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Know Your Trade Chat Character.


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Im a "real deal", "undercutter? The guy with the muscle spasams" but most of the time im the "good samaratin"

:( what if they apologize?... geezzz

They go under the good samaratin catagory

It's nice if they apologise and it's forgotten about instantly but it's just something that gets on my nerves, disproportionately to the crime in all honesty. I hate wasting people's time in trading and the same applies to me.

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I have done my fair bit of trading and it seems to me you generally meet the same kind of types during your adventures trying to sell something. I normally don't bother to list WTS items unless I have something that I know is very coveted. So I stalk trade chat for WTB's and pm them my offers.

During these encounters these are the kind of guys I frequently meet. So take heed and know which kind of characters you might encounter if you dare venture into the mystery that is trade chat.

A) The lowballer

The type who always offer you half no matter what. If you say 10 he says 5, If you say 5 he says 2. If you say free he says give me 5p to take it

B) The poor liar

"I only have xx plat" "It is all i got plz" Which is as likely as DE will decrease the grind

C) The "clever" guy

Agrees to deal, comes to your dojo and then say "I got a friend who sells it for xx plat" but I will buy it for you for xx plat" To fool you into believing he is a good guy. Seconds after you don't agree to his terms you will see his "WTB xxxx" in trade chat again

D) The real deal

He comes, he buys, he leaves, no small talk just business

E) Actually not a buyer

Lists WTB something and when you PM them, "I don't have any plat but "insert worthless item here"

F) The misinformed

You can hardly watch trade chat scroll by without spotting one of these wanting to sell Dread, Oberon, Nekros, Forma, Brakk, Plastids etc etc you name it anything that is not sellable.

G) The scammer

Swaps items at last second and generally deal in kubrow imprints to exploit the fact that people don't know you can press L3 to see the imprints. Also deals in PSN cards, broken mods etc etc

H) The illiterate

Clearly not a english native speaker which normally is no problem but probably don't understand what he types himself. "Cna Sell frd I got u kno four me?"

I) The clueless

Wants to sell any worthless item for a absurd amount of platinum. You can also get lucky and find one that is the other way around. Who sells a quality item for far too little. Be gentle and give him a fair price.

J) The troll

These get all their enjoyment out of posting either WTB for items with a very unrealistic high price or WTS items for next to nothing. Like "WTB Maxed Ammo drum 50p", "WTS full frost prime 20p". They will never answer. Can actually be I) The clueless which is why they keep doing it as people always look for great deal

K) The beggar

"Give me free plat", "Want prime sets for free", "Can anyone help a girl gamer with some plat?" These might be worthy contenders for that amazing "ignore" button

L) Close but no cigar

Everything is ok, until you actually are going to trade in dojo. They have have no trades left or are unaware of the fact that you can not trade your starting plat. Also might not meet the mastery rank restrictions for certaint items or be rank 2

M) The all knowing

"It is not worth more than xx" or "It is worth at least xxx" Somehow knows every price in a free market but still finds the time to PM you for some strange reason.

N) The barterer

Kind of like the seller from Life of brian that refuses to sell anything before there has been some level of bartering. He will generally be pretty close to your price but will not relent until he has had the satisfaction of negotiating some kind of discount.

O) The Good samaritan

The guy who out of the blue gives you additional plat either as a tip or just a token of his appreciation.

P) The undercutter

Twitching with muscle spasms unless he gets his item sold ASAP, preferably before he has finished typing his WTS. Offers great deals.

So which category do you fall into and have you encountered a type not listed here?

Edit: Spelling and added suggestions

This is very accurate lol, I hate lowballers with a deep passion. Mag Prime is no longer in the game and I will not sell her for 20-50 plat.
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You know what's funny? I once asked for price check for the ninkondi stance mod, someone PM'd me and said it's only worth about 10p or so; I thanked him/her. I went to trade chat.


WTB Ninkondi stance mod.


After a while, I got a PM, player asked, what's your offer? I said, I have no clue, I was told it's worth about 10p or so. The player then went on and said, good luck with that. Then I got a PM from another player, telling me he would sell me one for 10p and it is maxed rank too (though cheap to max).

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I guess i'm the undercutter LOL. I don't care what I sell things for as long as it's not someone else trying to lower my deals. 
I sold a 9/10 primed mod for like 200p a few days ago. 
and a few other things like 40% off. 

but I hardly need plat I just like helping people. 

guess I'd be the real deal as well. 

dunno if there's something like this up here.
there's also the 
"The Offer" 
won't sell something unless you offer, and if you don't come close to what they want, you get ignored. 
has no clue what something is worth, and will prolly take any offer you list - me unless I know for sure you're trynna lowball me. >-> 

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dunno if there's something like this up here.

there's also the "The Offer" won't sell something unless you offer, and if you don't come close to what they want, you get ignored, has no clue what something is worth, and will prolly take any offer you list - me unless I know for sure you're trynna lowball me.

Yeah I considered that guy but seeing that you never will be selling or buying from that type he is not even worth mentioning. He is as reliable as you getting a good reaction to your girlfriend asking you "do I look fat in this dress?"

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"The Offer" 

won't sell something unless you offer, and if you don't come close to what they want, you get ignored.

Oh gosh, the offer. When I say WTB ... PM WITH PRICE and I get a response of "offer", that's the quickest way to get on my ignore list. Like, do they not read? Do they want to catch the hands?

On topic, I'm usually a good Samaritan or a barter. I'll give people who need it dome extra plat if it's for a good cause.

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+1 for accuracy

Real Deal mostly.

I do most of my bartering by listing my sell/buy point in plat. If I'm buying it is because I'm beginning to suspect that farming is a waste of my time in this particular case but I have no qualms about continuing to farm if I don't get any bites on my low offer. In the case of selling I'll only ask for higher end prices if I have almost no inventory of what I'm trying to move. If I have multiple copies of something I'm more willing to be bartered down.

I don't participate in bid wars. If someone offers you a better deal I'll tell you to take theirs. If you don't like my offer and I happen to have seen a better one in chat I'll send you their name.

If it turns out someone is obviously new I'll sometimes just give them the mod/print for free as long as it would have been a single digit transaction anyway.

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Several times I've had people respond to my "WTS [item x] for [some amount] of plat" with a simple "inv". Get to the dojo trade interface and there it is! The item I want to sell shows up on their side of the barter interface! Yes, that's what I want to sell! Thanks for not reading, pal!


I had one guy go berserk just spamming chat until I left the dojo because he misread my WTS as a WTB (and yes I double checked that it wasn't my mistake).

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Several times I've had people respond to my "WTS [item x] for [some amount] of plat" with a simple "inv". Get to the dojo trade interface and there it is! The item I want to sell shows up on their side of the barter interface! Yes, that's what I want to sell! Thanks for not reading, pal!


I had one guy go berserk just spamming chat until I left the dojo because he misread my WTS as a WTB (and yes I double checked that it wasn't my mistake).

I've had a few people like that, but they were just really embarrassed for it. 

This is a good thread. Very interesting, indeed.

I'm def a 'real deal' type trader, both as a seller and buyer. I don't really like to screw around and am not super tight with my plat. My favorite thing is to race and type 'ty' first, to end a good deal.

I tell everyone to enjoy. cause they better enjoy my sales. ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)

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