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Frost Vs Limbo



I built Frost a while back, but I found him to be pretty boring (though very useful) just sitting inside my snow globe and occasionally going outside to use Ice Wave (which didn't seem to do much damage) and Avalanche. I have yet to build Limbo, but from what I've read, he seems like he could be more useful since he has skills for protecting teammates.


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Limbo is commonly referred to as the 'late-game' Frost. Generally speaking, Cataclysm does not have a health bar and enemies can still die from abilities that are cast in the Rift. Get a Mesa and enough buffers in your Cataclysm bubble and you can go much further than a Frost. Not to mention Banish is incredibly powerful for saving Kubrows or teammates. You can even Banish a specter and have an invincible decoy. You could even Banish Loki's decoy...

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F- Has survivability without powers. All the augments are very good and helpful in most ways.

Chilling globe with a max range-duration bubble against infested is unmatched. 

Snow globe is needed for any tower defense.

Ice waves slow can add to the snow globes speed decrease.


Often gets to stay in the bubble and little else.

Only used on (mobile) Defense. 


Limbo can be combo'ed with mesa for energy and still shoots.

Volt to shoot through the shield.

Haven can heal team mates with banish.

Cataclysm is good for infested defenses and combo'ed with a mesa even more so.

Overlooked, but over powered.

Never runs out of energy with rift walk.

Very fun to use!


Not good for use on missions where pick ups are needed.


Hope this helps!

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In the game's current state, Limbo is a high skill cap frame. Is he meant to be? Probably... However, The challenge isn't related to his toolkit directly. The cast speeds without natural talent is just unacceptably slow and you have to be extremely aware due to how squishy he is. Situational awareness and your ability to come up with a plan based on said info asap is key. 


As a defender, he's fairly good. You just have to get the globe size and duration at a good point that you can manage with as little of downtime as possible. Limbo VS Frost? They each have their places. 

Edited by RafaelFuchs
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Yeah, Limbo is very specific and limited in his uses. He is very good at the few things he does, but it is ALL he does. I'd say Frost is more versatile and still better for defence, as you can shoot people outside frosts bubble and not limbo cataclysm. And if they come inside frost bubble, they are so slow they are hardly a threat where in cataclysm they move full speed and can hurt you just as easily, yet take more damage. In the end, we all have gotten to the point where we can damage the enemies without needing a cataclysm to increase damage, but the pods we defend and ourselves still can't take much damage from T4 enemies and such, making Frost more useful in my opinion. Not to mention Frost can deal damage much more effectively against groups.

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The main difference I see:


Frost usually only piss people off by 'protecting' the enemies with Globe in the lines of fire.

Limbo has more troll potential :)


j/k ;)


Think agree with above posts, that it is more a matter of skill and team coordination. Limbo has more interesting potential, but requires more skills and better team coordination. Frost is "boring", but can seldom be "wrong".

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There is nothing I have done that I would take Limbo over Frost, but that's just a personal preference. They both have their own unique flavor and play style as has been stated above. Limbo definitely takes more skill and awareness on your part to pull off successfully in a team. The moment you cast one of Limbo's powers in the wrong place preventing a team mate from getting an important pick up, expect to hear about it. Now, if you find Frost that boring, I would definitely suggest taking Limbo to Coba on Earth and playing around with him and his powers a bit. It's as good a place as any for practice sessions and where I spent my early time with him just getting used to him. You also will typically just play with a lot of new randoms who will appreciate the protection he offers while not worrying about any location issues you may accidentally incur by putting Cataclysm over some drops. 


I personally prefer Frost, but honestly that is more due to the fact that I just like the frame itself better. I absolutely hate the way Limbo looks! LOL

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Frost has an excellent toolkit right now. It's not hard to maintain a globe and add in some additional snares to protect it from meleers. Limbo has the advantage of being able to leave the globe to hunt down priority targets safely, and added energy generation for the team. So on an ability heavy team, especially with Volt and/or Mesa, Limbo is probably a better option, while the rest of the time Frost has a better toolkit for keeping the pod safe, especially when playing with a disarm Loki.

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As a Frost user before update 17 I find more value in Frost as he can refresh his snowglobe and fortify it every recast, compared to Limbo where if the wave lasts too long, you have give the pod a moment of vulnerability to recast it. Another issue is with melee enemies getting too close. Frost's ice wave now projects in a cone, and with ice wave impedance, that means a giant ice floor to slow enemies down, making headshots and lining up shots easy picking. Snowglobe also throws enemies outside of its range AND freezes them, expelling any potential threats like ancients, fusion MOAs, and butchers for a brief amount of time. Limbo's cataclysm cannot do that but its main priority is to protect the globe allowing it to be less range dependent than snowglobe since bombards outside of the rift can't do jack as long as the pod is in said rift. Now to shoot outside the rift you need volt, while with snowglobe you don't. Yes, the rift can give a lot of energy, but a trinity can also restore energy while also capable of restoring health more effectively. While energy vamp can't restore mesa's energy during peacemaker, limbo can only slow down the drain and whether its frost or limbo, she -should- remain well protected to restore her energy.

TL;DR both can carry you far but limbo might need certain requirements, have both though and you shouldn't have any downsides to worry too much about

Edited by VengefulFenrir
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One of the biggest advantages Limbo had over Frost was that he was able to protect the pod/group without having to stay within the dome, constantly recasting. This was somewhat mitigated when they implemented stacking globes, which allows the globe to reach a high enough health to not require constant maintenance. This occurs because the health added to the globe during the absorption phase passes along to the next globe. As such, the globe health can scale with enemy damage and be useful at any level range.


Instead of constantly recasting every 4 seconds, you can do this 4-5 times and then take a 20 second 'break' to run around and loot, etc. You didn't used to be able to do this before and it severely limited Frost's options. Now that you can, he's in a much better position to contend with Limbo for endless defenses. 

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I prefer frost because i find him more all-around built after the rework, he have defensive, aggressive and CC abilities the make him way more fun and i use him a lot now, i even consider him as one of my favs now. yea, limbo is probably better for super late stuff. but 60+ waves/minutes t4 was never my kind of fun.

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Public game players prefer Frost, it's harder to be prema -troll.

Limbo in public game, if that player is playing for fun/troll, you'r trolled for the entire session till u leave. (banish on you or enemy, or banish on a ice eximus)

Edited by low1991
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Depends entirely on player skill imo, both are effective but limbo is more difficult to use than frost. They are also slightly situational depending on team. I'd put them in equal terms with limbo being the one requiring more skill to use effectively.

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With my earned experience I can tell you that you can't take Frost's and Limbo's play styles as close similars.

While Frost is focused on being defensive, slowing enemies while removing their armor and just straight being a bullet sponge, Limbo is more on avoiding damage at all in all the builds you mught be able pulling out for end-game because of its low armor and a health that isn't really that impressive.

With Frost you might have the feeling of playing a 3D tower defense game (the ones where you place the various turrets next to a path where the enemies walk), but with a dinamic team you will also be able not being just the shield deployer, but actually a great overall supportive unit, and with this you'll also be able running around as all enemies you will face will be almost completely frozen in place.

With Limbo you're gonna play an apparently less important but crucial role for the successfull accomplishment of defense missions, taking down heavy and high priority units, reviving enemies enen while sorrounded by loads of enemies and activating the "emergency switch" (Cataclysm, the last line of oefense) for when Frost's Snow Globe's down and none of you can't reach the pod because you're both busy with a group of enemies, since you can deploy the Cataclysm from the distance and in complete safety, if someone gets in, then, you can kill them because they prioritize the pod and you're in Rift Walk with Rift Surge.

As you can read, I made obvious the synergy between Frost and Limbo working together to have an effective end game defense, at my opinion choosing between one or the other isn't what should be done, but instead take the full pack.

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objectively limbos bubble is more "absolute" no splash damage from aoes no health but it does have a glaring weakness... two really visibility and weapon effectiveness. unless you also bring a volt your weapons inside the globe are useless and since your weapons are useless your spamming your abilities so you need a trinity to keep up on energy (no the 2 energy per second from rift does not keep up with ulting ever 5 seconds) thus in a limbo defense team you typically require either volt or trinity if not both which really locks down your effective team compositions. while a frost is vulnerable to HP and splash damage using 235% range to make your "saftey circle" which is about 4m closer to the center of the globe than the actual wall is, much bigger. also you can stack the globes with enough energy to create enough to handle high enemy damage. also his globe freezes/slows enemies and can force enemies out of it limbo can not do that once they are in you better kill them before they kill you.

TLDR they both have their weaknesses however frost can internally compensate for his while limbo requires on team mates to compensate for the weaknesses he posses. additionally frost opens up a wider selection for team compositions while providing better visibility. 90% of the time frost is the wiser choice.

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Public game players prefer Frost, it's harder to be prema -troll.

Limbo in public game, if that player is playing for fun/troll, you'r trolled for the entire session till u leave. (banish on you or enemy, or banish on a ice eximus)

If he banishes you, either roll to get out of Rift or just cast free abilities.

If he banishes an eximus and nothing else, run away from it.

Edited by Zolfan
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I got a warning and a point for saying people who play limbo are usually trolls.... and "swearing" when I used "#$%^^$" instead of actually posting an offensive word..... what is this??? Moderator who is power hngry >.>

I got a warning and a point for saying people who play limbo are usually trolls.... and "swearing" when I used "#$%^^$" instead of actually posting an offensive word..... what is this??? Moderator who is power hngry >.>

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I got a warning and a point for saying people who play limbo are usually trolls.... and "swearing" when I used "#$%^^$" instead of actually posting an offensive word..... what is this??? Moderator who is power hngry >.>

I got a warning and a point for saying people who play limbo are usually trolls.... and "swearing" when I used "#$%^^$" instead of actually posting an offensive word..... what is this??? Moderator who is power hngry >.>

Wouldn't this be better in its own topic since the warning has nothing to do with the frost vs limbo argument itself? Edited by VengefulFenrir
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I Made 50 + minutes with Frost. I give u one tip 4 the Future. Use ur iwi and ur full cap of the 4 globes u aint need a globe with much health u need ur 4 globes to checjpoint for melee or for switch from one punish room to the other. USE THE 4 BUBBLES DUDES IT WILL HELP IN A ROOM FOR SPEEDING THROUGH THEM END KILL EVERY MOB IN SEKONDS!!

T4 surv. I mean solo

Without any focus schooled Operator

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