizing. but that itself requires forma that we need to farm. my excitement died down right after i noticed how difficult it is to get one forma, let alone a void key.


I love this update, it hasn't disappointed me one bit (despite the crashes and bugs, but i know DE will fix it, they always have). but i will certainly keep my head up in hopes that DE will consider focusing on something other than making us play farmville on warframe. 


Seriously, you can do better than this DE. 

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I honestly hate to be the guy to do this, but there is literally no way of sugar coating this.

I was looking forward to U8 as the reason to continue playing, as something that breaks the endless farming cycle of doing repetitive no effort **** over and over again, and presents some form of action or challenge that will allow me to re-experience the game and put my maxed out frames to use.

Instead i log in and literally the only thing i can do is start producing a guild key for 12 hours just so im able to visit the grounds of my own guild. Really?


So im browsing over the patch notes what "the largest update yet" has brought for us in terms of gaming.



Farm in rusty ships.


Pay or farm for keys


Farm for materials


Farm for materials


Farm for materials


Pay or farm for forma


Turn off my hud while farming.


Farm bosses to trigger a farmable boss which then gives me blueprints in order to farm mats.


20 New exciting weapons to farm with.


New mods to farm for.


So like... Dont get me wrong. I really dont want to belittle your work and effort.

I would have to be a real ******* ****** *** to say that this was a no effort patch. Far from it. VERY far from it.

The sheer volume alone is worth praise, not mention all the elements that finally give a bit of depth to the gameplay. A guild system and base building that is one of the best i have ever seen, a point to stalker, exciting new drops, mods, weapons and what not.


That being said:

I have spend 2+ months with nonstop farming (cause there is LITERALLY nothing else to do in this game) just to now see more and more farming implemented into it without even looking at the larger issues such as worthless bosses, no difficulty, no loot scaling, no team play, no fix goals to work towards, rng flastered across everything, etc.

Its a good patch, and im 100% sure that those who started the game right now will enjoy the **** out of it.

As for those who are like me: We are out. See you at U9 maybe, when we have collected enough will to continue farming or some additions have been made to the game that present us with some actual playing content and/or challenge other than farming for farming's sake.




You are so damn right XD


I think thats what really annoys me the most for games like this and MMO games and anything that requires farming (and not the type where you can just walk away from the computer while your player is 'farming").   The repetitive running of a mission, over and over and over, is just way too damn annoying and i honestly just get bored stiff.   I mean, and once i get enough stuff and finsih making whatever Im making, yes it is very rewarding, but due to the small clan Im in, our first buildable is going to be a grand hall so we can have three more doors to hopefully build a few research things.



oh well, I guess Ill just take a break from the game so i don't get too foundered of it and thus lose complete interest.

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You are so damn right XD


I think thats what really annoys me the most for games like this and MMO games and anything that requires farming (and not the type where you can just walk away from the computer while your player is 'farming").   The repetitive running of a mission, over and over and over, is just way too damn annoying and i honestly just get bored stiff.   I mean, and once i get enough stuff and finsih making whatever Im making, yes it is very rewarding, but due to the small clan Im in, our first buildable is going to be a grand hall so we can have three more doors to hopefully build a few research things.



oh well, I guess Ill just take a break from the game so i don't get too foundered of it and thus lose complete interest.


You either die a founder or you live long enough to see yourself become the Troll.
Is that basically what you are getting at?
Edited by Zhonatta
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What your saying is basically why this game has done F2P justice.

You can get everything by playing and having patience or you can get stuff quick by opening your wallet.

DE can get money from the people who want stuff quick and the patient guys don't have to cough up a cent.

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I can't say that I have played Warframe THAT much. I have spent some time with it and it's been good fun until every mission type is run more than five times. To repeat content as much as Warframe does is never a good thing, ever. I don't care if you say that this is basically an RPG and that makes it justified, or that many other games do this kind of thing: I don't want to play a game that recycles content, not even games that does it half as much as Warframe does.


When I heard about his game, a friend described it to me like this: "It's a Third-Person-Shooter and you have the 4-skill system of WC3 heroes, MOBA-characters." I thought about the possibilities this could bring. A Co-op online TPS with skills like that. You can have synergies to defeat hard bosses, you can make raids consist of five people or more, if the difficulty is high enough and you actually wipe if someone messes up, with great fixed rewards for missions, it would be a very great game. Great, and probably not so profitable.



TLDR; I pity you who settle for these kinds of games because in the end this is school, only that you take the same class every day and if you want to skip it you have to pay money.

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What your saying is basically why this game has done F2P justice.

You can get everything by playing and having patience or you can get stuff quick by opening your wallet.

DE can get money from the people who want stuff quick and the patient guys don't have to cough up a cent.

I have repeatedly said this: Farming on its own is not the issue.

Its the complete absence of basicaly everything, what makes farming a chore.

Pick an mmo. You will find that in every and any game on the market that requires you to farm, you will be "entertained" and challenged in the process. WoW thumbles down to nothing else than farming too, but you forget that in order to get that s***ty Tier X armor, you gang up with 40 people, do raid tactics, plan, theorize, work together, communicate, socialize, fine tune gear, play style, like... I dont know? Playing a game?


In wow farming is the result of experiencing game content.

In Warframe game content is the result of farming for ****.

THAT is the issue.


I wouldn't give two ****s about farming if i would have fun in the process, but what is there instead?

Even on highest difficulty i can run through a map. Bosses are 2 clips worth and all they can do is glare at me with a stupid expression. Team work? Nonexistent. Ability complementing, synergy, roles, tactics, anything involved with a game? Nothing.

Just... Nothing.

So no. Farming is not the issue.

The issue is that there is nothing else in this game except for farming.

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I find the gameplay itself rather enjoyable.


I don't always see it as 'farming' in the mmo sense. In an MMO 'farming' was just clicking on something over and over again - relatively mindless, boring gameplay that I needed to watch a movie with in order to actually do it.


Because of the style of game that warframe is - there is a wide variety of options you have when playing the game. This keeps the gameplay itself different if you're willing to make it different. 


Sure - I'm always working towards a goal which gives a reward in itself, but if I didn't enjoy the gameplay at all I wouldn't play this game. If it weren't fun to play, the reward of an ingame item wouldn't keep me playing. (this is why I've stopped playing MMOs, their gameplay has generally always been boring compared to action adventure and shooting games). 


edit - and if I really want a challenge with the game I'll periodically run full stealth missions, or see how many waves you can complete in a defense mission. There's also the option for solo'ing difficult missions with specific weapons.


These aren't necessarily the most efficient farming methods, except defense for mods maybe - but they can be fun. 


I would still very much welcome the changes you're suggesting though. I'd love more difficult content instead of content I make more difficult by restricting myself. 

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End game or at least a bit of depth to the game?

Lets see...

- Levels that require you to have a bit of thinking instead of just rushing through (by whatever means, including mazes, climbing hazards, movement challenges)

- Actual boss fights that require either team work (due to difficulty) or brains (with non direct damage kills and/or shooting specific parts/combination of parts), instead of just shooting at the direction of the boss which will either one shot you, or look in your direction with a tear in its eye.

- Raids that require more than 4 players

- Difficulty/Level scaling so there is at least SOME merit to the fact that im killing stuff in a level 50+ mission.

- At least SOME fixed drops instead of painting rng onto EVERYTHING (primary example: wave 75 for an uncommon hellfire mod. well ****ing done)

- Maps with a difficulty that require roles and/or team tactics (instead of having 4 solo players with 0 communication on one map)

- Synergy and frame ability combos i.e. mag's bullet attractor and excalibur's radial javelin.

- Lore/collectibles

- Achievements and effort related skins/colors/items/whatever

- Missions that are on par with your maxed/oc gear (in clear text: Hardcore content for those who have already hit the level cap)

- Clan related missions/events

- Some form of competitive mode between clans

- etc


If i were to focus only on the question of "end game", then my answer can be summarized in 3 major points:

1. There is no team play nor any form of content that would require you to do so

2. Bosses are worthless and difficulty/reward scaling is completely broken and/or nonexistent

3. Lack of non RNG related items - whether its achievements, fixed drops, fixed wave loot or whatever, having only rng burns your players out


Its hard to compare warframe to other MMOs on the market, but there are also generic elements which hold true never the less, such as difficulty, team play, and reason/goal to work towards. Having no difficulty scaling/generally 0 challenge in the game destroys the first and second while rng destroys the third. Its also worth to mention that while RNG will keep your players busy for a lot longer than fixed or higher percentage drops, it will also burn them out a hundred times quicker since they will be doing the same thing over and over again for no form of reward or success. This problem ofc multiplies when its matched up with the fact that difficulty is nonexistent and you can run across maps without firing a single shot.


How does this post only have +8 so far?


This is what the game needs, even if half of this was put into the game it would go a long long way

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On one hand - complaining about farming in a dungeon crawler is kind of silly. The entire game is by design a grind.


On the other hand - more/better bosses and gametype variations (possibly game types that actually require cooperation such as each member of the party needing to access different locations simultaneously and such) would go a long way to making replaying fun.


This is a much smaller team building this than some giant EA title, you might want to adjust your expectations for content releases accordingly.

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On one hand - complaining about farming in a dungeon crawler is kind of silly. The entire game is by design a grind.


On the other hand - more/better bosses and gametype variations (possibly game types that actually require cooperation such as each member of the party needing to access different locations simultaneously and such) would go a long way to making replaying fun.


This is a much smaller team building this than some giant EA title, you might want to adjust your expectations for content releases accordingly.

We are no one expects EA to do anything right.

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