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Remove Lynx From The Simulacrum


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Great job on removing ambulas and the baliff defector from the simulacrum, they were too much fun.

Lynx needs to be removed next, he is a "mini boss" and can't be allowed in simulacrum. Because we can't have players having fun now can we? Don't forget, we don't want to give players a reason to use the codex scanner on bosses.

Remember not to add the riot moas, even for the players who put the effort into scanning all 3 types.


Another thing, the infested juggernaut, Manic, and Manic bombard need to be removed. They are too unique, and we run the risk of players having fun. Remember we can't let the players have fun. Number 1 rule.

Just as a side note, don't add any bosses(captain vor, jackal, etc.). Remember, no fun allowed.


Don't bother making any quality of life changes to the simulacrum either. This includes letting players access simulacrum from liset, letting players go to arsenal in the simulacrum, inviting other players, a recently spawned list, a spawn previous button, reducing the blind you get from falling off the map, adding walls so people don't fall off the map, spawning enemies in the center of the simulacrum instead of the edges, and removing the level cap.

We have to make the simulacrum experience as tedious, frustrating and irritating as we can so people don't have fun.


Don't ever let players get a refund on that 50,000 standing either. 


For those who didn't get it, that was sarcasm


For some reason DE removes stuff from the simulacrum. I have no idea why. Stuff should be ADDED to the simulacrum.


The simulacrum has been ignored for far too long, even though i find it to be the most fun part of warframe by far.






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These guys are having fun.

On a serious note, I agree. Nothing should be removed, only added. It's not even logical to remove bosses from a hologram practise fight arena. Seems that is exactly what you want.

Scan should equal ability to learn weaknesses. As it is now, it's a novelty, even useless unless your the type guy to test damage...

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