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Regarding Turrets.


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The Grineer ramparts are pretty cool. Cool enough that I've been wondering how we could go about getting some ourselves. I know Warframe should generally be a game about mobility, but there are plenty of times where there are a lot of enemies around the corner and you need to hunker down for a bit to clear them out. I think deployable turrets could be a cool addition, if executed well. Of course, it can't be something Tenno can just drop down at every corner, and they can't be cheap. I would think they should be limited to only one or two turrets held in gear per mission, and a few decently rare materials would be required to craft them.

It's something most experienced players wouldn't need unless they're low on ammo or energy, or in a pinch. On the flip side, it could still be a cool way to change up a defense mission for a few waves until the turrets are destroyed, and a great item to deploy for beginners so they can help out if they end up in over their heads.

All I'm getting at is - usable turrets are really cool, and being able to make some of our own would be interesting.

And on that note, it could be neat to give existing weapons similar capabilities. Gorgon and Supra seem kind of overshadowed by the Soma, they could maybe be given an alt fire that takes a few seconds to mount the weapons in place - giving slightly greater accuracy, nullifying the spin-up time, and letting allies use them.

Add deployable cover to the mix and Tenno can set up temporary barricades or fortify their defense objectives providing they have the resources.

It's honestly not something I'd use too often personally, but the Ramparts are fun to use for a bit every now and then, and I think giving the players more options is always nice. There's already enough gear in the game now that people actually have to make decisions in what to bring instead of just throwing on health/energy restores, scanners, and specters. Adding more to the spectrum so people can specialize further can't hurt.

tl;dr big mounted guns go pew pew can we please have some

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My first encounter of it, on phobos mission. Thought I cleared my vicinity so I stopped moving for a second to equip symaris scanner (was looking for eviscarator). Before I knew what was going on, my fully modded, heavy armor Frost P was downed in like 2 seconds. I can swear it tear through me in like 3-4 shots flat.

TIP for self : do not stop moving, when playing against grineer.

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I'd dig this if we had the specific mission types for it-ie Swarm/Horde Mode Defense for one way corridors


I can't wait till we get vehicle turrets+cruising with friends :)

Would be the best mission type ever.


Even more off topic: Turrets kinda prove that DE has the assets to make First Person (Camera) Warframe... (Only camera moves when we do fancy things)


First rampart post I've spotted xD

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an engineer support frame could be very cool. abilities could be things like summon a turret from the void that can be used like a rampart or just in auto mode like a stationary companion. shield bubbles with various effects like frost or lech.  

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