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Vacuum Hate (I Just Don't Get It)


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Now, the title may be misleading but I couldn't come up with anything better, so just deal with it.

I was watching a video like 30 seconds ago, and they said that they that "Where's our variety in companions? Kubrows are a huge letdown when you put them up against the power of the Vacuum. Why not give all companions the ability to Vacuum stuff up?"
Now, I understand where he's coming from, but... then you need to completely re-work the Carrier (Prime), as that is literally the only thing that separates it from the rest of the Sentinels. Like, if you say "Why not give all companions the ability to vacuum stuff up", then why not give all companions the ability to knock everything down within a certain radius? Why not give all companions the ability to turn you invisible when you're near an enemy? Like, come on. If you want to use something else, then get used to running over and picking stuff up.

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Just give Warframes a vacuum IMO. A smallish one, a bit smaller than what Carrier has now, maybe with a couple exilus mods that can expand it. It's so much more time efficient to use Carrier, and without any other options (RIP Gmag) it's usually the best choice to stay focused on combat.

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thq quality of life is beyond wording from carrier, it could only be beaten by helios IF you need to scan stuff


its painfully awful, slow, painful AND buggy to try to pickup essential stuff like ammo mods hp etc, not only are you wasting time but you are partially out of the fight - putting yourself and your team at the disadvantage 


for me this is unacceptable to still have this closed beta relic loot pick up system 


still waiting for the "year of quality" regarding this

Edited by SYL3NZR
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Yeah... Idk why people go crazy over Vacuum... I don't give a damn about picking up items, I'm not that incompetent with movement that I'm actually thrown out of combat just trying to pick up items...


I'd pick invis like a Huras Kubrow any day just because of how helpful it is to pretty much stay invisible as long as you want in a fight (because Huras's invis detection range is massive compared to Shade's), which is really nice for offensive Warframes because you can just spam spells while invisible; or giving you a very helpful tactical advantage of deciding when to engage the enemy or not, pretty much at will.


I used to think Vacuum was okay... but when they expanded everyone's natural pickup radius in what... U14? or U15? that's when I definitely felt like Vacuum is useless.


Whenever I see someone say how out of the way they have to go to pick up loot in the middle of combat, I can't help but think of "can't chew gum and walk at the same time."

Edited by Tyrannawn
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Now, the title may be misleading but I couldn't come up with anything better, so just deal with it.

I was watching a video like 30 seconds ago, and they said that they that "Where's our variety in companions? Kubrows are a huge letdown when you put them up against the power of the Vacuum. Why not give all companions the ability to Vacuum stuff up?"

Now, I understand where he's coming from, but... then you need to completely re-work the Carrier (Prime), as that is literally the only thing that separates it from the rest of the Sentinels. Like, if you say "Why not give all companions the ability to vacuum stuff up", then why not give all companions the ability to knock everything down within a certain radius? Why not give all companions the ability to turn you invisible when you're near an enemy? Like, come on. If you want to use something else, then get used to running over and picking stuff up.

Because it's "cool' to hate on what people like.


I don't think you can compare picking up items and knocking down a enemy. In a game like Warframe where looting is everything you do, Vacuum should be baseline on every companion. 


Vacuum is a quality of life improvement, while knockdown, turning you invisible, etc is more like using a Warframe skill.

Edited by Alphafox
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Because it's "cool' to hate on what people like.


I don't think you can compare picking up items and knocking down a enemy. In a game like Warframe where looting is everything you do, Vacuum should be baseline on every companion. 


Vacuum is a quality of life improvement, while knockdown, turning you invisible, etc is more like using a Warframe skill.

Okay. then why not give EVERY Warframe a Desecrate skill?I mean, if one Warframe can double your chances at more loot, then why can't the others? Again, separates one Warframe from the rest.

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Okay. then why not give EVERY Warframe a Desecrate skill?I mean, if one Warframe can double your chances at more loot, then why can't the others? Again, separates one Warframe from the rest.

While Nekros does need a rework, that's a different issue.

You're showing us "This is an issue, and so I respond with another issue."

Issues do not validate issues.

OP Level:


Edited by VocalMagic
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Okay. then why not give EVERY Warframe a Desecrate skill?I mean, if one Warframe can double your chances at more loot, then why can't the others? Again, separates one Warframe from the rest.

Do you understand what a quality of life improvement is?

A quality of life change is something that isn't massively game changing but greatly increase your experience. This is what Carrier does, reduce the hassle of walking on every piece of loot, nothing more.

Giving Desecrate to everyframe would be something with far more impact.


Can't you really make the difference?

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While Nekros does need a rework, that's a different issue.

You're showing us "This is an issue, and so I respond with another issue."

Issues do not validate issues.

Except I don't see issues with Carrier's Vacuum or Nekros' Desecrate. I'm saying that another person has said that every Companion should have something that only one Companion has, making him different from the other Companions. I am saying that I disagree with this.

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Except I don't see issues with Carrier's Vacuum or Nekros' Desecrate. I'm saying that another person has said that every Companion should have something that only one Companion has, making him different from the other Companions. I am saying that I disagree with this.

Do you really believe that someone would give Vacuum to every companion and nothing back in return?.. Come on dude. If he had the ability to store all the ammo you pick while your weapons are full, that would be quite unique, or even if he could convert ammo you don't use to the type of weapon you currently use, that would be unique too.


Really it's not difficult to give Vacuum to every companion and to give him something unique, like not at all.

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Do you understand what a quality of life improvement is?

A quality of life change is something that isn't massively game changing but greatly increase your experience. This is what Carrier does, reduce the hassle of walking on every piece of loot, nothing more.

Giving Desecrate to everyframe would be something with far more impact.


Can't you really make the difference?

So hold on. If you're playing with shade, we'll assume that you're playing Stealth. Can you not take a second to walk over to the body you just killed and collect the loot? I mean, you're going at a slower pace anyway, so surely it's not gonna change your quality of life. Or if you're using Wyrm, it's not insane to assume you're using a close up playstyle. So... if you're killing nearby enemies, it's not an effort to collect the loot at all. Plus I saw there's a small area where you can pick up loot, so you don't have to be right on top of (albeit, awfully close to) it.

Edited by PickleMonster21
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So hold on. If you're playing with shade, we'll assume that you're playing Stealth. Can you not take a second to walk over to the body you just killed and collect the loot? I mean, you're going at a slower pace anyway, so surely it's not gonna change your quality of life. Or if you're using Wyrm, it's not insane to assume you're using a close up playstyle. So... if you're killing nearby enemies, it's not an effort to collect the loot at all. Plus I saw there's a small area where you can pick up loot, so you don't have to be right on top of (albeit, awfully close to) it.

You really don't know what a quality of life improvement is do you?

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You really don't know what a quality of life improvement is do you?

I guess not. But having said that, I've never needed a Vacuum to feel like I'm getting the best of Warframe. When I'm not using Carrier Prime, I simply adjust to picking up loot like we all used to, back before we even had a Carrier.

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Off the top of my head, I'd say:


1. In a game heavily based on loot, most people would want abilities that increase the farming efficiency. I mean, the pre-nerf Greedy Pull made it pretty obvious. If not for Vacuum, I'd personally be switching between the companions all the time.

Non of the other companion abilities are going to have such a massive impact on "choice" as the Vacuum if they became "general".


2. Pets in most games are usually the looters. That's why the mentality, I guess.

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Imo vacuum should be given to all companions just because of how much time and effort it saves. this is a game based mainly on farming, whether it's resources or mods.an ability like this shouldn't be limited to 1 sentinel.


to compensate carrier should get something extra maybe like some people suggested in other threads innate ammo mutation. at least give the other companions a smaller radius vacuum. but running around like this trying to pick each and every drop just takes too much time. and sometimes it doesnt even pick up the drop when you walk over it you have to return to it again to pick it up.

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To be honest I'm kind of on the fence about this. As most have mentioned, Warframe is a game that is heavily based on farming. Carrier makes it less tedious to farm pickup-wise and I'm sure it is super efficient to most. If you're a veteran who has most of the content built and have tons of resources lying around, I'm sure that there is no problem in not using carrier and you're free to use other types of companions but not for newer/new-ish players who still need those tons of resources. Making every companion have the innate vacuum ability would make carrier less special but I'm sure a new companion skill would be appreciated. Now what I do want is for a companion that can revive the player since I mostly play solo and I just hate to use my revive but meh one can dream :3 Just my two cents ~

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Players are placing WAY too much importance on Vacuum and pretending that it's such an essential mandatory mechanic to have. I've been playing this game on and off for 2 years or so now and only use Carrier on my Nekros, who I don't play that much either.  I have no problems picking up stuff myself so the claims that it's too difficult to do or that you'll miss essential drops is bogus. Is it easier with Vacuum? Of course, but it's not so essential that we need it on all frames and sentinels.  It annoys me to see people keep saying how it's so mandatory when I know there are plenty of people like me who don't even use it.

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Personally, I can't stand the idea of using a floating pear with a built in vacuum to pick up items for me. I'd much rather be involved in the game and gather my own loot.


That being said, there is a reason I've been seeing as to why more sentinels should be given some sort of vacuum of their own. Whenever I run the void with my Diriga and Steel Meridian weapons, my Syndicate proc often activates in rooms with containers hidden behind the walls, and Diriga's Animal Instinct mod usually shows a mod or two. This usually leads to activating every switch in the room, only for every wall except for the one hiding the mod to open, and the mod itself tends to drop just a hair out of our normal pick-up range. I don't really know if vacuum can pick up loot behind walls or not, but if it can, this is pretty much the only viable reason I can think of for giving other sentinels some kind of vacuum, otherwise DE could increase a Frame's pick-up range enough for this to not be an issue.

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Tbh, if they increased the pickup radius around your warframe to 1-2m instead of just right under you, that'd be fine. Vacuum is what 12m?


Yes Vacuum isn't "mandatory" or "essential" but the utility of it is just too good to pass up for a lot of people. You might like to run around in circles until you have picked up all the loot in a room, but that isn't an option for a lot of people.

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Why not just kill off carrier and carrier prime and let the other sentinels and kubrows use "vacuum".  DE wants a balanced game so:


The 85-90% of the users that use Carrier the most will be delighted with the change.  Vacuum pickups and get to experience and enjoy all the other sentinels and Kubrows.


The 10-15% that don't use, like or want "vacuum" gain an extra slot for a different mod of their preference.


Everybody wins, except Carrier and DE gets to roll out a "buff" rather than a "nerf" for once...

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im 100% with vaccum being an universal ability to each companion or Warframe, its a must QOL change so DE please do it.


we can add an option to turn vaccum effect on or off, so everyone will be happy.

Edited by Barkano
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Do you really believe that someone would give Vacuum to every companion and nothing back in return?.. Come on dude. If he had the ability to store all the ammo you pick while your weapons are full, that would be quite unique, or even if he could convert ammo you don't use to the type of weapon you currently use, that would be unique too.


Really it's not difficult to give Vacuum to every companion and to give him something unique, like not at all.

In some situations it makes sense to give every companion (or every frame) vacuum so that Carrier isn't used all the time, but in the same light it would remove the challenge (and cause some problems) for those that don't want to pick up everything as soon as it drops.


For example, single reload shotguns with ammo mutation WILL suck up every round within range of Carrier to replace that one round being loaded, which then causes users who don't want to waste ammo drops to only reload their weapons outside of vacuum range. At the same time, Vacuum comes in handy when mods or life support capsules are stuck in walls or going to fall off the map and not spawn on the path near the edges.


As for giving Carrier another ability to replace Vacuum, I do agree that collecting ammo for the user would be nice, so long as it does it like mods are handled (E.G. it only grabs a copy of the ammo and leaves the "original" behind so others can get their fill if need be). It would also be neat if instead of giving the player ammo in chunks it gives you enough to fill your weapon once you reach a certain threshold and near its name on your screen you see a percentage of ammo restore left in it. The player can choose the threshold for the Carrier and it does it's best to NOT waste any precious ammo drops it picked up and mutated. The downside of this is that once the Carrier dies, all that ammo it collected is gone.


Finally, for those players who don't want the "lazy way" to collecting items, why not have a toggle that they can choose in the options that limits the range to the normal amount without vacuum. So the folks who want the challenge can use that while the rest who just want to speed through farming or enjoy the run and gun without worry about drops can keep up the vacuum all they want.

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