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Maybe Just Saying The Obvious, But...


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Yeah, so people has been asking themselves lots of times what the Tenno are without the Warframes.


Aiming to a thing really close to humans with void cracking is the good way to go. That, being said that cryostasis has lasted for milleniums.


Don't think we are actual lore species, because, you know, evolution, and things like that happen.


Yup, just wanted to leave this here b'cause some people think we're futuristic guys, and they don't realize we've sleeping for a lot of time :P


And, that's the title for. I'm pretty sure there were people who knew this, but...


I hadn't seen it in General Discussion so I wanted to leave it here.


inb4 possible lock LOL


So, whatever we are, DE plz let us play w/out helmets in missions when we finish Second Dream xddd

Edited by Hecro
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It would be cool to see if we receive a glimpse on what the Tenno look like without their frames (I want to see some skin)


Perhaps in the upcoming "The Second Dream" quest we will get a bit of insight on our player characters.


Could be interesting to see what DE has in store. :)

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Well, this can go one of three ways.


1: DE says no and we just deal with it.

2: DE says ok and makes some awesomeness happen.

or 3: DE says yes and makes a custom character face creation thing. Unique faces for all! (This is the least likely of the three as that would be a LOT of work to get everything right, and DE has enough to work on right now so it would be sloppy or unfinished)

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There has been a really popular theory about the tenno being spirit like beings. This is supported by the fact, that we can change warframes in a matter of seconds and freely change our appearance gender and powers. The matter inside the frame might be infested and the tenno are only controlling the matter.

It is also supported by the fact, that in pvp the tenno drop what is called "oro" which is simply a glowing something. The first few tenno we know about where people altered by the void but what if later the tenno can leave this body and claim another?

Only the inside of a warframe is considered a tenno.


What if we as tenno are simply the mind of a warframe? What if the PLAYER is the MIND of the tenno, or the player IS the tenno?

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I am not sure if we're ever going to get to truly know what is beneath our Warframe. We do however know that the Tenno are shaped as humanoids and have wants and needs...have a resemblance of a soul, thought process...even feelings. The fact that the Chinese version of  Warframe does show that there are humans beneath that frame brings up a lot of questions and the want to figure out what's really there. I think for us, the humans playing the game it would be easier to see us within the frames if we were to know that the Tenno are in fact human. However, just because we see that they display the traits I listed above...in the future of this made up world; who knows what other beings or technology could become something so close as to a human. I mean, even in our real world we have A.I. that could fool us into thinking it is a human. Who knows?


I do hope though that soon we would be able to know more about the Tenno and the Lotus...and where do we stand now within the world.


And even though I said what I said, it would be great to finally see ourselves unmasked. *crossing fingers* and waiting for more lore to come <3

Edited by Draven_Luv
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So, to sum up, what I wanted to say is that the human-like (or even human) theory is easier to be fulfilled than maybe any other, as, yeah, we were in cryosleep, without possibility to evolve any further.

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There has been a really popular theory about the tenno being spirit like beings. This is supported by the fact, that we can change warframes in a matter of seconds and freely change our appearance gender and powers. The matter inside the frame might be infested and the tenno are only controlling the matter.

It is also supported by the fact, that in pvp the tenno drop what is called "oro" which is simply a glowing something. The first few tenno we know about where people altered by the void but what if later the tenno can leave this body and claim another?

Only the inside of a warframe is considered a tenno.


What if we as tenno are simply the mind of a warframe? What if the PLAYER is the MIND of the tenno, or the player IS the tenno?

You know, that slender persons could fit in all frames and they may just look like one gender because of esthetic reasons?

Edited by Xilrus
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I suspect we'll certainly be humanoid and recognizably human-like, but we are not exactly human - too much time has passed between now and that far future, for us to be called human as such.  Of course the real test would be if we could interbreed with humans, and we don't know what the lore would say about that - but I doubt it.


If anything we are mutated/altered Orokin.  Orokin are what humans become in the far future.  The same but different, evolved.


So I don't think we'll have pretty boy/girl anime features.  But we won't be quite as ugly and distorted as Grineer either.  Just human-like, but not quite human.  Like Kubrow are dog-like, but not quite dogs.

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