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" The Aspect Of Smoke " Full Ash Rework Suggestion


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First he has been called Ninja, after giving him a theme he was called Smoke and today we know him as Ash. Lets give him a real smoke theme...






this topic is about my suggestions about a rework for Ash.
Imo he should scales best with power strength and power duration, to support his other abilities.
There are several topics about what his problems are and how to fix them.
So please dont comment: "Ash is fine, better rework [........ ]", hes not...
Here ill link some topics about this and suggestions how to fix/rework him:
(proof that some people just have the same ideas, lol, have stolen nothing, found these after releasing:
https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/517291-ash-rework/ https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/520718-ash-revisited-tweakes-and-ideas/)
https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/523050-ash-synergy-full-descriptive-rework/ <- also a pretty well made rework suggestion

And if you search you will find more.

So lets get started:




Passiv: Smoke Tactics


When ever Ash takes damage to his health, smoke will spread out of his body, covering him and making his moves unpredictable. This effect will reduce the enemies accuracy on him, depending on damage-taken/sec (highest burst damage taken). The effect will disappear after 10 seconds without taking damage to health.




Ash creates deadly shurikens out of smoke and throws up to 5 shuriken or up to 2 fuuma shuriken onto the enemy, dealing slash damage with a 100% status chance and a chance to-/ punch through. All hit enemies will be staggered for a brief moment (would u keep shooting and running when a sharp piece of metal hits u in the face?)
(fuuma what?) ->





Ash can switch between shuriken and fuuma shuriken by holding the button, similiar to ivaras first.

Weapontype 1: Shuriken

Ash throws 3/3/4/5 homing shuriken (depending on level), shurikens will target randomly enemies, prefering enmies which are nearest to ash/the crosshair. Enemies can be hit by more than one shuriken. Shurikens reduce the targets armor by 20% per shuriken.

  • Damage is affected by power strength Armor-reduction-rate if affected by power strength and applies before damage-calculation


Weapontype 2: Fuuma Shuriken

(tapping let ash start the charge, pressing the button again will release the ability)

Ash tenses his muscles and throws 1/1/2/2 fuuma shuriken (depending on level) at the same time after charging the skill, which will always punch through and ricochet off solid objects depending on charged time. The fuuma shurikens have a size of 0.8m and expand smokeblades on each blade after releasing, resulting into a total radius of 1.4m.

  • Charging fuuma shuriken prevents ash to shoot

             -Activating other abilites while charging will cancel the charge

             -Pressing melee while charging will let ash attack with the fuuma shurikens like tonfas, adding more damage depending on damage done

                 to enemies, but will let the ability start to drain energy (4/sec)

  • Fuuma shurikens only do slightly active homing after release, but will aim in the direction of the nearest enemy after bounce off Fuuma shuriken deals 300% damage of normal shuriken Fuuma shurikens have a fixed speed of (? 20-40m/s ?) and a lifetime of 4/5/6 seconds depending on level

             -Lifetime is affected by power duration Fuuma shurikens can be released after a minimum of one second charge, otherwise normal

                 shurikens will be thrown

             -Fuuma shurikens ricochet onetime for each second charged up, up to a maximum of 5

             -After up to the sixth contact with a solid object they disappear Power range will increase the size of fuuma shurikens smokeblades and the

                 gap between them (they fly in a reversed V-shape)

Detailed Animation Suggestion:


Ash puts his left hand behind his back, forming shurikens out of smoke, each shuriken between his fingers and pushs his arm forward and throws them.

Fuuma: Ash puts both arms behind his back and the shurikens will disband into smoke forming fuuma shurikens. Ash tenses his muscles preparing to throw them. When releasing ash pushs his arms with massive power forward and throws the fuuma shuriken.

Augment Suggestion:


Letterbomb-shuriken: Shurikens detonate after a short delay after impact, dealing damage per shuriken to the target and all targets in a 4m radius. (Damage and radius of the explosions are affected by power strength/range)

Fuuma: Fuuuma shurikens return after their bounce-off-charges have been consumed. (like glaive) The smokeblades size wil rapidly increase linear on the way back to ash (up to 300% size increase, not affected by anything)

Also throwing shurikens and charging fuuma shurikens can be done while sliding, jumping, moving, and so on, but releasing fuuma shuriken will force ash to hold on. (even in air, slow falling)
Charging status should be displayed by a similiar effect like reloading or charging a weapon on the crosshair.


Smoke Screen


Ash throws a smoke bomb to cover himself in smoke and allies who step into the cloud. The smoke cloud stays in place, limits the enemy view and let them randomly choke. (guaranteed on entry)




Ash drops a smoke bomb, releasing a smoke cloud in a radius of 5m, which stays in place for up to 8 seconds (depending on level) and stagger enemies in range for a short duration.


Ash throws a smoke bomb in a ballistic trajectory after charging for 0.3 seconds. The smoke bombs explodes on impact and releases a smoke cloud in a radius of 5m, that lasts up to 8 seconds (depending on level) and stagger enemies in range for a short duration.

  • When ash enters the smoke cloud he will be covered in smoke and camouflages for 3/5/6/8 seconds

              -Duration of both the smoke cloud and the camouflages effect is affected by power duration Entering again a smoke cloud will reset ashs

                  camouflage-timer to its full duration, if these smoke cloud havent been entered before by him, allies will become also camouflaged, but

                  only for the amount of time the smoke cloud has left

              -Only applies if the current amount is smaller than the remaining timer of the smoke cloud

              -Staying in a smoke cloud will not reset the timer over and over, only on entry

  • Size of smoke clouds is affected by power range Only 1/2/3/4 instances of smoke cloud can be active at any given time, casting one more will let the oldest disappear Enemies who enter the smoke cloud will be staggered and blinded within the cloud, upon leaving the smoke cloud enemies are blinded for 5 seconds

              -Blind duration is not affected by power duration Enemies will not target ash or an ally when a smoke cloud is in the line of view
              -Ash and allies can look through the smoke but a bit restricted


Teleport -> Smoke Dash


Ash turns into smoke and quickly travels a certain distance, when reaching his ending location he appears again dropping a flash bomb which stagger and blinds nerby enemies. Enemies within the center of the explosion will get opened to finishers.


  • Ash turns into smoke and travels with a fixed speed of 35m/s in the targeted direction, travel duration is 0.5 second, free aim

               -Travel duration is affected by power duration
               -Ash cant receive damage to health during the duration

  • If an enemy, ally or cryopod is targeted while casting ash will travel with increased speed of 55m/s to the target, stoping and appearing behind the target

              -Targeting range is equal to 150% of smoke dashs maximum travel distance (calculated with the speed of 35m/s)

              -Enemies are getting blinded within in a 15m radius for 10 seconds, affected by power range

              -Decreases with range down to a minimum of 50% of duration

              -Blind duration is affected by power duration The center of the explosion is defined by 25% of the blind radius

              -"Vulnerability to finishers"-duration is equal to blind duration

              -Enemies are also up to finishers for allies

Enhanced Mechanics:


Casting smoke dash in or through a smoke cloud will consume the smoke cloud, applying the blind effect of smoke cloud to enemies within the smoke cloud

  • Smoke dash will only consume the first smoke cloud hit
  • If a smoke cloud was consumed, appearing results into an smoke-outburst instead of a flash bomb
  • Smoke outburst blinds for the same duration as the flash bomb plus the full camouflage timer that the smoke cloud would have given (also when the smoke cloud have been entered before) Blind duration dont decreases over range anymore Finishing radius is increased to 50% of blind radius

Augment Suggestion:


Greatly reduces travelspeed, greatly increases traveltime. Ash can slightly redirect his flying path. He leaves a smokestream behind him, which will let all enemies choke on contact. When ash hits an enemy while traveling, the enemy will be pushed down and ash throws together with his clones a short shuriken burst onto near enemies. This doesnt disable smokedash (can be applied infinitely during duration). Shuriken burst deals less damage then normal shurikens.

To imagine it better how smoke dash could look like, without the flash bomb and a pretty little smoke outburst at the end:






Ash gets rid of his body and turns into pure smoke, unleashing a windrow of aggresiv smoke, which blocks the enemies respiratory tract, afront of him, marking all enemies within and attack all marked enemies with finishers out of the smoke together with 2 shadow clones of him. After the onslaught, the smoke windrow contract to a point direct behind the enemy who was farthest of the point of cast, forming a silhouette of ash. Ash can stay for the full end-duration of an instance of bladestorm in this form, ready to begin the next onslaught.


  • Half the range, half the cost; resulting in 12m / 50 energy The smoke windrow forces enemies to choke for 1.5 seconds every 2 seconds, depending on a 50% chance

                -Trigger chance is affected by power strength

                -Choke duration is not affected by power duration Bladestorm is a recastable ability and can be recasted during its end-duration to

                    provide a buff to the recast (3 seconds delay between casts)

                -Each recast costs 50 energy, decreasing per recast about 20% up to three times

                -The animationspeed is incresed by 20% per recast, up to five times

                -The delay is reduced by 30% per recast, up to seven times All enemies in the field of view of ash are getting marked, up to 20m far

                    Bladestorm is affected in length by power range, but not in width

                -Applies finisher damage to all marked enemies with a 100% bleed proc chance

                -Damage is affected by power strength


  • Each enemy can only be hit once per cast, if still enemies are living although all enemies have been hit once, ash attacks three more times, prefering the enemies with the highest remaining health The ability can be canceled by pressing the ability button again, BS will also be canceled after the 3 seconds end-duration

                -All marked enemies will stay marked and keep being attacked by the shadow clones, if the ability has been canceled, but the

                    animationspeed buff will be reseted

                -Ash can act freely after canceling

                -Bladestorm cant be activated again while still shadow clones are attacking

Enhanced Mechanics:


Bladestorm can also be canceled by activating smokescreen, smoke dash or shuriken, each resulting in a different cancel (costs 20 energy each):

1. Smokescreen will result into an instant flying backflip, which brings ash in position above the center of the affected area and alet him throw instantly a smoke bomb to the ground

Ash is send 5m plus the radius of the smoke cloud up in the air (Activating smoke dash immediately into the smoke cloud, while still shadow clones keep attacking, consumes it and will result into an smoke outburst which marks all enemies with in blind range and reapplies the old BS marks) (Can only be applied if the consumed smoke cloud was casted during bladestorm, BS's smoke cloud is thicker and darker than normal smoke clouds


2. Shuriken will result into a quick jump, ending behind the affected are of BS, while in air ash throws together with two shadow clones shuriken at all affected enemies

Each ash and his shadow clones throw a shuriken on all enemies, resulting into 3 shurikens per enemy Shuriken damage isnt restricted in any way and can also apply the augment effect Shadow clones will stop attacking if BS is canceled with shuriken


3. Smoke dash will result into a consumption of the smoke windrow, leaving ash as a smoke silhouette which can freely move for a short duration

Ash is unable to attack during the smoke flight, but can cancel it by reactivating or activating another ability, he's also able despite all restrictions to revive downed allies The duration of smoke flight is 10sec, affected by power duration The consumption will reapply the choke-effect adding bonus duration, resulting into 5sec choke-duration affected by power duration, but all shadow clones will stop attacking During smoke flight ash cant take damage to health


All this cancel possibilites will extend the reactivation duration of BS, keeping the buffs active, to 5sec after cancel (staying longer than 5sec in smoke flight will reset the buffs)

(Ash will create 1 additional shadow clone for each 2 enemies that are bleeding atm as a result of shuriken, amount of shadow clones will stay active for every subsequent cast)*kinda broken?

Detailed Animation Suggestion:


Ash turns into smoke and realeasing a smoke windrow afront of him, which will stay in place until all enemies have been defeated or the ability ends. Ash and his clones will dash out of this windrow in a jet and attacking the enemies with different battle arts of ash. Randomly fuuma shurikens, ninja swords, shurikens and hidden blades will be used to kill the enemies. Also using a small smoke bomb to confuse the enemy and strangle him from behind can occur. (imagine more)

After all attacks have been done the smoke windrow will suddenly flow back in a implosion forming ashs body, this siluohette will float above the ground and stay, ready for the next attack.

When ash cancels the ability, smoke will form his body and he reappears in an small smoke burst.


Gore Animation/Synergy Mechanic:


Do u like gore? Do u wish that ash gets a major position in squads? Here is the "optional gore animation addition":

Fighting Power:

Ash and his clones can hit enemies so hard, that they will rip them apart on killing blows (depending on a low chance, ? 10% ?)


Blood Rampage:

With each recast ash concentrates lesser and lesser on hitting the enemies vital points, instead he is going berserk and will rip enemies more often apart (? +20% per recast ?)


Bleed out:

Depending on the rip-apart-chance at half rate, enemies can be sliced in parts and bleeding out, even if it wouldnt be a killing blow (dont apply on capture targets, bosses etc.)


While the recasts of bladestorm are going on, the executing attack will become more brutal, think of fatalities by Kuang lao or Noob sailbot/smoke (mortal combat), but im not showing here 18+ stuff, look it up by ur own (not brutal as them, but near to this style). ^^

If ash is capable of slicing enemies apart, nekros desecrate will benefit by this, giving ash a major role in farming squads.

Cinematic Camera Suggestion:


For some reason ashs bladestorm looks much cooler, if u are watching another ash than casting it by urself. I think these screenshots show it well and pls fix the docking of ash....: http://s827.photobucket.com/user/Dragonblack175/media/Warframe0027_zpsolibmine.jpg.html
So i suggest that the camera locks in place of the initial cast and after all attacks have been done, it zooms in again on ash. Or it slowly moves around the center of the affected area in an random angle.

Another option can be that the camera randomly locks on a (fuuma) shuriken and travels with it into the enemy or onto ash/a clone and so on, so each deadly attack can be shown detailed.





All of ashs damaging abilities are silent and benefit of the stealth damage multiplier, however killing enemies with ashs abilites wont increase the stealth-affinity-boost nor granting bonus affinity cause of the boost.



My suggestions will bring more decision making which enemy u want to attack and which area u want to cover in smoke. Added CC effects will also help the team. Most abilities synergizes with each other, giving ash more complexity.
He shouldnt be a worse loki or so, he is the ninja attacking out of the smoke. This is how ashs style should be imo.

Leave ur feedback down below, i hope u like it.

This topic is a commutation of xLordKogax Ash Rework suggestions and mine, we talked much about it and this here is what i came up with. This topic has kinda evolved, here is a link to the conglomerated rework i came up with together with Gr13V4NC3: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/563302-ash-the-conglomerated-rework/

If something seems to be broken or op, let me know and ill try to balance it.



Thank you for your attention!

Edited by Dragonblack175
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I won't mind it as a frame concept but I personally think Ash is in a pretty good place right now with his mechanics resembling Assassin part of the ninja character. It shows precision with the ability to target weak spots(finishers) and has decent mobility to go with it.

I appreciate your effort but I think this is more of an idea evolving from ash's current state rather than a rework. I like it personally but the thought of it replacing a frame I'm used to playing so much and who's mechanics I enjoy messes me up.


I'll go for the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" model here. Great concept you got there but I just can't bring myself to take it as a replacement of a frame I like already.

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If they EVER make the normal ASH different from the Prime version or Umbra Version or even if they do a Prisma Version this changes would make having different versions of ASH a good option... If they keep them the same with just visual cosmetic differences and little stats boost/changes... then no... I rather stay with the current ASH.


Fun Note: The fuuma(fuma or Fuhma) shuriken was allegedly created by a ninja of the fuma clan named Fuma Kotaro. What it originally looked like, or how it worked is unknown, what is known is that the shuriken was 4 pointed and collapsible. The ones you see in anime such as Naruto or games like Ninja Gaiden are stylized takes on the weapon, but it is said to exist in history, even if only once.

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Ash throws up to 3 shuriken or up to 2 fuuma shuriken onto the enemy, dealing slash damage with a 100% status chance and a chance to punch through.     



Tapping: Ash throws 1/2/3 homing shuriken (depending on level) on to an enemy, each with a 30% chance to punch through, if they punch through they target the next enemy.


Holding: Ash tense his muscles and throws 1/1/2/2 fuuma shuriken (depending on level) after charging the skill, which will always punch through and ricochet off solid objects depending on charged time.



Smoke Screen



Ash throws a smoke bomb to cover himself in smoke and allies who step into the cloud. The smoke cloud stays in place and limits the enemy view.



Tapping: Ash drops a smoke bombs, releasing a smoke cloud in a radius of 5m, which stays in place for up to 10 seconds (depending on level) and stagger enemies in range for a short duration.


Holding: Ash throws a smoke bomb in a ballistic trajectory after charging for 0.5 seconds. The smoke bombs explodes on impact and releases a smoke cloud in a radius of 5m, that lasts up to 10 seconds (depending on level) and stagger enemies in range for a short duration.

Sooooooo... consoles. This prevents gestures on the PS touchpad, and I for one am not willing to conform to the XB1 2 button tactic.


pretty much everyone on PS4 who has played since U15 uses the touchpad in the center of the controller to activate abilities by swiping in one of the cardinal directions.

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Sooooooo... consoles. This prevents gestures on the PS touchpad, and I for one am not willing to conform to the XB1 2 button tactic.


pretty much everyone on PS4 who has played since U15 uses the touchpad in the center of the controller to activate abilities by swiping in one of the cardinal directions.

Well dunno about that, sorry, but would double tapping work? or something similiar?

Keybindings is something that can be balanced somehow.

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ASH really need better ulti,, i know his ulti have good dmg and sustain (with smoke bomb) but still looks not Ninja


and im sure DE said all frames gonna get better Abilitys rework specialy the 1st skill


it lack the dmg for high tier level enemys

Well i have "ultied" some "high tier enemies" and i cant really complain, i think the lack of CC suffers more in that case.

Ash is one of the frames capable of high tier damage imo, compared to other frames. (maybe mesa outdmg him and ofc equinox)

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That Fuuma tho! <3


Btw I once wanted to sugguest Shuriken look like a Spectered Glaive since Glaive is a Giant Windmill style Shuriken right?

And since Casting Shuriken we dont see Jack*** except a Trajectory line of Energy it would be nice to see him toss some Energy Colored Glaives.




Heres a Tip for My Ash players Try my Infamous GLAIVESTORM xD


Equip Glaive/Prime make sure to mod a maxed Rebound and dont equip Whirlwind


Mod Ash for Maxed Range/Efficiency for Bladestorm spam you can also equip Natural Talent to speed up BS too


Throw Glaive in a Large Crowd and automatically Cast Bladestorm and watch the Mayhem xD


You might not notice the first few tries but you will get the Point xD


Enjoy  xKogax

Edited by xLordKogax
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this topic is about my suggestions about a rework for Ash.

Imo he should scales best with power strength and power duration, to support his other abilities.

There a several topics about what his problems are and how to fix them.

So please dont comment: "Ash is fine, better rework [       ]", hes not...

Here ill link some topics about this and suggestions how to fix/rework him:





https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/523050-ash-synergy-full-descriptive-rework/ <- also a pretty well made rework suggestion

(greetings Koga ^^)

And if you search you will find more.


So lets get started:





Ash throws up to 3 shuriken or up to 2 fuuma shuriken onto the enemy, dealing slash damage with a 100% status chance and a chance to-/ punch through.                                     

(fuuma what?) -> 525px-Fuuma_Shuriken.svg.png



Tapping: Ash throws 1/2/3 homing shuriken (depending on level) on to an enemy, each with a 30% chance to punch through, if they punch through they target the next enemy.

-Punch through chance is affected by power strength

-Damage is affected by power strength

-Range is affected by power range, shuriken will disappear when they over reach the maximal possible homing range, even if they punch through


Holding: Ash tense his muscles and throws 1/1/2/2 fuuma shuriken (depending on level) after charging the skill, which will always punch through and ricochet off solid objects depending on charged time.

-Charging fuuma shuriken prevents ash to attack

-Fuuma shurikens dont do active homing

-Fuuma shuriken deals 200% damage of normal shuriken

   -Damage multiplier is affected by power strength at half rate (200% power strength results into an multiplier of 300% instead of 400%)

-Fuuma shurikens have a fixed speed of (? 20-40m/s ?) and a lifetime of 4/5/6 seconds depending on level

   -Lifetime is affected by power duration

-Fuuma shurikens can be released after a minimum of one second charge, otherwise normal shurikens will be thrown

   -Fuuma shurikens ricochet onetime for each second charged up, up to a maximum of 5

   -After up to the sixth contact with a solid object they disappear

-Power range will increase the size of fuuma shurikens and the gap between them (they fly in a reversed V-shape)


Also throwing shurikens and charging fuuma shurikens can be done while sliding, jumping, moving, and so on, but releasing fuuma shuriken will force ash to hold on. (even in air, slow falling)

Charging status should be displayed by a similiar effect like reloading or charging a weapon on the crosshair.




Smoke Screen



Ash throws a smoke bomb to cover himself in smoke and allies who step into the cloud. The smoke cloud stays in place and limits the enemy view.



Tapping: Ash drops a smoke bombs, releasing a smoke cloud in a radius of 5m, which stays in place for up to 10 seconds (depending on level) and stagger enemies in range for a short duration.


Holding: Ash throws a smoke bomb in a ballistic trajectory after charging for 0.5 seconds. The smoke bombs explodes on impact and releases a smoke cloud in a radius of 5m, that lasts up to 10 seconds (depending on level) and stagger enemies in range for a short duration.


-When ash or an ally enters the smoke cloud he will be covered in smoke and camouflages for 3/5/8/10 seconds

   -Duration of both the smoke cloud and the camouflages effect is affected by power duration

-Entering again a smoke cloud will reset the camouflage-timer to its full duration, if these smoke cloud havent been entered before, the reset affects allies only at half rate (reset stacks up on the remaining seconds of camouflage up to its maximum)

   -Staying in a smoke cloud will not reset the timer over and over, only on entry

-Size of smoke clouds is affected by power range

-Only 1/2/3/4 instances of smoke cloud can be active at any given time, casting one more will let the oldest disappear

-Enemies who enter the smoke cloud will be staggered and blinded for 5 seconds after leaving the smoke cloud

   -Blind duration is not affected by power duration

-Enemies will not target ash or an ally when a smoke cloud is in the line of view

   -Ash and allies can look through the smoke but a bit restricted, enemies cant



Teleport -> Smoke Dash



Ash turns into smoke and quickly travels a certain distance, when reaching his ending location he appears again dropping a flash bomb which stagger and blinds nerby enemies. Enemies within the center of the explosion will get opened to finishers.



-Ash turns into smoke and travels with a fixed speed of 30m/s in the targeted direction, travel duration is one second

   -Travel duration is affected by power duration

   -Ash cant receive damage to health during the duration

-If an enemy is targeted while casting ash will travel with increased speed of 45m/s to that enemy, stoping and appearing afront of the enemy

   -Enemies can only be targeted by smoke dash if they are within a 45m radius

   -Targeting range is equal to 150% of smoke dashs maximum travel distance

-Enemies are getting blinded within in a 15m radius, affected by power range

   -The center of the explosion is defined by 25% of the blind radius

   -Enemies are getting blinded for 10 seconds, decreasing with range down to a minimum of 50% of duration

   -Blind duration is affected by power duration

   -"Vulnerability to finishers"-duration is equal to blind duration


Enhanced Mechanics:

-Casting smoke dash in or through a smoke cloud will consume the smoke cloud, applying the blind effect of smoke cloud to enemies within the smoke cloud

   -Smoke dash will only consume the first smoke cloud

   -If a smoke cloud was consumed, appearing results into an smoke-outburst instead of a flash bomb

   -Smoke outburst blinds for the same duration as the flash bomb plus the full camouflage timer that the smoke cloud would have given (also when the smoke cloud have been entered before)

-Blind duration dont decreases over range anymore

-Finishing radius is increased to 50% of blind radius

-Half the energy costs of smoke screen will be consumed at the end of the animation if a smoke cloud have been consumed (providing such strong CC should cost more energy)


To imagine it better how smoke dash could look like, without the flash bomb and a pretty little smoke outburst at the end(7:23):







Ash gets rid of his body and turns into pure smoke, unleashing a smoke windrow afront of him, marking all enemies within and attack all marked enemies with finishers out of the smoke together with smoke clones of him. After the onslaught, the smoke windrow contract to a point direct behind the enemy who was farthest of the point of cast, forming a silhouette of ash. Ash can stay for the full end-duration of an instance of bladestorm in this form, ready to begin the next onslaught.



-Half the range, half the cost; 50 energy

-Bladestorm is a recastable ability and can be recasted during its end-duration to provide a buff to the recast (2 seconds delay between casts)

   -Each recast costs 50 energy, decreasing per recast about 20% up to three times

   -The animation is incresed by 20% per recast, up to five times

   -The delay is reduced by 10% per recast, up to five times

-All enemies in the field of view of ash are getting marked, up to 20m far

-Bladestorm is affected in length by power range, but not in width

-Applies finisher damage to all marked enemies with a 100% bleed proc chance

   -Damage is affected by power strength

-Each enemy can only be hit once per cast, if still enemies are living although all enemies have been hit once, ash attacks three more times, prefering the enemies with the highest remaining health

-The ability can be canceled by moving, jumping or rolling, the ability will also be canceled after the 5 seconds end-duration

   -All marked enemies will stay marked and keep being attacked by the shadow clones

   -Bladestorm cant be activated again while still shadow clones are attacking


Enhanced Mechanics:

-Bladestorm can be also canceled by activating smokescreen or smoke dash (costs 20 energy)

   -Both wil result into an instant flying backflip, which brings ash in position above the center of the affected area and ash throws instantly a smoke bomb to the ground

   -Effect of smoke screen dont apply, because ash is send 3m plus the radius of a smoke bomb up in the air

(-Activating smoke dash immediately into the smoke cloud, while still shadow clones keep attacking, consumes it and will result into an smoke outburst which marks all enemies with in blind range and reseting the the old marks

-Can only be applied if the consumed smoke cloud was casted during bladestorm)*kinda broken?


Cinematic Camera Suggestion:

For some reason ashs bladestorm looks much cooler, if u are watching another ash than casting it by urself. I think that screenshots show it well and pls fix the docking of ash....: http://s827.photobucket.com/user/Dragonblack175/media/Warframe0027_zpsolibmine.jpg.html

So i suggest that the camera locks in place of the initial cast and after all attacks have been done, it zooms in again on ash. Or it slowly moves around the center of the affected area in an random angle.



My suggestions will bring more decision making which enemy u want to attack and which area u want to cover in smoke. Added CC effects will also help the team. Most abilities synergizes with each other, giving ash more complexity.

I put much love into this ^^ This is how ashs style should be imo.


Leave ur feedback down below, i hope u like it.

If something seems to be broken or op, let me know and ill try to balance it.



Just read some of it and I Love the Fuuma Shuriken, does it return to Ash like our Glaives?


The Smoke screen aswell only a few sugguestions.

You should be able to always enter the same smoke cloud and restack invisibility. The original casted smoke screen should keep the Casters Duration (You) say My Ashs duration is 22 secs the cloud stay up for 22 secs and depending when allies enter the recieve w.e duration the cloud has left. 


This is for Balance and the Tough Critiques that will cry OP.

But its Awesome i likes +1


Another question does the Smoke Cloud Choke/Stun enemies and Open them up to Finishers?


I want that CC for Team Play, Ash gotta bring something to the Table for his Allies Feel Me?


Smoke Dash xD

Cool name my buddy gave mines Dash teleport but I like Smoke Dash better!

Yes! The choke cloud where You land is AWESOME!

Gives Him better control of Targets and Gaurantees our FINISHERS 




pisses me off when That Bombard escapes My Teleport

One cool idea i seen from another thread was Auto-Finishers on teleports and funny cuz I sugguested it once xD


Great Minds think alike No?


Just seen the video with the Smoke Dash and  YEEEEEESSSSS!!!

its like a Short Blink teleport smoke style You Nailed it, Good Job! TAKE MY PLAT ALL OF IT!!! xD

Heres the Master of Smoke Dash xD SMOKE


He does the same thing a smoke dash teleport and its short Range but he s invincible for the animation which lasts 1 sec maybe but great to escape and travel in a stealthy way xD


Blladestorms do look coooler when watchin a squad member cast it You aint lying an Im sure you heard me say this but hell Yeah a Panned out Camera that tracks Ash at a Distance is Dope! I looks sick when You are able to see Ash along with his Clones attacking simultaneously.

Kinda makes me feel like an Ash Clan xD


Throw in them Smoke clouds on Marked enemies into your idea I dont mind I support it +1


One thing that kinda throws me off is Recasting Bladestorm?

I would mind but for balance some may complain. Sounds like a spammed Bladestorm Fury and I imagine this Permanent Invincibility xD


Tryna make Ash a GOD are we? lol


Great concepts tho but you could recheck some areas but all in all nice work a great improvement to your Older thread.


Thanks for the shot out and inspiration My Ninjuh keep up the good ideas


Btw heres My screen shot of Bladestorm at a Distance with smoke around, should those Red marked enemies be stunned by smoke too?


Just sayin CC will help Bladestorm alot


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Yeah the first abilities...in that case, do like my suggestion for his shurikan? ^^

Omg! Koga u truly have no hobbies ^^ where do u get from this gif that fast tho?! :D

The glaive prime flies and comes back faster, is that an issue or closely enough?


Hell nah it aint an issue


Glaive shurken, why not?


Thats freakin sick!


Also my concept of choke clouds is in fact a smoke cloud xD

Just the effect of enemies entering the cloud are stunned in a Choking/Coughing manner and open to Finisher kills


I also love how You called Ashs Clones Shadow Clones,  it be cool if Your clones have Your energy color and look solid like Nekros Shadows of the Dead more or less not exactly

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This is the god of all reworks, it makes his other abilities look fun, and also gives me more of a reason to mod for more than just bladestorm.

Imo I want ash redone so bad I wouldn't care if DE make my arcane trickery useless.

I would throw my time and money away to see this awesome frame, turned into something as.great as this. +100 sir

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This is the god of all reworks, it makes his other abilities look fun, and also gives me more of a reason to mod for more than just bladestorm.

Imo I want ash redone so bad I wouldn't care if DE make my arcane trickery useless.

I would throw my time and money away to see this awesome frame, turned into something as.great as this. +100 sir


No dont destroy Trickery :(


I dont think OP meant to do that, just Improve its bad animations and camera angles.


You do know how OP trickery makes Ash right? T4 becomes a breeze and gives lots of survivability.


Nulls and Stalker cant debuff it at all

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Just read some of it and I Love the Fuuma Shuriken, does it return to Ash like our Glaives?


The Smoke screen aswell only a few sugguestions.

You should be able to always enter the same smoke cloud and restack invisibility. The original casted smoke screen should keep the Casters Duration (You) say My Ashs duration is 22 secs the cloud stay up for 22 secs and depending when allies enter the recieve w.e duration the cloud has left. 


This is for Balance and the Tough Critiques that will cry OP.

But its Awesome i likes +1


Another question does the Smoke Cloud Choke/Stun enemies and Open them up to Finishers?


I want that CC for Team Play, Ash gotta bring something to the Table for his Allies Feel Me?


Smoke Dash xD

Cool name my buddy gave mines Dash teleport but I like Smoke Dash better!

Yes! The choke cloud where You land is AWESOME!

Gives Him better control of Targets and Gaurantees our FINISHERS 




pisses me off when That Bombard escapes My Teleport

One cool idea i seen from another thread was Auto-Finishers on teleports and funny cuz I sugguested it once xD


Great Minds think alike No?



One thing that kinda throws me off is Recasting Bladestorm?

I would mind but for balance some may complain. Sounds like a spammed Bladestorm Fury and I imagine this Permanent Invincibility xD


Tryna make Ash a GOD are we? lol


Btw heres My screen shot of Bladestorm at a Distance with smoke around, should those Red marked enemies be stunned by smoke too?


Just sayin CC will help Bladestorm alot


Also thought about that the fuuma shuriken can return, but that would be kina broooken, i try to balance that S#&amp;&#036; tho, but maybe for an augment?


Like ur suggestion for smokecloud in terms of invisibility, ill change it that way ^^


No actually smoke cloud shouldnt open them up to finishers, because smoke dash also provides finishers in an area and trickery would be too easy to activate (even more easier lol).


I dont like that idea of auto-finisher because it forces u to do smth and with my suggestion u open more than one target up to, will make some issues, aint it?


Well they could complain, but ash is invincible anyway atm during his ult (valkyr is invincible even longer tho). My suggestion reduces the amount he attacks and his range, resulting into a much shorter bladestorm than atm and its getting even faster per recast providing even lesser invincible frames. Imo thats not broken.


A god? hopefully we dont, this should be practicable for DE lol ^^


I'll add a stun triggered by the smoke windrow, but not more, they will be dead anyway damn fast, if not cancel with 2 or 3 and combo with 3 for blind.

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Also thought about that the fuuma shuriken can return, but that would be kina broooken, i try to balance that S#&$ tho, but maybe for an augment?


Like ur suggestion for smokecloud in terms of invisibility, ill change it that way ^^


No actually smoke cloud shouldnt open them up to finishers, because smoke dash also provides finishers in an area and trickery would be too easy to activate (even more easier lol).


I dont like that idea of auto-finisher because it forces u to do smth and with my suggestion u open more than one target up to, will make some issues, aint it?


Well they could complain, but ash is invincible anyway atm during his ult (valkyr is invincible even longer tho). My suggestion reduces the amount he attacks and his range, resulting into a much shorter bladestorm than atm and its getting even faster per recast providing even lesser invincible frames. Imo thats not broken.


A god? hopefully we dont, this should be practicable for DE lol ^^


I'll add a stun triggered by the smoke windrow, but not more, they will be dead anyway damn fast, if not cancel with 2 or 3 and combo with 3 for blind.


I tried adding you in game to play but says Player names invalid or doesnt exist lol


Add me.


I was hoping for the Smoke clouds to choke and open finishers but how bout the Bladestorm smoke clouds open finishers to allies?


The idea i had was to open finishers not only for Ash but his allies to can share his benefits


I dont know if you intended to add my idea of smoke clouds you can adopt it aswell i dont mind.


That way enemies dont destroy pods etc...

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I tried adding you in game to play but says Player names invalid or doesnt exist lol


Add me.


I was hoping for the Smoke clouds to choke and open finishers but how bout the Bladestorm smoke clouds open finishers to allies?


The idea i had was to open finishers not only for Ash but his allies to can share his benefits


I dont know if you intended to add my idea of smoke clouds you can adopt it aswell i dont mind.


That way enemies dont destroy pods etc...

I dont wanna double doing things per two abilities, edited explicit that they are also open for finishers for allies.

Edited by Dragonblack175
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If they EVER make the normal ASH different from the Prime version or Umbra Version or even if they do a Prisma Version this changes would make having different versions of ASH a good option... If they keep them the same with just visual cosmetic differences and little stats boost/changes... then no... I rather stay with the current ASH.


Fun Note: The fuuma(fuma or Fuhma) shuriken was allegedly created by a ninja of the fuma clan named Fuma Kotaro. What it originally looked like, or how it worked is unknown, what is known is that the shuriken was 4 pointed and collapsible. The ones you see in anime such as Naruto or games like Ninja Gaiden are stylized takes on the weapon, but it is said to exist in history, even if only once.


Finally someone who knows about Japanese Lore


Fuma Kotaro was in fact a real in Japanese history. Soo was Hattori Hanzo i believe he was originally a Samurai hired by Tokugawa Ieyasu as an assassin, and led him to conquering and unifying Japan. Im not sure if he was an Iga or Koga Ninja but his story was true.


Smoke Dash (Teleport) Im feelin this concept alot I was just playing Mortal Kombat 9 and Smoke does this same ability with a short range and he is invincible for the short animation.



Idk if the Smoke dash should cost more or less then Targeted Teleport what you think?

Edited by xLordKogax
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I was thinkin smoke dash should cost less and targeted teleport cost more since you are going in for the Kill.

Both still being cheap but targeted costs maybe 5 energy more?

or it could be the other way around w.e DE chooses.


I really like the smoke dash teleport having a small smoke cloud that stuns enemies cuz this ensures our much needed finishers

The stun can be very short leaving this smoke cloud where Ash lands after smoke dash is a great way to avoid a pointless dash teleport into Bombards and instant Death.


Man these Ideas are sooo Good I can actually imagine it in Game :D

Ill pay You rn just to play this way for 1 hour a Day xD

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I was thinkin smoke dash should cost less and targeted teleport cost more since you are going in for the Kill.

Both still being cheap but targeted costs maybe 5 energy more?

or it could be the other way around w.e DE chooses.

Doesnt make any kind of sence, because the effect will be the same rather u target or not.


I really getting hyped by our idea...kinda strange, but i hope even an aspect will made it ^^

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