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Coptering Vs Parkour 2.0 - How Much Speed Did We Really Lose?


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It's always the same scrubs hating so hard on coptering but I guarantee you their either unskilled or lack creativity with the old system and the only reason anyone likes this more is because they feel less like a scrub now that everyone has a hard time getting about.

They could have simply added double jump wall cling and removed stamina.

I'm honestly disappointed with it. The pacing and creative control over where I am and when are simply terrible.

I don't mind slide jump are fling yous being changed to bullet jump but the overall feel of jumping and flying about like a badass is gone.

Pretending to like it you're lying to yourselves. It is a step backwards. Basically the main thing that separated the game from other shooters is gone. Now, it feels like a shifty console game.

Sorry Steve but you blew it.

Hold on hold on hold on. You're going to tell me, one of the larger advocates for getting rid of coptering, that i was a scrub and bad at it? When I have had to deal with it for ALL of it's iterations? I mean damn okay. see how it is.

No. you sir, are wrong. And you should feel bad.  The reason? you're defending a glitch made feature. It was not badass in any way, shape or form. Parkour 1.0 took two things. a very loose sense of timing, and a fast melee weapon. that's it. There was VERY little skill involved. There was no badassery. I am incredibly curious to know where you got that coptering was badass. 

I'm not pretending, nor am i lying to myself when i say that i truly love parkour 2.0 and everything it stands for. I have complete control over my momentum, and where i'm headed. I can also bring frames that were normally laughed out of a mission along, with whatever melee weapon i choose.  

And how the hell does this make it more like a console game? Name me one game exactly like warframe on consoles. oh wait. you can't. because warframe is on consoles, making DE money and getting us more, and higher quality content.

I mean. if all of this is so bad to you, maybe you should just quit. Steve and the dev team have made an amazing leap forward with this, and I look forward to more ground breaking changes.

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Then you're completely missing the point of the parkour 2.0, or you're blatantly ignoring it. The point of the system was to make players value gameplay than speed, no matter how you try to interpret that parkour 2.0 sucks. Bullet jumping can get you out of a pinch fast by going up in the air quickly, and air gliding can provide a fun experience when you use it to aim at enemies mid-air and kill them. They are unnecessary to your eyes, but they add more depth to how we can play around, and I have been having fun with these moves.


Wall latching onto a wall also provides more depth to gameplay. Surely it's useless to you since you care nothing else beside speed.

I'm not the one that decided those things didn't matter, DE is. The more grind they add the less those things matter. They also are the ones responsible for people skipping content. Nobody else made that desirable but them. They made a game that takes ton of farming to progress in, and the way it gets played is a direct result. Excuse me if I don't care how much more "fun" these movements are on my 47th assassination run farming some resource, and stop acting like "fun" is anything but subjective. I have fun progressing and achieving objectives and all the new system has done for my fun is slow it down. But I forgot, I have fun going fast, so my fun is magically less valid and important than yours, right? I enjoyed the old system, including coptering(a FEATURE added to the game by popular demand after it was removed as a bug) so I'm a terrible person who's opinion doesn't matter, right? 

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We lost tons of speed. I hate the new system, it's too slow. Sure, I can go somewhat fast with Shift + Space + Space spamming but it still takes 3x more button mashing to achieve it.

Bulletjump, a lot.

Or if you want to see all the new features: latch to walls, slo-mo jump and jump from wall to wall.

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Bulletjump, a lot.

Or if you want to see all the new features: latch to walls, slo-mo jump and jump from wall to wall.

Isn't the quickest combo currently:


sprint > point camera straight down > hold slide then hit jump > pause > jump > slide x 2 rapidly > hold aim and spam slide until you land

Edited by (PS4)DesecratedFlame
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How did it not?  He wanted to know about my setup, and I told him about it.  The only thing irrelevant thing is how you keep dwelling on it after we have moved on.


He asked if you play on Ps4 or PC (nothing about your setup btw), then you responded with primarily on PS4 but your PC runs it on max settings. How your PC runs the game is irrelevant to the question. lol


And clearly you don't know what irrelevant means ---> " The only thing irrelevant thing is how you keep dwelling on it after we have moved on."


No hard feelings though, was just wondering why the hell you said what you said. 

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Always loved the texas sharpshooter ..


Guy stands in his yard one day firing a rifle at a barn.

He picks the closest grouping of shots and paints a target over them, and then uses to it to try to show everyone who comes past what a great shot he is.

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He asked if you play on Ps4 or PC (nothing about your setup btw), then you responded with primarily on PS4 but your PC runs it on max settings. How your PC runs the game is irrelevant to the question. lol


And clearly you don't know what irrelevant means ---> " The only thing irrelevant thing is how you keep dwelling on it after we have moved on."


No hard feelings though, was just wondering why the hell you said what you said. 

Because the conversation was about whether I had personal experience with the system or not and whether that experience justified me offering an opinion of it. If I were playing on a toaster at 3 fps, he would have simply claimed I had no room to talk.  That's why knowing that I can run it at max settings easily was relevant.


Now a better question is why are you so hung up on it?

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Because the conversation was about whether I had personal experience with the system or not and whether that experience justified me offering an opinion of it. If I were playing on a toaster at 3 fps, he would have simply claimed I had no room to talk.  That's why knowing that I can run it at max settings easily was relevant.


Now a better question is why are you so hung up on it?


It really was not relevant. If you play on PC at all, it's assumed that you're able to at least run the game at playable settings. So again, whether you can play on max settings or not is still not relevant to the one or the other question "Do you play on Ps4 or Pc?" lol. JS.


Hung up? Not so much. It could've ended after my initial question really, but your reply to my question asked me a question, thus continuing the conversation. 

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It really was not relevant. If you play on PC at all, it's assumed that you're able to at least run the game at playable settings. So again, whether you can play on max settings or not is still not relevant to the one or the other question "Do you play on Ps4 or Pc?" lol. JS.


Hung up? Not so much. It could've ended after my initial question really, but your reply to my question asked me a question, thus continuing the conversation. 

well now you know, moving on

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well S#&$..............................................


That said, it does change for the animation a bit, but it's a short adjustment on the timing of it.  Throw in a second jump instead of a melee spin, and you'll be alright.  The really cool stuff comes from timing the jumps off walls, rails and even enemies.   Get enough momentum built up and the aim glide (slow-mo aim) moves pretty quickly and can let you go the distance.


About timing with it, now.

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to the quoters of my posts that tries to discredit what I wrote>>> read more. there is no contradiction in what I liked about the game and what I loved about its pace.


 I don't need to go in miniscule details about every move that p 2.0 is lacking and certainly it isn't skill or a skill based thing. pointing down and jumping forward  twirls you in an upward movement ( I wanted to go straight perpendicular to the floor) just as how I used to front flip towards the enemies, press jump again because the distance is too short and I end up in the ceiling or above a door way past and above what I intended to do because of a silly mechanics and animation.


 melee with heavy weapons then and now is like night and day, then = range and effectiveness just an all around great feel to melee.  Now = short range no momentum more button mashing, ineffective blocking ( don't know why reflex guard and parry mods exists now) and ground slamming has little to no knock back/down to it.


 when I say vets as myself I am talking about old players that has been around since the beginning, not the ones who took Viver and Draco to level fast to get to 19 mastery and feel or say theyre vets. ( I have  quite a few friends from the infancy of warframe era too) and we all discussed what is and what we don't like about the new system compared to the old and that why I used " vets as myself" in technical form.


 hooray that you like/love the new system and good luck with it, but myself and prolly many others will not indulge in it after playing around with it for the past few days which is more than enough to find and use everything it has to offer..

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Something some people might not know:


I made a few test and "looking up and then Bullet Jumping" gives the same distance as "looking down and then Bullet Jumping", at launch it did not cover that distance, it changed with 17.0.2

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Directional melee is what I miss. It was simple and awesome.


Directional melee:

Look at a high ledge...



land on ledge.


Parkour 2.0:

Look at a high ledge...

look down



double jump

hope to hell you get near the ledge because you are most likely still looking at the floor


take the stairs


Such improvement >___>



Something some people might not know:


I made a few test and "looking up and then Bullet Jumping" gives the same distance as "looking down and then Bullet Jumping", at launch it did not cover that distance, it changed with 17.0.2



You still have to stop dead, otherwise you will slide... right?

I'm not a fan of how the momentum of it forces you to stop all of the time.

it's lost a lot of fluidity imho.

Edited by fractal_magnets
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1.0 was faster and had better wall run animations and that's it. It was hard to control- all these times I fell to endless pit because game decided I really need that roll after long fall, air melee was awkward too.

I've never really liked coptering- not only it limited my weapon selection but looked more silly than wallhopping. And if you've aimed wrong you've found yourself in totally different spot.

While I agree that current system is slower it gives us much more control over movement and has much better feeling. Current bullet jump+double jump covers longer distances both horizontally and vertically.

Stamina removal is great thing. Finally I can run as long as I want and melee don't slow me down.

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This new system is a little bit more complicated and need to push more button to do the same things "almost" same what we did in the previous one.

My biggest dissapointment in this system is they trashed some movement for this new spiderman like system where you can run without beign tired which moves aways from realism. The air attacks was good things to reach higher levels and used often to move to somewhere instead of using as real attack. The coptering was fun and helped for some combo in meele but now those attacks just droped.

The wall run is completely removed and changed to bunny hopping which is not really ninja like this reminds me some south korean manga adaptations and video games even chinese games where you can run in the air.

I see positives also but my opinion is instead trashing old systems completely try to check how can combine with a new one. They almost all major updates meant they removed an old system then adding new one instead of combining existing systems and make really new additions.

In short: I haven't much problem with the new one but I would like if we can keep the old ones in some form.

Realism... That's the funniest most desperate cry from a parkour whiner I've seen yet. Good show old boy!

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Realism... That's the funniest most desperate cry from a parkour whiner I've seen yet. Good show old boy!

What a rude person you are.

Instead of trying to make a counterargument you just discredit their argument by calling them a whiner. You are both lazy and rude. Never mind completely unjustified in your insults. 


I think he made some valid points. While I don't agree on his opinion of stamina I do agree that it would have been better had they combined the new and old system. 

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Directional Melee I think should still exist, albeit in a heavily nerfed form though, as sometimes in spy missions, that one camera is just to high but still is screwing you over.


Coptering should never return, simply because it not only encourages, but demands that EVERYONE rush, whether they like it or not. This is bad for new players who are still getting used to the game speed. It also was buggy as hell.


Parkour 2.0 overall is much better than Parkour 1.0 due to it's fluidity and emphasis on vertical movement (whereas PK 1.0 was rigidly linear in moving forward)

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