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Would You Consider Warframe A Better Version Of Destiny?


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Betcha 80% of the people replying haven't even PLAYED Destiny. Not saying I have or defending it...but come on guys. Have the courage to admit you don't know what you're talking about. And don't pretend Warframe doesn't have its own issues, because GOD does it ever...

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It depends. First off they play differtly, one is FPS the other 3PS. Second the setup is rather different.

Alien warriors in biomech armors that keep balance,


Human warriors fighting for humanitys survial.

Both are sci-fi with leveling, weapons and powers. But for me that is where the similarities end.

Was Gears of War better than Halo?

Preference man.

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One cannot and should not compare Warframe and Destiny..... I mean come one...... Destiny is ripping people off with their expensive price bundles after bundles after bundles with new dlc and expansion to screw whoever bought the first bundles. They sell the same game with dlc but add new expansions and say, hey you gotta pay $80 to get it cuz that's just how it works, you're not given the option to just buy the expansion, you have to buy the whole thing again.


I quit Destiny on xbox; don't even touch it anymore, but warframe; still playing it, just not as much.

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Both are grindans, except Destiny costs you 20-40$ for each major update that DE does for free. And WF has more content and variety overall.


And if you think WF grind is bad, imagine if only 1(one) player from your squad would get a rare drop you've been farming all day. And there is no trading between players. That is Destiny.

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Since Destiny isn't on the PC I can't play it.


But Warfame has no endgame content except one 8 man raid which really doesn't work for me. 


When my Prime access runs out I move on to other games and check in once in awhile to see if anything changes.

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Hey guys remember Warframe is still in beta and has some holes in the game but still might be better than destiny

( still downloading updates on destiny)


Everytime I see "Warframe is in Beta" arguments I think of those companies sporting the Going out of Business sale, Moving Sale,  and Final Liquidation sale signs for years on end.

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Free does not equal good. My God, people are cheap.

Destiny looks intensely better than Warframe and is far more polished. It shares the exact same pay structure of most games available on PC and consoles.


As for story, who gives a rats &#!? You want someone to read you a story, ask your mother. I've never looked at a game on a shelf and said "Hey, this story sounds interesting!" It's usually, "Hey, this looks good. I'll try it out!" Story is an after thought. People only *@##$ about it because, like any game you overplay, gameplay gets repetitive and they want something else to look at, but within the same game to prevent boredom, and they want a reason to come to the forums and argue about what's canon and what isn't.

So story aside? Destiny has FAR fewer bugs. I don't care if I don't like your game, but if your game is better designed then it speaks leaps and bounds about it's quality. Destiny is higher quality than Warframe. Warframe is just easier to obtain. After that, people want validation and someone else to justify pinching pennies for them.

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Free does not equal good. My God, people are cheap.

Destiny looks intensely better than Warframe and is far more polished. It shares the exact same pay structure of most games available on PC and consoles.


As for story, who gives a rats !? You want someone to read you a story, ask your mother. I've never looked at a game on a shelf and said "Hey, this story sounds interesting!" It's usually, "Hey, this looks good. I'll try it out!" Story is an after thought. People only *@##$ about it because, like any game you overplay, gameplay gets repetitive and they want something else to look at, but within the same game to prevent boredom, and they want a reason to come to the forums and argue about what's canon and what isn't.

So story aside? Destiny has FAR fewer bugs. I don't care if I don't like your game, but if your game is better designed then it speaks leaps and bounds about it's quality. Destiny is higher quality than Warframe. Warframe is just easier to obtain. After that, people want validation and someone else to justify pinching pennies for them.


Have you actually played Destiny or have you just SEEN it? To be quite honest, you don't know what the hell your talking about.


Destiny is a far from polished game, and took about a year of screwing players over to get things right. Not only did it take a year one players have to experience what is an effective beta, we also had to shell out $100 and now another $40 just to continue playing. Destiny is ridden with game breaking bugs and exploits that ruin the experience.


The only thing going for Destiny at this moment is the art design, that's it.


Destiny's team knows next to nothing about balancing weapons, as entire weapon categories were constantly being nerfed to the point of being unusable or buffed to god their weapons. On top of that, it took Bungie months to fix balance and bug issues whilst constantly ignoring major problems in their Weekly Updates. From what I've experienced, DE has done a great job with interacting with the community, unlike Bungie who neglects almost everything the community has to say.


Gameplay wise, Destiny is beyond repetitive. You play the same mission that takes place on the same map with the same enemy spawns with everything that you do. Weekly Nightfall missions, which are supposed to be challenges, are just rebranded missions that you've already done multiple times over. How is going through the same missions over and over again fun? At least Warframe has randomly generated tile sets that add a little bit of variety. 


Destiny falls flat on its face compared to Warframe. In my opinion, and many others, Destiny is a disgrace to the gaming community. 

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Have you actually played Destiny or have you just SEEN it? To be quite honest, you don't know what the hell your talking about.


Destiny is a far from polished game, and took about a year of screwing players over to get things right. Not only did it take a year one players have to experience what is an effective beta, we also had to shell out $100 and now another $40 just to continue playing. Destiny is ridden with game breaking bugs and exploits that ruin the experience.


The only thing going for Destiny at this moment is the art design, that's it.


Destiny's team knows next to nothing about balancing weapons, as entire weapon categories were constantly being nerfed to the point of being unusable or buffed to god their weapons. On top of that, it took Bungie months to fix balance and bug issues whilst constantly ignoring major problems in their Weekly Updates. From what I've experienced, DE has done a great job with interacting with the community, unlike Bungie who neglects almost everything the community has to say.


Gameplay wise, Destiny is beyond repetitive. You play the same mission that takes place on the same map with the same enemy spawns with everything that you do. Weekly Nightfall missions, which are supposed to be challenges, are just rebranded missions that you've already done multiple times over. How is going through the same missions over and over again fun? At least Warframe has randomly generated tile sets that add a little bit of variety. 


Destiny falls flat on its face compared to Warframe. In my opinion, and many others, Destiny is a disgrace to the gaming community. 

Dude, Destiny runs and looks better than Warframe. Apparently, "you don't know what the hell you're talking about."

You described a pay structure with Destiny that's common across lots of games. This isn't exclusive to Destiny at all, so you can really call it a strike against. It is still common practice with a lot of games, and it's the way it was before games like Warframe came along. You pay for expansions. How is paying the developer for expanding upon a game now somehow a fauxpas? Warframe does it for free because they know people will dump $10s to $100s of dollars into plat to get said items, instead of the tedious grind that's prevalent in both games.

As for the tilesets, are you kidding me? Warframe ISN'T repetitive? Oh, sorry, it's not AS repetitive. Yes, it is. Just like Diablo, rearranging the tileset doesn't count as "variety." Also, the artstyle (though a personal preference) is ugly. This applies across the board. Look at Chroma, and most Grineer-based weaponary.

You could also argue that Warframe has more weapons. That's great, except 85% of them are utterly useless, and the last 15% will get nerfed. It's a joke. People complain about the direction Destiny went but when you spend money on Warframe only to have all your work S#&$ on after the dev's decide that a bunch of random asshats on the internet know more about their game then they do, completely forget what makes their game great, and decides that the vocal minority should dictate how the game should be developed, you begin to see which is the bigger evil. At least with Destiny, when you spent money, you know what you're getting. Warframe? You'd be lucky if it wasn't wasted.

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Dude, Destiny runs and looks better than Warframe. Apparently, "you don't know what the hell you're talking about."

You described a pay structure with Destiny that's common across lots of games. This isn't exclusive to Destiny at all, so you can really call it a strike against. It is still common practice with a lot of games, and it's the way it was before games like Warframe came along. You pay for expansions. How is paying the developer for expanding upon a game now somehow a fauxpas? Warframe does it for free because they know people will dump $10s to $100s of dollars into plat to get said items, instead of the tedious grind that's prevalent in both games.

As for the tilesets, are you kidding me? Warframe ISN'T repetitive? Oh, sorry, it's not AS repetitive. Yes, it is. Just like Diablo, rearranging the tileset doesn't count as "variety." Also, the artstyle (though a personal preference) is ugly. This applies across the board. Look at Chroma, and most Grineer-based weaponary.

You could also argue that Warframe has more weapons. That's great, except 85% of them are utterly useless, and the last 15% will get nerfed. It's a joke. People complain about the direction Destiny went but when you spend money on Warframe only to have all your work S#&$ on after the dev's decide that a bunch of random asshats on the internet know more about their game then they do, completely forget what makes their game great, and decides that the vocal minority should dictate how the game should be developed, you begin to see which is the bigger evil. At least with Destiny, when you spent money, you know what you're getting. Warframe? You'd be lucky if it wasn't wasted.


I like how you - in your 'Destiny is polished' rant - left out:

1) The piss-poor communication.

2) The inability to trade.

3) Getting gear you can't use.

4) The same exact maps with the same exact mobs placed at the same exact locations.

5) The loot RNG that has no no rhyme or reason (completely ignores performance).

6) The various exploits that allow power-leveling and accelerated loot farming.

7) The imbalance of PvP (plenty of unfair advantages as well) followed by the blind balancing.

8) The enormous amount of weapons being completely not viable or nerfed into that status.

9) The gigantic amount of bugs (almost rivaling that of Warframe and Elder Scrolls games).

10) The horrible price tag attached to even start this torture.

Why let such a huge pile of terrible things stop you from claiming complete and total polish, am I right?

I still have to give props to the Art and Music teams. They are the only ones doing a great job.

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I feel like all of these arguements are completely invalid for a multitude of reasons:


-different size companies


-different types of markets


-different type of game


In short, you are trying to compare two things are different in too many ways.

Edited by Vaxillian
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I like how you - in your 'Destiny is polished' rant - left out:

1) The piss-poor communication.

2) The inability to trade.

3) Getting gear you can't use.

4) The same exact maps with the same exact mobs placed at the same exact locations.

5) The loot RNG that has no no rhyme or reason (completely ignores performance).

6) The various exploits that allow power-leveling and accelerated loot farming.

7) The imbalance of PvP (plenty of unfair advantages as well) followed by the blind balancing.

8) The enormous amount of weapons being completely not viable or nerfed into that status.

9) The gigantic amount of bugs (almost rivaling that of Warframe and Elder Scrolls games).

10) The horrible price tag attached to even start this torture.

Why let such a huge pile of terrible things stop you from claiming complete and total polish, am I right?

I still have to give props to the Art and Music teams. They are the only ones doing a great job.


And how much Bengie had to spend to make Destiny? An astounding amount at around 140 million dollars without the promotion and advertisement cost. The content you get for such a huge game is very subpar.


Obviously it's been said they'll add on to the game over the course of 10 years, but who seriously buys that bullS#&$, since there's gonna be tons of expansions that you'll have to spend more to get a complete game, following their logic.

Edited by Chuck_NoMiss
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I feel like all of these arguements are completely invalid for a multitude of reasons:


-different size companies


-different types of markets


-different type of game


In short, you are trying to compare 2 things that are vastly different in many ways.


I think the discussion turned into 'Is Destiny a good game?' which can be answered reasonably.

My answer is YES if:

A) if you go in knowing what to expect.

B) Have no problem throwing money and then grind hard.

C) Expect nothing but mindless casual play.

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I think the discussion turned into 'Is Destiny a good game?' which can be answered reasonably.

My answer is YES if:

A) if you go in knowing what to expect.

B) Have no problem throwing money and then grind hard.

C) Expect nothing but mindless casual play.


To like a game I think it takes a type of open mindedness and that's really all.

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I'm the kind of guy, who will never compare a 2 different games...

Like seriously. You should never do that just to prove that one of the games is "better".

Maybe you and your friends like warframe better, than destiny.

But i'm sure, that there are many people, who thinks completely opposite.

Both of these games have their positive sides, and downfalls...

In my opinion warframe should never be considered as a "better version" of destiny.

Even if you enjoy warframe much more than destiny, it doesn't mean, that destiny is a piece of ***, well u understood.

So yea.

Conclusion - No, i would not consider, that warframe is a better version of destiny!

Edited by YoloSwaggy
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Destiny is by far the worse game I ever played. Most hyped up and disappointing. I'm not exaggerating. It lacks feel when shooting. Childish if it makes sense.i bought the game digitally along with the extras right away. Huge waste, I quit and haven't looked back not even a week in. I wanted to like it,truly did but it's S#&$. I just seen a video on YouTube of the 35 reasons warframe is better. And it's pretty accurate.

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Whoa I see a lot of posts here with somewhat outdated information on Destiny.  While it's true that the game did spend the first year screwing players over things have indeed improved.  


I quit back then after the first core content was released and gave the game a couple hundred hours.  With the taken king I will probably play another couple hundred hours.


The game now tracks what drops you already have and tries not to give you the same items over and over.  It's still RNG, but you won't feel as disappointed getting the same item 12 times over while never getting the one you want.  While people are getting repeats here and there, the system is actually working. 


Also something interesting about it now is that exotic and legendary weapons (while having excellent perks) aren't the strongest in game.  In fact blue "rare" quality weapons and armor which the game incrementally drops at slightly higher light levels are where the power is at.  Yes you find a legendary or exotic you like, BUT when you get a blue/rare item that's of higher attack or defense you actually then get your favorite exotic or legendary to consume it.  (Imagine that? The game customizes drops for you...  Yeah I've noticed that after I hit 230 light, it's been dropping things at slightly higher lite 5-10 light points higher each day after.  The highest so far I think is 310.)


Either way, both games have their own merits.  I'll say that Warframe has amazing action, movement and artwork.  Destiny however has well scripted and very cinematic missions.  This is good and bad...  Playing the first few times it's great, after a dozen or so times it's like being forced to watch a movie over and over again.  So for folks complaining that Warframe has no story (it really does though and has improved so much on that front) please realize that Warframe is a more elegant game and more about getting right into the action.


Destiny as it stands now is worth playing, but realize that the game moves 3-4 times (my own feeling) slower than Warframe.  Also it's a first person shooter occasionally switching over to third person.  It's basically Halo with spell casting and skill trees.  


But really....  It's no longer about getting lucky with drops.  A player can have only rare gear and be 300-310 light and still be as strong as someone with the exotic and legendary gear.  They won't look as cool or have some perks, but the strength is the same.


Now with recent events here in Warframe I find that the developers need to decide on if they want us to grind mods and use that to determine our power or let us power/level up by the amount of kills we get (like in Deatiny) with a combination of getting drops that are used to power up.


Frankly speaking I love the system we already have in place even with mandatory mods and the whole modding aspect of Warframe (along with art, action, etc.) has kept me playing for the past 3 years.


I can understand why people make comparisons, but these are two very different games and I hope Warframe stays the way it is as trying to copy Destiny's skill trees, etc would be a big step backwards.

Edited by sushidubya
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