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How Physically Strong Are The Tennos? (Counting The Suit Strength)


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Why is Rhino the exception? Please don't say Stomp because Void powers is the only reason it has those effects.

Void energy is the cause for virtually all of their capabilities. Void energy is what gave them the ability to do literally everything we see them doing. I doubt the ones originally sent into the Void were capable of any impressive physical feats prior to those events. So saying "it's Void stuff" doesn't really mean much, since everything Tenno can do is because of "Void stuff". It's kind of a grey area, since we still know so little about how void energy works and how Tenno abilities function.

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Void energy is the cause for virtually all of their capabilities. Void energy is what gave them the ability to do literally everything we see them doing. I doubt the ones originally sent into the Void were capable of any impressive physical feats prior to those events. So saying "it's Void stuff" doesn't really mean much, since everything Tenno can do is because of "Void stuff". It's kind of a grey area, since we still know so little about how void energy works and how Tenno abilities function.

Well, let just limit it too things we can do without the expense of energy.

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I think I'd go so far as to say that we're twice as strong as that, given the noted stamina of sprinting, wallrunning, and the jumping (which may not inherently be tied to the Void powers themselves) and just sort of the general durability of the Warframes we see through gameplay.

I just had a theory pop into my head.

We all know how you build muscle right? You do physical things which do damage to the muscles. After a break the muscles kinda "grow" back to compensate for the physical conditions you are putting yourself under.

What if the original Tenno's muscles had been replaced by the suit's organic matter(because we're pretty sure the suits are some sort of organism right?)?

Our brain puts these "limiters" on our body so we don't push ourselves too hard and do irreversible damage to our muscles. Maybe these "limiters" were removed with the addition of the suits? And so the Tenno pushed themselves to the point where they had no "natural" muscle regeneration and the suit compensated for that?

Maybe that could be a factor in determining their strength? Not to mention it would also give DE some liberties in deciding how strong we are.

We could essentially be just torsos with no arms or legs. That does put us a little more on par with Raiden in terms of amount of bodyparts at least.

Edited by Drunkenbagel
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Which means we can support our weight with little to no effort. That means quite strong.


It means they're reasonably fit. While that does imply some level of strength, that's only useful up to a certain extent. And the suit is probably providing at least some assistance to their endurance.


At this point I'm going to ask for a clarification on what you mean by "strong." I'd been assuming you meant strength, that is, ability to exert force on other objects, be it lifting or pushing or whatever.


If that's not what you meant, then I misunderstood and my answer is... not wrong, but irrelevent.

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It means they're reasonably fit. While that does imply some level of strength, that's only useful up to a certain extent. And the suit is probably providing at least some assistance to their endurance.


At this point I'm going to ask for a clarification on what you mean by "strong." I'd been assuming you meant strength, that is, ability to exert force on other objects, be it lifting or pushing or whatever.


If that's not what you meant, then I misunderstood and my answer is... not wrong, but irrelevent.

Well, I was talking about strength as a general


Which includes

- The amount of force we can exert

- Our physical endurance

- Our atheletic abilities.

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Why is Rhino the exception? Please don't say Stomp because Void powers is the only reason it has those effects.


The description of the move itself seems to suggest that it's raw physical power.  Or maybe he can draw on void energy to temporarily boost his strength to ridiculous levels.  That seems more likely.  In either case, Rhino is distorting time through sheer physical force.  

Edited by Xero_Kaiser
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I just had a theory pop into my head. 


We all know how you build muscle right? You do physical things which do damage to the muscles. After a break the muscles kinda "grow" back to compensate for the physical conditions you are putting yourself under.


What if the original Tenno's muscles had been replaced by the suit's organic matter(because we're pretty sure the suits are some sort of organism right?)?


Our brain puts these "limiters" on our body so we don't push ourselves too hard and do irreversible damage to our muscles. Maybe these "limiters" were removed with the addition of the suits? And so the Tenno pushed themselves to the point where they had no "natural" muscle regeneration and the suit compensated for that?


Maybe that could be a factor in determining their strength? Not to mention it would also give DE some liberties in deciding how strong we are.


It's certain possible. That depends quite a bit on what we are underneath the Warframes but I definitely can agree to the symbiosis between Tenno and Warframe. Connection may have to be imperfect to some degree, though, given our ability to disconnect from it - but given that we're talking technoorganic space suits THAT much logic probably need not apply.

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It's certain possible. That depends quite a bit on what we are underneath the Warframes but I definitely can agree to the symbiosis between Tenno and Warframe. Connection may have to be imperfect to some degree, though, given our ability to disconnect from it - but given that we're talking technoorganic space suits THAT much logic probably need not apply.

You've gotta admit that DE could make use of the "arms and legs replaced with suit's amazing muscle mass" to justify any crazy stuff that may happen.


Also, can we disconnect from the suits? We may be changing frames but how does that explain the changing of gender and...

this is for a different topic. Right now we are talking about manly manly strength.

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You've gotta admit that DE could make use of the "arms and legs replaced with suit's amazing muscle mass" to justify any crazy stuff that may happen.


Also, can we disconnect from the suits? We may be changing frames but how does that explain the changing of gender and...

this is for a different topic. Right now we are talking about manly manly strength.


Oh yeah, it would be interesting. The idea of the Warframes being some kind of life support or means of normal interaction for the Tenno is a theory I hold very dear - regardless of what they are underneath. It adds a level of helplessness to the Tenno I find interesting - an unstoppable force who, at the same time, is vulnerable in a very particular kind of way.


And changing frames would imply disconnecting from them. But yeah, I can agree with that.

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There was once a thread about power calculation for Tenno.


They used the thesis: how much force do you need to be able to throw a target like a grineer soldier into the air 3 meters with throwing weapons. They assumed some numbers but it was calculated, more or less, 3 tons* that hit target.

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Void energy is the cause for virtually all of their capabilities. Void energy is what gave them the ability to do literally everything we see them doing. I doubt the ones originally sent into the Void were capable of any impressive physical feats prior to those events. So saying "it's Void stuff" doesn't really mean much, since everything Tenno can do is because of "Void stuff". It's kind of a grey area, since we still know so little about how void energy works and how Tenno abilities function.


Then by that logic, all Tenno can match Raiden and not just Rhino like you previous said.



The description of the move itself seems to suggest that it's raw physical power.  Or maybe he can draw on void energy to temporarily boost his strength to ridiculous levels.  That seems more likely.  In either case, Rhino is distorting time through sheer physical force.  



See above. If it's just drawing on Void energy, then all Tenno inside of a Warframe have this potential in some shape or form.

Edited by EmptyDevil
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Well, I was talking about strength as a general


Which includes

- The amount of force we can exert

- Our physical endurance

- Our atheletic abilities.


That's more or less what I meant when I said "fit." Okay.


In that case, at least strong enough to do everything they do in the game, probably with the aid of the suits. It's kinda difficult to quantify, because we haven't really seen an upper limit to a Tenno's ability. I mean, we've got some notion of their durability (it's not that high, really, without the suit, because a caster with no shields and minimal armor will get ripped apart), and Tenno seem to have a high degree of fitness, being able to bounce around a room with no apparent effort or exhaustion. But we can't really quantify their strength. And then there is the matter of their suits, which almost certainly enhance their natural abilities by an unkown amount.


I think the best I could honestly say is "They're really, really fit."

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dude, Raiden was fighting without arms, holding a sword in his teeth and/or in his foot.

what tenno do? spamming 4 for ultimate?

Zoro from One Piece does the same thing, so that just convolutes the strength comparisons even more.

I mean he cannot double jump, his Jump height is not nearly about the level of bullet jump (or could be wrong since long time no touching MGR).


Warframe doesn't get tired anymore, which means we are pretty strong.

Strength =/= Stamina, also Raiden runs off of fuel like a machine. We don't know what Tenno run off of but the locomotion systems in our suits might be more advanced.

Edited by Arcaedias
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Zoro from One Piece does the same thing, so that just convolutes the strength comparisons even more.

Strength =/= Stamina

Fighting with your mouth (heuhauehuaehuahuhauhaeuh) seems to require more finesse rather than strength. So I don't think fighting style denotes strength.


Let's just stick to how much they can bench press and how much force they can muster up into a punch.

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I don't remember there ever being an enemy that utilizes nanomachines so I can't say.


I don't see anything that could put Warframes above MGR cyborgs in terms of raw strength.


there are nanomachines in warframe, in game description of pastids: "A disgusting nanite-infested tissue mass.", so yeah infested have something to do with nanomachines...

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This is the most likely. 



This would be very hard to determine but since it's thousands of years in the future, we can assume the suits might be using something greater than carbon nanotubes.


Well, not too terribly difficult, but we'll have to make the fairly sweeping assumption that all weapons unless otherwise stated are made of mostly the same material, and that in a non-deadly environment, the atmosphere is relatively similar in composition to our own. 


This isn't outside the realm of possibility for the Mk-1 Bo, so I'll run with it.


1. Measure how many strikes a Tenno, using the bo, can block from another tenno, attacking with another bo, before said block "breaks". 


2. Generate a function which describes the motion of the blocking-Tenno's weapon through space. 


3. Generate another function which describes the motion of the attacking-Tenno's weapon through space. 

3.5: Note that these functions must solve for energy with inputs of x/y/z coordinates, time, and density. I'm too lazy to derive those right now, but I'm relatively confident it could be done.


4. Measure the intensity and pitch of the sound generated by blocking-Tenno's weapon striking the attacking-Tenno's weapon


5. Because the two weapons use exactly the same materials, energy travels through them at exactly the same rate. As such, we can measure the time it takes for the sound to propagate through the metal, subtracting the time it takes for the sound to propagate towards us. (Note that at this point, the physics breaks down because it's a video game..and i'm pretty sure DE didn't go into this much detail)


6. Solve for how long it would take for a sound of the same pitch and intensity to reach us, if it were generated the same distance as the point of contact between the two weapons, but instead moved only through the air. 


7. By subtracting the soundThroughAir from the soundThroughWeaponsAndAir, we determine a (rough) measure for how long it took for the energy to travel through the weapon. This then allows us to calculate the density of the weapon.


8. Plug the now-known density into our function from 2, and integrate over total time used. This us the total energy used to block


9. The energy from 8 is the amount of energy that a Tenno can call upon quickly in their arms, since blocking (generally) involves the weapon moving much faster than when attacking. Let us further assume that this is the same amount of energy used to perform a double jump, since said double jump prohibits the Tenno from further aerial antics. 


10. Since a Tenno moves forward while attacking, it is reasonable to assume (we've come this far!) that they're using additional energy in their legs to overpower their stationary opponent (Otherwise Tenno couldn't attack indefinitely). As such, measure the maximum height obtained by a Tenno performing a double jump straight up (it would have to be the "twisty" kind to be accurate)


11. From the height, and assuming a gravitational constant of 9.81m/s2, calculate the total energy used in this jump. 


12. Add the energy calculated from step 8 to that found in step 11, which gives us the total usable energy a Tenno can call upon quickly. 


Let us then further assume that a Tenno is able (theoretically) to transmit all of this energy in a single strike. That tells us how hard a Tenno can hit.



tl;dr: It's possible to calculate, but the math is atrocious. 

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Then by that logic, all Tenno can match Raiden and not just Rhino like you previous said.


See above. If it's just drawing on Void energy, then all Tenno inside of a Warframe have this potential in some shape or form.

Actually no, I'm afraid that logic does not hold. Other Warframes don't use powers that are implied to be the result of pure physical strength. At least not at the level of Rhino. Your logic would only hold if every Warframe had powers that allowed them to access such levels of physical strength through Void energy. While all Warframes draw on Void energy for their powers and physical abilities, they still each have their own unique ways of using it. At best, it simply means that Rhino specifically is uniquely capable of summoning vast strength with his specific brand of Void powers.

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Ask a physics-requiring question, get a physics-requiring answer ;) 


On a side note, I'm sure I made some errors, but the calculations *should* work out.. perhaps we could get DE to release some "official" numbers? 

Acceleration due to gravity is 7.34ms-2 for all Tenno.

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