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Exilus Adapter Overpriced.


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I've stated my opinion on this earlier but now I'm reading things like "im not coming back to this game, if this is not fixed".

Seriously you w00t? I think you need to take another look at what we're talking about. Abandoning a game because of an optional feature?

I'm having a good laugh atm.

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I understand that some people have over 100 forma blueprints waiting to get tossed away and over 600 orokin cells (like myself) but the price is still too high.


Coptering was optional as well and yet the most used weapons were the ones that could copter.


Superior mobility is not optional.. Some frames like Frost and Rhino demand Rush and if you want to match the old system in terms of pure speed, you're going to put this on all of your frames.

It's not meant for people like you then.


It's meant for people like us.

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It is cheap, another slot was not in our minds, it is for experienced warframes and players, two forma aint nothing, you should always have at least 5 formas in your inventory at all times, argon crystals? ples, orokin cells? ples, the only "hard thing to do" is to scan, which is really easy. Plus if your frame has less than three forma you are going to have a bad time  using your Exilus slot, which i assume you must have 0 formas on your frames seeing how much it costs to build an exilus slot 

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I do not think its overpriced in the slightest, as this extra slot is... wait for it.... Not necessary to play the game.

Then give me back coptering ...


They made the utility slot necessary by slowering the pace of the game.


Basically it's like : we were fast, they nerf the speed by releasing parkour 2.0 and deleting coptering, you wanna go fast again ? well you can ... by buying the extra slot and stuck rush in it (fun part, you must unlock the slot for EVERY frame). Don't want to buy it, here take some huge crafting requirement ...



PLUS mobility is not late-game or end-game or whatever, or optional ... It's the only thing you will use from the start to the end ...


If you say it's optional, then DE could remove the "run" button, and make you pay to use it ...

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So Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Even if it's wrong.

You're literally given an extra slot, and you're complaining about it. First comment had it right. If you want to keep to 8 slots, you're more than welcome to, but don't complain for being given more capabilities. That's like complaining that you wanted chocolate instead of vanilla ice cream- you're still given ice cream, just enjoy it.

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Then give me back coptering ...


They made the utility slot necessary by slowering the pace of the game.


Basically it's like : we were fast, they nerf the speed by releasing parkour 2.0 and deleting coptering, you wanna go fast again ? well you can ... by buying the extra slot and stuck rush in it (fun part, you must unlock the slot for EVERY frame). Don't want to buy it, here take some huge crafting requirement ...



PLUS mobility is not late-game or end-game or whatever, or optional ... It's the only thing you will use from the start to the end ...


If you say it's optional, then DE could remove the "run" button, and make you pay to use it ...

Coptering was, and is, a bug. It should've been treated as such from the beginning of its first appearance. I'm glad its gone, as is every other sane player.


Just because you cant skip levels in 0.3 seconds anymore doesn't make coptering any less buggy, nor does it give coptering any benefit as a legit feature. Coptering was limiting players - including myself - into using 2-4 melee weapons, mainly Tipedo and Zoren. Why? Just so that players can skip through levels while not bothering with any other melee weapons at all, thus sacrificing a crucial part of combat. 


Yes, with this new system which is gonna take a bit to get used to and even longer to master, we do move a bit slower. What do we gain instead? The ability to actually bring a proper melee weapon with us and not have to rely on those same 2-4 melees exclusively in the name of movement. 



Personally, I'm having no problems getting where I need to go at a quick pace WITHOUT any of the movement mods. Not even Rush or Maglev. 

So yes, it is very much optional. The slot or the new mods are NOT absolute requirements to play - they simply help a little.

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So Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Even if it's wrong.

You're literally given an extra slot, and you're complaining about it. First comment had it right. If you want to keep to 8 slots, you're more than welcome to, but don't complain for being given more capabilities. That's like complaining that you wanted chocolate instead of vanilla ice cream- you're still given ice cream, just enjoy it.

It's not given. I have to pay 20p or pay the insane crafting requirement.


Learn the difference.

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Imagine the commotion on the forums if they introduced catalyst and reactors for first time in u17!

There would be a mass exodus of disgruntled players leaving WF because it's now "p2w". There would be enraged post talking about how greedy the devs are and how they cant play anymore because it's rng based alert with NO WAY IN GAME TO EARN ONE!!

You guys are a trip.

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This is just like the raid rewards but much worse. DE needs to readjust the effort=worth while reward because right now its backwards with raid rewards and with this new utility slot its even a bigger JOKE. Its the main reason I have taken a very long break any kind of content that's aimed at "veterans" isn't remotely worth my time grinding to get a mere side upgrade at best.  

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I think it's fair. I intend to add an exilus to the frames I play regularly, which is 2-3. All the other frames I play with are used situationally and can wait for an exilus.

Edited by MrJxt
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So basicly you can:

1. Buy slot for 20p

2. Farm rep for 3 days, buy 2 formas (20+20=40p), 1 argon (10p), 1 orkin cell (10p) sums up= 60p!! and you can rush it

Don't blame me DE themself put forma prices and resource prices in the market. So basicly DE is saying "this new slot is worth 20p"

And then give you alternative that will cost you 60p??

DE value forma at 20p and sell it at their own market for plat??

How 20p = 60p DE logic


Its basicly like this

1.you don't want to wait?? spend 20p

2.you want to mix?? farm, spend 60p

3.you want it hard way?? wait, farm and spend 60p worth of materials

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So basicly you can:

1. Buy slot for 20p

2. Farm rep for 3 days, buy 2 formas (20+20=40p), 1 argon (10p), 1 orkin cell (10p) sums up= 60p!! and you can rush it

Don't blame me DE themself put forma prices and resource prices in the market. So basicly DE is saying "this new slot is worth 20p"

And then give you alternative that will cost you 60p??

DE value forma at 20p and sell it at their own market for plat??

How 20p = 60p DE logic


Its basicly like this

1.you don't want to wait?? spend 20p

2.you want to mix?? farm, spend 60p

3.you want it hard way?? wait, farm and spend 60p worth of materials

Erh, it doesn't work that way. By that logic every time you spend 30,000 credits you are spending 90 plat worth of materials cos that's their market value.

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Eh, you get tons of forma by doing void. And if you've been consistently building forma you should have a stockpile of them by now. Argon is pretty easy to get if you don't already still have a few from your recent void runs. Basically none of the resources are that hard to get and you get them just by playing end game content like the void. 


The only real obstacle are those damn scans. You pretty much have to go out of your way breaking from your normal gameplay to get them. It can be argued that it's a good thing to push people to break out of routine but I just don't find scanning to be fun. 

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Excalibur Umbra is optional but ppl whines A LOT.


It's just stupid that your effort worths only 20p:

-RNG to encounter the space squid after 50+ more runs.

-Time to do the quest located at where you haven't familiar to.

-Scanning mobs with 60 reps each until you met daily capacity.

-Farming void and get Forma BP as the worst reward.

-Farming void and get Argon Crystals which cut in half themselves everyday.

-Build Forma BP, wait 24 hrs...while Argon still decaying.

-Build Another Forma BP, wait 24 hrs...while Argon still decaying.

-Build Excilius Adapter, wait 24 hrs...while Argon still decaying.

-Single use on single frame, repeat step 3-9 again and again.

-Farming the new mod and finally found out the mod point does not enough, even you have forma'd 5 times on it.


It's pretty suffering because the slot just sit there and you cannot do anything unless you pay or grind VERY hard.

I would suggest DE to remove the Argon requirement and hide the locked slot until you have one Adapter.


DE is so smart, they did a little addition to your load out, rewarded a big fortune and the toxic community always says "I don't see the problem."

What's next used for material? Alert only items, rotten Alad V nav, syndicate weapons, Vauban parts and Primed Mods?




But dude............. it's free.

Did many of you forget this is a F2P game?

And as a F2P game they have to keep the population that doesnt pay playing.

This is how they do it.


And remember..... it's free.


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But dude............. it's free.

Did many of you forget this is a F2P game?

And as a F2P game they have to keep the population that doesnt pay playing.

This is how they do it.


And remember..... it's free.


Your argument doesn't justifies anything by the way. They need free players almost to the extent they need the paying players. 

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It's not given. I have to pay 20p or pay the insane crafting requirement.


Learn the difference.

'Insanely expensive crafting requirement'- hardly. It's just two forma and some resources. Don't like that, do a t3 mission, a high class starmap mission, or even derelict and sellable mods drop in mission, or towers drop bp's/parts that you can sell for 5-25 plat a pop.

This feels like the absolute incarnation of the entitlement generation. You are literally adding a brand new slot to work with, that is a massive amount of power in the form of flexibility and warframe usability.

These complaint threads are going to eventually be what kills me. Leaves a terrible taste in my mouth to hear people complain after being given opportunity.

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Alright I'm just going to touch a bunch of things at once:


1) It's free.

So is AIDS, so is Parkinson's. Just because it's free, doesn't mean it's good.


2) This is for "experienced people".

Third time I'm saying this : a high price is still high regardless of how much money you have in your pocket.


3) You get so much for that amount!

For one, you really don't. And i thought you said it wasn't necessary.


4) It's not necessary to play the game.

Neither are arcanes and their tax got cut from 500k to 200k.


That is also your opinion. There was also a bunch of people who thought coptering wasn't necessary and yet most people did it. We want mobility. Tons of it. This gives you the mobility that you lost with the update. It's like modding your melee for coptering with rush, berserker, quickening, etc.


5) Eh, forma is easy to get and I have plenty

Same as 2).


6) It's something to work towards

No, it is not. Something to work towards is building in preparation for a boss fight, a raid, some sort of actual content. This is not content. DE could have very easily and absolutely understandably simply added the slot without having to build the device. Instead they made it so you have to spend 3 days worth of scanning, 2 days worth of forma and a bunch of resources which people farm for a reason: they're rare.


If you think this is endgame material or some sort of progression system, you are thoroughly mistaken. Do you really believe someone at DE went "Ya know these people who have everything already? Let's make them do S#&$ no one really does for some really basic S#&$ like improved movement!"?

Edited by Moghul
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Guys ffs you can make 20p in maximum one hour and you wont have to wait 3 days.

Really this slot should have been just like catalysts and reactors.

NO blueprint and just from market or random alerts.

It will set a precedent that "encouraging people to spend plat" is something they can do. And even if the blueprint came from Gift From the Lotus, it would still be overpriced.

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[insert words here]


I would rather have a shiny thing at the end of a long and tough road so that getting it feels more rewarding instead of have said shiny thing be handed to me on a silver plate only for a moments joy.

Even the arcanes that you get from trials are not absolutely necessary to have on every frame. They are a small upgrade that  you get, through hard work - which is exactly as true in this case, only in a different form which takes time.


Just how exactly do you expect to keep people playing if every piece of content that DE has made was handed to the players on a silver plate, gold sprinkles and everything? You know, all mods, weapons, frames, all potatoed and everything?

There would be literally nothing to do for anyone after they are done leveling all the new toys. What happens next? People stop playing until the next update comes out.

That's not how this game - or any other game for that matter - stays alive. There would be no source of income, no active players to attract new players, and it would just kill the devs to keep pushing out more and more content at a lower budget, resulting in lamer and lamer content updates. See where this is going?


If you really hate the grind for resources and rep, get yourself some prime parts and sell them.

You can still get it for free.

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It will set a precedent that "encouraging people to spend plat" is something they can do. And even if the blueprint came from Gift From the Lotus, it would still be overpriced.

Catalysts and reactors always for plat and alert chance,no one bats an eye

Limited frame slot thats mostly useless for plat AND bp that you can actually build,everybody loses their minds.

Warframe community

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Funny how everyone talking about how "it's optional" don't understand that this is a feature that's outright 100% beneficial to you and your gameplay. Getting a syandana is optional, it's comestic, it does nothing to you but appease your eyes. Getting literally an extra slot space and a boost to your gameplay overall is not something that should considered a purely optional thing, but an upgrade to your current gameplay.


It's also optional to not potato your Warframe but you'll suffer a lot on your gameplay if you don't, see where i'm getting at?. Considering this I do believe it's a bit overpriced for what it demands and offers. It should AT THE VERY LEAST not consume energy, just let us stick the utility mod we want in there for no energy cost and the price shall be justified.

Edited by Nogard18
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