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Natah Quest - Small Inconsistency In The Defence Mission


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While playing the Natah Quest and being semi-aware of the things happening there due to me wondering if I can play the game after having a few drinks of martinis while reading "The Children of Men" at the same time, which ended up with me forgetting most of the plot of "The Children of Men" and having a bitter aftertaste in my mouth from probably too much vermouth, the Defence Mission of the Natah Quest sends the player to detonate a bomb in order to seal the tomb with magma (and as a volcanologist might remind us: Magma is underground lava). However, when I got to the site, this is displayed: 






The main issue is that the bomb is just named as "Warframe Cryopod", which is stretching willing suspension of disbelief quite a bit (reused assets are not much of a problem, for I remember Once Awake did that as well with the Cascade Bomb). Thusly, I will suggest to rename the defence objective in this quest's mission to be called "Bomb", or something along the lines of a bomb. 


This might also be the case for other Uranus Defence Missions that take place in the Sealab, but since I have not played any Uranus Defence Missions since U17, I do not know if that is the case. 

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The main issue is that the bomb is just named as "Warframe Cryopod"...

From what I noticed, those were actual cryopods.  There were no bombs.  Had my mind all messed about the storyline and killed my immersion.


I assumed those were long forgotten Tenno lost underground and Tyl Regor happened to dig them up.    Hate to say this but... cut-scenes would have done this quest some justice.  Using my imagination just wasn't working this time around.


However, I did enjoy the quest.  It was mystifying to see those Sentient drones.

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From what I noticed, those were actual cryopods.  There were no bombs.  Had my mind all messed about the storyline and killed my immersion.


I assumed those were long forgotten Tenno lost underground and Tyl Regor happened to dig them up.    Hate to say this but... cut-scenes would have done this quest some justice.  Using my imagination just wasn't working this time around.

Personally, I do not really mind the reused assets, since I wagered that very few players would go so far to look at the details, but if pressed for a change, I would just remove the Warframes inside the cryopod, then make the glass opaque. Then, at least it will look like a new type of bomb. 

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I personally would like the pods being changed into more scene appropriate bomb defense points like the 'Defend the bomb' defense point from the Once Awake quest. While I am sure that detonating Tenno would probably be somewhat effective in making a big boom, it was probably intended for bombs to be the defense points since the Lotus is referring to us defending bombs and not rigged Tenno Cryopods.

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I don't really care about lore bombs this mission threw at us.

The amount of inconsistences and bad storytelling on Natah are terrible.

The example you made was just some cherry on the top of the cake ruining suspension of disbelief and immersion in the quest.
Also 4 people trolling each other on the same communication channel, Tyl Regor chatting at the cellphone instead than following the operation, we were never present in the hot zone, we were always late or locked in a stupid survival farming Life Supports.

I really hope DE will change this in a second moment or at least they won't repeat this on next quests... Thinking about "the Second Dream" kinda scares me.

Edited by Burnthesteak87
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I agree very much! The game is filling up with inconsistencies and non-sequitur voice lines that make no sense and make everything feel sloppy and unfinished. This is just one example. Why isn't there an actual BOMB in that mission? Was that so very hard to code?

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