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Ps4: The Weapons Locker (+Hotfixes)


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You should work on other way to get T4 keys...if I ask 10 players to farm T4 keys...only 2 players will come...but...to ask to play T4 keys...10 out of 10 ask to invite them to play it. If you don´t want to create other way to get these keys...try to find a way players get forced to get these keys...a penalty of resources could work. Thank you. 

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Thanks for the update, there is only one problem that bugs me: The Vulklok has weird stats compared to the PC build


From Codex:


1. Accuracy is 40.0 instead of 100.0

2. Even worse it has a fire rate of only 0.083, that means one shot every ~12 seconds - resulting in 7 DPS base (without crits)


Please hotfix the stats to PC values asap, otherwise this thing will be useless until our next update.

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You should watch out, DE doesn't tolerate talking about unreleased stuff on the forums, a lot of threads about that unreleased weapon were shot down yesterday


If it gets deleted, it gets deleted. I don't really care. Leaked stuff gets talked about all the time in General Discussion. Data mined info is a no-no though.

Edited by (PS4)The_Moustache
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Can anyone confirm Atlantis Vulcan as a drop? 3 Ceres Defenses, 20 waves, plenty of guardsmen and 15 fusion cores + 1 Malicious Raptor later, no nunchaku stance.

Casta Ceres at my second game we took it second or third wave. Stayed until 15w no other drops. Think its easy to find, plenty are selling and that is a good sign.


I found out in many waves at Sechura Pluto that my Kulstar is no longer making any easy headshots like I did yesterday before the update. 10 waves runs with nova molecular and no headshots or max 5/10 at my best game with plenty of kills (always >150). Yesterday always made the 10/10 headshots very easy in the first wave.

And suddenly today (didn't happened yesterday after the update) appears the message about 1/100 stealth kills all the time (always says 1/100 even in the same game or wave), already have all the trophies, long time ago.

Still at the codex > objects... the common and uncommon corpus containers are not showing even though I already completed them in the past and the scanner shows them green. Not sure if there are other objects or enemies having the same issues to tell you the truth... It was that way before the update, hoped it was going to be fixed. No it didn't.

Sorry I forgot... Thanks DE for everything. Keep up the good work.

Edited by (PS4)Nek_Food
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I found out in many waves at Sechura Pluto that my Kulstar is no longer making any easy headshots like I did yesterday before the update. 10 waves runs with nova molecular and no headshots or max 5/10 at my best game with plenty of kills (always >150). Yesterday always made the 10/10 headshots very easy in the first wave.


I think there were some changes between 17 and 17.4 that changed the way explosive weapons were being able to headshot.

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