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Forum Query: Which Weapons Do You Think Need A Buff?


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So after the Vulklok nerf and Tactical Potatoes video, everybody is ranting and raving about those pesky nerfs, which I think is at least partially justified. The game needs some serious rebalancing, but that can't be achieved by just nerfing formerly good weapons/frames/sentinels into oblivion. If DE wants to broaden the spectrum of weapons that are usable in endgame (meaning Level 60 enemies and above), then it needs to provide a wider choice of weapons that are actually capable of getting the job done.


To counter the deplorable trend of nerfing, here's my question to the esteemed users of this forum: Which weapons do you think need a buff? Which weapons are such awful pieces of scrap metal that bringing them to the battlefield would just be embarrassing? Which weapons haven't you used in months, or perhaps not even bothered to build? And which of these do you think are so awful that no buff can fix them and should be taken out of the game?


As a starter, here are my No. 1 buff candidates:


The Corpus energy weapons. Now the Supra got a (little) buff lately, but apart from that there is a strange dichotomy about them, as the Quanta Vandal, the Amprex and the Opticor rock, and all the rest sucks. Badly. If you would bring the Dera, Flux Rifle, Tetra, the normal Quanta or even the buffed Supra to a Void run, you would be laughed out of your Squad. And does anybody even remember the Spectra? I think that's a real shame, as these weapons could be a lot of fun, and I miss using them.


As for junk weapons that no buff can fix, I think it's safe to say that absolutely nobody would shed tears if the Hind was taken out of the game. Seriously, this thing would do more damage if you would whack the Grineer over the head with it instead of shooting them. Same goes for the Vulkar, the Paracyst, the Mutalist Quanta, the Kraken and the Sheev. They are superfluous and just take up space in the market or Dojo Lab.


So what's your opinion? Which weapon would you like to get a buff? And which ones could the game do without?


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Yes, Corpus lab weapons are pretty garbage for the research/build requirements -  Cestra, prova, dera, spectra, supra, glaxion, flux rifle.


Infested lab weapons - ACRID, scoliac, embolist, synapse, paracyst, mutalist quanta.


Grineer lab - Ignis, buzlok.


Tenno lab - Daikyu, nami skyla, venka, silva & aegis.


Also - Gorgon, all snipers, hind, miter, panthera, all ether melees, all daggers.

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You mean that you can't one-shot level 80 Bombards with the Seer? What kind of scrub are you? This is ridiculous. One of the BEST, AND MOST POWERFUL GUNS IN THE GAME, and no one uses it. No one. Can you believe that?


Without that pesky critical chance, you always know what kind of damage you are dealing, the low fire-rate makes it easier to control the telescope zoom (did you know the flag on the moon has a "Made in China" sticker on it? Neither did I, until I built the Seer). Who needs more than 8 shots in a clip, with only moderate damage per round?



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Pfff, no buffs needed. Since challenge is found in endless missions (as in never ends) endgame is how far our weapons and powers can carry us. So if we would nerf everything to level where we struggle already in first rotation, end game would be in first rotation. And that would be wonderful because people who refuse to piss in a jar could also reach endgame. Everyone wins.



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Ignis, Silva & Aegis, Ack & Brunt(Slightly), DERA, Karak, Tysis, Sicarus Prime, Glaive Prime, Ignis, Dark Dagger, Panthera, Twin Gremlins, Detron, Brakk, Bronco Prime and it's akimbo variant, Laser Rifle, Sweeper, Deth Machine Rifle, Gorgon and maybe it's variants, and possibly the Supra.  And yes, I have used all of these if anyone bothers asking me if I did.

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All snipers <<< too weak on general use but good at taking down prosecutor in 1-2clicks,  need innate punch through and damage buff

All Latrons Sybaris Grinlok <<<Too weak on general use, need innate punch through and damage buff

Ogris needs homing or guiding mechanic

Seer.....Seeerrrrr    SEER!!!!! needs AOE radius and dmg buff

Gorgon Family needs damage buff and crit buff<<< It's gatling right? DPS is lower than submachinegun like Pgrakata.

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You mean that you can't one-shot level 80 Bombards with the Seer? What kind of scrub are you? This is ridiculous. One of the BEST, AND MOST POWERFUL GUNS IN THE GAME, and no one uses it. No one. Can you believe that?


Without that pesky critical chance, you always know what kind of damage you are dealing, the low fire-rate makes it easier to control the telescope zoom (did you know the flag on the moon has a "Made in China" sticker on it? Neither did I, until I built the Seer). Who needs more than 8 shots in a clip, with only moderate damage per round?




LOL man, your sense of irony is appreciated. No wonder Vor is so easy to kill if he uses that thing.

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I like to think someday the Flux Rifle will be good again.


Also, power creep has gone so far (so very far ..) that they could rollback the gorgon accuracy nerfs and none of the variants would even be good. So they should. Supra could get the same treatment and still not quite be top tier .. good, though.


Also, every burst fire weapon.

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Vasto Prime. It was actually able to hold its own against the likes of Lex Prime until the Lex got buffed beyond belief.


I miss my gunslinger status pistol.


Edit: That, or bring Lex back down from insanely good at everything.

Edited by Resolus
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