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So I Got Tired Of Mesa Complaints


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so like ash that goes 44444444444 only diff is he has to aim again when his duration is over and then press 4 again and its cutscene time again, also ash can do that for so much longer, no one complains about ash... because well its ash


The same issue applies to Ash, Hydroid, and Banshee. I've mentioned it on threads about all of them. This thread is about Mesa though, she's on a totally different level compared to them. Bladestorm doesn't last a minute and a half.


And besides, since when is "well, everyone else is doing it" a good come back? 

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It's not how powerful it is, it's the fact that it slaps the controls out of your hands and plays the game for you.

Then by that definition we should also be changing effigy right? Since that basically spawns a turret.

In a broader sense, ember world on fire auto target things as well. Same with mirage prism skill.

Or how about equinox?

Im not saying peacemaker is perfect but i just find what you said a bit flawed.

Edited by 321agemo
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Then by that definition we should also be changing effigy right? Since that basically spawns a turret.

In a broader sense, ember world on fire auto target things as well. Same with mirage prism skill.

Or how about equinox?

Im not saying peacemaker is perfect but i just find what you said a bit flawed.


You're still playing the game while Effigy and Prism are out. They don't lock you out of your controls. Ditto for Mirage and Equinox. 


Mesa roots you in place and turns off your controls for up to two minutes. 

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Then by that definition we should also be changing effigy right? Since that basically spawns a turret.

In a broader sense, ember world on fire auto target things as well. Same with mirage prism skill.

Im not saying peacemaker is perfect but i just find what you said a bit flawed.

Honestly, why do people still use this argument? Does WoF lock you into an animation for it's duration? Are you stuck at the side of your Effigy? Do you have to follow your Prism around? There's a difference between making a turret, and being a turret. They are very different things.
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Gun kata does not involve moving around much




oh so like Saryn, Ash, javelin spamming Excal... also you tend to get those players only around the farming hotspots like Draco.. where people usually go for 4 waves for xp and a T4 key.. maybe explore the star chart a bit, you will find many places where you don't find a Mesa at all

Saryn sure, but Ash's Bladestorm kills a lot slower and Javelin does S#&$ for damage. Not like I had a problem with Mesa in the first place personally but I understand people who do.

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You're still playing the game while Effigy and Prism are out. They don't lock you out of your controls. Ditto for Mirage and Equinox.

Mesa roots you in place and turns off your controls for up to two minutes.

If your problem with rooting you on the ground, then what about banshee quake?

In the end, i feel that there would be less complaining if mesa peacemaker was affected by range mod and range prob reduced. The range should still be further than excals radial javelin since it can only target 2 at a time.

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If your problem with rooting you on the ground, then what about banshee quake?


The same issue applies to Ash, Hydroid, and Banshee.


In the end, i feel that there would be less complaining if mesa peacemaker was affected by range mod and range prob reduced. The range should still be further than excals radial javelin since it can only target 2 at a time.


That still wouldn't solve the whole glorified cutscene problem. It would just be a glorified cutscene you have to mod for differently then.

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That still wouldn't solve the whole glorified cutscene problem. It would just be a glorified cutscene you have to mod for differently then.

I see your point. Its like how i don't like finisher animations when im trying to stealth run quickly.

But it then raises the question of “how” to change it.

Btw, when referring to hydroid, you referring to undertow right?

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I see your point. Its like how i don't like finisher animations when im trying to stealth run quickly.

But it then raises the question of “how” to change it.

Btw, when referring to hydroid, you referring to undertow right?


The easiest solution would just be to make Peacemaker an EB-style ability where she pulls out her Regulators and uses them as a weapon. I'm sure there are much better ideas floating around though.


And yep, it's the same deal as Peacemaker, Soundquake, and Bladestorm.

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The easiest solution would just be to make Peacemaker an EB-style ability where she pulls out her Regulators and uses them as a weapon. I'm sure there are much better ideas floating around though.


And yep, it's the same deal as Peacemaker, Soundquake, and Bladestorm.

Giving her a soft auto aim while moving and making it like EB would work fine.


bout undertow: It's a voluntary state you can exit at anytime, it doesn't lock you out of control. You trade your ability to perform actions for being impervious. Not to mention you can jump right back in at any moment.

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So because it isn't an AFKbot it can't be OP? The logic....

Lol, you mean like radial javelin was before its multiple nerfs, or do you mean Nova/Loki/Trinity 4th? Sure dont see no threads about Loki taking guns out of existence even though it says DISARM or Nova basically stopping the enemies or Trinity filling not just you health, but you shields AND energy bar. Go ahead and explain why those are justified. If its not "interactivity" its just plain "OP", even though EB doesn't 1 shot 90+ enemies AND he's still vulnerable to damage AND its mostly affected by your Melee weapon. But sure, its OP. Logic, where art thou.......

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I've seen 2 locked threads this morning already. I don't generally take a good view on the heavy handed approach to moderation (i am myself a moderator on a number of forums) because well it is a philosophy on the freedom of speech (the first amendment)


I feel that consistency is necessary. If you believe in the 1st amendment, it should reflect in the way you live and carry yourself on and offline. I believe that the WarFrame community is wise and educated enough to discern trolls from serious comment.

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Lol, you mean like radial javelin was before its multiple nerfs, or do you mean Nova/Loki/Trinity 4th? Sure dont see no threads about Loki taking guns out of existence even though it says DISARM or Nova basically stopping the enemies or Trinity filling not just you health, but you shields AND energy bar. Go ahead and explain why those are justified. If its not "interactivity" its just plain "OP", even though EB doesn't 1 shot 90+ enemies AND he's still vulnerable to damage AND its mostly affected by your Melee weapon. But sure, its OP. Logic, where art thou.......

So wait, you're using things that got nerfed as a justification that Excal isn't OP? That makes no sense. So because you're not invincible and it doesn't instakill clearly broken enemies it balanced? I'm sure that 40m range "melee weapon" is perfectly balanced then! DE should just make an AkSoma Prime with 300 base damage and a 8x crit multiplier then because it gives you no damage reduction and can't 1 shot lvl 500s. Logic.
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So wait, you're using things that got nerfed as a justification that Excal isn't OP? That makes no sense. So because you're not invincible and it doesn't instakill clearly broken enemies it balanced? I'm sure that 40m range "melee weapon" is perfectly balanced then! DE should just make an AkSoma Prime with 300 base damage and a 8x crit multiplier then because it gives you no damage reduction and can't 1 shot lvl 500s. Logic.

Im sorry, when did 90+ enemies become broken? They seem to function properly to me seeing as DE hasn't said anything about it. Without his range how different would EB be from Valkyrs 4th exactly?And dont bring up his damage stats because its irrelevant. Also, what are you reffering to as nerfed, RJ? because if so, you need to go back and read tht again because you misinterpretated the message. Before you call someone out, make sure you know what your talking about.Weapons have nothing to do with frame abilities-oh wait, when it comes to Excalibur, THEY DO!! "40m range is OP. Oh, hello LOKI/NOVA/TRINITY who dont have LOS on their 4ths". Lol, Logic.

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Im sorry, when did 90+ enemies become broken? They seem to function properly to me seeing as DE hasn't said anything about it. Without his range how different would EB be from Valkyrs 4th exactly?And dont bring up his damage stats because its irrelevant. Also, what are you reffering to as nerfed, RJ? because if so, you need to go back and read tht again because you misinterpretated the message. Before you call someone out, make sure you know what your talking about.Weapons have nothing to do with frame abilities-oh wait, when it comes to Excalibur, THEY DO!! "40m range is OP. Oh, hello LOKI/NOVA/TRINITY who dont have LOS on their 4ths". Lol, Logic.

You're definitely going to need better quality bait.
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I've seen 2 locked threads this morning already. I don't generally take a good view on the heavy handed approach to moderation (i am myself a moderator on a number of forums) because well it is a philosophy on the freedom of speech (the first amendment)


I feel that consistency is necessary. If you believe in the 1st amendment, it should reflect in the way you live and carry yourself on and offline. I believe that the WarFrame community is wise and educated enough to discern trolls from serious comment.

DE is a Canadian company and the First Amendment only applies to the U.S.

If the mods feel that cracking down on freedom of speech in order to preserve the quality of the forums is necessary then so be it, they arent obligated to follow a rule that applies in one country (or select few whichever it is).

A thread may be a serious comment but if its bashing anyone in particular then it gets locked so a flame war doesnt start. Thats good moderation to me

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well at least everyone agrees that's its ok to nerf peacemaker

I think people agree that we don't need more nerfs in this game, peacemaker needs to be reworked, make it like exalted blade, and that's just to end people complains, cause peacemaker is doing exactly what it is supossed to do, kill the trash mobs so the rest of the team can handle with the priority ones, you know, those level 200 bombards that can 1 shot you in a single rocket? yeah, those guys, I think the most broken thing of peacemaker it's the CC it gives with the impact proc's, but it seems that's just me, like I said in another thread, you guys don't have to play with peacemaker spammers if you don't want to, but if you are joining someone elses party, you'll have to put up with it, since it's their key, alas no one is forcing you to stay in the party, you can just say: Sorry, I don't like to play with a peacemaker mesa, good luck on the match guys, and quit on the lobby.

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Everything powerful needs a nerf. And everything weak needs a buff. Because that's active game management right?

Think about game design and mechanics for abit and think of which game is the epitome of good game balance. I can off the top of my head think of tic tac toe and a way more complex version of tic tac toe possibly being Starcraft from 12 years ago. Between the Zerg Terran and Protoss there was no clear favorite in competitions because the devs made sure to nerf/buff units build times till it became a preference based thing.

That is 3 factions of maybe 15 unique units that you need to balance. How about warframe? Do you want every frame to be essentially a box with the only difference being the rifle? Then one day all rifles must deal the same eDps because that is fair.

Let me go on a limb and say that fair is boring and that DE should keep on nerfing coz hey that's what I only see them do

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DE is a Canadian company and the First Amendment only applies to the U.S.

If the mods feel that cracking down on freedom of speech in order to preserve the quality of the forums is necessary then so be it, they arent obligated to follow a rule that applies in one country (or select few whichever it is).

A thread may be a serious comment but if its bashing anyone in particular then it gets locked so a flame war doesnt start. Thats good moderation to me


I'd like to add to this that on privately owned forums freedom of speech does not apply and forum ToS is king.


Edit: On topic: It feels like a matter of time till Mesa gets a Nerf. Cutting her Peacemaker range would make it like on that movie Equilibrium. I love that movie.

Edited by Ziegrif
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