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Shut Up About Exclusivity


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Deaf? We don't hear text. The correct question would be "Are you blind?" and I would like to ask you the same thing.


I never said nothing changed, not once. What I've been saying is to not jump to conclusions, to stop overreacting, to stop being so angry, to stop flooding the forums with that anger. To just stop talking about it until DE says something about it, until we actually know something and have more to go on.


Just relax. This seriously cannot be the highlight of your day.

It was an expression for one, (and you've been typing and responding, so I assume you are not blind... if were gonna so literal then), but you were just dismissing my point (which if that what you gotta do, pick minor points like that, you've lost) with nothing but a scoff and the implied (at least to me) "So, you know something we don't then?"

"Oh, so you have inside information and know that they didn't want to tell us of any changes to their plans. Okay, gotcha."


No, I used some common sense. If someone says X item is exclusive many times, then decides to release it later for everyone, something has changed, and they did not tell us in any way shape or form that they had decided to make it available to everyone. I didn't need inside knowledge, just some common sense here. If it was a bug/mistake, I'd have thought they'd fix it/make some sort of announcement about it.

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Look did DE say what they said with the intent to deceive


Probably not.



DE has a very poor record of communicating changes.


The Snipetron is excellent example of this, There was no warning, there was no nothing to suggest it was gonna go poof.


Instead of the Redtext talking about Bronies, a Failing Marriage and other random stupid **** Why not a play by play of a Grinner assault that destroys the Snipetron factory and it will have to be decommissioned get it now before its gone.


Boom you've done lore and you've given a warning to the player.


Frost Prime was originally stated as being the Reward for those that participated in the Moa event, The First  community Event of the game.


The gave just the BP to hype people up for Update 8 -which has not gone overs as well as they thought... which is kinda depressing since this was the one they really seemed to looking forward too. It'd depress me-



That was probably the "dumb" decision to make, cause when you get to update 8... You have this new area and three of the awards only apply to the so many players... So you have to make a choice


They picked the choice of its not exclusive anymore... The first community event has no exclusive the top killers got mod packs that you can farm for and guys like me with 300 something kills got  nothing really to show for it other then Hey I was there so was the guys they killed one moa just so they could creep in the reward big whoop de ****in doo.


And Honestly a simple acknowledgement would be nice. and the next livestream will probably have some form of answer to it...


or they could play the "it's just people overreacting card and heated emotions over drastic changes" you know classic dev  deflection jargon


I understand that one too cause lets be honest... Writing the " we dun ****ed up big time" post is hard thing to owned up too.



Look there is a difference between not telling you to surprise you and not telling you so you won't react till its already happened.

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It was an expression for one, (and you've been typing and responding, so I assume you are not blind... if were gonna so literal then), but you were just dismissing my point (which if that what you gotta do, pick minor points like that, you've lost) with nothing but a scoff and the implied (at least to me) "So, you know something we don't then?"

"Oh, so you have inside information and know that they didn't want to tell us of any changes to their plans. Okay, gotcha."


No, I used some common sense. If someone says X item is exclusive many times, then decides to release it later for everyone, something has changed, and they did not tell us in any way shape or form that they had decided to make it available to everyone. I didn't need inside knowledge, just some common sense here. If it was a bug/mistake, I'd have thought they'd fix it/make some sort of announcement about it.


Oh, just stop talking. No progress is being made anywhere.

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Holy S#&$ this thread is pointless. Company gives limited period whereby players are rewarded for a in-game reward. Later, it is opened up to other players to put in lesser amounts of time, once the depreciation of power curve sets in on the old-new-l33t warframe.


Go back and get your shinebox tenno.

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Holy S#&$ this thread is pointless. Company gives limited period whereby players are rewarded for a in-game reward. Later, it is opened up to other players to put in lesser amounts of time, once the depreciation of power curve sets in on the old-new-l33t warframe.


Go back and get your shinebox tenno.


The players happen to have that piece of blueprint sitting in their foundry for weeks until update 8 was released because they were told that frost prime was exclusive and the part will be available in U8. 

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As I have said a few times, I don't mind that Frost Prime was released - I'd rather a frame like that be obtainable by everyone than not. However, it is perfectly understandable that many people who put effort into the event (I am specifically referring to those that put effort into it, not those that killed one MOA) feel slighted, because they were ultimately not rewarded for their participation.

That last part might seem like an odd thing to say, but think about it - in order to feel rewarded for their effort, participants should have something over non-participants, preferably something non-material (or cosmetic). Having an easier grind, for example, or plain getting to use the frame a bit earlier than the others. A tangible reward.

Right now, with the drop rates as they are, you're as likely to get a Frost Prime blueprint while grinding parts for Frost Prime as not. To people this happens to, all of that work was just immediately devalued, because they didn't even need to put all that work into the event - they could have just waited until Update 8 and gotten it anyway while playing normally.

That's what bothers me about the situation most, really, because I can completely understand those who feel slighted. As for DE, well... I think they could have communicated that they were going to release it before they did so, yeah. It would have prevented much of the backlash (well, a lot of it would just have been moved forward, but yeah).


I totally agree with your post. Hence here's my to support your argument:


I really wonder how good we should feel to have the "exclusive" frost prime blueprint sitting in our foundry and when update 8 came, everyone is now trying to build that exclusive warframe now even when they did not have the blueprint, which was promised to be an exclusive. Come on, I'm not that a selfish person. We participated in the event not knowing what were the rewards. But yet, people did spend some of their time and effort to commit in the event and had that blueprint simply stashed in their foundry for the past days. It's not like we had the frost prime running in the maps and now DE decided to release it to be public. I really feel that DE just slapped us in the face. It's a matter of PRINCIPLE. How would you feel now if there is going to be a new event and yet another exclusive reward is promised? Will we be able to trust what is being promised?

TL:DR, We did not enjoy the exclusivity of frost prime before update 8 and now we are building it with everyone else. So what's so special about the reward of the event? Where is DE's principle?

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The only reason you want Frost Prime to be exclusive is so you can lord it over other players knowing that your frame is better and feel special.

The very nature of exclusivity means precisely that it is special and unique. Otherwise, it is not exclusive.

Of course it is meant to grant its owner a notion of pride and feigned superiority, it is the whole reason why one would want an exclusive.

I'm glad DE owned up to their mistake and changed their mind on the matter because barring players from a straight up better Frame is nonsense.

Whether DE made a mistake or not is highly debatable since it is a subjective opinion and a personal perspective.

To state otherwise would require a thorough analytical research of trends, numbers crunching and estimations regarding the socio-economical repercussions of doing X or doing Y and its fiscal affects upon DE's business.

Whether or not DE changing their minds to allow Frost Prime to be acquired by the general mass playerbase being good or bad is yet another subjective point of view, it depends greatly upon whom you query.

Frost Prime is not a straight up better frame. It is a +1 polarity from Frost.

With the introduction of forma and polarization, you can take a Frost and imbue it with another polarity all the same.

The only difference then becomes in the aesthetics of its visual appearance.

I'm a founder (obviously) and I'm quite against Excalibur Prime having to be purchased too, but that's a separate battle.

That is your prerogative to voice an opinion.

However, should you wish to acquire the consent of DE and the support of the playerbase in this notion, you would be required to provide an intelligent argument backed by facts as to why it should be so.

Excalibur Prime and Skana Prime are arguably inferior to their regular versions, despite the extra polarity slots (and in Excal's case due to it).

Lato Prime is the only actual upgrade from its original version. But it is rather inferior compared to dual Lato and many other weapons.


Vandal is a side grade, not an upgrade. They have different stats, this is completely different. Get off that horse already. Frost Prime is simply better than Frost (kind of like that Despair vs. Kunai problem people are pointing out).

The Vandal Braton has another polarity slot than the Braton. The varying in their stat (if one was to trust the wiki to be correct in the first place) is rather negligent.

This is practically the very same as the difference between Frost and Frost Prime.

So either you relent your argument, or you admit Vandal to sit on the same spot - exclusivity for exclusivity sake, in order to feel special.


If everyone acted that way then no one would ever fix their mistakes, quit being childish and see the bigger picture. This is better for the game (hint: new players acquiring parts for Frost Prime and wondering why they are not allowed to build it).

I doubt people are accusing DE of lying and were they then they are wrong to say so; we're all aware that DE has reversed a decision and that it is within their right to redesign elements; the reason for the vocal outburst is due to the company being perceived as rush, indecisive and that its word cannot be trusted as solid foundation to act upon because today they say something and the next they think it over and decide to do the opposite.

Players require a stable ground to operate upon and know that a dev decision sticks, so if they act according to it then it won't backfire upon them and all their time and efforts be rendered moot.


Grow up.

That is neither constructive nor mature. Please offer a proper argument if you wish for your opinion to carry any merit or validity.

Otherwise, was such not your intention and you merely wished to rant, carry on.

Best Regards,

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It's like a friend stealing 5 $ from you.


The five dollars is easy to replace. But the fact he did it is just... wow.


That's what happened with us. We feel betrayed, lied too.

So Grow Up, child.

No, it's like a friend giving you $5, you feeling that you're awesome cause your friend likes you so much and he would never give $5 to anyone else, and later you finding out that your friend gave a random hobo on the street $5...


You're unhappy that you're no longer special, and you don't want to be put in the same class as a random hobo...


And then you finally realize the hobo is actually better than you because he doesn't care about stupid S#&$ like this.

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Look there is always two sides of a barrel. Someone said a smart line regarding the topic so I did not invent these lines, nor do I remember them word by word but the point is the same.

This is the same exact thing with vandals.

" If you own the Prime or Vandals, you want to keep the exclusive to show off that you are special. "

" If you don't own Prime or Vandals, you want them because you missed the point to get them and you are jealous. "

EDIT: Sure I own Frost Prime, I worked hard for it, if you didn't well, it is not my or others fault you did not. I don't own Vandals and even if I wanted a " new " shiny toy, I prefer it being exclusive or else there is no point for them to exist.

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Yes, that is what I am saying. A lie is when you say something with the intent to deceive. Without intent to deceive, it is not a lie, that is not the definition.


So, over two weeks ago, they said it was exclusive. What makes you think that, at the time when they said that, it wasn't true? What makes you think that, at the time when they said that, they wanted to deceive us?


What makes you think they wanted to deceive us at all? Then or now? What brings about that thought process? What compels you to not look beyond that thought process?


Do you just need to complain about something?


If everyone had their own definition of words, how would anything in the world ever get done?

There is no way to say what their true intentions have been at any given point, so should no one make anything more out of it except assumptions. Stating that side or the other side as facts was the initial problem in my opinion. You should have added that I assume X.....

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I remember that the frost prime bp was said to be "a taste" of update 8. They were right, it's a bp that would be in update 8 and it sits in your foundry for a long period of time while it takes forever and good luck to get the other parts.

I thought it was exclusive, but since a ton had it, I thought that this wouldn't be a big deal if they pulled the Frost Prime bps later, which they might. Its no big loss, I want the frame, not the status of it's rarity, it's the same thing for skins, I want it because it's cool, not because only people in beta or season 1 or whatever have it.

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