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[Suggestion] 1 Platinium A Day Keep The Slot Problem At Bay


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while I am not to keen on the thought, I do have some feeling that in a way this could possibly work with the above quote...


i dunno though, something else is telling me otherwise


well i guess it would cause people to be way more frustrated when they'll loose their streak, would suck to be frustrated for not login in just cauz u stayed the night at ur girlfriend's place and thus couldn't login that evening

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There is no slot problem.

It's not like it's extremely difficult to obtain weapons and it's not like it's a lot to drop 5 bucks and obtain a few extra.


indeed, it is not difficult to obtain weapons, in fact obtaining weapons is sort of the purpose of the game, but it can be sad not to be able to store them, also, 5 bucks won't get you all that far, not to mention i am also suggesting this idea for those who are not able to access those 5 bucks as online currency, we do not all have paypal and some are sadly restricted in their options

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indeed, it is not difficult to obtain weapons, in fact obtaining weapons is sort of the purpose of the game, but it can be sad not to be able to store them, also, 5 bucks won't get you all that far, not to mention i am also suggesting this idea for those who are not able to access those 5 bucks as online currency, we do not all have paypal and some are sadly restricted in their options


Since it's not that difficult to obtain them then it shouldn't be difficult to sell them and make them again when you want to.

5 Bucks wont get you far if you want to keep all weapons, sure, but if you only keep the ones you like the most then leave a couple of slots for rotating weapons you dont really like.... the 5 bucks will provide.

And you dont need paypal or anything else, just go to Kmart,Walmart, or whatever Mart in your area and buy a gift card. Plus arent there some "Pay later" option offered here where they send you bill to your house and you can pay with money order or something like that?

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1/day would ruin their market and money income, it will never happen.


1/week seems reasonable (thinking with their mind) but it will never happen too :p


You realize there are only 365 days in a year, right?

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Battleforge did this, giving players one currency point for the first game of the day, and with that point you could buy a 1 point, single card booster pack.


I would fully support giving players 1 platinum for their first sucessful mission of the day and giving the option to spin the login roulette again for 1 platinum.

Edited by CheeseThief
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Battleforge did this, giving players one currency point for the first game of the day, and with that point you could buy a 1 point, single card booster pack.


I would fully support giving players 1 platinum for their first sucessful mission of the day and giving the option to spin the login roulette again for 1 platinum.

sounds not bad

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IMO, too much platinum for so little time.


either make another currency for this "feature", or decrease it by half. 1 month (30 days) equals 15 platinum. Let's not forget that there are paid services here for a reason

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and ofcourse no one will get the free platinum unless they login, just like the reward system


login, and complete a mission, i believe it is important to impose a bit of gameplay, and push people to show a bit of dedication in the task ^^

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Its a good idea. Then free to play will be viable.

I agree, however I would rather it be an Alert Reward. Even at 1 per day it does cut into DE's profit margins.


- An Alert with a ? has a chance of awarding 1-5p (5% spawn chance)

- A level 3 Log-In bonus could be 5p (1% chance)


I think also the Stalker needs a level 80 counterpart, for a real challenge. This one could also drop 1p (5% drop chance). Basically alternatives however they must be super small because Platinum is how DE is going to make money off this game.

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What? Why do people always want free plat? Its the real money currency. There is not a single reason to give it away for free.

You will most likely get slots for progression. There shouldnt be free plat since this game already gives you almost every item by simply playing this game. So no thanks.

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Hmm. One plat daily. It'd take you twenty days of constant play just to get a potato. That seems reasonable.

What? Why do people always want free plat? Its the real money currency. There is not a single reason to give it away for free.

You will most likely get slots for progression. There shouldnt be free plat since this game already gives you almost every item by simply playing this game. So no thanks.

Yes, but to me it's mainly a matter of smoke and mirrors. Give the F2P players the illusion that everything is free and you'll get major goodwill and more people shelling out money for plat because they'll think "this company's cool. I want to support them."

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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What? Why do people always want free plat? Its the real money currency. There is not a single reason to give it away for free.

You will most likely get slots for progression. There shouldnt be free plat since this game already gives you almost every item by simply playing this game. So no thanks.


I have tought of several other solutions, of course there are probably better ideas, like slot crafting, however I proposed this one because it is a commonly used method that worked in several occasions, sure it'll give players the equivalent of around $20 of real life cash a year (considering they play every single day), but by doing that they create a bit of a "carrot on a stick" syndrome, lure players in and make them tempted to play every day, thus participating, spending time in the community, wich is the main reason people stick to an mmo, thats why WoW still has 8 million subs eventough all the complaints that came out of Wotlk and Cataclysm expantions

As for those who believe this will ruin the market, let me ask you something, you YOU be ready to play this game for over 2 years every single day JUST so you can buy the Stalker's weapon set ? i do not think so

And it ever you are still worried, how about to offer instead of Platinium, a 3rd Currency that would only affect slots and a couple other items, like potatoes, and maybe helmets


1 platinum a day is too much. People would buy slots in just twenty days! The horror...


I do believe that 12 days for weapon slots and 20 days for a warframe slot is a good balance, you'll already deal with the problem with this, since you obtain way more then just 2 weapons in 2 weeks, especially at the rate that DE is adding weapons, not to forget the rocket launchers, flamethrowers and other potentially fun-aimed weapons that DE are adding to Dojo laboratories



Now i would also like to note that if you got some other Ideas to propose, post them, do NOT hesitate, this topic is getting attention, DE have chances to lay their eyes on it, and if as i believe they take the time to browse it trough, they might find a better or more inspiring solution in YOUR ideas rather then into mine, again, several people suggested Slot crafting off Alerts, its a great alternative, do not hesitate to post some more brilliant toughts

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Umm NO. I don't agree with the OP.

If i play 12 hours a day i want to get slots faster than people who play 30 minutes a day. This would just make me quit more. There are days when i can play a lot and there are days when i can't play at all, being punished for not playing every day is just stupid. It's the same as the stupid alert system.

I really don't see the problem with slots costing 1 mil credits or more, you can get them over time, depending on how much you play, not how much you log in.

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Umm NO. I don't agree with the OP.

If i play 12 hours a day i want to get slots faster than people who play 30 minutes a day. This would just make me quit more. There are days when i can play a lot and there are days when i can't play at all, being punished for not playing every day is just stupid. It's the same as the stupid alert system.

I really don't see the problem with slots costing 1 mil credits or more, you can get them over time, depending on how much you play, not how much you log in.

That is why I said make it a log-in bonus on a very low chance. It should be a "ooh that's awesome" kind of thing. Log-In bonuses do not descriminate so long as you maintain a daily log in. Still giving away platinum cuts into DE's profits.

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