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"could Not Update Account Information. Progress Was Not Saved"


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The most I've been make of this is the following


- Everything we've made recently is affected


- It is only affected if you mod it specifically.  I was able to level my new Kulstar to 24 in a rather awesome Apollodorus run without mods.  Tring again with mods, no such luck, got the bug every time.


- This affected my new Ak and Brunt as well, with Final Harbinger and Pressure Point installed from the get go, it was bugged immediately.


- Its not just new weapons; my new Supra caused the bug too.  Colors don't seem to be a factor, but they will revert if you colored it when you modded it.


-Old equipment, already 30, with unchanged mods, is unaffected entirely.  Dunno about anything else.  I wouldn't try formaing something you love right now just in case.


These are all just my experiences, but this is one of the worst bugs I've ever gotten in Warframe.  Also 174 files failed to validate when I verified my cache later, but that seemed to have little to do with the bug.  I think something screwy is going on, and we need more hotfixes.

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I've had this issue with the Twin Grakatas and the Harpak... But only when I have mods in those weapons... I've done enough testing with those two weapons that I can confidently say my account is not updating after missions whenever I bring in either of those two weapons...


To help rule out other weapons, I've tested this out with other pre U17.0 weapons, and they still update successfully.

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i got this today many times but i didnt equip any of the u17 weapons, excal, vectis p, aksomati, tipedo, and carrier p, all happened when i try to change color of tipedo, then it happens many times already

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Got this again for about the 8th time today, lost out on all the rewards from a 40m void surv. Seems to happen every time I change anything in one of my loadouts and go to do a mission which is about...every mission. This is getting frustrating, just got a week long booster and THIS starts happening. Multiple threads are open about this and still no solution nor response. Fix gamebreaking bug plox.

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From a short digging around, this appears to be a long time problem. Some reported it even in 2013 on steam forums. So I would not expect anything to happen with this, as it has not beem a wide spread thing.

But from my observation, it's not linked to any equipment, or set of mods. It just sometimes happens, sometimes it doesnt. No matter what frame you use, weapons or mods, it just appears to be pure chance.

It could be however a bad connection with the server, which would mean that it doesn't save changes in your EXP, mods or resources gain.

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Fulmork i disagree, warframe on steam always has more problems. This is a  widespread thing, peole just havent had it so damn consistently ebnough for them to make a forum instead of submit a ticket. It doesnt make sense becase it can remeber the void keys i used but nothing that happned in it...

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Fulmork i disagree, warframe on steam always has more problems. This is a  widespread thing, peole just havent had it so damn consistently ebnough for them to make a forum instead of submit a ticket. It doesnt make sense becase it can remeber the void keys i used but nothing that happned in it...


There are forum posts about this though. The fact that the oldest one I found was os steam is not important, as it was reported even on PS4.

It could save the fact that you entered the void and used the key, but if it lost connection halfway or towards the end of a mission, it would not give rewards.

What really conserns me that since it is a multi platform bug/issue (kind of a big one imo) that has been around for a long time, that there is no real solution to it. It may solve itself with time, as the U17 is still kinda new.

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Seriously this issue is still going? ._____.


Had it several times yesterday (in my time zone anyway), every time I modded my gear I would get it without fail. I also attempted to exit the game after modding but still reverted my mods. I also changed appearance to a different loadout, which on the log in screen showed the set I changed to, but after logging in it reverted to loadout A for appearance as that is the default. Kinda weird that it only reverted after logging in. 


I can't say if it's for modding specific gear, because every time I've tried it I've modded all of my gear as I'm leveling sentinel, melee and pistol so I add mods to all of them every time I've recreated this issue. I've been changing appearance separate to modding and appearance seems to have no affect. Also changing weapon or warframe also had no affect I was able to swap gear fine as long as I didn't change any mods around.


I was playing with 3 other friends yesterday and non of them experienced this issue, they were able to mod and change stuff around without issue. At the moment I am stuck with 3/4 pieces of equipment over level 25 with no mods because it has consistently caused this bug to occur every time I try to mod them. 


If it's any use I have several hours recorded of gameplay from last night which has evidence of my findings above, not sure if uploading this could be useful to help try solve the issue?

Edited by Hazo36
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Hey, I've been playing Warframe for quite some time now and never encountered this bug before, Its been a few days after U17 and every time i finish a mission, it sends me a message along the lines of:


"Could not update account information progress not saved"


It wasn't the recent hot fix because I've been playing whit that hot fix for a while now, This bug is making it really hard to continue farming....

Thanks for your help!



Hi, Tenno


Try this:



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It's a bug that seems to be tied to a specific weapon, rather then having something to do with corrupted data. My prisma dual cleavers (just recently acquired) have this issue. It's only when I try to put mods on this weapon, that I get this error. None of my other weapons suffer from this issue. I just lost an ash prime bp to these things so I'm waiting for a fix. It seems to be occurring to weapons that were gotten after update 17, as these are the only new ones I've gotten. 

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Optimizing didn't work and I have this issue with everything except my warframe. No weapon saves the mods but I can change my warframe appearence and mods without problems. And it seems it only doesnt save progress when I put in or remove a mod from a weapon and go to a mission with that weapon and the new edited weapon CONFIG.

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Optimizing didn't work and I have this issue with everything except my warframe. No weapon saves the mods but I can change my warframe appearence and mods without problems. And it seems it only doesnt save progress when I put in or remove a mod from a weapon and go to a mission with that weapon and the new edited weapon CONFIG.


my bad I thought that spoke of the post title

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I am having this issue over, and over, and over again. Every single day now. I can't play any missions due to progress NEVER SAVING, and my mods never stay put they just pop right out again. The game is now unplayable for me at this point. I can't get anything done at all.

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Also what about people running Boosters?

Thanks you reminded me of SOMETHING HORRIBLE!!! My boosters are going to waste! Because DE created the worst bug of all time. Nothing saving, and nothing progressing... AT ALL.

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