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Neurodes Mapped To Earth Missions....


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...But they haven't been dropping since U17.


The reason why I'm making this thread is because this is getting to be unbearable. There are numerous things that require Neurodes to be made, and in the entire Origin System, Earth would be the only place to get it when I'm not modded enough to unlock Eris. I'm just not capable enough, ok?


But recently, after more than 10 mission runs, not even a single Neurode could be found, and I'm about to fresh out. How can this even be possible? I thought all resources are supposed to surface eventually. The most I got was 2 last week. TWO NEURODES.

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The drop rate of Neurodes is just ridiculous. I remember a few months ago, I made a thread about it that got a lot of attention where I logged all the missions I played on Earth/Eris/Derelict for a few days, and it ended up being like, a few dozen missions without a Neurode drop, but it never attracts any dev attention.


The drop rate of rare materials just isn't ok, it isn't RNG, its just a low drop rate, when you can do 10, 20, 30+ missions without them dropping.

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An easier farm would be Lephantis.

Do you even drop orokin cells mate?


All kidding aside... I too notice a lack of neurodes... I ran an earth excavation with a nekros and a pilfering swarm hydroid some time ago and got 4 neurodes in about 20 excavators. I've tried eris but that only resulted in unlimited nanospores. Vay Hek just takes way too long to farm properly... and then he drops a blue material >.< (he must be spying on Alad V on Jupiter). Lephantis requires keys that take 1 hour to build so farming that is also out of the question... At this point doing the raid followed by nightmare raid will give you 6 neurodes maximum if the G3 actually spawn like they should. So yeah... neurodes are the new neural sensors...


If only mutalist Alad V was playable on Eris without a key...

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Weirdest thing is, I've had entire weeks like this. Not one neurode, or neural, or Orokin. Then I've had weeks where one run on Jupiter will give four neural sensors in a single go of breaking boxes, Earth and Eris missions give at least one neurode guaranteed, Ceres similarly gives potatoes at a rate of maybe one per twenty minute run... meanwhile, Dark Sectors almost never give me anything, and Ruk, instead of being 50/50, in practice is more like 80% detonite OR 80% Orokin cell.

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In all honesty, I think there should be content that has a guaranteed chance of dropping a particular rare material. I would rather a grind than going out of my way to put up with hours of work for no reward.


Agreed. This is why I like seeing Cryotic requirements for gear. I know that all I have to do is grind and I'll make at least a bit of progress with each run.

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In all honesty, I think there should be content that has a guaranteed chance of dropping a particular rare material. I would rather a grind than going out of my way to put up with hours of work for no reward.

Agreed. This is why I like seeing Cryotic requirements for gear. I know that all I have to do is grind and I'll make at least a bit of progress with each run.





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Ran 2 syndicate missions on Earth. Killed every enemy and broke every container, and not a single neurode was to be found.


Gallium can be found by the dozens. Run any Uranus mission while casually killing enemies and you'll snag at least one gallium drop.

O cells are somewhat rarer, but they drop from every boss and are still pretty common in survivals.

Morphics are everywhere. I get at least 2 per syndicate mission, up to 6 or 7 if I'm lucky.

Neural sensors are pretty rare, but there's an easily repeatable boss that drops them in bundles of 1-3.

The only reliable method of obtaining neurodes is Lephantis, which requires players to horde ODA keys before trying to farm there. Eris is the most frustrating map tile, Earth is mediocre at best (and nobody really has a reason to go back there), and getting neurodes from the derelict is the same as buying a lotto scratch, hoping you win, and buying neurodes from the market with the money.


Edit: ran 2 Eris syndicate MDs with 800+ kills on both. No neurodes.

Edited by msterforks
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