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Vaykor Hek Need To Reload Magazine 1 At A Time


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Personally, I feel that there is potential in the suggestion, but frankly speaking, OP did not present a very clear case and there seems to be posts which may have misunderstood the intention (I could not be exactly sure too, since it is kind of vague).


What I am thinking of could be the following, on a more general level (not on just trying to buff/nerf ONE specific weapon).


Disclaimer: this is just ideas for thinking/discussion. I am not that ready to push it as a suggestion yet myself.


- instead of reload 1 at a time. Let's call it interruptible pro-rated reload.


- first of all, not all weapons or even shotguns should have this ability. The type of gun should be one that somehow allows this kind. Those that simply eject whole magazine and replace prob will not be applicable. I.e. the interruptible reload should be seen as a unique feature of certain guns that don't reload by whole magazines. And it will give certain tactical advantage for experienced players who can make use of that mechanics effectively. (i.e. some skill is involved in using these guns as well).


- If reload not interrupted, the reload should function mostly like what it does now. i.e. the reload time won't be longer than what it is now (i.e. if is not a nerf). What could be different: the reload time will be pro-rated if the gun is not empty. E.g. If the gun has a magazine of 4 and a reload time of 1.0, if it has 2 ammo left in gun, reload should only take 0.5s. This is a buff, because it will allow reloading of non-empty guns faster than an empty gun.


- if a reload is interrupted, the number of rounds reloaded will be the rounded (down/up/off) fraction of the interrupted time spent reloading over the total reload time.  e.g. If an empty gun has magazine for 4 rounds, and a full reload time of 10 sec. If interrupted after reloading for 5 sec, it will have 2 rounds in gun. This is a pseudo-buff as it gives the option for people to interrupt long reloading guns and still have some rounds to deal with emergency.

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I do see that they could make a weapon reload shell by shell in the same time as they now reload a whole magazine. If you e.g. play a toxin Chroma with a Vaykor Hek, though, you'd probably be reloading about 5-6 shells per second, which would likely look absolutely ridiculous in terms of animation. I don't think the Struns got such a long reload time for no actual reason.

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I do see that they could make a weapon reload shell by shell in the same time as they now reload a whole magazine. If you e.g. play a toxin Chroma with a Vaykor Hek, though, you'd probably be reloading about 5-6 shells per second, which would likely look absolutely ridiculous in terms of animation. I don't think the Struns got such a long reload time for no actual reason.


Precisely why I mentioned that it should only be a mechanism for some appropriate weapons :) may not be existing ones.

At the very least, even if we don't do the animate 1 by 1 reload, (actually, it could be N by N, nobody says we could not reload more than 1 at a time), the most visible effect will be that it is faster to reload a non-empty weapon which uses such mechanics. This can be a balancing feature for maybe some new weapon which is powerful per shot, but has low magazine and long reload time.

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