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New Melees A Bit Too Much Damage In Pvp


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channel+spin attack=one hit

same applies for nikanas, and kittag, didn`t see galative or magistar yet, but sure they both do the same

my issue with scidno and kittag, is the stupid amount of damage compared to attack rate with relentless assault, and since they`re heavy weapons, the block penalty doesn`t even matter for them

damage reduction is needed on the weapons mentioned above

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in my opinion, just remove the auto targeting from melee on conclave, it will solve most of it and skilled melee players wont have much of a problem.

that won`t really solve the issue, as the damage is the issue, aiming is no problem for most players (me included, i`m spamming scindo p now, the entire server is, why not me) and the damage is outrageous, sth like 120/hit, with tempo royale=rekt, and DE, DON`T go removing tempo royale again, deal with the real problem, and reduce the damage

EDIT: and it`s an option in gameplay settings

EDIT 2: martial magnetism

Edited by Bizzaro21
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They can also one shot if slam attack landed on top: http://gfycat.com/MetallicGlisteningHare

Only the Jat Kittag can AoE one shot. From my personal experience, gram and galatine must land directly on the target from higher up than just [sPACE] E.


Also, parkour 2.0, ctrl+[sPACE]+ point up - this will get you out of any melee combo even if they are using martial mag. 


I feel as if I should not being giving away these secrets of the conclave =)

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The damage of the Jat Kittag needs to be lowered a bit, as well as the ground slam attack's range. it can stagger and knock you down while you're in the air several feet overhead. it's ridiculous. I mean, on the ground, i understand. But why in the air, Why does it still hit me?

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The damage of the Jat Kittag needs to be lowered a bit, as well as the ground slam attack's range. it can stagger and knock you down while you're in the air several feet overhead. it's ridiculous. I mean, on the ground, i understand. But why in the air, Why does it still hit me?

kittag is the only one with this issue, others` issue is  their spin attacks, they one hit any frame when channeled, which is absurd, really

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They need to stop trying to justify sword alone in PvP.  Leave it in there as a challenge, but stop trying to make it viable because all it does is leave us with low skill OP melee weapons every time conclave gets updated/changed.

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They need to stop trying to justify sword alone in PvP.  Leave it in there as a challenge, but stop trying to make it viable because all it does is leave us with low skill OP melee weapons every time conclave gets updated/changed.

not to mention latron buffs, i`m still waiting until the war crime DE committed is removed from vectis, still no signs  of it coming

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They need to stop trying to justify sword alone in PvP.  Leave it in there as a challenge, but stop trying to make it viable because all it does is leave us with low skill OP melee weapons every time conclave gets updated/changed.

They want to make every gameplay style balanced, i dont see why no "balance" on some ways the melee, if they can do with guns....

Stop saying "melee slow skill"

Skill lost his sense...

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Oh please tell me how you just need to press E a couple of times against a "bullet jumping, air flipping, wall running target". Melee may take less skill but maybe you shouldn´t bother making arguments if you can´t be bothered to keep them free of obvious fallacious reasoning.

Because all you have to do with melee is press E in their general direction rather than actually aim at them and compensate for recoil, depending on the host latency, and in the case of some weapons, projectile speed.


Sorry, I didn't think anyone would need something so simple to actually be explained to them.

Edited by Aggh
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I could agree with nikanas nerf because of insane speed and damage output, but jat kittag? I mean come on, it's attack speed is so slow, you could roll out of range and shoot anyone swinging it. I have more problems with kogake boxers.

Edited by SeaUrchins
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Honestly I've just been running around with the Glaive, throwing it and detonating it while they ground slam and slash at the air, out of range of me. Its not an OP one shot, unless I hit them in the face (or they are playing Mag or Nyx), and I have to aim it.

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