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Give Oberon A Buff


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Oberon is really good.  Outside of his 2 being kinda useless, his other abilities are good.  his 4 stops being amazing higher up, but its still fun to lift a room up then slam them on thier faces.  The radiation proc is fun to.


I do wish his heal was faster moving and more effective.

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Some frames do things that he does better, but no frame does what his whole package does, and this is a problem when people won't see that.


Being a jack of all trades means that you won't do as good as other frames that are made to work around something specific. Trinity is meant to heal, that's her speciality, so, yes, Oberon heals and Trinity does better. And then you keep coupling frames that are tuned towards a specific result with Oberon's abilities, bla bla bla.

Losing a speciality means that you can't be the best at it, because you are not specialized anymore, you sacrificed that to do different things, which Oberon is very solid at.

No other Frame deals radiation to a target of their choice, knocks them down and make a bunch of projectiles spawn from them that will hit enemies (and deal puncture status), makes a field that damages enemies and buffs allies armor, remove any bad stuatus they might have and make them immune to status, heal himself and the party over time, slow down the bleedout timer (or just give more time, same thing in the end) and removes bad status from players with full health, or make a radial attack that not only deals damage also procs radiation, has a % of spawning a heal orb when it kills enemies and enemies that survive will blind enemies that weren't affected by the initial cast but that got close enough to be affected by the blind caused by the enemies being slammed against the ground, no one does all that, so no one does it better.


Reckoning damage isn't that bad considering how much utility that ability has in it. 100% Radiation proc on enemies that survive is pretty good. Better than having slightly higher damage and no utility, because sooner or later it won't kill anything, so at least Reckoning has that going for it.

The heal speed depends on mods, which actually has the same mechanics as Saryn's ultimate, which is rather silly the way duration works on both.

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since he's a druid


1 smite : corrosive damage, heals oberon for 10% of damage dealt, the ability has homing and follows oberon like nova's 1. it auto targets enemies.

2 remove this, give oberon an armor buff based off how much % life your allies still have (100% life = 100% armor buff)

3 renewal : buff: all damage is converted to health, same thing for your allies. 100m range

4 reckoning: toggle, drains energy, lift enemies up in a 40m radius, they start taking corrosive damage. 100% health orb drop on death.

casting it twice in a short period of time (5s) makes oberon do an overcharged version of it, costing double energy, dealing quadruple damage and overcharging the health of allies within 90m for 50% of the damage dealt. 

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Some frames do things that he does better, but no frame does what his whole package does, and this is a problem when people won't see that.



Except that each frame is made for a specific purpose which they excel at. So having a "Jack of all, Master of none" works against oberon as he has no specified role. He will constantly be picked over specialists due to the nature of cell composition in Warframe.


If i wanted a healer on my team i'd bring trinity

If i wanted DPS I'd bring Mesa or even Excalibur

There are also tons of other support frames.



Oberon tries too hard to fit into every category and hence suffers. His skills as concepts seem to work well, however are executed poorly.


His first ability is a fine skill, simple direct satisfaction.

His second ability tries to many things at once. It's armour buff is worthless as frames who need armour boosts the most can't benefit off it as it add amount based on base armour. Because it's static it limits movement, it's damage to enemies is very poor, however it's proc and knockdown prevention is wonderful.

His third ability has a travel time, delaying the heal and even when makes contact it isn't instant, slowing down the bleed timer is useful however the duration of the slow (which isn't long) combine witht he fact that it has a trvel time means you can't reliably use it to save people far away from you.

His ultimate does impressive damage, spawning heal orbs is slightly meaningless as he posses a cheaper, stronger heal in renewel. Blinding enemies is a welcomed CC feature.


Oberon is based of a Paladin/Holy Warrior. So him being balanced at everything doesn't make sense as Paladin were usually the teams clerics or healers, support type characters.


His kit however can be fixed by simply removing pointless additons so he can excel in a specific role.


1-Leave as is

2-Turn into aura around him, the ground radiates holy fire. If the armour bonus must stay add a static amount example 150 so all frames can benefit.

3.You remove the travel time or the bleedout reduction effect is able to last much longer than it's current form. Healed teammates gain proc and knockdown immunity for x seconds

4.Remove the Health orb effect could be replaced by Oberon and nearby allies is healed a portion of the damaged target's HP.



Oberon kit isn't bad but he certainly needs buff in his current form, as there is rarely a time when i would pick him over any other support or healer frame.

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Pfft. Reckoning definitly isn't outclassed by anything. Dmg wise? Definitly. But no other damaging ultimate offers this kinda CC and support.

Using it ragdolls anything in range, leaves enemys with radiation and places the strongest armor buff in the game if you equip the augument.

I agree to the heal tho...yea yea, it isn't supposed to be another blessing but its weak, slow and unrefined. It deserves instant cast, full channel and maybe another buff.

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