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Melee Still Not Viable In The Late Game


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The whole point of melee is to use it as a last ditch when you're reloading or ran out of ammo, or etc.

Sure, you have gimmicky useful weapons like jat kittag, but you shouldn't be slashing level 100+ enemies with melee alone in 2 hr survival


... Why?


edit: I also disagree with the sentiment of the first sentence.

Edited by VoidNomade
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 Modding + using the right weapon + using the right frame = success

I built my oberon and valkyr for "pure channeling". Meaning all I do is channel with them and occasionally use an ability. I have never had any issues with them and I'm usually the last to die in t4 survivals

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 Modding + using the right weapon + using the right frame = success

I built my oberon and valkyr for "pure channeling". Meaning all I do is channel with them and occasionally use an ability. I have never had any issues with them and I'm usually the last to die in t4 survivals

that's good for you but doesn't really change the fact you could just swap out those melees for a modded out gun and be able to do equally well if not better all the while not having to dedicate you frame to that weapon either. Being manageable is not the same as being equal which is sort of the issue, melee is still inferior to other options. 

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that's good for you but doesn't really change the fact you could just swap out those melees for a modded out gun and be able to do equally well if not better all the while not having to dedicate you frame to that weapon either. Being manageable is not the same as being equal which is sort of the issue, melee is still inferior to other options. 

Melee weapons are just a way to play. They aren't inferior, just a different style. If you build a melee weapon right and use channeling properly then you are golden. Yea sure with guns you have range but melee never needs ammo or energy (unless channeling). I believe it all balances itself out in the long run.

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Melee weapons are just a way to play. They aren't inferior, just a different style. If you build a melee weapon right and use channeling properly then you are golden. Yea sure with guns you have range but melee never needs ammo or energy (unless channeling). I believe it all balances itself out in the long run.

Many people would speak to the contrary, they don't do stellar damage, are limited to short range combat, due to their limited range using melee also often places you in more dangerous situations, and cost energy to preform at their best. In return they offer a shotty blocking mechanic, and the cool factor. Whereas guns have good range, excellent damage potential, and have their own ammo pool (being able to use the gun and your abilities separately is a plus), they lack a blocking mechanic but then that's made up for with the mobility you gain from being able to keep at a distance. So not exactly a balanced situation. 


I would like to test your builds however if you have really found a way to make melee no less effective than gunplay. Perhaps you have found some solution nobody else has been capable of yet. 

Edited by Cubewano
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Many people would speak to the contrary, they don't do stellar damage, are limited to short range combat, due to their limited range using melee also often places you in more dangerous situations, and cost energy to preform at their best. In return they offer a shotty blocking mechanic, and the cool factor. Whereas guns have good range, excellent damage potential, and have their own ammo pool (being able to use the gun and your abilities separately is a plus), they lack a blocking mechanic but then that's made up for with the mobility you gain from being able to keep at a distance. So not exactly a balanced situation. 


I would like to test your builds however if you have really found a way to make melee no less effective than gunplay. Perhaps you have found some solution nobody else has been capable of yet. 

Let's agree to disagree because clearly you are very one sided on this. I am in no way picking a fight with some random person on the internet over a video game.

I personally believe melee is balanced out with everything else deoending on how you build it and you believe I am wrong no matter what I say. If you would like to have a civil and open minded conversation, then feel free to resume this conversation.

Until then, goodbye sir/ma'am.

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I would like to test your builds however if you have really found a way to make melee no less effective than gunplay. Perhaps you have found some solution nobody else has been capable of yet.

Take a Dragon nikana with blind justice, put toxin and blast with speed mod and base damage, life strike if you want, go into a mission, use the combo guiding light, hit with the dash, it's frame based every frame it hits
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Depends like some have said on how skilled you are and what weapons you are using, some weapons just help more so thanks to their combos than others. Also the frame can come a long way, I can run a T4 on survival with Excal and the Dakra Prime no problem and that was without using his 4th ability. Its tuff and most melee weapons need some help but other than that it just depends on what your using and if you can use it properly. 


PS: Speed and damage are key, without those it can feel like it drags on for ages.

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Let's agree to disagree because clearly you are very one sided on this. I am in no way picking a fight with some random person on the internet over a video game.

I personally believe melee is balanced out with everything else deoending on how you build it and you believe I am wrong no matter what I say. If you would like to have a civil and open minded conversation, then feel free to resume this conversation.

Until then, goodbye sir/ma'am.

I'm already aware we don't agree on the issue, hence this debate in the first place. But if you interpret me not agreeing as picking a fight then why would you post your views in the first place? The whole point of a forums is discussion, which means varying opinions, and if when those two meet you view it as picking a fight then you are volunteering for it. (not say i agree with this logic, having a discussion with varying views is far from picking a fight)


And you've already made it clear you think it is balanced, that was your last post, I was just sharing why I think the contrary. If my logic is wrong then point it out, inform me of the flaws in my reasoning, help me to see your point of view, don't just restate your last post and then excuse my views as being just dense. That can only mean you have nothing to defend your opinion with (meaning my assertions were correct) or you aren't trying to have a discussion yourself which goes back to why post in the first place then. 


I'd be more than happy to continue this discussion if it would remain that, a discussion, as I like many enjoy melee and just want it to be as good as any other facet of the game, and the only way to achieve that is by understand all its benefits and shortcomings. For starters you could answer my build question, so I can see how exactly you experience melee. 

Edited by Cubewano
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So I've been playing for a while now and here is my rant about melee:


1. This is a Ninja game


2. Melee weapons dont scale into higher enemy levels (around 50+)


3. I dont even want to know how bad it was before melee 2.0


4. Fix it please



Meleeing is unrewarding, especially since you almost need a movement speed mod on your frame to do it, which comes at a cost, unless you 5 forma your frame.


Its more exhausting than justgunning down stuff.


And it does less damage.

https://youtu.be/ndstpQvnbrE here you go

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WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY "not viable"?

HOW O YOU DEFINE "lategame"?


are you trying to say that I'm not slaughtering en masse all those 50+lvl dudes with my dual kamas prime as a trinity? O.o



"Fury" mod should affect finisher like fire-rate mods do on bows: double its bonus on finishers. its a real pain to see very fast melees (ichors and like) having such a very long finisher animation for such little damage.



since I've seen how fast are venka with fury, fully stacked berserker and eternal warcry on I'll never call ichors "really fast" melee.....

[and then with all those bonuses dem finishers....]


basically very funny build requiring only 3 forma to fit into weapon and it doesn't matter much if and how much ancient healers are out there because the weapon itselfs deals really small damage per strik - and by so its much lesser affected by their damage reduction - that thing deals dps by destruction of your "e" button while trying to keep up with all dem combos :P


also I find it funny how some guys over here grabs mediocre melees to proove the point that all melee are subpar to guns...


so next what - lets grab synoid gammacor vs braton (base one) comparision to proove how primaries are subpar to secondaries?


[afaik well build synoid gamacor still outdps most of primaries, now it just does not longer have that ammo efficiency that it used to have....]


and yet again to OP: recently I'm running trinity prime with only one forma (swapped aura polarity to fit steel charge) and that's only is enought to fit my full EV build with rush on exilus slot - added to that I use dual kamas prime with no forma - just potato and I'm chewing away through most "lategame" content without much issue with melee - and yet I'm providing party utility being infinite energy and some overshields to every player in my maxed range of said EV


yeah it requires actuall playing the game and noticing whats happening because mistakes (and sometimes overlooked bugs) results with big looses on shields/hp, its harder, requires more clicking more moving but also its not only viable - its fun AND rewarding playstyle as it is supposed to be.


gunning stuff down? well it looks bland and boring once you mastered your melee....


[would would you masacre your enemies with wall of bullets if you can slash them into pieces ^^ ]

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