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New Warframe Concept: Sound / Music Based Warframe


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Hey all.


So ive been making up some new frames in my spare time. Planning on posting a whole bunch at the same time as they general take about 1/4 of a page each, but i came up with this one and wrote two pages about it, so i thought i'd share. I generally consider myself good at this sort of thing, as i hate the idea of an 'overpowered' frame. I like things to be balanced. But i also know that some of my favorite powers are the ones that have quirks about them. So i try to make it interesting.


Please read the whole thing before commenting, as everything is ment to work in synergy with each other.


NOTE: Obviously this is a concept. Any and all stats and percentages ive given are ballpark figures and if this concept ever got through i would fully expect DE to put their own numbers in there as they know best. So dont comment on what stat numbers you think would work better, as it would be silly. Instead, do comment on the things the stats effect. This is also the case for the names of abilities.


The frame is based around music as a theme, but i didnt want it to be sound based effects that dominated the frames presence in a game, hence i used the term 'sound' in the title. This is not to say im trying to make another banshee. Where banshee is a stealth frame, this one is more a caster.


I realize this wont be for everyone, but if you dont like it then say why specifically. We're all here to make the game we love better.



Right, have fun (Also, power 1 is the crucial power. Best not to skip it).

NB: Edited ability 2, was always meant to be a armour debuff on yellow.



Sound / Music Based Frame:



Male, slim. Tall & thin. Upper body slightly bulkier like is wearing American football armour. Has circular speakers of varying size around torso.  Most of primary body smooth and rounded, but feet and ‘armour’ more square / angular. Rather than regular feet, has ‘skates’. No moving parts to skates, but transfers energy through feet apparatus to glide along the ground (still throws up small amount of sparks when sprinting). Portions of the armour colour are unable to be modified, as relates to visual que to power. This could be replaced with visual effect on final.



Builds up momentum quicker, having slightly higher sprint and movement speed. Loses it slower, giving a slight slide when stopping.


Abilities are single cast, with cool downs until ability has finished being active unless stated otherwise.



                Ability 1: Beat ‘em up – The frame alters its power set based on 3 ‘colours’ of music. Red (Represents power), Blue (Represents Defence), and Yellow (Represents Speed). (Idealy these colours would change brightness based on the warframes energy colour brightness. This power would have a set energy per cast. During Red the frame gets a 20% damage boost, but looses 10% Armour. During Blue the frame gets a 10% shield boost, and a 10% health boost, but looses 5% move speed & 5% melee attack speed. During Yellow the frame gets a 10% movement speed boost & a 10% reload speed boost with guns equipped/ Melee attack speed with melee weapon equipped, but loosed 10% damage. Both buff and debuff are tied to power strength.


Note: Stats are based on fully ranked abilities. Adding strength gives a better boost, but also a bigger debuff. Conversely lower strength eliminates both buff and debuff. Higher buffs than debuffs are to provide pull to each colour, and more of a benefit to switching frequently, yet having a permanent stat change means that you can switch based on utility rather than need to maintain the buffs.



                Ability 2: Sonic Sheet – Warframe produces a wave of sonic energy forward in a 45 degree cone. During Red the shockwave does damage to enemies. During Blue the shockwave causes knockdown (minor ragdoll) on all enemies hit. During Yellow the shockwave applies Armour Debuff to all enemies. All effects are altered by strength mods. Range of shockwave is increased by duration mods. Radius of shockwave is effected by range mods.



                Ability 3: Bass Barrier – Warframe covers itself and nearby allies in a shield. During Red it damages adjacent enemies ^10% total enemy hp every 3 seconds (visual cue to this is that the shield ‘flexes’). During Blue it reduces ranged damage by ^50%. During Yellow fire rate/melee range is increased ^20%. Shield effects are divided per ally sharing the shield. Ability is toggleable (Does not cost more energy to use for more frames, as effect is reduced) Ability effects are modified by strength. Radius of effecting allies is modded with range mods.



                Ability 4: Wub Cannon – Warframe fires are sonic projectile forward, knocking down enemies it hits. On hitting a hard surface (wall, floor, ect) or on second ability activation the projectile detonates, creating a AoE blast that damages all enemies nearby per second for 4(?) seconds. During Red Enemies hit by the projectile are also damaged. The blast does more damage. During Blue enemies hit by the blast are stunned. Enemies hit by the projectile are stunned after recovery from being knocked down. During Yellow Enemies hit by the main blast emit an additional, smaller blast centred on the enemy, damaging the effected enemy and nearby enemies. This triggers once per enemy. Enemies hit by the projectile also receive this mini blast. Damage is effected by strength mods. Blast (initial) radius is effected by range. Amount of blasts is effected by continuity

Note: Ability colour remains the same as when it was fired, regardless of whether the warframe changes colour.



Augments: Possible augments designed to alter how the warframe plays, makes it more supportive.


Ability 1 Augment: Nearby allies also are effected by the buff for X seconds. Only last buff cast applies.


Ability 2 Augment: Allies hit by the wave gain Health / Shield / Ammo based on Red/Blue/Yellow.


Ability 3 Augment: For each warframe under shield, Increase Health / Sheild / Speed by 5(?)%.


Ability 4 Augment: Warframes in the blast radius receive a 1% Damage / Shield Regen (regardless of recent damage) / Energy per enemy caught in blast (additive over course of power, effect added at end of ability. Energy is 1 unit per enemy, not percentage).




Ability 4 Augment 2: During Red each successive blast an enemy receives deals additional damage. During Blue enemies in and up to 30% outside the blast radius are pulled towards the centre of the blast at each blast. During Yellow enemies hit by secondary blasts from enemies affected by projectile or blast will themselves emit a secondary blast. This will not make additional blasts. Enemies who have produced secondary blast will continue to do so while under the effect of the primary, but will only take the first instance of damage.



(Edit: added an concept image)


Decided to do a quick sketch today to show what i what thinking. Again, much like the concept itself the end product would be determined by DE and any changes would be welcome.

Used 2 random templates from google searching 'male drawing templates'. Otherwise it was all done with a mouse on photoshop.



Edited by chaotea
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But we already have a sound based frame, Banshee.






As the others said, we already have a sound frame, but the idea of a music themed frame is pretty cool.


And when Ash came around Loki said, "But I'm the stealth frame. I can already go invisible!" So yea, what you guys are saying is irrelevant. DE already confirmed that they are not against similar themed frames. Several frames even share similar attacks like Hydroid, Rhino, & Excal's #1. Just to name a few. JS. 

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And when Ash came around Loki said, "But I'm the stealth frame. I can already go invisible!" So yea, what you guys are saying is irrelevant. DE already confirmed that they are not against similar themed frames. Several frames even share similar attacks like Hydroid, Rhino, & Excal's #1. Just to name a few. JS. 


It's not that the theme is just similar, it's that it's the same. Hydroid's 2 and Rhino's 1 are similar, yes, but they are different in purpose. Rhino's is more of a throw, while Hydroid's is a drag with an explosion, and is much more mobile (Excal's was changed, and is incomparable now). However, your 2 here and Banshee's 1 are almost indistinguishable.


Anyway, ignoring Banshee's existence, flaws I can see are:


Names of abilities are odd (mainly 1 and 4), I suggest making them more obviously music based, and using more technical terms (I suggest "Beat Change" and "Crescendo" respectively).

In an actual gameplay scenario, though, I see this frame becoming very annoying very quickly, as by the long-lasting nature of some of the abilities, combined with the theme, it seems like it'll involve near constant sound effects. Loud ones. These would get old VERY quickly.

Edited by Perral
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It's not that the theme is just similar, it's that it's the same. Hydroid's 2 and Rhino's 1 are similar, yes, but they are different in purpose. Rhino's is more of a throw, while Hydroid's is a drag with an explosion, and is much more mobile (Excal's was changed, and is incomparable now). However, your 2 here and Banshee's 1 are almost indistinguishable.


Excal's #1 is still very much comparable. It functions the same with the added ability to possible auto-target a second enemy (Rhino has knockback CC, Hydroid's also has CC). It's general concept is the same: front facing cone attack. There are other frames with similar attacks as well. 


While I understand what you're saying, my only point is that similarities are not uncommon amongst Warframe powers. 

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Names of abilities are odd (mainly 1 and 4), I suggest making them more obviously music based, and using more technical terms (I suggest "Beat Change" and "Crescendo" respectively).

In an actual gameplay scenario, though, I see this frame becoming very annoying very quickly, as by the long-lasting nature of some of the abilities, combined with the theme, it seems like it'll involve near constant sound effects. Loud ones. These would get old VERY quickly.

This is why my emphasis was on a visual 'colour change' over a concentrated tonal variation. And they would be no more noisier than 'world on fire'.

Personally I like the kit alot, people are being distracted by the theme but the kit is awesome

Thanks. The theme is a general one, and while banshees sound based, i feel that they work in different directions.

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As the others said, we already have a sound frame, but the idea of a music themed frame is pretty cool.

True, but excal was always a melee based frame, but we got valkyr, and on the excal redo, this theme was reinforced. I mentioned that ive been working on other frame ideas. One set is a second version of existing frames, but taking a different gameplay style and molding it to the task (eg, one is a fire styled frame, built more tanky and slow with emphasis on ranged firepower.)

But we already have a sound based frame, Banshee.

Did you even get past the title before you wrote this comment?


Is a warframe. Well done, you contributed.

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It's not that the theme is just similar, it's that it's the same. Hydroid's 2 and Rhino's 1 are similar, yes, but they are different in purpose. Rhino's is more of a throw, while Hydroid's is a drag with an explosion, and is much more mobile (Excal's was changed, and is incomparable now). However, your 2 here and Banshee's 1 are almost indistinguishable.


Anyway, ignoring Banshee's existence, flaws I can see are:


Names of abilities are odd (mainly 1 and 4), I suggest making them more obviously music based, and using more technical terms (I suggest "Beat Change" and "Crescendo" respectively).

In an actual gameplay scenario, though, I see this frame becoming very annoying very quickly, as by the long-lasting nature of some of the abilities, combined with the theme, it seems like it'll involve near constant sound effects. Loud ones. These would get old VERY quickly.

Banshees 1 is similar to this 2, but as mentioned its no more similar than excals dash and rhinos charge, or excals 4 and valkyrs 4. It would be more accurate to say that they are like the boltor and the soma. Both are ranged weapons but approach how they work differently.


As for names, this is the same as with stats. My names are placeholders for the concept, and final names would be chosen by DE should the frame ever be produced. Its one of the reasons i didnt give the frame a name.

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An ice skating football player that uses the power of music to kill enemies, all while moving like Luigi from Super Mario Bros. 2....i'd play just for the novelty lol

lol, yea, the idea came when i was thinking of the gliding for a sword based frame, then thought about a guy with roller blades and a boombox on his shoulder. I like to imagine the frame looks like the sonic armour is build over the original frame, like the opposite to valkyr.

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This is a reskinned version of my Music frame, Apollo. 3 colours of music, my same as my idea, 3 different colours that change instruments. 

Care to take a look? https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/516085-warframe-concept-apollo-the-music-warframe/?hl=apollo


Interesting, but when working through this i didnt want to create another frame based on the energy colour like chroma. Especially as this can only change in orbit. Was looking for something that could be altered in battle like equinox.

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And when Ash came around Loki said, "But I'm the stealth frame. I can already go invisible!" So yea, what you guys are saying is irrelevant. DE already confirmed that they are not against similar themed frames. Several frames even share similar attacks like Hydroid, Rhino, & Excal's #1. Just to name a few. JS.

Well, Ash is based on stealth/ninja type, loki is a trickster, just because one of his powers are for stealth that doesn't make him a stealth warframe.

Anyways, I like the idea of a Music Warframe (sound warframe is banshee, DE wants to see creative ideas, y'know, even if they've done the same powers for some warframes in the past, the more creative it is, the more chances to get looked on, and let's be honest, if you made some sound warframe better than Banshee, she would be used even less than she is now).

The powers seem good to me.

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Well, Ash is based on stealth/ninja type, loki is a trickster, just because one of his powers are for stealth that doesn't make him a stealth warframe.

Anyways, I like the idea of a Music Warframe (sound warframe is banshee, DE wants to see creative ideas, y'know, even if they've done the same powers for some warframes in the past, the more creative it is, the more chances to get looked on, and let's be honest, if you made some sound warframe better than Banshee, she would be used even less than she is now).

The powers seem good to me.

Thanks. Its nice to see people reading past the names to what actually matters. After all, if DE liked the concept they could take all the mechanics and make it a chocolate themed warframe for all it matters XD.

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And when Ash came around Loki said, "But I'm the stealth frame. I can already go invisible!" So yea, what you guys are saying is irrelevant. DE already confirmed that they are not against similar themed frames. Several frames even share similar attacks like Hydroid, Rhino, & Excal's #1. Just to name a few. JS.

But ash and Loki specialise in different areas

Loki's a support variant

Ash is a assault variant

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Well, Ash is based on stealth/ninja type, loki is a trickster, just because one of his powers are for stealth that doesn't make him a stealth warframe.


Loki is just as stealthy as Ash & vice versa. Both are/can be stealth frames. 


But ash and Loki specialise in different areas

Loki's a support variant

Ash is a assault variant


Exactly. This reinforces my point. Similarities yet different objectives. 

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Personally I love this. But the people who can't get passed banshee won't let it go. They think "one sonic frame is enough." Not an invalid argument but I've never been one to settle.

I always think that the warframes theme doesn't matter so much in comparison to how it plays. And on a personal level i feel we should do more variants on existing themes, as there is so much to experiment with.

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what you could do music wise is take from DnD and make a Bard warframe. Bards use music to buff allies, debuff opponents and make attacks, sound is banshee but that's just sound in general, music is organized sound in specific patterns, another argument is why have hydroid and frost since ice is merely frozen water and you could make the argument that we don't need hydroid since ice is a state of water.

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what you could do music wise is take from DnD and make a Bard warframe. Bards use music to buff allies, debuff opponents and make attacks, sound is banshee but that's just sound in general, music is organized sound in specific patterns, another argument is why have hydroid and frost since ice is merely frozen water and you could make the argument that we don't need hydroid since ice is a state of water.

Thats sort of the vibe i was going for, with a good mix of damage, utility and support. Didnt call it 'Bard' as warframe seems to keep the classic fantasy classes at arms length.

This is a reskinned version of my Music frame, Apollo. 3 colours of music, my same as my idea, 3 different colours that change instruments. 

Care to take a look? https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/516085-warframe-concept-apollo-the-music-warframe/?hl=apollo


As a side note, i'd never even seen your idea before, so its a happy coincidence.

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 However, your 2 here and Banshee's 1 are almost indistinguishable.

Wanted to give more detailed feedback on this.

To recap, my ability is a wave of sonic energy in a 45 degree cone.

During Red the shockwave does damage to enemies.

During Blue the shockwave causes knockdown (minor ragdoll) on all enemies hit.

During Yellow the shockwave applies puncture procs to all enemies.

All effects are altered by strength mods. Range of shockwave is increased by duration mods. Radius of shockwave is effected by range mods.


Banshees 1 is a 180 cone of 15m range with rank maxed. it does 50 impact max and ragdolls. Now i can excuse the assumption that they are the same as if all my waves effects happend at once they would be very similar. However the crux of this ability is the separated state. Allow me to expand and give more of an idea of the power as i envisioned it.


Firstly the powers range will be large. I was thinking 30-50 range (depending on testing), but this is balanced by the narrow cone.

Red damage would be about 400-500 damage max.

Blue will ragdoll, but will go through objects. Of course dealing no damage this isnt too op. The 'minor' is as i dont want this to throw them, but drop them where they stand.

Yellow puncture is an easy method of applying that 30% debuff to damage.


For banshee, ability 1 is a throw away quickcast to stun a group while you get your murder on. For my frame its the core 'cannon' for the frame.

Hope the info helps.

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