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Wednesday 8/12 Hotfix Hype

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Well, let me apply this to two games that had a similar situation: Gundam VS Gundam and Soul Sacrifice.  Updates tend to be infrequent, once a month, but they had content that I looked forward to, why?


Because I loved the game.  When I found out something was happening with the game, I would get excited.  I picked GVG back up when I found out that you could now get some of the HUDs for free.  And I looked forward to the next crossover that Soul Sacrifice would do(Although the Gods Eater 2 one left me sad because we'll never get that game stateside)


Why not just..be patient?  It's not the end of the world if you don't get an update right away.  And if it bothers you that much, maybe write a letter to Microsoft explaining your issues with their certification system.

It's not like I don't get excited, it's just I keep up to date on what PC has, so by the time it gets to console, it's not as... Fresh.


Like Microsoft would give a crap.

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It's not like I don't get excited, it's just I keep up to date on what PC has, so by the time it gets to console, it's not as... Fresh.


Like Microsoft would give a crap.


Sadly enough, that's what happens when you play a version that's not the original.  It's just like with PSO2, Mabinogi, Payday 2, honestly any game.  They have to spend time making sure everything ports over alright, then they have to take it to cert, then they have to wait in line just like everyone else.


And who knows?  If enough people make a big enough ruckus they might review their policies.  Never know until you try.

Edited by UFOLoche
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