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Umbra Excalibur, De Thats What We Want


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So far, and it seems totally confirmed, we know that Umbra Excal for Chinese market is a totally separate frame from excal or excal prime.

Before DE takes the final call, lets say to them what we want Umbra Excal to be for us.




Personally id like more if it was a Skin for both excal and prime excal. Maybe because i threw quite some formas on my excal knowing i would never get the prime one.

I care very little for the 6k mastery it could bring as a separate frame, and in any case i'd say NO to him bringing better stats.

And i would sign now to have it NOT real money exclusive. But i would threw very good plats if it was a platinum skin (wouldnt mind wasting 2k plats or more).

As a separate frame it would also be a very cheap way to sneak "another" excal prime into the game (mind im not a founder)

But thats my opinion, tell DE yours


Multiple choices allowed. dont mess too much please.

Edited by JohnKable
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Has to be a skin.


I'm sure DE is creative enough to NOT triple-dip with the same frame...


If they really want to sell it like prime access, then make it a combo of Excal frame + Umbra skin + instant level 30 + Potato + Exclusive cosmetics. EDIT: Throw an exilus too, because who cares.


Either way, whatever they do, it just can't be a separate frame. That's dumb.

Edited by Shifted
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He will almost definitely be a skin anyway.

There  wouldn't be any need for 3 excalibers.

That would be redundant.


There are a lot of Bratons, too. Apart from the regular Braton, there's the MK-1, the Prime, and the Vandal! That's a lot of them. I wouldn't mind having it as a separate Warframe, with different stats, but slightly different that the Prime version, so it ain't just a cheap method of obtaining Excalibur Prime, and kick the Founders in the balls.

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There are a lot of Bratons, too. Apart from the regular Braton, there's the MK-1, the Prime, and the Vandal! That's a lot of them. I wouldn't mind having it as a separate Warframe, with different stats, but slightly different that the Prime version, so it ain't just a cheap method of obtaining Excalibur Prime, and kick the Founders in the balls.


it's not an excal prime to begin with. It doesn't even remotely look like it apart from 'being excalibur'

And if we use that reasoning, excalibur, the prisma skin and the proto skin are just as much excalibur prime as the prime.


If a founder seriously gets his balls hung high over that, he's overreacting like potassium in water.

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it's not an excal prime to begin with. It doesn't even remotely look like it apart from 'being excalibur'

And if we use that reasoning, excalibur, the prisma skin and the proto skin are just as much excalibur prime as the prime.


If a founder seriously gets his balls hung high over that, he's overreacting like potassium in water.


I didn't say it was an Excalibur Prime, but it's certainly a special item.

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*Sighs* why do people assume its a SKIN, its clearly NOT


She said GEAR



Read people!


The poll its not for what its "supposed" to be. Its pretty clear that i china is not a skin. But we already had excal prime.

Thats for letting DE what the community wants. There is still room for it be be only a skin for us i think.


And "gear" still being pretty vague was not referred to excal umbra but to other Umbra Gear that will be released. Of course everything stated so far lets us think that will be a separate frame for us too.

Edited by JohnKable
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There are a lot of Bratons, too. Apart from the regular Braton, there's the MK-1, the Prime, and the Vandal! That's a lot of them. I wouldn't mind having it as a separate Warframe, with different stats, but slightly different that the Prime version, so it ain't just a cheap method of obtaining Excalibur Prime, and kick the Founders in the balls.

Its a tad different for weapons as the difference in stats actually matters.

I wouldn't count the Mk-1 because its simply a starter weapon and the vandle was a CB exclusive that almost no one has.

Which really narrows it down to two options that are widely available to everyone.


A third Excal doesn't bring anything new to the table except a slight variation in stats at best and at worst a whole lot of unnecessary drama with it.

Different stats from the prime would't make it any less of a kick in the ballz for those that care.

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There are a lot of Bratons, too. Apart from the regular Braton, there's the MK-1, the Prime, and the Vandal! That's a lot of them. I wouldn't mind having it as a separate Warframe, with different stats, but slightly different that the Prime version, so it ain't just a cheap method of obtaining Excalibur Prime, and kick the Founders in the balls.

I wouldn't mind Umbra being a separate warframe altogether either.

Edited by sushidubya
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I want it to be a skin. Why?


- It almost seems like a shady way to release a new Excalibur "Prime"

- We already have several Excalibur types

- Umbra seems like something the Chinese rushed into the game with no regard for the lore

- Many founders including me will lose even more trust to DE


Primarily though, it's the first reason. Excalibur Prime was exclusive to founders. "We would NEVER backstab our founders and re-release excalibur prime".... "We'll just make a new one and call it something else". Maybe that's ignorant of me, but it looks shady.

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I'm pretty sure it isn't a skin a lot of founders want it to be a skin so they can still use their "special excalibur prime" lol and not abandon it when Umbra comes.

Thats not true at all.

By that logic any variation of excal or skin even would be hurting our "special Excalibur prime".

A skin just makes more logical sense because 3 variations of one frame is overkill and terribly redundant, unless it brings something significantly new to the table other then looks and a minor stat change.


Quit with the flame baiting dude.

I've seen more non-founders have hissy fits over the issue then founders.

Most don't really seem to care a great deal and I would personally be happy for DE to re-release it (not that they will) if people didn't make such a big deal and whine about it so much.

Thats all besides the point though.


Point being, a skin just seems to make more logical sense.

Edited by StinkyPygmy
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Thats not true at all.

By that logic any variation of excal or skin even would be hurting our "special Excalibur prime".

A skin just makes more logical sense because 3 variations of one frame is overkill and terribly redundant, unless it brings something significantly new to the table other then looks and a minor stat change.


Quit with the flame baiting dude.

I've seen more non-founders have hissy fits over the issue then founders.

Most don't really seem to care a great deal.

look at the founder right above you lol it was perfect timing 

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look at the founder right above you lol it was perfect timing 

I only speak on my own behalf. And of course those whom Ive talked to about the issue.


mocking you, Hardly, if you want to take it that way, be my guest, there is a image, that's floating around, someone drew, pretty much is self-exploratory to founders.


I dissgaree cuz, we got far enough skins at it is, a new warframe/gear is better, chuold care less about Founders little prime stuff, I just want them as gear, only reason why you don't cuz, you think its dissing on your Excalibur prime  

And why is that an invalid reason to disagree on Umbra being released as a frame? Going against their promise on Excalibur Prime in such a shady way is not something that should be ignored. 

Edited by Zareek
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