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Mag's Shield Polarize Overused


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I honestly would not mind if Mag's Shield Polarize would be changed to kill any faction just about as well as another overused frame like Mesa could. Only that Shield Polarize dwarfs any other ability in the game in damage done, if you were to put them side-by-side in a chart.


You say Mag is weak because it utterly destroys only Corpus? That is fine, play only against Corpus and the wealth will flow. How good it deals against the other factions will not matter at all at this point.


With that rate of killing, maxing 3 Primed Mods per day would be easy. With the resulting plat you can buy anything else there is to farm, so basically you don't need to do anything else other than killing only Corpus and you can effectively gain everything the game has to offer in 1 week.

Oh you're talking about farming methods, Nerfing one thing doesn't stop the efficient farmer. We have so many alternatives to dealing dmg fast, and nerfing mag will only allow the second best farm frame to come out. however yes I want mag's skills to be used outside of corpus... 

Mainly because SP is all mag has going for her currently. No point in really modding for Pull anymore, Or Crush since they just drop off so quickly.

they do a really fast stun... >D Ik that's not much, but its better than you think.

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The stun is nice and all, Especially with a Slow Nova present. But those stuns are not nearly as effective as other frames stuns.

well they don't really stun and put enemies to the ground, but it just looks cooler. That's why I think mag is just "lackluster" She has exceptional skills in certain situations, but many in the players ignore her.

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well they don't really stun and put enemies to the ground, but it just looks cooler. That's why I think mag is just "lackluster" She has exceptional skills in certain situations, but many in the players ignore her.


GPull is vital for the Mag itself to gather all the wealth after all those kills and to keep the energy pool going. Did you actually thought that because the team gets sh*t, GPull has no use now? Haha, that is a narrow perspective.

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How is farming for stuff a bad thing? I'm guessing you'll want weapons like the Tigris, hek, soma, boltor prime, braton prime, amprex, scindo prime, galatine, dakra prime, dragon nikana, and etc. nerded for being "press/hold fire key to win" because people are getting more kills than you

GPull is vital for the Mag itself to gather all the wealth after all those kills and to keep the energy pool going. Did you actually thought that because the team gets sh*t, GPull has no use now? Haha, that is a narrow perspective.

or you could walk a couple feet to get a mod /pickup
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GPull is vital for the Mag itself to gather all the wealth after all those kills and to keep the energy pool going. Did you actually thought that because the team gets sh*t, GPull has no use now? Haha, that is a narrow perspective.

yo why are you so salty? Ik she gets a bunch of stuff, but more so I don't really care because well I'm pretty stocked up on all the resources and mods I need. 

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Funny his whole arguement is about Mag being a farm queen and expects something to be done 

then we look across the map and see Frost Trin and Mesa at Draco drinking Pina Coladas and jerking off to each other saying

"GJ pressin 1 button bro"

"Ik gj pressing globe and nothing else bro"

"GJ holding down left MB bro"



Lock this thread please.

Edited by YasaiTsume
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If Mag's Shield Pol. is over used...


Frost's Snowglobe is over used - please nerf it.


Loki's Invisibility is over used - please nerf it.


Nova's Molecular Prime is over used - please nerf it.


Vaubans Bastille is over used - please nerf it.


Trinity's Energy Vampire is over used - please nerf it.


Valkyr's Hysteria is over used - please nerf it.


...do you see where I'm going with this?

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GPull is vital for the Mag itself to gather all the wealth after all those kills and to keep the energy pool going. Did you actually thought that because the team gets sh*t, GPull has no use now? Haha, that is a narrow perspective.

2. I said she's lackluster. I never discounted her farming abilities and her Polarize. 

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How is farming for stuff a bad thing? I'm guessing you'll want weapons like the Tigris, hek, soma, boltor prime, braton prime, amprex, scindo prime, galatine, dakra prime, dragon nikana, and etc. nerded for being "press/hold fire key to win" because people are getting more kills than you


Haha, certainly not the Boltor, nothing special about that weak weapon.



Funny his whole arguement is about Mag being a farm queen and expects something to be done


Hmmm, looks like I need to put it another way for the average person to understand it.


This is a PvE game.


That means we kill AI enemies for a "living".


Since it's a multiplayer game, there is competition and therefore the need to be better than the other.


Then how can it be determined which is the better, stronger, more skilled, more experenced player? Well, there are several ways, the number of kills per minute / total damage you deal being one of the most relevant ones.


If there is an ability that achieves that 10x better and easier than anything else that has the function of getting kills in this game, that would be unfair to all the other players.


Shield Polarize not only can do that, but currently does just that. Some players that have like 10 days total play time, have a total wealth almost equivalent to mine, a veteran player, which prides with his skill and knowledge in advanced builds.


And I am still the crazy one here for pointing this out?

Edited by -BM-StormVanguard
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GPull is vital for the Mag itself to gather all the wealth after all those kills and to keep the energy pool going. Did you actually thought that because the team gets sh*t, GPull has no use now? Haha, that is a narrow perspective.


We were talking about regular pull. NOT Gpull and it's CC effectiveness.


PLEASE read before you make another post.

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.... Did he really just argue competition in a PvE game...? What? Go play a game dedicated to PvP if you want competition. Seeing who can kill the most computer generated enemies is no competition. Take your tiny epeen ego somewhere else. Mag doesn't need a nerf based on your silly argument.

Edited by (PS4)FunyFlyBoy
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.... Did he really just argue competition in a PvE game...? What? Go play a game dedicated to PvP if you want competition. Seeing who can kill the most computer generated enemies is no competition. Take your tiny epeen ego somewhere else. Mag doesn't need a nerf based on your silly argument.


It's a multiplayer game, not a single player game. Competition definitely exists. Want proof?


1.There is a Leaderboard where the weekly tops for everything relevant are recorded.


2. Sometimes, there are events where rewards are given only to the top contenders (ex. Informant Event with the 100 top receiving Primed Chamber).


3. Also, clans receive rewards depending on how well they do on some events.


4. There is the notion of fighting over territory aka Dark Sectors. In order to win those, you need either man-power or wealth to buy it (so not unrelated to the PvE aspect, where you gain the wealth part).


5. Mastery Rank


Competition is written all over this game, like in any other PvE multiplayer game you can think of. After all, what else gives rise to so much toxicity between players, if not competition?

Edited by -BM-StormVanguard
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Let's me tell you what. YOU are one of the cancer that makes the game keep getting NERF all the time removing the fun for everyone. IF YOU DON"T LIKE IT THEN DONT USE IT. I"m sick of seeing things getting nerfed. How do you like investing something potential, then the next day it get nerfed making you lose all the forma, catalyst and time you spend into it. The last sentinel sniper nerf is already bad enough, . Speak for yourself, don't drag the entire community along just because you don't like it.


Also, this is a coop game, not a competitive game.

Edited by Windy_Wind
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1. You are basically the only person in this thread so far who gives a rats &#! about the leaderboard.


2. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe DE said they were never doing that again because it was an awful idea that created huge amounts of toxicity, encourage non-cooperative gameplay, and encouraged exploiting on a massive scale.


3. Woo, Dojo statues.


4. Possibly a good point-if Dark Sectors hadn't been sitting around disabled for months now. Who knows what form they're going to come back in?


5. Mastery Rank is not competitive. Me getting MR 20 before anyone else doesn't change anything. It doesn't slow other people, it doesn't give me exclusive rewards for getting there first, and because it's so dependent on when you started playing, it's barely worthwhile for e-peen

NOW, onto the real issue. I am going to completely disagree that Shield Polarise needs anything more than tweaking. It is one of the very, very few abilities in the game that truly scale. It is one of the two damage abilities in the game that scale.To me, we need more abilities that scale effectively. It has an interesting mechanic-requires (Note: REQUIRES) shielded enemies in order to do damage. It also requires these enemies to be stacked moderately closely for good effects. Which means that if you get unlucky and one high powered enemy was in the wrong place, or spawned just after you cast, you can easily get obliterated quickly. Even Mag's amazing shields don't hold up long to high level corpus techs.
Perhaps the base effectiveness needs a SLIGHT reduction (only slight, to avoid making it useless for new players), but really, we come back to an issue that I've said over and over. Corrupted mods. They make the game literally impossible to balance. You can either have abilities that are interesting and fun for new players, that allow experienced players to rip through ridiculous levels of content, or you can give new players rotten potato frames to give experienced players balance.

Corrupted Mods need reining in.

Without doing so, there is ALWAYS going to be an exploit of the week, and nerfing these exploits at the frame, not the source, is going to result in worse and worse new player experiences.

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NOW, onto the real issue. I am going to completely disagree that Shield Polarise needs anything more than tweaking. It is one of the very, very few abilities in the game that truly scale. It is one of the two damage abilities in the game that scale.To me, we need more abilities that scale effectively. It has an interesting mechanic-requires (Note: REQUIRES) shielded enemies in order to do damage. It also requires these enemies to be stacked moderately closely for good effects. Which means that if you get unlucky and one high powered enemy was in the wrong place, or spawned just after you cast, you can easily get obliterated quickly. Even Mag's amazing shields don't hold up long to high level corpus techs.

Perhaps the base effectiveness needs a SLIGHT reduction (only slight, to avoid making it useless for new players), but really, we come back to an issue that I've said over and over. Corrupted mods. They make the game literally impossible to balance. You can either have abilities that are interesting and fun for new players, that allow experienced players to rip through ridiculous levels of content, or you can give new players rotten potato frames to give experienced players balance.

Corrupted Mods need reining in.

Without doing so, there is ALWAYS going to be an exploit of the week, and nerfing these exploits at the frame, not the source, is going to result in worse and worse new player experiences.


Okay, I get what you are saying. Now, not the fact that it's an ability that scales is the problem. That is actually a positive thing.


The actual problem is that it's the most exploited ability when it comes to "mass murder", only that it does not get the attention the Pacemaker gets, so you never hear of it. When was the last time you got 10k kills in a single mission by using only one ability? In my case, there was never such a thing, but apparently it's sandbox easy to get with Shield Polarize, since even players that have 10 days worth of experience do it...

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If people with that little experience are truly doing it, they're either extreme powergamer restarts or they've got boosted-either by having the mods given to them, or by having power-built Equinox's to scale the vanilla power up enough.

Shield Polarise does not have the capability for infinite mass murder without Corrupt mods or deliberate multi-frame synergies that AFAIK require the other frames to use those mods.

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I may only be a ps4 user but have you considered players may have alternate accounts and that alone is a reason why a low level mastery rank is killing more than you. After all any real WF player knows that MR means nothing. It just proves you have spent time to level everything and complete all levels.

And what about warframe ability combinations?? If you wana buff SP than add a mirage with a total eclipse build and i guarantee you will kill far more than normally possible with or without corrupted mods.

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If people with that little experience are truly doing it, they're either extreme powergamer restarts or they've got boosted-either by having the mods given to them, or by having power-built Equinox's to scale the vanilla power up enough.

Shield Polarise does not have the capability for infinite mass murder without Corrupt mods or deliberate multi-frame synergies that AFAIK require the other frames to use those mods.


Right, but corrupted mods are a thing since forever now, so I don't think they are the easiest thing to balance.


Personally, I am in for keeping the Shield Polarize scaling and damage, but finding a way to make it less exploitable. That is why I initially sugested adding awareness modifiers to it. That will ensure that it has the same power, but you can't just stay in one place and safely kill any and all around you, no matter the level.

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I may only be a ps4 user but have you considered players may have alternate accounts and that alone is a reason why a low level mastery rank is killing more than you. After all any real WF player knows that MR means nothing. It just proves you have spent time to level everything and complete all levels.

And what about warframe ability combinations?? If you wana buff SP than add a mirage with a total eclipse build and i guarantee you will kill far more than normally possible with or without corrupted mods.


Fistly, it was not the MR part that signified their lack of experience, but the very few time played and the disproportioned amount of kills, like 50k grineer, 50k infested, 1 million corpus and 50k corrupted. And ofc, most used frame Mag. Does that seem natural to you?


Secondly, Mirage's Total Eclipse affects an ability damage (as in damage numbers), which has no effect on Mag's Shield Polarize since it uses % as a measure unit. SP scales only with power strength. So you cannot attribute Mag's exploitiveness to a collective team effort...

Edited by -BM-StormVanguard
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Fistly, it was not the MR part that signified their lack of experience, but the very few time played and the disproportioned amount of kills like 50k grineer, 50k infested, 1 million corpus, 50k corrupded. And ofc, most used frame Mag. Does that seem natural to you?



OP is a Corpus fan.

John Prodman will be proud. 

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