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If I Design One Frame,will De Pick It?


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Not really, no.  They hold contests and discussions and sometimes pick a theme that people vote on or like, but at the end of the day Mynki is gonna design the frame how he wants it to look, and DE is gonna design the frame to do what they want it to do.

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There's a chance they might see it and if it's approved tremendously by the community or there are many requests for a similar frame, they may take the theme of that Frame and use it for a new addition to the game. But unless it's in some sort of contest, I don't think they'd take a good majority of the concept or give credit. But it could happen. Pretty sure Chroma turned up because a Dragon frame was asked for for a long time and Zephyr originated from a fans design. How the frame turns out (abilities, design, etc.) is up to the developers, however.

Edited by (XB1)TsK x BraVo
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DE will consider an idea for a future contest if it sees enough support and likes it as much as the community does.


Keep in mind though, good concept art and base theme trumps even the most thoroughly thought out frame description and powers.  Fact is most people only give a few tinkles about what the thing can do as long as it looks cool or the base concept sounds cool.  It's why some other frame got voted pretty high (it had great concept art and looked like something that might fit into a Miyamoto work,) but in the end people wanted a duality "heaven and hell" or "angel and demon" theme.  What DE gave us in the end, despite all the ideas on abilities, was more like... gentle night and searing day themed walking high-tech coral.


...Yeah, they'll go out of their way to do something completely different.  It's both good and bad, really.

Edited by Littleman88
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Well if every person who is playing warframe wants this warframe in the game (and I mean every single player) then most likely yes. But you cannot make something that will please everyone. You can please almost everyone but not everyone. So don't get your hopes up.

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