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Valkyr's Hysteria Is Not Overpowered.


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Fayt could ignore all damage up to 4D the final difficulty.


I don't think it went that far.

He could not negate all dmg past normal difficulty with defense alone. Bosses will still deal dmg. It did negate a lot of dmg but not all of it.

Only limited to normal or Galaxy difficulty.


It was also not part of regular gameplay. You had to get to floor 100 of the special dungeon to even get enough defense berries. It was also a slow and boring strat.


But Fayt being immortal in Star Ocean 3 due balance oversights basically has no bearing on Valkyr being invincible. Different games. Hysteria is still overpowered in Warframe and should be culled. Due to reasons presented for about 30 pages in different threads that I'm not going to copy paste here. 

Edited by Ziegrif
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Games are balanced around high levels of play not around what happens if people make silly mistakes. Otherwise you have people calling blessing balanced because you can die if you stand still and let the enemy shoot you for 10 minutes. 


Solo invisibility is effectively the same as invulnerability. You will not take damage from enemies. 


One has 100% damage reduction

One abuses horrible AI


Both outcomes are that you will not take damage. Effectively the same. 



This is false and I would like you to try not to spread false information, "effectively the same" is not the right usage in this situation so I would have to question if you even know what it means.


Invis is good yes since enemies cant detect you, but you can still take damage while under invisibility. For example I was once soloing t4s to get some loot, and used irraditating disarm. I would run to get LS from time to time while killing things after using irraditating disarm, when it got higher end I would take random stray crossfire bullets from non radiated targets targeting the radiated targets behind me and it would insta one shot my loki prime while under cloaked. Invisibility does not nullify dmg, especially when DE is adding in Anti-invis units that can see through invis and atk them soon.


Another example was when I was doing draco solo to level up some melee weps and irraditating disarmed a whole troop of grineers so I can go in and melee, this was a bad miscalculation on my part they were all melee-ing each other under radiation and I jumped into the middle of it trying to melee while under invis and got rekt by a stray melee swing.




Another example while I was farming eris akkad for credits, under invis a group of toxic ancients insta-rekt my loki prime under cloak from the toxic DOT. Invis does not protect from dmg nor does it nullify it.


Point is, it is not "effectively the same" blanket statements like that do not serve any legitimate purpose other than to throw everything under one umbrella to wrap/cover up any potential flaws something has.


Don't use blanket statements, they're a sign of a bad argument.


Invis is not the same as invul, it just removes aggro, does not mean absolute protection. In this case toxic ancients. or any environmental hazards such as infested moas, arc traps and the soon anti-invis units to be implemented.


Lord have mercy on your soul when a platoon of high toxic ancients are near you while invis as loki, 

Edited by --Sensei--
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Shes OP, too much damage+perma invulnerable. Only 2 of 4 fraction can do something against her-corpus with new unit and again corpus+orokin due to nullifiers. Grineer and infested cannot do a S#&$ to her, this is not ok. Ether drastically decrease damage or remove invincibility while adding some damage reduction

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Excelent excuses.  This frame is too easy to play compared to others, and that is a problem. Immortality for long time is OP no matter what you tell.

Even tryndamer in league of legends have ulti take work only for 3 seconds and after that he need to wait a long cooldown time to use it again.


In League  ...... everyone has a cooldown ..... so the fact that  Tryndamere has a cooldown is not relevant. 


Do enemies have cooldown times? Why should any frame have them!?


And, again, related to League .... Tryndamere isn't even a 2nd tier champ. Is that what you want? .... take away invulnerability and nobody will play Valkyr anymore. Why would I play a frame who's stronger power is to block my ranged attacks?!

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 take away invulnerability and nobody will play Valkyr anymore. Why would I play a frame who's stronger power is to block my ranged attacks?!

How about Massive damage, innate life leech and huge damage reduction(which i think should replace invulnerability) on top of highest armor in the game? Seems like perfect berserk frame. Cuz if you wanna live-you should keep killing stuff, now you just press 4 and can go away for 5 min-it's not berserker it's a god mode

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How about Massive damage, innate life leech and huge damage reduction(which i think should replace invulnerability) on top of highest armor in the game? Seems like perfect berserk frame. Cuz if you wanna live-you should keep killing stuff, now you just press 4 and can go away for 5 min-it's not berserker it's a god mode



I posted 2 sugested balance ideas regarding Hysteria ... nobody cared .... you people only like to complain but never read balance ideas.

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Here is my question; what is the benefit of doing survival for more than 20 - 30 minutes? To my knowledge the chance of better rewards is no different as the chance for X prime part does not increase with time.

"Well they are getting more drop!"

A group kills faster effectively getting more drops than the solo killer effectively murdering that argument.

"Well they are killing enemies normally impossible for others to kill!"

That points to a larger overarching problem; enemy scaling compared to frame scaling. I rather we all wait until U18 to see what they do with enemies, if they do anything, before asking for full own frame changes.

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Damage reduction does diddly against higher level enemies. Take a 95% damage reduction Mesa into T4 and see how fast you die through your shatter shield.


The name of the game is not to reduce the damage you take, but to avoid it completely. Some frames do it by being invisible, some do it by putting up (stacking) barriers that absorb the hits for them (and their allies), some do it by control enemies so they may not be able to attack.


It doesn't matter what path you walk the end result is the same, not taking damage. Mitigation is simply not enough. And for a Warframe like Valkyr who needs to get right up into her enemies face for her abilities to even be relevant, invincibility was chosen but with a catch.

The catch being that you do take damage but it is extented, and if you end Hysteria with no enemies around that damage is pardoned. If there are enemies around when Hysteria ends you're going to get hurt, a lot.

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People keep complaining about enemy scaling and how anything past 40 minutes becomes ridiculously hard to kill and also hits like a freight truck. Oh look valkyr can actually work through that S#&$ with her kit NERF! .   All she is in a team setting is basically  a revive bot frame. She cant clear rooms in the press of a button , she  can  disable the enemy but honestly its inferior to nearly every other disable in the game. Her 1 is basically a get over here button. Warcry along with its augment is probably the only thing that make melee weapons fun and usable in this game. She is only good at 1 thing and that is tanking a S#&$ ton of damage and being able to get into the enemies faces while doing so. 


Lets look at the other tanks -> closest contender is probably Chroma and even with him past the 40-60 min mark still cant take all the damage lvl 100+ enemies can dish out. Rhino? HAH!. Atlas ? still nope.


Trinity?  99% damage red< invincibility but then again she has a whole host of other useful abilities to complement her kit 


All the other tanks have a host of other abilities to complement their kit.


Chorma has Vex armour which can give him huge amounts of armour and also damage it ,  Elemntal ward is a handy team buff , effigy has a radial stun . I know his builds can be a bit wonky but he brings a lot with his kit.


Trinity : Do I need to speak more about this? 1 is a decent heal , 2 is the much sought after energy and also over shields with the augment , 3 is a decent tank spell, 4 is her global heal plus damage reduction.


Rhino ; Yes his iron skin is crap but he brings a really good AOE stun with he stomp , He brings a really good weapon damage buff with his Roar. He aint useless plus i guess they will fix his damn iron skin when his premium skin releases. 


Atlas : I havent made my mind about since yes admittedly  he had some scaling issues and I have not tried him yet. Dont really think he is a true tank though. 


What does valkyr bring in this situation? warcry increases melee atk speed and armour. Most squishy frames have S#&amp;&#036; armour so that buff is useless.


OH but invincibility plus the claws can actually do damage now? Really? She is literally the only thing that can take a lvl 100+ bombard rocket to the face and not be fazed by it.  Even a 99% blesssing trinity cant take a lvl 100+ bombard rocket to the face. 


Hysteria is still wonky the hitboxes are still weird and good luck hitting anything while you are going up/down stairways. and also good luck killing ospresys/ drones. Yes I am aware of primed reach but it still is not effective if the osprey is high enough.


But she can pop nullifiers shields now with a primed reach hysteria? Good luck killing that nullifier when there is a damn ancient sitting right next to it. And even a lvl 100+ nullifer can tank a few hits all it takes is his bubble to regen and then you are chucked out of hysteria and 7.5% of all that damage you accumulated from tanking lvl 100+ enemies gets sent back into your face. Nope.


Nullifiers exist ,  Combas/scrambus exist( F*** these guys), Manics exist. Infested have their huge armies of healing ancients and also a lucky disruptor ancient proc magnetic damage on you? bye bye energy.  The problem with this game is the enemy scaling and abilities that can strip you of your powers.  Valkyrs 1  and only role is to tank damage and get in the enemys face while doing so and thereby drawing aggro and she does that job bloody damn well.


This is a PvE game there is no such thing as OP , Just unfun.


Mesa was unfun because she could clear the entire wave before anyone could fire a shot.


Mag was murdered ( And I disagree with the nerf to greedy pull) only because she was able to feed mesa with energy.  Pull was nerfed again because someone found an exploit on corpus tiles to afk farm. 


Does valkyr do any of that?  Does she insta kill enetire waves of enemies? Nope. Probably kill faster with guns in an case


Does she encourage AFK farming? Nope 


Does she provide too much utility to the team while still being the best tank in the game? Nope


Please Lets just discuss these issues. Because  honestly in my opinion she is fine. Maybe the damage numbers on hysteria could be reworked but I think she is fine.


In a competent team setting she is nothing but dead weight since no one goes down very often or at all if players know what they are doing. The best thing she can do is draw aggro and that means tanking a whole lot of damage. Which other frame can tank like her? No one can. Enemy scaling is just  too messed up to actually have tanks that function on a non invincibility mechanic. Chroma/Trinity can tank like her but they bring other things to the table. All Valkyr has is her invincibility and her war cry in a team setting. 

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Damage reduction does diddly against higher level enemies. Take a 95% damage reduction Mesa into T4 and see how fast you die through your shatter shield.


The name of the game is not to reduce the damage you take, but to avoid it completely. Some frames do it by being invisible, some do it by putting up (stacking) barriers that absorb the hits for them (and their allies), some do it by control enemies so they may not be able to attack.


It doesn't matter what path you walk the end result is the same, not taking damage. Mitigation is simply not enough. And for a Warframe like Valkyr who needs to get right up into her enemies face for her abilities to even be relevant, invincibility was chosen but with a catch.

The catch being that you do take damage but it is extented, and if you end Hysteria with no enemies around that damage is pardoned. If there are enemies around when Hysteria ends you're going to get hurt, a lot.

So you compare frame that have 65 armor and frame that can achieve 1530 armor with only armor mods +50% armor from warcry and all of this without any strength mods. So ya, 95% damage reduction gonna perform on valkyr much better then on mesa, like ALOT, don't even try to compare them in damage reduction terms

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Shes OP, too much damage+perma invulnerable. Only 2 of 4 fraction can do something against her-corpus with new unit and again corpus+orokin due to nullifiers. Grineer and infested cannot do a S#&$ to her, this is not ok. Ether drastically decrease damage or remove invincibility while adding some damage reduction

Grineer manics? they exist you know? Infested just shove and army of ancient healers but yes they really dont have a way of dealing with valkyr properly. 

So you compare frame that have 65 armor and frame that can achieve 1530 armor with only armor mods +50% armor from warcry and all of this without any strength mods. So ya, 95% damage reduction gonna perform on valkyr much better then on mesa, like ALOT, don't even try to compare them in damage reduction terms

Go take a Chroma and try. Same result more or less. He just tanks slightly more damage before kicking the bucket. 

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Vlakyr could stay on t4 longer than any1 even before this buff in WarCry build. ur arguments about it are @(*()$ invalid


P.S. for those who say that game shouldnt be balanced around endless missions - show me a single mob that can oneshot Rhino through Iron Skin, op af isnt it?

Plenty of mobs can one tear through iron skin. Get to a  high enough level and then see.

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Grineer manics? they exist you know? Infested just shove and army of ancient healers but yes they really dont have a way of dealing with valkyr properly. 

Go take a Chroma and try. Same result more or less. He just tanks slightly more damage before kicking the bucket. 

Don't even remember when manic popup in grineer mission, even on 35 lvl ones. Chroma ya, but with valkyr histeria you have tons or damage+life leach+perma for example 95% damage reduction. Chroma didn't have those, he need to recast it, get damaged, somehow refresh health and do it over and over. Valkyr just need 1 time cast warcry with eternal war and hysteria and thats it.

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Here is my question; what is the benefit of doing survival for more than 20 - 30 minutes? To my knowledge the chance of better rewards is no different as the chance for X prime part does not increase with time.

To increase the size of e-peen and to pretend that Warframe has challenging "endgame" when there is none to be found.  

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Damage reduction does diddly against higher level enemies. Take a 95% damage reduction Mesa into T4 and see how fast you die through your shatter shield.


The name of the game is not to reduce the damage you take, but to avoid it completely. Some frames do it by being invisible, some do it by putting up (stacking) barriers that absorb the hits for them (and their allies), some do it by control enemies so they may not be able to attack.


It doesn't matter what path you walk the end result is the same, not taking damage. Mitigation is simply not enough. And for a Warframe like Valkyr who needs to get right up into her enemies face for her abilities to even be relevant, invincibility was chosen but with a catch.

The catch being that you do take damage but it is extented, and if you end Hysteria with no enemies around that damage is pardoned. If there are enemies around when Hysteria ends you're going to get hurt, a lot.

Finaly somebody that sees the problem of this game....


High level enemies can't be resisted only with armor(it doesn't matter how much).


The amount of armor you would need to have 95% damage reduction is 5700.... good luck with that.


The fact that you need 95% damage reduction to actually resist some damage to be able to think strategy is what's wrong with damage mitigation in this game.


We need so much damage resistence because we have too little max HP.


I think there should be a system, like in other PvE games, to increase HP. We must at least have the chance to chose between high damage or high HP.


The current armor system is made for a maximum enemy level of 50.


That's why people that brag about how they can stay 24 hours in survival always have either a team based on perfect damage mitigation (Trinity) and perfect damage amplification(Nova or Banshee) or one frame that has perfect damage mitigation(Loki, Valkyr, Ash) or use the positioning exploit (because of how "great" survival is implemented where enemies look for you to give you air)

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The issue is the people who are in favor of nerfs are looking at hysteria in a vacuum. Like the entire game is a 1vAll exterminate mission. If you take the entire game into consideration she's a niche pick for survival. There are better options for literally everything else. When looking at the game as a whole she is balanced.


When looking at it like the entire game is a t4 survival...sure she looks OP. 

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I think there are several very powerful builds in Warframe, and a dedicated Hysteria build is one of them. It is also particularly easy to make.


As a long time Valkyr player I feel somewhat ... cheap when I stay in hysteria for a long time. However, I tend towards Warcry-based builds anyway.

Edited by Weltraumfred
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Damage reduction does diddly against higher level enemies. Take a 95% damage reduction Mesa into T4 and see how fast you die through your shatter shield.


The name of the game is not to reduce the damage you take, but to avoid it completely. Some frames do it by being invisible, some do it by putting up (stacking) barriers that absorb the hits for them (and their allies), some do it by control enemies so they may not be able to attack.


It doesn't matter what path you walk the end result is the same, not taking damage. Mitigation is simply not enough. And for a Warframe like Valkyr who needs to get right up into her enemies face for her abilities to even be relevant, invincibility was chosen but with a catch.

The catch being that you do take damage but it is extented, and if you end Hysteria with no enemies around that damage is pardoned. If there are enemies around when Hysteria ends you're going to get hurt, a lot.


Truth, especially the underlined. Glad some people here are able to think outside the box. 

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Her kit revolves around her ult.


1.) Brings enemies closer to you, or brings you closer to enemies

2.) Speeds up Melee, and buffs Armor.

3.) Stuns enemies, opening them to melee finishers

4.) Absurdly high melee damage, at the downside of needing to get in close, completely disables access to ranged combat. Invincible for the duration, with life steal granted in order to use it to regenerate health. Main benefit? Invulnerability.



So naturally, her ult is going to be the best thing she has, since her entire concept, revolves around using that ult effectively.


She's a lot more powerful now than she was before. But what she was before, was very, very, bad.

You're saying that an ability that boosts armor revolves around an ability that makes your armor and HP irrelevant.


I have a slight feeling you're grasping at straws.

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You're saying that an ability that boosts armor revolves around an ability that makes your armor and HP irrelevant.

I have a slight feeling you're grasping at straws.

It does increase attack speed which is hugely relevant. The armor is there if you actually want to build around warcry. It is also AoE which slows enemies and can buff ally(Including defense pods) armor
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I'll take that as a no then. Why are you even posting if you have nothing constructive to add?

inb4 I could ask you the same

Because you've had this thread talking in circles on the same point for days when everything you say is clearly wrong, as we've discussed before? Five times? Because metrics that apply to every other frame don't apply somehow? Because "she's only OP in survival" is somehow true because you say it is? Because somehow the Star power up, which is a consumable with a 15 second time limit that you have to FIND is somehow comparable to a mode you can activate at will and sustain for literal hours? Literally every argument you have made in this thread has failed. There is nothing to discuss, because it has been discussed. You refuse to accept it because your opinions are apparently facts and make sense because you say so.
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The issue is the people who are in favor of nerfs are looking at hysteria in a vacuum. Like the entire game is a 1vAll exterminate mission. If you take the entire game into consideration she's a niche pick for survival. There are better options for literally everything else. When looking at the game as a whole she is balanced.


When looking at it like the entire game is a t4 survival...sure she looks OP. 



Assassination - You run straight to the boss (you can use Hysteria to reach him 100% safe), slash him a couple times with your claws, he dies. Is there somebody who can do it better? Probably. What would be the difference? Probably like 10-20 seconds at max if any.


Capture - Valkyr is one of the best for this type of mission. You just Rip Line the target, while being invulnerable, run up to him and slash him a couple of times.


Deception - No comments. It really doesn't matter who you use. You can save some time if you go faster, but that's about it.


Defense - She actually below average for this type. Although it's fair to notice that there are not a lot of frames who can successfully do high rank Defenses on their own. HOWEVER Infested Defence is completely different story. She's definitely one of the best for those, due to CC resist and invulnerability, and unlike any other factions Infested use melee only for Defese Pod so Valkyr is just fine.


Excavation - She's not good at those either. Although again she's not good at high ranked excavations. If you are still in early-mid game, the god-mode would actually help quite a bit, since enemies more often kill you, rather than kill the pods.


Exterminate - Valkyr is okay in those. Probably above average since you don't have to bother about dying at all. Sure there are some that are better in terms of completion time though.


Hijack - She's not good at those. Although it's fair to notice that as in Defense, there are very few frames who are good at those. In fact I can only think of Zephyr who's really good at these.


Interception - She's pretty good at those, since you can just run around invulnerable, killing everyone, without any concerns of dying. She also has a Rip Line to help travel faster or drag enemies away from consoles.


Mobile Defense - Pretty much the same as Defense, although it really depends on the map. Some consoles are easy to defend, since enemies are not as obsessed in destroying them as in regular Defense missions. And again, she's really good at Infested type of MD.


Rescue - Above average. While she's not the best at stealth part, you can pretty much tank it with Hysteria to rush to the consoles and unlock those, without any fear of being killed.


Sabotage - As in Deception it really doesn't matter who you use.


Tower Sabotage - Pretty good. Portal defense is really easy with Hysteria. Boss fight might be a little bit trickier with just Hysteria, but invulnerability on a whim can come in handy if you're getting swarmed by regular enemies.


Hive - Great. As any other Infested mission, Valkyr is really good at those. You just need to watch out for magnetic clouds and you're golden.


Spy - Again, Valkyr is not the best at stealth, although even if you forget to take a stealth weapon, you can use Rip Line as stealth tool. You can also just rush invulnerable if anything goes wrong, so I would say she's slightly above average.


Survival - One of the best for this type. Just run around killing everyone without any concerns. With corpus and corrupted look out for Nullifiers, but that's about it.



So out of 15 missions:

Not good: Defense (unless it's Infested), Mobile Defense (unless it's Infested), Excavation, Hijack


Average: Deception, Sabotage (it's fair to notice that there are no frames who really stand in these types, so these would be ranked average for every frame in the game)


Above Average: Rescue, Spy, Exterminate


Great: Assassination, Capture, Interception, Tower Sabotage, Hive, Survival



So yeah, Valkyr might not be the best for object defense type of missions, but there are only a few frames that are good at those. Other missions? She's definitely above average for others.


Also don't forget that not everything is based around players with 5 forma'd builds and Boltor Primes (or other powerful weapons), there are quite a few players still in early-mid game, and Valkyr is really OP there, since unlike any other frames and powers that you always mention, Hysteria basically doesn't need any specialized build, or rare mods to be good. Stick a regular Streamline and Continuity and ANY melee with a couple of damage/elemental mods and you're good. The only other power which is kinda the same is Exalted Blade...

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Assassination - You run straight to the boss (you can use Hysteria to reach him 100% safe), slash him a couple times with your claws, he dies. Is there somebody who can do it better? Probably. What would be the difference? Probably like 10-20 seconds at max if any.


Capture - Valkyr is one of the best for this type of mission. You just Rip Line the target, while being invulnerable, run up to him and slash him a couple of times.


Deception - No comments. It really doesn't matter who you use. You can save some time if you go faster, but that's about it.


Defense - She actually below average for this type. Although it's fair to notice that there are not a lot of frames who can successfully do high rank Defenses on their own. HOWEVER Infested Defence is completely different story. She's definitely one of the best for those, due to CC resist and invulnerability, and unlike any other factions Infested use melee only for Defese Pod so Valkyr is just fine.


Excavation - She's not good at those either. Although again she's not good at high ranked excavations. If you are still in early-mid game, the god-mode would actually help quite a bit, since enemies more often kill you, rather than kill the pods.


Exterminate - Valkyr is okay in those. Probably above average since you don't have to bother about dying at all. Sure there are some that are better in terms of completion time though.


Hijack - She's not good at those. Although it's fair to notice that as in Defense, there are very few frames who are good at those. In fact I can only think of Zephyr who's really good at these.


Interception - She's pretty good at those, since you can just run around invulnerable, killing everyone, without any concerns of dying. She also has a Rip Line to help travel faster or drag enemies away from consoles.


Mobile Defense - Pretty much the same as Defense, although it really depends on the map. Some consoles are easy to defend, since enemies are not as obsessed in destroying them as in regular Defense missions. And again, she's really good at Infested type of MD.


Rescue - Above average. While she's not the best at stealth part, you can pretty much tank it with Hysteria to rush to the consoles and unlock those, without any fear of being killed.


Sabotage - As in Deception it really doesn't matter who you use.


Tower Sabotage - Pretty good. Portal defense is really easy with Hysteria. Boss fight might be a little bit trickier with just Hysteria, but invulnerability on a whim can come in handy if you're getting swarmed by regular enemies.


Hive - Great. As any other Infested mission, Valkyr is really good at those. You just need to watch out for magnetic clouds and you're golden.


Spy - Again, Valkyr is not the best at stealth, although even if you forget to take a stealth weapon, you can use Rip Line as stealth tool. You can also just rush invulnerable if anything goes wrong, so I would say she's slightly above average.


Survival - One of the best for this type. Just run around killing everyone without any concerns. With corpus and corrupted look out for Nullifiers, but that's about it.



So out of 15 missions:

Not good: Defense (unless it's Infested), Mobile Defense (unless it's Infested), Excavation, Hijack


Average: Deception, Sabotage (it's fair to notice that there are no frames who really stand in these types, so these would be ranked average for every frame in the game)


Above Average: Rescue, Spy, Exterminate


Great: Assassination, Capture, Interception, Tower Sabotage, Hive, Survival



So yeah, Valkyr might not be the best for object defense type of missions, but there are only a few frames that are good at those. Other missions? She's definitely above average for others.


Also don't forget that not everything is based around players with 5 forma'd builds and Boltor Primes (or other powerful weapons), there are quite a few players still in early-mid game, and Valkyr is really OP there, since unlike any other frames and powers that you always mention, Hysteria basically doesn't need any specialized build, or rare mods to be good. Stick a regular Streamline and Continuity and ANY melee with a couple of damage/elemental mods and you're good. The only other power which is kinda the same is Exalted Blade...

Assassination-hugely dependent on what you're fighting. Kill eurpoa's boss. Even Vay Hek is going to be a pain. 

Capture-Honestly the same as deception

Interception-average at best

Rescue-ok I'll concede that one. 

Tower sab- any frame can do this with a simulor. Enjoy hitting any flying boss.

Hive-Sure. I don't play much hive so idk. 


My point is she's quite balanced for the game as a whole. 

And I'm glad you brought up newer players. It's a great entry frame that you can get early that ALLOWS you to do high level stuff. This is important. Even though there are better options, using valk lets new players have a chance at being useful. 

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