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Strongest Weapons In The Game?



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Overpowered? None. All of them are balanced.


Not sure that's totally accurate..


The best weapons in the game depend a lot on your individual playstyle. There is no single god tier weapon that smashes all comers in it's wake. However, each category of weapon (automatic rifle, burst fire rifle, bow, launcher, pistol, etc.) has a weapon that hits the hardest/ has the most utility.  

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If you are super straightforward you can literally look up a comparison of all the weapons and pick the first primary, secondary, and melee on that list for damage


or you can actually test some weapons out because there are alot of good weapons that do different things. Boltor Prime, for example, is powerful, but I never use it because I hate leading enemies and I dislike puncture weapons (i prefer slash).


So yes there are alot of balancing issues but there are still a decent number of weapons that you can pool from, if you look for them

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Well I'll give you a list but these weapons can be powerful if built correctly & require Forma. I'm not sure how high enemy lvl has to be to be considered high lvl buy here it goes




Bolter prime




Paris prime

Prisma Grakata

Vectis p

Boar p (100% status)

Daiyku (Ehh I guess you can say)


Quanta Vandle


All Syndicate primaries (duhh)



Mara Detron


Kulstar (Angstrum has stronger base stats but kulstar win because of the bomblets it create & doesn't consume extra ammo + doesn't have to be charged)

Lex p (Now that's a powerful weapon)

Pretty much all prime sidearms (Better than their original variants)

All Syndicate sidearms (Even thou a lot of ppl don't like the Synoid Gammacor because it was nerfed. It does fine with me even with Lethal torrent. Ppl just don't know how not to overkill)



Twin Grakatas (actually are pretty beast when dealing with mods if you put punch through rather than a mutation. I never had ammo problems.)


Honestly there is no top tier melee. Maybe the Ninkondi only because it can achieve 100% status. Strippin armor really fast if going with corrosive/blast build.)

But honestly any gun can be made powerful. You just know what weapons are & aren't worth the forma.

Edited by (XB1)Cash201293
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Because of such questions, DE is doing all this crap. They can't succseed, but they're trying. Anyway. Pistol? Lex Prime is pretty great. Also Vaykor Marelok I heard. Shotguns? Sancti Tigris, I believe. Melee? No idea. Everyone says that Scindo Prime is pretty neat. Rifle? Pff.... Soma Prime...? We'll see after this weapon rework...

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remember OP asking for what weapons are overpowered


actually i have some useful advice, all weapons falloff vs high lvl enemies the most 'overpowered' ones falloff the least and last the longest, so instead of thinking in terms of dps/damage think time to kill TTK


for example, using a lex prime with viral build 4 corrosive projections you are still killing lvl 95 corrupted heavy gunners and bombards in under a second but a normal high status corrosive vmarelok with no cp still takes around 5 secs to take one down



those are the sort of weapons you want so you can take down those high threat targets asap, combined with a AOE/multi hit weapons to wipe groups. there are alot to choose from in each category that all perform similarly well


but you definitely want ammo/ttk economy and synergy with dmg buff skills (sonar, total eclipse etc) and aura buffs like cp to min-max its not just the weapons themselves 

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Yeah just go with what your play style is dont jump ship to what ppl are saying is op or end game .there is a chance you wont like it


Ok for example(boltor prime)(soma prime) i tried them both are 4-5 forma but dont really like the feel on them doesnt suit my style.so i picked tonkor and hek as my go to.and i run around tearing stuff up i love seeing bodies fly .I have so much fun with these 2 weapons.


So the choice for you is what is your playstyle test out the guns.all weapons can do near end game. Just matters the mods and time you put in(then some times) they can get a nerf.. so just go to how you feel.trial and error


We can not answer this for you the weapons we like love .you might hate

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don't look for the strongest weapon, look for the weapon you are strongest with



fun factor plays a bigger role than you may think. 

The weapon could be super OP, but if you're not having any fun using it because your bored to tears, you and it wont perform as well.


For me, my strongest weapons are the Tiberon, Burston P, and the Boar Prime.

Those weapons really do not get much love.


Take the Boar Prime for example, I always feel like "if they knew what i know, EVERYONE would be using it"


That's not the case.  On paper its the lowest damaging shotgun of the group, chews through ammo, has a hefty kick, and like all shotguns, damage falls off with distance.


To me the thing is OP as @#%! :)

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I honestly love the paris prime and the dread, because bows are so goddamm amazing and really add a challenge. It punishes you badly for missed shots, but when you land a red crit headshot the damage is sweet.


But the soma is good too (Not the prime, I hate that one) and I can recommend the Boltor Prime, but using that is a one way ticket to burnout. Especially with Draco.

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I like to balance my set when I play. If I'm playing my favorite set, it's Excalibur with Dread, Synoid Gammacor, and a crit-built Dragon Nikana with Blind Justice. If I'm using a high fire-rate primary (Soma Prime, Boltor Prime, Prisma Grakata, etc.), I take an ammo-efficient semi-auto secondary (Lex Prime, Vaykor Marelok, Rakta Ballistica, etc.).


The melee is a personal choice of mine, but some of the top I can think of are Dragon Nikana, Dakra Prime, Scindo Prime, Galatine, Jat Kittag, Orthos Prime, Tipedo....


There are so many choices of worth-while melee that I couldn't possibly list them all.


tl;dr, Unless the weapon is complete crap, it's worth taking all the way if you like it!

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Hind, Lato, Cronus obviously!  

Nah, not the lato, the Kraken.



don't look for the strongest weapon, look for the weapon you are strongest with



fun factor plays a bigger role than you may think. 

The weapon could be super OP, but if you're not having any fun using it because your bored to tears, you and it wont perform as well.


For me, my strongest weapons are the Tiberon, Burston P, and the Boar Prime.

Those weapons really do not get much love.


Take the Boar Prime for example, I always feel like "if they knew what i know, EVERYONE would be using it"


That's not the case.  On paper its the lowest damaging shotgun of the group, chews through ammo, has a hefty kick, and like all shotguns, damage falls off with distance.


To me the thing is OP as @#%! :)


In reality, this.  I have the Soma Prime (one of the two "best" automatic weapons in the game) but I almost never use it.  I use a lot of bows not because they are powerful (although many of them are), but because I enjoy using them.  I use the Burston Prime a good bit for the same reason.

Edited by xXRampantXx
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