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Volt's Rework! We Need It. We Want It!


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Wow, I thought I was the only one who thought Volt needed reworks.


Lemme toss in an opinion of my own.


It's just annoyance at Overload doe.



I think Overlord should be like Equinox's Metamorphosis, kinda like the opinion stated somewhere here. I think the same concept of Metamorphosis should apply to Overload. Like a switch between 'modes' I should say.


One would be the classic, with guns and standard Volt powers. He doesn't need any additional change on those three. A tactician that sets the stage of battle.


But when you press 4... Imagine Cole Macgrath when he has infinite electricity. That kind, but less... flashy. A walking transformer field with immense cc and an ability that deals additional electrical damage based on his enemy's max health. A Warframe 'Overloaded' with power.


All his abilities would be empowered and become high-damage abilities. And high-spammable too.


Shock: It would become... Joule Shock. A powerful blast of lightning that can be charged up. Half-charged, it becomes an empowered Shock. More chains, more stuns, and of course, 100% proc. More damage too. At max charge, you toss a little grenade of pure electrical energy that stuns all enemies in an AoE radius, dealing damage and applying a full electrical proc. Excellent for both crowd control and fireworks. Low energy cost, so you can spam it like frack too. Volt Prime should have thunderbolts striking down from the heavens, but basically the same effects. Range and Strength should amplify the effects even more. More range on the grenade and bolt, extra damage too. I figure Duration could be used to extend the length of the proc and stun too. Natural Talent should shorten the charge time.


The Electric Shield: This becomes the Weber Shield. If you click once, you deploy a standard E-shield. When you press the button again in a small time, you can attach it to yourself and move around, gaining the full benefits of said Shield, limited only by the duration. And also, it shouldn't be affected by AoE damage from explosions. There could be a little feature of shocking enemies when they touch the shield too. This one should be affected by Duration.


Speed.... I dunno about this one. It's plenty good as it is. Maybe they should add in a dodge factor of sorts, since Volt speeds up by increasing the vibration of his body via electric pulses (Just a theory...). And since he vibrates, there's a chance projectiles could just pass through him. And they should name it, Speed Hertz. And add a electrical damage to all his melee attacks, based on the enemy's max health. Duration and Strength should do for this. Strength to increase the percentage of max-health damage, and duration to increase the ability's length.


Overload is the factor in all this. Maybe the ability should have a passive and an active. Passively, Volt builds up a charge during a mission, enhanced more so when there are electrical parts around him. When it maxes out, Volt can cast Overload, draining the charges during the duration. He can deactivate it early, but the charges have to be maxed again to use Overload. Duration and Efficiency should affect the rate of the drain, and Natural Talent should increase the charge generation. It needs no energy, but his other abilities need it.


This is how I want Volt's abilities to be. Badass, and like the high-damage Warframe he was designed to be. I figure performance issues could pose a problem, since his abilities are a little complex.


But seriously, Volt's my main Warframe, he's my favorite Warframe. And I want to see him be reborn as a new lightning demigod that makes the likes of Loki and Excalibur bow down beneath his electrical might.


Rambling here now XD.

Edited by DK_Tenno
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Th buffs many of you are asking for seem completely unreasonable and ill conceived.

Volts shield absolutely should not absorb bombard rockets. Electricity doesn't absorb explosions and if THE defensive caster (Frost) can't do that why in the world would anyone think a mobile offensive caster should be able to?

Overload should not be a spamable hard cc capable of stun locking Enemie for extended periods of time. Th best cc should belong to the cc frames not the dmg or defensive frames. However as it stands the cc frames only have soft cc like confusion while others are getting much more powerful hard ccs like freezing them solid (Frost) or freezing them in time (Rhino) ect. If this trend continues cc frames will be absolutely useless bc everyone else will be able to do their job far better.

Volt has one of the most balanced kits of anyone. His 1 is a good, instant multi-target cc. 2 is great mobility, 3 is awesome defense. Volts buff came in the form of his prime getting overwhelming stat upgrades. If his powers get buffed any further they should reduce those bonus stat to be more in line with the other prime frames.

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Th buffs many of you are asking for seem completely unreasonable and ill conceived.

Volts shield absolutely should not absorb bombard rockets. Electricity doesn't absorb explosions and if THE defensive caster (Frost) can't do that why in the world would anyone think a mobile offensive caster should be able to?

Overload should not be a spamable hard cc capable of stun locking Enemie for extended periods of time. Th best cc should belong to the cc frames not the dmg or defensive frames. However as it stands the cc frames only have soft cc like confusion while others are getting much more powerful hard ccs like freezing them solid (Frost) or freezing them in time (Rhino) ect. If this trend continues cc frames will be absolutely useless bc everyone else will be able to do their job far better.

Volt has one of the most balanced kits of anyone. His 1 is a good, instant multi-target cc. 2 is great mobility, 3 is awesome defense. Volts buff came in the form of his prime getting overwhelming stat upgrades. If his powers get buffed any further they should reduce those bonus stat to be more in line with the other prime frames.


words of wisdom tho i disagree on the bombard part. at the moment explosive damage goes through any kind of barrier, be it skill or natural walls. not sure if this is even intended, but if it is i think the damage should at least be dampered, maybe also depending on distance from explosion center. bombards are kinda ridiculous atm anyway imo, at least in the void...

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words of wisdom tho i disagree on the bombard part. at the moment explosive damage goes through any kind of barrier, be it skill or natural walls. not sure if this is even intended, but if it is i think the damage should at least be dampered, maybe also depending on distance from explosion center. bombards are kinda ridiculous atm anyway imo, at least in the void...

I see what your saying but volts shield also provides an increase to dps when firing through it, changes projectiles into hit scan, provides infinite range for beams and has no health therefore no downside to blocking damage. it provides a lot of utility in addition to its defensive properties. I guess the core of the problem really isn't any ability it's the mechanics of explosions. Thy really shouldn't bypass any solid barrier be it walls, volts shield or snow globe.

I imagine it's probably difficult to code it properly. With snow globe its easy bc its a 360° barrier but with walls and volts shield there could be difficulty determining whether the player was completely behind cover or it there was partial cover or some angle that would allow the dmg to hit the player ect.

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(...) volts shield also (...) changes projectiles into hit scan, provides infinite range for beams (...)


Unfortunately it doesn't anymore since a recent hotfix and no official word if those features will return... Well if for the sake of balance i had to choose i guess i'd go for that again and put up with explosive damage :3 ... Or maybe let the shield at least work as a "gate" (speaking about reworks), so you can shoot beams through multiple shields, each one extending it by it's standard length.

Edited by Kotsender_Quasimir
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To be fair, I honestly want Overload gone entirely. Volt has always been about being a mobile damage dealer with high survivability. His biggest asset was always his ability to pick and choose when and where to fight, and nothing about being locked down for 2+ seconds in order to deal minimal damage across a wide area fits into that motif. During CBT, his ult was a monstrous damage dealer that cleared entire Exterminate missions with a single cast which is why his "no gunplay here" label exists. However, they nerfed that into the ground pretty quickly, and now that its only real component is gone (damage), it's simply useless in its current iteration.

If they want his speed to make late-game melee viable per his "utility" role:

My 2 quick changes I keep saying over and over...

1. Shield grows with each level increase; shocks like his one if enemy contacts it.

2. Overload becomes "Living Lighntning":

1. Casting and damage animation time reduced by 50% to keep kinetic synergy.

2. Causes technological weapons to temporarily malfunction.(think radial disarm)

3. Grants minor buff to armor and elemental damage RESISTANCES as Volt becomes more of an energy being with cool changes to his cosmetics.

4. Grants minor heal.


Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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Wall of text incoming!!!!


Now my idea for a rework/update is for volt to have a lot of synergy between his powers. Some powers would work well together, while some would work well with others. Now with that in mind here is my idea on what his powers should be like.


v  Power #1: Shock – Now the utility of Shock is, I think, the best feature of it. Though as I’m sure many have said before, the power in the “Endgame” is kind of lacking. So my idea to remedy this, (So as to not make him too OP) is to be able to “Charge” his Shock. An example would be like how we use the Bow, you can quick fire it or you can charge it to add more power to it. If you choose to charge Shock, the energy cost would then be double or triple of what the quick cast would cost. Also if you think it’s too slow to charge, you can use Natural Talent to speed thing up a bit.


o   Tweak #2: Now we all know that when you cast Shock on someone they get stunned, and then when you cast Shock on them again………nothing happens. Some people have suggested to renew the stun, but I don’t think that’s a good idea as if we do that, then we can just perma stun-lock. So my idea is that, if an enemy has the stun proc on them and you cast Shock on them again, it would create a crash of thunder, which would either blind or disarm enemies, in like a 3m radius for about 5-10 seconds. Since lightning is bright and thunder is loud, you’re either blinded and cover your eyes, or your eardrums are ruptured and you cover your ears. It’s random as to which status effect it would be. A limitation to it would be that you have to “Charge” Shock and connect it with the enemy, not as a chained shock.


o   Tweak #3: You should be able to chain between Allies when using Shock Trooper Augment Mod, for easier targeting.


v  Power #2: Speed – I like Speed as a whole, but I was thinking of getting rid of the power. Instead I would merge it into Volt’s “Ultimate”, since if you “Overload” you have too much energy contained and a good way to release it is with Speed.


o   Tweak #2: As mentioned above, another good way to release that energy is to combine Shocking Speed Augment Mod into the ability itself.


v  Power #2.5: Electric Shield – Widely considered Volt’s mainstay ability, it’s one of the best defensive abilities in the game, IMO. Now, many people think that since we have Odonata’s shield that’s movable, why not Volt’s? But if that happens, what happens to the team’s defensive part of it? Now, I think it would suit Volt’s theme for it to be interchangeable. What I mean by that is, if you press the power once, it would raise a shield that you “hold” it in front of you, like Odonata’s does. With this setup it would be a constant drain on your energy, until you press the power again. Now, if you press the power twice rapidly, with or without you holding the shield, it would then raise the big shield we have now. I think this way we could have the best of both worlds, with the small movable shield fitting into the “Untamable” aspect of lightning, and the defensive part of Volt’s kit we have now.


o   Tweak #2: Now one of the biggest flaws with Electric Shield IMO, is that when you pop one up and an enemy walks through it, absolutely nothing happens to him. I mean it’s an ELECTRIC Shield, shouldn’t something happen to him?  So what I was thinking is that if you cast Shock on the shield, it will energize it so that when you do so. Meaning that it will either have no visual effect or just make it so that when enemies pass though it they will receive a stun. Or it will have a visual effect by having lightning arc off of it, and when an enemy comes into range of it, it will stun them.


v  Power #3: Overload – I liked the idea that some people brought up, that when you “Overload” Volt, you will energize him with power. As I mentioned in my Speed part of this rework, when you overload you will then try to release the energy by gaining the Speed ability. With Overload you will also have an upgraded recharge time on your shields AND in the recharge DELAY of your shields. Since we have no mod that does that, it would be a nice passive perk for Volt.


o   Tweak #2: Now the way this would work with the Shock ability is that when you cast it with Overload on, it would then transform the single Shock bolt into Chain Lightning, pretty much like in Star Wars.


o   Tweak #3: When you cast Electric Shield with Overload on, it would create on Overshield on the team, which would fill as you use your powers, and only powers, to damage enemies. You yourself would NOT get Overshield as you get the upgrades recharge and delay times to your shields. While in Overload you will not be able to gain energy at all, from any source, since you are already too “Full” of energy as it is.


o   Tweak #4: (#4 Power) – Does not effect it, so as to not make it too OP.


§  Too not make it too overpowered, after an effective time of let’s say 15 seconds, you lose ALL of your energy, it will be your “get out of jail card” in a way.


v  Power #4: Lightning Storm – This power would take over the “Ultimate” in Volt’s powers. Unlike the “old” Overload, which was situational and it was only really effective inside, this one would be able to be used inside and out. What would happen if you cant figure it out would be, Volt would summon from the sky (Outside) or the ceiling (Inside), a Lightning Storm. To keep with Volt’s uncontrollable electrical power, it would be able to be cast on the move.


o   What would happen when cast is that Volt will glow with his energy color (Like Channeling), and after a “Warm-up” time of 3 seconds, will shoot a bolt of lightning into the sky/ceiling. (Or something similar) Which after a second, will then rain down multiple bolts of lightning to strike enemies up to a 50m radius which will also chain between enemies.


§  Note: This power will NOT require electronics, but like in the old Overload, will add to the damage when the lightning comes down. Also as to not make it so situational and a one-time deal.



Awesome ideas - especially with the lighting storm that would make him a force to be reckoned with. All hail the sith-lord master race !>

especially in pvp

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  • 3 weeks later...

I like what people are talking about on this topic specifically working on volts fourth ability which let's face it, it's useless. I had an idea for re-doing his third ability to coincide with his skill set.  I think that his third ability should be left alone, but  when he walks through the shield it conforms to his body kind of like rhino skin but with the same limited duration as the regular shield ability. This would work with his quick mobility while still being able to provide cover with that shield that we all know and love. This gives volt two options when casting his shield ability, like Atlases rock wall. 

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Sooo many Volt threads to spam in....


Leave his 1-3 alone. They are perfect.


Keep Overload. Keep it's base damage and range as-is, but do the following:


1. Change the cast animation to something quick like Nova's for MP. As cool as the current animation looks, it wastes time that could be used to shoot or use other skills. In fact, Nova's animation is actually perfect for it, it can be cast in mid-air like current Overload, it's quick, and the punch the ground animation matches up with Overload's shock wave originating from below.


2. Really buff the stun time. Either just give the base time a large buff, or have duration effect it. Or some combo of the two, as most Volt players are increasing duration for ES and Speed anyway, so it works out. Make it a good close up AoE stunning skill. Maybe make the effected enemies vulnerable to finishers in this extended shock animation? That could turn out to be too powerful though.


This would make Overload a nice "panic button" for yourself as well as nearby teammates and objectives that are getting rushed, without turning it into something that would be abused and used as press 4 to win, nor something that completely takes over his purpose like Exalted Blade did with Excal.

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Hey guys I haven't catched up with the thread nor have I checked it lately but I will be doing it today and adressing everyone. So just wait for my next message or edit of this one, what ever comes first


apart of that I will be adding to the main post and to this one some more ideas that I have since the Saryn rework is live and inspired me a lot for some cool volt ideas!


First EDIT: Can we have a mod make this into a MEGATHREAD? I know for sure that several members from the DE team have alrady adressed this post and it's in their "notepads" if you know what I mean :D It'd be nice if this became a megathread of future references.




Second EDIT:


New Ideas I got after Saryn rework & others. (This will be included in the main post too)


Electricity is such a strong power, it could be much more in the hands of Volt!!!


(Art by Beriuos http://beriuos.deviantart.com/art/WF-Insane-Volt-405026309)


Another idea for Volt's Overload Rework:

We already agreed that volt's skill set is pretty much ok as it is, except Overload... most people just want a rework for overload since it really does need to be better if it wants to be on par with the rest of frames.


First of all, while we could take a plain buff to damage that wouldn't solve the problem of having the wave travel to reach enemies, having the far away enemies shoting at you while it reaches them is no fun.


So why don't we get instead:


-an electric blast/explosion centered on volt that covers the range area instantly instead of slowly expanding.


-all the targets within the range radius have lightning/thunders fall on them for the damage of overload


example animation:



As for the current "requirement" of electronics to be around if you want to deal good damage...It really limits volt...a lot...something needs to be done about this. He can't be as usesul in maps that don't contain them and he can only use them once. Instead of a "requirement" it should be a bonus. That or change his interation with them instead of destroying them he could drain from them to empower himself...


The electric charges system:


After seeing Saryn rework and how you need to stack procs on targets and build up the combo for miasma to be deadly I thought...what if volt had the same thing?


If everytime a target is struck or gets an electric procs (from Volt only, be weapons or skills) an electric charge is added to said enemy. These electric charges could be dependant on power duration and would add bonuses to what volts skills do to them or just add plain damage or longer stuns.



(charges would or wouldn't be stackable depending on how complex we want the system to be)

For example: cast number 1 on a target he gets electric proc and shocked. a charge is added to them. volt casts overload and targets currently holding an electric charge are targeted instantly and take more damage.


When you cast volt's 2, speed you also add electricity to your weapon like toxic lash does to saryn and this electricity would again add a charge to enemies struck


For volt's 3, enemies that try to cross volt's electric shield while holding a charge are stunned or simply can't go through it..they are attuned against the shield energy. Or instead have it easier: bullets shot through the shield apply charges.


Then you'd have the big number 4, overload doing a lot of crazy stuff depending on the charges enemies have and proximity of several enemies having charges so it arcs between them or not.




Let me know more of your ideas! Volt and his electric powers could be so much more than what he is right now...I want to see a cool Volt that is on par with the rest of frames when it comes to rock and roll time!

Edited by Domaik
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Hey guys I haven't catched up with the thread nor have I checked it lately but I will be doing it today and adressing everyone. So just wait for my next message or edit of this one, what ever comes first


apart of that I will be adding to the main post and to this one some more ideas that I have since the Saryn rework is live and inspired me a lot for some cool volt ideas!


First EDIT: Can we have a mod make this into a MEGATHREAD? I know for sure that several members from the DE team have alrady adressed this post and it's in their "notepads" if you know what I mean :D It'd be nice if this became a megathread of future references.




Second EDIT:


New Ideas I got after Saryn rework & others. (This will be included in the main post too)


Electricity is such a strong power, it could be much more in the hands of Volt!!!


(Art by Beriuos http://beriuos.deviantart.com/art/WF-Insane-Volt-405026309)


Another idea for Volt's Overload Rework:

We already agreed that volt's skill set is pretty much ok as it is, except Overload... most people just want a rework for overload since it really does need to be better if it wants to be on par with the rest of frames.


First of all, while we could take a plain buff to damage that wouldn't solve the problem of having the wave travel to reach enemies, having the far away enemies shoting at you while it reaches them is no fun.


So why don't we get instead:


-an electric blast/explosion centered on volt that covers the range area instantly instead of slowly expanding.


-all the targets within the range radius have lightning/thunders fall on them for the damage of overload


example animation:



As for the current "requirement" of electronics to be around if you want to deal good damage...It really limits volt...a lot...something needs to be done about this. He can't be as usesul in maps that don't contain them and he can only use them once. Instead of a "requirement" it should be a bonus. That or change his interation with them instead of destroying them he could drain from them to empower himself...


The electric charges system:


After seeing Saryn rework and how you need to stack procs on targets and build up the combo for miasma to be deadly I thought...what if volt had the same thing?


If everytime a target is struck or gets an electric procs (from Volt only, be weapons or skills) an electric charge is added to said enemy. These electric charges could be dependant on power duration and would add bonuses to what volts skills do to them or just add plain damage or longer stuns.



(charges would or wouldn't be stackable depending on how complex we want the system to be)

For example: cast number 1 on a target he gets electric proc and shocked. a charge is added to them. volt casts overload and targets currently holding an electric charge are targeted instantly and take more damage.


When you cast volt's 2, speed you also add electricity to your weapon like toxic lash does to saryn and this electricity would again add a charge to enemies struck


For volt's 3, enemies that try to cross volt's electric shield while holding a charge are stunned or simply can't go through it..they are attuned against the shield energy. Or instead have it easier: bullets shot through the shield apply charges.


Then you'd have the big number 4, overload doing a lot of crazy stuff depending on the charges enemies have and proximity of several enemies having charges so it arcs between them or not.




Let me know more of your ideas! Volt and his electric powers could be so much more than what he is right now...I want to see a cool Volt that is on par with the rest of frames when it comes to rock and roll time!

not a bad idea.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys I haven't catched up with the thread nor have I checked it lately but I will be doing it today and adressing everyone. So just wait for my next message or edit of this one, what ever comes first


apart of that I will be adding to the main post and to this one some more ideas that I have since the Saryn rework is live and inspired me a lot for some cool volt ideas!


First EDIT: Can we have a mod make this into a MEGATHREAD? I know for sure that several members from the DE team have alrady adressed this post and it's in their "notepads" if you know what I mean :D It'd be nice if this became a megathread of future references.




Second EDIT:


New Ideas I got after Saryn rework & others. (This will be included in the main post too)


Electricity is such a strong power, it could be much more in the hands of Volt!!!


(Art by Beriuos http://beriuos.deviantart.com/art/WF-Insane-Volt-405026309)


Another idea for Volt's Overload Rework:

We already agreed that volt's skill set is pretty much ok as it is, except Overload... most people just want a rework for overload since it really does need to be better if it wants to be on par with the rest of frames.


First of all, while we could take a plain buff to damage that wouldn't solve the problem of having the wave travel to reach enemies, having the far away enemies shoting at you while it reaches them is no fun.


So why don't we get instead:


-an electric blast/explosion centered on volt that covers the range area instantly instead of slowly expanding.


-all the targets within the range radius have lightning/thunders fall on them for the damage of overload


example animation:



As for the current "requirement" of electronics to be around if you want to deal good damage...It really limits volt...a lot...something needs to be done about this. He can't be as usesul in maps that don't contain them and he can only use them once. Instead of a "requirement" it should be a bonus. That or change his interation with them instead of destroying them he could drain from them to empower himself...


The electric charges system:


After seeing Saryn rework and how you need to stack procs on targets and build up the combo for miasma to be deadly I thought...what if volt had the same thing?


If everytime a target is struck or gets an electric procs (from Volt only, be weapons or skills) an electric charge is added to said enemy. These electric charges could be dependant on power duration and would add bonuses to what volts skills do to them or just add plain damage or longer stuns.



(charges would or wouldn't be stackable depending on how complex we want the system to be)

For example: cast number 1 on a target he gets electric proc and shocked. a charge is added to them. volt casts overload and targets currently holding an electric charge are targeted instantly and take more damage.


When you cast volt's 2, speed you also add electricity to your weapon like toxic lash does to saryn and this electricity would again add a charge to enemies struck


For volt's 3, enemies that try to cross volt's electric shield while holding a charge are stunned or simply can't go through it..they are attuned against the shield energy. Or instead have it easier: bullets shot through the shield apply charges.


Then you'd have the big number 4, overload doing a lot of crazy stuff depending on the charges enemies have and proximity of several enemies having charges so it arcs between them or not.




Let me know more of your ideas! Volt and his electric powers could be so much more than what he is right now...I want to see a cool Volt that is on par with the rest of frames when it comes to rock and roll time!

I like your ideas for volt i would like to know what you think of mine on my thread.


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